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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. There is no decent argument against this. The market doesn't need players to post white salvage. They are seeded at 10k. That's absolute peanuts.
  2. Good catch! And yeah it's always bugged me that leagues are always a semi-transparent murky mess. What utter space cadet decided to add AOE invis powers to a game where the costume creator is a major appeal?
  3. Ah we're at the "websters defines [word] as..." stage of online debate are we? Nice. I'm sure wikipedia links to latin argumentative fallacies will soon follow. Anyway, as the definitions you provide show; "I find farming boring" is a critical comment on a subject, and therefore a critique. (And given that you were quoting me, it was not an isolated critical comment, but rather one directed towards me!) I appreciate you're probably full of message board debatorial rage right now, frothing at the mouth, quoting me-line-by-line and disagreeing with everything just to Win Some Points, so let me take a step back and give you an example to help you understand my position by means of a comparison: I don't like speed TFs. I find them boring. I can express that on the forums and be fine. Now, if I quoted someone who said they liked speed TFs, and said I found them boring, that would be me critiquing their playstyle. Do you see the difference? Do you get it now? How posting things like that can harsh someone's buzz? (And why saying something like "In short, you do you, I'll do me." right after harshing someone's buzz, is massively hypocritical? You're clearly not tolerant of other peoples's playstyles if you're seeking them out and letting them know you don't like what they do.) I hope that clears it up for you. And please calm down with the "why is my opinion so important to you lolol" stuff. You quoted me first. I'm replying. That's how message boards work. Take a second. Breathe. We're not enemies.
  4. Would like to use these powers on my team-mates without turning them semi-invisible and putting a fugly dark blob under them (in the case of Shadow Fall).
  5. Anytime an NPC watches me murder all his friends, and then says, amidst a pile of bodies: "Looks like trouble".
  6. That's a critique m8. I like base building. No way I'm doing that on the testy server. AE s quick enough for me! :)
  7. Can you guys just kiss already. The tension is killing me.
  8. Spoilers: it was both.
  9. Unless the team leader is a brute who wants to tank. Been seeing a lot of "PI Radio team forming, PST for invite. No Tanks" stuff since the aggro changes.
  10. I'd have more faith in this sentiment if it wasn't always attached to a critique of my playstyle.
  11. Actually lol'd at the part when you were surprised you got banned a second time for doing the same thing you did the first time. Amazing. The point of this game is escapism and community. Conversations about real-world politics are obviously anti-escapist, and are also anti-community building. (In that the current political climate is so divisive, any mention of it will cause people to take sides against one another.) Golden rule of having fun on the internet - don't talk politics or religion.
  12. Yeah I'm thinking this thread is a bad idea.
  13. Spending time and effort achieving something does not make it inherently more valuable. Especially when it comes to MMORPGs; games which, by their very nature, are designed to waste your time and keep you playing (and paying) for as long as possible. I get that seeing the "mission complete" popup, or getting another level, or unlocking another power, are all dopamine hits, but that's all they are. They're not accomplishments. Anyone can do it if they sit at the computer for long enough. Leveling 1-50 the regular way is just as easy as AFK Farming, it just takes longer. I realised this pretty early on with CoH, so I found my sense of reward elsewhere in the game. By creating interesting characters, telling stories with them, and all the stuff I outlined in my last post. So, genuinely, nothing's been lost for me. I've been treating CoH as a creative sandbox/SuperheroSIMS since 2004. It has been, and continues to be, a lot of fun. If anything, being able to AFK farm 1-50 in a day, and then AFK farm as many vet levels as I need for incarnates, has added to the fun. If it was harder to do this, I wouldn't still be here.
  14. Oh I thought you meant other players. But yeah, the supply is not dependent on players at all. Glad we agree. My view is that asking players to pay 10K for common salvage is better than not letting them block common salvage drops. 10k for common salvage is really low, anyway.
  15. Pretty sure this is wrong. The devs seeded the 10,000,000 pieces of common salvage already on the market.
  16. Don't type zeroes. Copy and paste: 000000
  17. I do play the game. At level 50. With builds I've made myself. I just skip the 1-50 grind in the same way most people skip the tutorial. AFK Farming my characters from 1-50 in a day, and then AFK Farming vet levels 1-15 in a couple of days for incarnate powers, allows me to play a stable of tricked out level 50s alongside friends who have done the same. It is so much fun running a 3-or-4-man team on +4/8, taking out Lord Recluse and his top villains, or the entire Freedom Phalanx, or going on cosmic adventures in the Shadow Shard, or running difficult story-driven AE arcs. (Plus base building for the headquarters of these level 50 heroes/villains, plus making a shared universe of their stories over on Virtueverse. Plus RPing. Plus PVPing. Plus...plus....) There's a lot of fun to be had playing the game at level 50. I don't understand why this weird "dOnT yOu LiKe PlAyInG tHe GaMe" rhetoric is being leveled at people who don't want to grind out 1-50. (I guess CoH is an old, niche, game - and long-time players will forever be at odds with anyone playing the game differently to them.)
  18. Xanatos

    DEF goals?

    Oh. My. God. I love you.
  19. Xanatos

    Sell me Taunt.

    It's auto-hit.
  20. Objectively incorrect.
  21. Yeah I run 3 AFK farmers every day for $$$. Brutes are good in that specific circumstance. They're also great at winning "which AT best rhymes with flute" contests. With that said, I still don't get why anyone would pick, for 99% of the content of this game, a Brute over a Tank or Scrapper. If Brutes had the same taunt scale as tanks, like they did on live, then I'd understand the appeal. Stone Melee on a damaging character and Regen on a survivable character are kinda cool, I guess?
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