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America's Angel

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Everything posted by America's Angel

  1. Updated my post above. Turns out Beta and Live are the same AFK. (The revised live numbers are based on the attached AFK build running map #46816.) When looking at rewards, I tend to judge them via optimal play. Obviously players are free to farm/play inefficiently, but that doesn't mean much from a rewards-balancing standpoint. With that said, personally I've got no problem with AE being significantly better for rewards than the highest rewarding regular content (Tinpex). CoH is an old game. The appeal to me is playing with fully kitted-out characters, not earning those fully kitted out characters. But that's just me. afk Rad Fire.mxd
  2. Using the attached builds on Brainstorm on either map #23785 (active) or #23786 (AFK). page 4 active farmer.mxd page 4 afk farmer.mxd
  3. Actually, the way it works is that the more people you have on the team, the more rewards the mobs drop. This is the multiplier: So, if you're triple-boxing an active farm. That 2.5mil per minute becomes 3.75mil per minute. But as you are triple-boxing, you're probably clearing in 2 minutes. So it actually becomes closer to 4.35mil per minute. However, if you're not clearing in 2 mins, then you're probably better off just using one active farmer, whilst having two AFK farmers on two separate map. Works out at 2.5 from the active, plus two lots of 0.86 from the AFKers, for a total of 4.18 mil per minute.
  4. @UkaseI'm assuming optimal setup. A lot of the numbers in this thread are below that threshold. @MoonSheepYep, you can just multiply the AFK numbers by how many accounts you have.
  5. Saw a bunch of inaccurate numbers posted. Here's the current reward numbers per account as far as I'm aware: Active Farming = 2.5 million inf/minute AFK Farming (Live) = 0.56 million inf/minute AFK Farming (Beta) = 0.84 million inf/minute AFK Farming (All) = 0.84 million inf/minute Tinpex = 1.0 million inf/minute Not sure about marketers. Think they're anything from 5-15 million inf/minute. But it's been a while since I messed with any of that. The above assumes one account. Doesn't factor in multiboxing.
  6. 4* Hardmode. If you teleport to where Romulus stands. before the cutscene triggers, it causes the Silver Romulus to spawn. (And then stand there as the gold romulus does the cutscene.) Like this:
  7. When you load into an arena match, there is a brief window BEFORE the 30s countdown where no powers are greyed out. (As the server is waiting for both of you to load in.) This allows you to use powers that should be disabled if you click on them to autofire once the match starts: I tested it with the signature summon: Waiting for opponent to load in, all available to cue up: After opponent loaded in, all greyed out: I restarted the match, and used a signature summon: I then left the match. And they were all greyed out. (However, the backup radio was also greyed out, despite not sharing a cooldown with the signature summons): I made a new match and entered. This time they were greyed out even at the start (but not the radio?): But once the other player loaded in, the backup radio was greyed out again: And when I left the match, they remained greyed out indefinitely, as does the backup radio: I left the character idle for ~20 minutes. They remained greyed out indefinitely. (Zoning did not fix it. Only way to fix it was to start a new arena match and then quit out again.) Works with other temp powers, too. Here's me using recovery syrum in an arena match it shouldn't work in:
  8. Already does, per the patch notes; All Player Attack powers now use two attack types. All attacks will have up to one Positional defense and one Damage Type defense it will check against. Psy Melee seems to balance well vs Invuln, EA, and Regen right now. (Still need to test more to be sure.) Haven't tested vs Granite yet. That's the main one I'm worried about.
  9. Take your character that has typed defenses, and see how they perform against various enemy groups on live vs beta. You'll want to test versus enemy groups with attacks that do mixed damage types. Like Arachnos, Circle of Thorns, Crey, etc.
