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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. Hah! Fair. Think I got carried away at the end, there. I guess I just don't understand why anyone would play a brute when scrappers do more damage, and tanks handle aggro better.
  2. Because the person who made the list doesn't understand corruptors? (Or the current meta?) Fire, Ice, and Beam are great corr primaries. Cold, Dark, Sonic, Poison, Rad, Time (and as you mentioned, kin) are all great corr secondaries. There's a reason the TF olympic teams use corruptors. (They're really good!) If anything, the most valuable ATs at the top end are Blasters, Corruptors, and Scrappers. I agree that Brutes are kinda useless. Especially since Tanks now can take aggro off-of them with ease, and Scrappers do more damage.
  3. Eh? I love playing the game. What a weird comment to make. And my original suggestion already priced them higher. (400mil at the P2W vs the 315mil worth).
  4. Villains can switch to blueside instantly via null the gull to avoid the AFK badges. So the AFK badges are an irrelevant concern when it comes to pricing accolades in P2W. Whether it should/should not take 3.5 hours is also irrelevant. Currently it does. So price match to that.
  5. Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member, + Portal Jockey + Atlas Medallion + Invader = No AFK time
  6. Well you can get them in 3.5 hours. Which is around 315m inf farming. So 400mil for the lot would work out more expensive.
  7. All four +HP/+End accolades - 100m each
  8. Xanatos

    DEF goals?

    I wouldn't build with this in mind though. If it runs out and you're on a TF/AE arc/ouro arc...you can't refresh it. Edit: As @Seigmoraig points out below, you can use the Pocket D P2W during TFs. So disregard this.
  9. Nothing wrong with factoring in the P2W buffs. They're part of the game.
  10. City of Loading Screens
  11. Ah thought he was on a laptop. Yeah integrated cards are worthless on desktops so disabling it should be fine.
  12. PVPs/Purples = Boost ATO/Winter IOs = Catalyze (To make superior) Everything else = Attune (Most of the time)
  13. Most gaming computers use integrated graphics cards for everyday stuff (browsing the web, ms office, etc), with an automated switch that changes over to the dedicated GPU for more intense stuff. (Games, photoshop, etc.) Just saw that @Davy is using NVidea. Best way to solve this problem is: Right click on the desktop, select "Nvidia Control Panel" Click on "Manage 3D Settings" Click on the "Program Settings" tab. Select "City of Heroes" from the list (If "City of Heroes" isn't on the list, click "Add", and then navigate to wherever the "cityofheroes.exe" file is located.) Then under "Select the preferred graphics processor for this program", make sure it has the NVidia GPU selected. Click "Apply". Or you can just disable your integrated graphics card and enjoy paying to replace the NVidia graphics card once a year due to overworking it.
  14. I'd be careful disabling the integrated graphics card @Davy. It will shorten the lifespan of your non-integrated graphics card if you're using it for everything. You should have some sort of control panel for the better graphics card that lets you set what programs it switches on for. (Nvidia cards have the Nvidia control panel, for example.)
  15. Xanatos

    DEF goals?

    To OP - aim to for 45% s/l/e and ranged defense. Three ways you can do this: Build for 45% from IOs. Build for 40% from IOs and use P2W buffs for the remaining 5%. Build for 35% from IOs and use P2W buffs and T4 Barrier for the remaining 10%. I'd got with option 3, unless you want a different destiny power, in which case I'd for for #2. Maneuvers, Weave, Scorpion Shield, plus hover or combat jumping, should make this doable. I'd advise against building for 32.5% defense. No build should rely on inspirations.
  16. Well written new content is the only thing that will get me to play lower levels. Who cares about rewards? You can 1-50 in a day and make billions a week without any real effort.
  17. Xanatos cameo'd in both. So I must remain neutral
  18. 1. Bio 2. Rad 3. Everything else. 4. Fire Although in practice every tanker primary is pretty much good enough to tank anything if you slot/play it well.
  19. I'm on Everlasting if anyone wants to reconnect. My global is @Metal Mage
  20. I think a "nofx" option for the armors would be cool. (For concept/RP purposes.)
  21. Ah glad to see you folks got to it. Cheers for the update. :)
  22. Sup Voltium. Long time! Ah okay. Fingers crossed they get to it, then.
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