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Everything posted by Oginth

  1. Like chase, I typically ignored Incarnate and cosmic storyline, but I did have a bad-ending in mind for one of my characters long before she even reached 50 (lung cancer). As I recently returned to CoH, and started creating more characters, I have considered one of the new ones be the instrument of an old one's death. Even though I treated most of them as comic book characters, so they don't really die forever, but I have this evil character, he's destined to be killed by a hero one day, because his backstory is inspired by a comic book character who got killed by a hero.
  2. At what range is it considered really high?
  3. Thanks, this helps a lot.
  4. 1. Reached level 50. I have planned a build to follow (v3), then realised that I might be lacking in psionic and mezz, so designed a v4. Are the sacrifices worth the psionic/mezz improvement? What is a good % to aim for mezz? (EDIT: It isn't clear, but the image above is v3, and the next is v4) 2. Also need some incarnate recommendation. Current v3: |MBD;23816;1490;1988;BASE64;| |GwddACwLeHMeqokp0oWF6EX/yJWHelCKdO35S7Wv6vUvdG6KS2VINYOltzZzCHkA7WY| |Tl1MejQNhbiTtjxm20SRLV1/rsIB0hffpRv74oG3710UceCC5Tc9nhC0z/d+9Py3CYh| |xCcjy8OL6waBzyjYQ5Vv7akqFwawg72y01Fa6qTpOo3Kt4cchWVuJ+vSsq4lSHtCcYK| |sCOm0HDBIusKxXi8344joJFWnzcb1iyqwTn7xTc6mrrNxBEai+wi+MK/H7cES1dnBtd| |1jDEkLLKxD0gdDcWf28m+kyUUKVkcVnIm9QSsmcLOywLxAvLhZod96ZwuZJyODvYQcO| |SDRsoXif7IC1QYCk+8/bQVNqbTidyiDJI2dkmgvfhpRNcOHSZwYcFnZ04WSv2ykSy2G| |JLa20qEYfURVFTJalcqrpZtO+Y322+Q0VEnSoPM18rf6L29G8VfoeVlS7/UVx4qZ5KT| |n1WDYU+veHdR92ZxtRqEm52ZP1McT2D7XBY/omKA/8C7fWgmivL9nAwnjbPoHmIkyo5| |N6r4y/IsK7RlP6UxMcvPETKnoRFVIhHjP0Ma2ggFzbkt1vV+MRTDOK/hZpHjoztvI86| |wEoJ0lMEPvpAqx4HGZMU3VV+4qxJgTEARVBlgbEAJqHJD7UR5K58QBpVoly+StuXg+9| |YVOx9c08SfIOdTolEluJ04kkpUgacrQB1eGO97mnITzuHhKW6hDN8pfjg3PK34Zfn4P| |yq1yd4I71CIXVcbTA0xUzv/Rb6nLSxdbKNSjh1wDVIu2XHd0xwKSxv+Pjn9Fh9fntYa| |yBNgBPUOyBtgAsoF0ikzPnkwXHeekbJqeRFuYXCppu5hOYOGmQmUgioQ3lASBezmWyw| |raJihduBB27txM4IGHHKhHO6GwdsaiGq1kb+3/XdQ474qPMT839Qu0EZvViXwJThYGl| |hE8dweN3wdPXbxyGe4B6k+FfkHeUYIW1DdbKPOW+5olOLoAZFHpaioL6kyZrhYaPRJM| |Ux7R+1sg7PWHHbLSxZFAYxB6lAMgEkYHFs7QjUpQZBOSa1ENwWfcIH78Mneu9vztkWj| |r5w0zr4TzxcwE1mDmVEmiY6kaEjXrFPeJRi5PTWeEI1g8TPxYA3QKUQj1rP1250FWCb| |FMs4mu97L0Og9prUgBZNf2nV2MQ7SsDMrAlZB3FLZczTf5AzyBk/OnY0rWBal9MpTiu| |l6Sp3uNwPYSLubOm2bA4tOixeVsQHeBBhBKQJvA+2AdKoHfpttd8UwxLVLRmGLCoTkF| |SoFuxtRRtRAlCAQ4Yp5PsV36dUIxkczkSUpsP31RYKHJfhiaSATGVux/g76I8dOhOQH| |EquH4Q8eKoQ4ugF0DSiE5ws00NHHdjg0g48P91ooYKsqpqFly3MTSDECxuerio9aR5D| |hZ4mdtbyC8sJtVUm4EwtE2ODfDu/DI7Fri11VZgVNJuYvN+Z0rgR/IfqJbbJadAISVt| |J7WnIX+3KvbdLmNtIMhDMrW91lEXe/QxtZAlkBjEF+cQ1IJ+mbt7NzyHoI0znN80iQf| |hmNBp2bOu5CixX8tx3SydzkAhwYlf7OXYqd3zc+zdOJwtp0tgravE6gTqycngPUkhC1| |XE+AjaCVc3LAC5x38IC3uoq+heP6J++2gI18mFntGQQwtnUkVlXwLn27tw2oHZ4iTLp| |uO0o1bS5L8Ehx/DHmtocEwASe7HVFtPBsjWhQJsXwR7HCb/AZgA/IXo+rJmtocgCtDs| |BrGrth6RyJEgzgwOA0nlC7J1JlVFcDuv6/2XvN8s/4yRuoQieyvqNg6Z5F54tS5XlJQ| |i8T84cw+lBFqWyUtSqqV3VOS+D8h/QojKsF7NCjqkHvTc9/7LrIaXmtqTcwl3xD9+lN| |Yeyhd6K/O/POkzUyyyLOVUFZb0uTxvA8E65hS4acjmkJf4rfMKZdDRhnvxoumtKvhpl| |wBwtSE9pex5KpHfhXiLNLQpFCGJuUTBtA3iiZfIFEUN8=|
