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Everything posted by PLVRIZR

  1. If you go the Fireball route, I like Char on my Fire/Fire/Pyre tank, for single target holds and the Entomb +absorb proc. Since your defense (if you even build for any) can disappear quickly, all the mitigation you can squeeze in is a bonus. I can't say it's ever held an AV (well, maybe regular Rommie once), but the proc fires. As you note, Melt Armor is a great power, and it IS effective at debuffing AVs, so Char/Melt Armor/Fireball would be my choice. For most of my tanks, I put the two ATO procs in the first two melee attacks, since they're in every attack rotation. Having said that, I went against that on the aforementioned Fire/Fire/Pyre and MoT is in Blazing Aura. First, it is an *always on* single stack and a decent chance for two stacks; second, so I have the proc in all exemplaring situations and finally, because I don't take Fire Sword. Unconventional, but the real-world experience is completely positive. No, I don't think the 100HP (what, <4% of total) is worth it and I slotted a full set of Synapse's Shock. No, the damage bonus isn't much, but the Recharge, Regen, E/N resist and movement speed bonuses really shine on the final product. His E/N resist is right at cap (88%) with only one stack of MoT. My Mids didn't load your slots, so I can't see your totals, but mine is 22%def/50%res for Psi and don't have any problem with Carnie or Arachnos missions, but I don't think I've taken him to any Rularuu or Psi AV arcs...


    Paging @Sovera, FA guru. Check out their signature, as there are several builds. I went tank (paired with MA...the Brunker build). Lots.of damage and nigh unkillable, even as a "squishy" armor.
  3. It was a blast, with some new faces and a shout-out to @MsAligned for helping to lead the herding. We rocked and rolled and the giant Crimson d-bag dropped in about 5 min. See you next week!
  4. Here's the thread, for guidance. Here's my Spines/Fire Broot. Still coasts through the @Big Gotter "Big Mobs" tunnel fire farm at +4/8, even after the farm "nerf". Certainly not an AFK farmer, but cruises, otherwise. FRMRBRWN v3.0.mxd
  5. Are those "Essences" allowed powers?
  6. Ice armor and it's massive defense had little problem, with any of them. Surprisingly, I didn't see much defense debuff in the combat monitor. Maybe it's because I build for survival 😝
  7. My pleasure and we had a blast. Eight tanks (only three of us: @Spaghetti Betty and @ZemX plus my AVALNCH were 50+/built/incarnates and the other five were sub-40, when we started) finished the +2/8 in 55 minutes, with a kill through strategy. @wittylibrarian died first, so the streak continues. MANY levels attained and much herding and hilarity ensued. Thanks to SB and Zem for leading the herding and welcome to the new (to TT) tankers.
  8. Agree 100%
  9. @Sovera has a couple builds that would fit that bill...but I don't see Toxic and Psionic over 80%Res, without RoP or Incarnates.
  10. We had seven and finished a +2/8 in 48 minutes. @Pep Rally's latest dinged 50 (actually during the spanking of Pali to start the night), so that made it all worthwhile. ...and we had loads of fun, even with the new Council FREEM-ing away. I can say that the Rad/SS I drove didn't get knocked down, a single time, where my Fire/Fire on Citadel, last week, was flattened a dozen or more times. With defenses around 20%, I can only surmise the absorb shield was deflecting the KDs. See you, Saturday!
  11. I took my Fire/Fire, with 9 pts. KB protection. Annoyingly got knocked down a dozen times. Now, there were multiple instances of herds of 40-50 mobs, with perpetual rocket and grenade fire, so there were lots of FREEM rolls...but until this update had *very rarely* been knocked down.
  12. My pleasure. We also had some new to TT and, on the team of eight, only had two (maybe three) 50s. +2/8, kill most, took 1:15. MUCH leveling was had and much herding fun.
  13. Don't know if one extra point is significant but (as you'll see in the TTT thread from last night) my Fire/Fire, with 9 pts. got knocked down at least a dozen times in a one hour-fifteen minute Citadel TF (at +2/8).
  14. Only one solution...submit a suggestion for a KD to KB proc. Wait, did I actually just type that? 😆
  15. And for this alone, I'd go for the Entombs. Personal preference of survivability over damage. You're at tank!
  16. Check out this thread. If you decide to go tank I'll send you that one, as well.
  17. Bravo, Zork. Pure gold 😆
  18. Other than those three specific powers, what are your goals? Max damage? Max survivability? A blended strategy? Also, will this be an only-end-game 50+ or would you level this toon and exemp down on the regular?
  19. And THAT'S why this community is so great...so many well-meaning and helpful players, who can explain and give advice, without being dismissive or condescending (unlike some other not-to-be-named) boards or Discords)...
  20. All good and since we didn't have @wittylibrarian on the team, you filled in nicely! 😁
  21. There are several philosophies around this topic, and you can see some of the debate, in other threads discussing build theory. Some split the sets to maximize a certain bonus (like using three pieces of Gauntleted Fist, in two different powers, for double the E/N Resistance bonus). Me, I'm more of a purist and like to keep them together, and since my tanks can also support fire farms, that 6th piece bonus of 6% F/C resist is desirable. Personal preference. As far as the +Res in Might of the Tanker, you can basically guarantee one perpetual bonus in a damage aura. Some see that as heresy, as the goal should be two continuous stacks and a third, as a possible extra bonus. I have a varied approach, using MotT in a damage aura on Fire Armor (Blazing Aura), but slotting it in a Tier 1 attack power, virtually every other toon. Then slotting GF, in the Tier 2 attack. They proc often and can have two (or three) stacks of +Res, constantly. Slotting the ATOs, *very early*, assures that while leveling (and if I exemplar down) I get the Res and Absorb bonuses. If you never play anything but 50+ content, then slotting them in a Tier 9 power certainly works.
  22. 9:30AM Pacific, so whatever that means for GMT 😝 Here's a link to the Reunion TTT thread:
  23. The T1 armor is actually named "Rock Armor"...and no, don't ever skip it 😁. Not anymore. I take it as more of a mule (for the Unbreakable Guard +7.5% hit points) and the ability to take that form, for thematic purposes. Back on Live, it was a must. With the QoL changes to Stone, it's really superfluous, now. As Sovera mentioned, there are outstanding benefits/bonuses from the other armors, that you immediately lose when you activate Granite. I run PLVRIZR 99.9% outside of Granite, and breeze through +4/8 content, even exemplared down from 50+3.
  24. My pleasure! We were only six, but mighty. I piloted my titular toon and there was only one other 50 (not fully kitted) and four were mid-20s to mid-30s...so we channeled our best @Spaghetti Betty and ran +4/8 with no insp or temps. JUST KIDDING. +2/8 and finished in 44 min. with only a handful of defeats (I think @PapaSlade forgot that he was running a 30-something and not the usual 50+3/Tier 4 Incarnate 😆). Took a bit longer than usual, as I had to be careful about how many mobs we herded. All-in-all a grand time with a bazillion levels gained and my favorite part of the TF was three of the six tanks dinged simultaneously at the reactor entrance door before Clamor, so we ran right to her, half the team fully juiced, and she went down like a /forum edit/, the first round.
  25. Now I'm *really* sorry I missed this one...
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