  10. Actually, I was including lapsed PvPers in the "PvPers" group. We have plenty of them giving imput/feedback in the various discords. (And I can't imagine they'd be against free accolades/incarnates/level 50s/new pvp maps/etc for PvP.) The reason it might feel like lapsed PvPers are being ignored is due to how many man hours are being spent on PvP. As I mentioned in my above post, the devs are not PvPers. Developing this game is their hobby, and they want to spend their spare time making cool PvE stuff. That's completely fine and valid. Every now and then they throw PvPers a bone, which is nice of them. But, it's always low hanging fruit / minimal time investment stuff. This means all we (as a playerbase) can realistically expect for PvP changes are quick wins and minor tweaks. Now, the sort of PvP changes that would appeal to lapsed PvPers would not be quick wins or minor tweaks. Such changes would require a grand overhaul. This would be a huge time investment. The man hours for this just aren't there. In an idea world we'd revert to Issue 12 PvP rules and rebalance a bazillion things so that it balances as well as live. (While our current PvP system is counter-intuitive and a huge barrier to entry for most, it is objectively more balanced that Issue 12. So to make Issue 12 work there'd need to be a tonne of rebalancing going on.) Not only this, but we'd need to continue to maintain this balance every time a new PvE powerset/feature is added. Until we get a PvP dev I can't see that realistically happening. That's the hand we've been dealt. We can't play any other. Also, a possibly important caveat to the above: even if we were to get a PvP dev, who spent hundreds of hours a month making Issue 12 PvP both workable and balanced, we'd still run the risk of alienating some of the current PvPers. Now, I'd guess that most PvPers would be up for Issue-12-but-balanced. But most isn't all. So, even if this idea were implemented perfectly, we'd still lose people. (And if it were implemented imperfectly? It could lose everyone.) We're getting a bit off topic here. If you want to start a new thread to discuss this I'm happy to chat more.
  11. Yeah, PvP changes tend to be done with PvPers in mind. One of the mistakes the live devs made was ignoring PvPers in favor of a phantom group of PvPers that "might exist one day if we just make XYZ changes...". This second group never materialised, but the changes the live devs introduced that put them first and PvPers second, led to a huge drop off in the number of actual PvPers in CoH. Fortunately, the Homecoming devs aren't repeating the same mistakes as the live devs. And I think part of it is because the Homecoming devs, by their own admission, aren't PvPers, so they're happy to listen to PvPers when it comes to changes. This is why there's now free PvP accolades, free PvP level 50s, free PvP incarnates, a bunch of new PvP maps, etc. PvP is better now than it was at Homecoming launch. And that's because the devs took the initiative to ask PvPers what they wanted. If it feels like there's some illuminati-esq cabal making PvP changes happen from the shadows...that's just because the PvP community is tiny and don't really post on the forums all that much. PvPers mostly just hang out and give feedback on Discord.
  12. Saw someone say Melee has it easier in the lower level PvP zones. Actually, the opposite is true. Melee does worse in lower level PvP zones as they have fewer ranged attacks available at that level. Remember, the meta for PvP zones (of any level) is to use Jaunt or Flight to run away the minute you're attacked. So, melee characters without ranged attacks aren't killing anything. (And even with ranged attacks, if someone is dedicated to running away at the first sign of trouble...you're not going to kill them. Most of them have checked out of zone PvP entirely.) The abundance of Jaunt/TP and Flight, plus PvP zones having huge skyboxes, is the main reason PvP zones aren't fun. (And l imagine why most PvPers haven't bothered to contribute to this thread/vote on the polls.) For context. Here's how tall the buildings in Siren's Call are: And here's how big the skybox is: Bloody Bay is even worse. Here's the height of the buildings: And here's the skybox (buildings aren't even in render range!) Taking a step back from the specifics of this thread, if the goal is to get more people PvPing in zones, then lowering the PvP zone skyboxes might be a good start.
  13. Good catch. Revised to remove duplicates: #1 = 5 (~13%) #2 = 17 (~43.5%) #3 = 17 (~43.5%) All places where people can vote already have a link to this thread. Had a quick check of the different accounts, none of them appear to be alt accounts. (Always a risk when polling for changes.)