  5. I think this is more along the line of the existing "Helper", "Need Help", "Roleplayer" tags.
  6. .
  7. The scope and volume of this patch makes me thinks it's a panel update (as in framed panel in a comic page).
  8. There is a fictional character whom I tried to make, the problem is that he used two-handed medieval broad sword. "Broad Sword" doesn't have two-handed! "Katana" doesn't have m medieval broad sword!
  9. A random thought comes to mind, in the wild, some animal use their tails to wipe off shit, now I can't help to think buttcape has similar function.
  10. The most I got are "nice costume" one-liner, and a random million inf, but I think that was just a generous bored vet. Since we are in "Off-Topic", I was proposed in another MMO (which has a marriage mechanic, but a pair of married characters is still an in-game commitment not something you can just randomly proposed for fun).
  11. Oginth


    I like Rad/MA, because: - it's my first tank, so bias - Rad is very survivable - MA's animation is very nice to look at
  12. I don't have a pattern, since I've only got two 50+. But I do get bored when I'm reaching 50, and retired my second 50 after getting the Alpha, I plan to do that for my next 50, to retire at Alpha. To utilise the 10 costume slots, most of my characters have multiple "battle" costume, I change them when I level up or get sent to the hospital. Most of them have a dedicated costume for going to the sewers, because green sewer waters are disgusting. Recently, I'm determined to play it slow, pause XP at multiple interval to do the normal mish. I'm doing the Red right now, plan to do Gold next. Assuming I'll still be playing then, since playing slow Red takes forever. Other than these, I don't consider myself playing unusual than other players.
  13. Why stop at consolidating incarnate shards? If there is a crazy enough Dev, we can consolidate everything to the base unit of Inf. Inf 250,000.0 500,000.0 1,000,000.0 2,000,000.0 10,000,000.0 20,000,000.0 50,000,000.0 500,000,000.0 Alignment Merit 12.5 25.0 50.0 100.0 500.0 1,000.0 2,500.0 25,000.0 Vanguard Merit 7.5 15.0 30.0 60.0 300.0 600.0 1,500.0 15,000.0 Incarnate Shard 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 40.0 80.0 200.0 2,000.0 Incarnate Thread 1.0 2.0 4.0 20.0 40.0 100.0 1,000.0 Reward Merit 1.0 2.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 500.0 Astral Merit 1.0 5.0 10.0 25.0 250.0 Empyrean Merit 1.0 2.0 5.0 50.0 Notice of the Well 1.0 2.5 25.0 Favor of the Well 1.0 10.0 Transcendent Merit 1.0 * White = in-game conversion * Yellow = calculated value
  14. "All I Want for Christmas is you"
  15. "Global Warming"
  16. Like Raptor Pack (and other technology/science jetpacks), except flapping wings as more organic options.
  17. As mentioned before, I like villains who think (too) big, those who thinks the means justify the ends. The perfect world at the cost of all/most humanity, a small price to pay.
  18. I remember taking part in a CC held there.
  19. Not too excited, since the only things I'm interested from P4 is WandaVision (which isn't great in the end), Loki, Hawkeye, and Spiderman. Wake me when they roped the Netflix heroes in.
  20. Copied and pasted for you: One of which was reversal of the Issue 13 PvP changes. I hear alot that players are unhappy with the state of PvP across all Private Servers. I also hear the community want PvP rolled back to pre-Issue 13 days, the changes from way back when are noted here. So, for my sanity when I dig in the files, it looks like to bring PvP back to it's former glory we'd need the following: Removal of Travel Suppression Removal of Heal Decay Reversal of Mez Res back to Mez Protection Reversal of flat numbers on power durations Reversal of animation time = damage potential in PvP Am I missing anything major here, please let me know as I want to dig into the viability of reverting PvP!
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