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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. Yeah, thematically Scarlet Spider is Super Reflexes and Red Hood is Ninjitsu, though 90s Ben Reilly had impact webbing and stingers which gave him a bit more of an arsenal beyond just the webshooters For the feel of an anti-hero stalker I'd probably go Street Justice/Ninjitsu - once past the webs/guns both characters are pretty flashy hand-to-hand fighters who aren't above tilting the odds by throwing caltrops or blinding powder
  2. Remember that the three fighting pool attacks enhance Brawl as well. I don't remember how much, but it's a free attack! Otherwise I'd probably grab Soul Tentacles
  3. FF or Cold. Your partners bring heals, absorbs, and debuffs, but none of that matters if your minions are dead. Grab a set with a defense shield and keep everyone upright! FF keeps you unmezzed while Cold gets you more debuffs. Triple stacked Enforcer maneuvers is about 24% plus 11% from FF or Cold shields. That means you need just 10% defense between Dispersion Bubble (or Arctic Fog), Shadowfall, your own Maneuvers, and the MM unique IOs to hit the softcap - easily managed. Never get hit, never surrender!
  4. Honestly it sounds like people would benefit from some youtube tutorials on how Mids is both used in general and specifically the tools Mids offers to theorycraft a build
  5. My point is why would anyone care
  6. I think anyone who gets mad about not seeing a power in your list is laughable, and seeing you not use a power you do have is only slightly better You can’t see slotting! Even if I'm using the powers you want me to, you'll never know that my build is filled with expired red SOs, or that my KB powers are slotted only with accuracy and extra KB, etc The only way to combat this would be to kick people based on how many IO set-bonuses they have listed. Edit: oh I see this has already been mentioned. Welp, to each their own then
  7. I really enjoy Rad Blast on Sentinels just because I can PBAoE and long-windup-AoE without feeling like I'm signing my own death warrant
  8. Mind has Sleep, Hold, Confuse, Fear, Knock-up, and the TK repel/immob, which I think is slightly better than Illusion for finding an opponent's weakness to exploit. Dominantor Phantom Army doesn't have taunt
  9. If you grab Storm Elementals for your Lore you can get another Hurricane!
  10. Back on live one of my SGmates triggered a costume change whenever he used Nova on his Energy Blaster, it looked very cool
  11. I really like this idea! You can definitely do something similar with an Undead Transformation on a Necromancer, or more of a "reveal my secret allegiance" costume swap with Ninja/Mercs/Demons/Thugs ... I guess you could reveal your fursona for Beasts...
  12. Is that not you when hitting Spin?
  13. Buffs may be less important at 50 (but then just run harder content and they become important again), but Debuffs are always important. Players have a damage cap, enemies do not have debuff cap (just debuff resistances). -res means more damage to the target, -regen means less healing back the damage you do. -tohit and -dam keep you alive, while -def helps you hit. -recovery can keep enemies from using their strongest powers or lower the frequency of their attacks, same for -recharge There's nothing wrong with blasting away, but the support powers are force multipliers and there's no reason to overlook them on any AT
  14. The Brute/Stalker Electric Melee - Thunderstrike animation bug is still present in this patch
  15. My nitpick: Why is Deceive so late? It's a wonderful tool in Illusion's arsenal that you have put aside for twenty levels. At the very least take Deceive where Kick is and move Kick and Tough back
  16. Could probably unsticky this thread and replace it with a new and updated one 5 years of changes add up to a lot of irrelevant hot takes
  17. Plant/Storm Controller - Sow fields of chaos, reap the whirlwind Illusion/Traps Controller - All of our strengths, none of our weaknesses Assault Rifle/Pain Corruptor - Outgun, Outlive, Outlast Super Strength/Fire Armor Brute - Farmer's Choice
  18. "Maximum Effort" is a Deadpool reference Deadpool makes multiple "Superhero Landing" references in his movies
  19. I have a AR/Pain Corr and I absolutely love running Oppressive Gloom for free!
  20. I actually forget that Mind Control exists quite often, my bad
  21. Illusion has three great powers (Spectral Wounds, Blind, Deceive) that are a more powerful toolkit than any other control set gets in those first three picks. Then it has three IO mule powers (Flash, Superior Invisibility, Group Invisibility) where other sets either catch up or surpass Illusion, followed by three more great powers. Illusion gets the fastest start, most lackluster midgame, and then finally regains it's top of the class form after its final three powers are fully slotted. As long as you're not fooled into using Flash, Illusion is top tier at low levels because you have three great tools and no reason not to immediately slot them out. As much as Seeds of Confusion rules, nobody's super excited to slot out Roots and Strangler to support it.
  22. Love y'all, but whoosh my joke missed the mark
  23. Looking in the character creator today and noticed this bug. There's no villainous ruby red thunder strike!
  24. Electric Melee Scrappers get Confront and Lightning Clap, Stalkers get Placate and Assassins Shock Dark Armor Scrappers get Death Shroud and Cloak of Darkness, Stalkers get Hide and Shadow Dweller Electric Melee/Dark Armor: Much more interesting choice! I think Stalkers come out ahead on Dark Armor because Scrapper DoT Auras are meh and you get an improved Cloak of Darkness between Hide and Shadow Dweller (Auto power meabs no end cost for Shadow dweller, plus SD and Hide give a slightly higher defense total), though it does mean picking 2 powers instead of just 1. However while Lightning Clap is generally not something a Scrapper cares about, a Dark Armor Scrapper can combo it with Oppressive Gloom to get a Mag 4 stun on bosses, which can be handy! So if that appeals to you I'd say Scrappers have a slightly expanded bag of tricks in the Elec/DA arsenal
  25. Just looking at the differences between the two: Dark Melee Scrappers get Soul Drain and Dark Consumption, which Stalkers trade for Assassins Eclipse and Build Up Electric Armor Scrappers get Lightning Field which Stalkers replace with Hide Dark Melee/Electric Armor combo: Scrappers have slightly more HP which is nice for resist sets. Stalkers losing Dark Consumption is less noticeable because you have Power Sink as well which has a 60 second recharge for both ATs as compared to Dark Consumption's 180 second recharge. Scrapper Lightning Field is also not much of a loss. Stalkers should take Placate, whereas Confront is an easy Scrapper skip that gives more room for other stuff. Mechanically (as long as you have no opinion on Hide, or Crits on Demand vs random Crits) I think Stalker comes out slightly ahead on comparison for DM/Elec. Though Assassins Eclipse is a kinda boring animation IMO
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