  14. Current tally, here and on the various PvP Discords this has been shared on: Option 1 (All zones to 50) = 7 votes Option 2 (BB to 30, SC+Warburg to 50) = 19 votes Option 3 (No change) = 17 votes
  15. +1 Devs have gone on record saying insta-50s for PvE is never going to happen.
  16. I'm sure there's a few bullies who think this way. But I imagine, of the PvPers I know (which is most of the active ones), most wouldn't care if all the badges/plaques/shivans/nukes/etc were removed from PvP zones. Personally, I think moving all that stuff to the less active hazard zones, and keeping the PvP zones just for PvP would be an improvement to the game. (At the very least, the redside PvE accolades shouldn't require going into a PvP zone.)
  17. Hard pass on these. Hard pass on giving Regeneration Aura DDR. (Empathy isn't a defense-based set.) Rest looks interesting. Other things to consider: Giving the AoE buffs a shorter cooldown Giving the Regeneration Aura a -regen debuff, Giving Recovery Aura an -end and -recovery debuffs Giving Clear Mind mez protection instead of mez resistance (it currently does this in PvP) Giving Clear Mind an AoE component so it buffs team-mates in range of your target (similar to how Ice Shield functions)
  18. Temporal Characters will be able to attack anyone who goes into a PvP zone. Typically, any PVE player is going to get killed by someone with a dedicated PvP build, regardless of level.
  19. AFK farmers can earn 91 billion inf a week. This is pretty bad. On top of this, they can also theoretically earn enough emp merits to convert into 430,500 reward merits. (Which is worth roughly 90bil inf.) Of course, no-one is actually doing this with emp merits. Starting a new level 50 farmer every day involves slotting IOs/incarnates. This is a huge timesink. It's much more likely that they earn the 61,500 emp merits on their farmers on day 1, and then just dual-box with a second 50 and "only" pull in an extra ~62bil worth of merits a week through emp merits. (Although this number will be closer to ~25bil if they want to play by the rules.) Important to point out the "worth of" words in the paragraph above. These farmers aren't earning raw influence per week via emp merits. If they tried to "cash out" their emps then they'd clean out the AH of buyers and crash prices due to the scale of how much they'd be selling, whilst also massively decreasing how much merits are worth. As you can see from looking at the market, converter/booster/purple prices have not crashed, so no-one is currently doing this. (Likely because converting of emps>merits>converters, and then listing in in groups of 10, takes such a long time. Time that would eat into afk farming raw influence. Which the numbers above show to be the main money earner for AFK farmers.) So, while it's not being done right now because it's not PROFITABLE. That doesn't mean it's not POSSIBLE. This means that a single player, if they wanted to, could crash the value of merits for everyone in the game. Yes, the emp merits>reward merits conversion being removed absolutely sucks. (But not as much as removing vet levels from the AE, so it is the lesser of two evils.) And once AFK Farming is blocked I imagine this removal will get reversed. But right now it needs to be implemented to stop the above from being possible. That's my take on it anyway. And I'm just a player with no inside knowledge.
  20. Not without revealing how it's done. And as it breaks the TOS in a way that cannot (currently) be proven, I'd rather not say anything. The devs know these numbers are real. I just posted them to illustrate to people here a possible reason for the emp>reward merit conversion being taken away. That said, I don't think AFK farming emp merits and then converting them to reward merits is a big deal. It's too fiddly having to go emp>reward merit>converter, and then make 1845 market listings to sell the converters in lumps of 10. That's way too much effort. (Especially when you can AFK farm 91bil a week. You just don't need the merits.)
  21. An AFK farmer (player, not character) can bring in 61,500 reward merits in a day. Which works out at 184,500 converters, which can in turn be sold for 13-15 billion inf. That same AFK farmer is also pulling in ~13 billion inf through regular influence farming alongside these emp drops. Which makes a total of 26-28 billion inf per day. Realistically, this is going to be a lower number due to the converting/selling process, as well as setting up new level 50s to farm emp merits on. (Hassles which seem a waste of time tbh when you can just AFK farm 91 billion inf a week without even needing to convert emps.)
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