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Everything posted by PLVRIZR

  1. They have changed dramatically. Procc'd Knockout Blow is amazing and the range and target increases for Foot Stomp (up every 6-8 seconds) will blow your mind. 😁
  2. Invulnerability/Super Strength tanker.
  3. Arrrgh! The one night I miss and you show. Catch you (hopefully) next week 😆
  4. Here's mine: FRMRBRWN v4.0 Great info from @Without_Pause and @Maelwys. The major change to fire farming is the -def that many of the fire attacks now include. There are farming maps that *don't* include the -def, but I don't have a list. I still use @Big Gotter's tunnel farming maps, with great success.
  5. Happy to...and I'm sure you'll join me in wishing @Warboss a quick return to the helm 😆
  6. Good turnout on Excelsior, tonight, with three teams running. There were some glitches (like being LFG'd to Citadel, when Apex was picked...) but I think it all worked out. I blame @Ronin_Around for leaving me in "charge". Thanks to @wittylibrarian for leading the Dr. Q TF, @Oterra for taking the ToT team to Kallisti and @Dr.Buzzard for running the TinPex, where we finished in about 35 minutes, total. See you all next week on Torch!
  7. I got your back!
  8. 😆
  9. A slog, for sure!
  10. Well, look at who we had on the team 😝
  11. What fun and it was my pleasure. Great to get to team with you, Papa, Pep, Zem, Tiny, MsA, etc. +4 (really +7) finished in 1:22 with many Freaks vanquished!
  12. Heheh....challenge, accepted! We'll decide the diff, once the team is formed. Min level 34, and bring something that's resistant to end drain 😆
  13. I don't mean to oversimplify, but if you want the highest durability, why not go tank? Tanker ATO with Willpower means much better resistances than Brute.
  14. Bummer, but I'm going to lobby @Ronin_Around for a FreakSpec, anyway 😁
  15. Bummer but at least you're getting rich, right! 😆
  16. "They" could be "we" if you would come out every now and again...we need a Hyper sighting! Yes it depends on turnout, but I can't remember a time where we didn't have a missions team, for all levels. Usually it is an incarnated 50 running PI radios or one of the Unai or Tina Mac AV arcs. Lower level toons can usually get 10 - 20 levels, in the hour and a half of the event. I think the record is around 30, for a level 1, brand new tank. Old school power leveling, like in the days before AE.
  17. Fo' sho! Haven't run my Elec/Elec since the last time, either. Easy to queue him up 😆
  18. All excellent advice.
  19. That's my go-to for a damage tank. I've also had good luck with Rikti (for Accelerate Metabolism). Both have heals, albeit not really needed, but can aid teammates. One of the debuffers (usually Longbow) for AV fights.
  20. I vote for that!
  21. This is an older build, but one of my usual leveling builds, that was played from 1-50. Early on, it was clear I needed the enhancements, as (on a tank, at least) the minions went flying. I don't read every detail of all the updates, so something certainly could have changed.
  22. Bummer! I can vouch for @Krimson's farms. Very well done.
  23. I don't think "Just teh Council" (Dreck map) has -def. You can also search for "Orb", one of those also has EBs...
  24. 😆 and welcome.
  25. As a tanker-at-heart, you are correct and it's because I also use this guy in general play. I'm no pro farmer, by any means, and if I want max reward I dual-box and drag a Inv/SS tank (Foot Stomp on auto) following behind a Spines/Fire true fire farming broot. To your point, you could drop the Panacea and Power transfer +HP procs, because the toon doesn't really need it for farming, and add back damage procs to Thunder Strike and Lightning Rod. Attack rotation is BU:LR:TS:CB:HP:JL:CI to open, then (with Hasten active) it's really a down the line button pushing of CB:HP:JL:CI:TS with LR when available. There's also Ion Judgement, every time it's up on a full mob.
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