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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. Ridiculous and Amazing. Thank you for sharing!
  2. Ringo


    The R-Auras have a base recharge of over 8 minutes, Empathy's strength is in having teammates to buff/heal and nothing else. Luckily MMs bring their own!
  3. Ringo


    Two thoughts: 1) Adrenaline Boost gives a 100% recharge boost for 90s to the target in addition to the +Regen +Recovery and +Debuff Resist. MM Pets don't benefit from anything that boosts their recharge. If you're soloing it's the best option to give one of your pets AB. But if you have anyone on a team, that buff should go to someone who gets the +recharge boost. 2) While I think Mercs would work fine with /Empathy, it occurs to me that Beast MMs can benefit specifically from /Empathy because Fortitude + heals can do everything Fortify Pack does while not wasting the 20% damage boost of stacked Pack Mentality. Saves you a power pick as well as the unfortunate Beast MM dilemma of ever using Fortify Pack
  4. If you're going to mostly solo, why not Energy Blast? Hop in, Nova, hop out and hunt the survivors. Martial Combat has the movement powers, or Atomic/Fire/Energy can bring the pain
  5. AR isn't a damage powerhouse but it does have quick cycling cone attacks for days (plus M30 grenade), and leveraging those cones for a screen full of orange numbers is one of the best parts of the set. IMO trying to use the melee in your secondary with AR is going to feel a bit clunky. I have a 50 AR/Pain Corr and jumping in and out of melee for the Pain Buff/Debuff targeting was only fun because my Corr was Resistance based and so getting hit (and not dying) was part of the excitement. So it can be done, and Martial has that teleport-like power to potentially make it easier, but it's going to be a more active playstyle than just blasting away
  6. My suggestion would be to do what I did with my Dark Lord of the Sith Electric Blast/Ninjitsu Blaster: Use the individual arm and individual leg option to give your Pirate four peg-limbs. Maybe make him a Street Justice/Willpower melee to.. er.. boot
  7. Yup there's the motel complex right next to the Hospital (and the Arena) in Peregrine Island. Super handy ToT spot!
  8. I have an AR/Pain Corr built for Resistances and I love it
  9. Here's the thread, the post by tomgreen has the build: Basically -recovery is what makes being a sapper work and Heat Exhaustion is the power you want for that Bonus points due to the Shocked mechanic making sappers hit harder Added: and it's -recovery that allows you to sap AVs and GMs. Taking away their end is hard, but keeping their end away is impossible without constant -end spam or decent -recovery
  10. It's Elec Blast/Thermal for sapping #1 I'll try to find the thread when I'm off my phone
  11. No Dark love here? Ridiculous! The set has -res, -acc, -dam, a group heal that does -regen, a pet that does all that too, plus the -regen of Howling Twilight (it rezzes people as a bonus). Increasing damage through buffs or -res means nothing if your hard target just regenerates its HP faster than you can dish it. No regen though? Doesn't matter if you're only doing -1hp per second, that target will go down (eventually)
  12. I see you've already chosen the pairing for you but I do want to throw in my usual plug for Plant/Storm. Roots is an AoE immobilize that keeps mobs from scattering (which is helpful for getting the most out of Seeds of Confusion) but also lets them flop around from Sleet/Tornado/Lightning Storm. Plant/Storm's two shortcomings are 1)End Management (Pumping out Lightning Storm while running Steamy Mist and Hurricane adds up quick) and slow TTK on hard single targets. You'll never appreciate Confusion more than when you see how much damage is lost when the minions are dead and no longer wailing on that EB. While my playstyle of "controlled chaos" may still be too chaotic for your tastes, Plant is one of the best sets to mitigate /Storm's chaotic nature. I'll also second Illusion/Traps. Phantom Army allows you to do all of your trap setting in peace even in active combat and Traps has some massive debuffs plus everyone's favorite - force field generator - for mez protection. My live main was ill/ff and ill/traps beats it hands down. I've tanked AND debuffed Rommie in the ITF and had a dance party while doing it. Adding a KB to KD IO to Phantasm is just icing on an already stacked cake. I do miss the (very) old days of having 3 Phantasms though. So much KB! Again, might not be suited to your playstyle, but it's something different, fun, and viable
  13. /Storm is such a fun controller secondary
  14. People *happy* to see an Ice Controller? On Live?! Now you're just making stuff up!
  15. I think trying to implement these things where they don't cause bugs in thousands of different missions and environments on a game running on 20 year old code is a bit of an undertaking
  16. The Marvel hero "Gravity", does in fact have gravity powers. If you're going controller, I'd say Grav/Time has the look of a pure gravity powerset You could also do Grav/Trick Arrow and play up that you don't actually aim your arrows - you just alter their flight through increasing micro gravity/lensing effects
  17. Kudos to this thread. I don't agree with the premise, but it has made me realize that while I personally eschewed "healers" and generally avoided people who declared themselves as such, I've never once looked at how the game must appear to them. That's led me to having very little empathy (hah) for those who think having a "healer" is important and their gameplay experience. My apologies to the "healer" crowd. I never said we couldn't coexist, but I definitely acted like we couldn't. And I can now see how easily that could turn into a detrimental CoX experience, which is the opposite of what I value in the CoX community. My bad. As far as the devs and the evolution of the game - I personally don't believe there was as much as a push for killing the Holy Trinity as there was an interest in making as many powersets and builds viable. Combine the smoothing out of low performing builds versus the higher performing builds, plus the introduction of IOs and Incarnates leading to incredible power creep, and you now have a game where every build can be viable and self-sufficient. Which, naturally, mutes the reactive healer playstyle designed to shore up weaknesses - because there aren't any weaknesses to shore up. Instead the MinMax optimal strategy is to use buff/debuff powers as force multipliers to utilize the power creep each build can leverage. Personally that's a thing I have enjoyed. But that doesn't mean everyone does, or should. And I think the availability of doing content in a "No IO, No Incarnates" mode would possibly lead to players who use that mode to have more structured team composition and more complexity in how the team works together.
  18. Pair it with Plant. Roots keeps everything right where you want it, but still allows knockdown from Sleet/Tornado/Lightning Storm for mitigation Slightly at odds with Seeds of Confusion, but by the time you're throwing all your /Storm stuff you really only use Seeds as a way to mitigate the Alpha strike
  19. My ill/ff controller used IW *just* to close the Sleep hole in my mez protection Psi Tornado isn't great, but it's hilarious against Clockwork
  20. Ninjitsu lets you crit from hidden like you were a stalker. Scrappers are already designed around crits, so this is fine. Brutes, however, are not; and the thought of a Max Fury Brute having Crit-on-Demand is too beautiful and terrible to behold
  21. Been awhile, so I threw in fifty bucks. I'm glad this place continues to exist!
  22. Well if Panacea has a 2.9% chance to fire every 10s it also depends on how many different targets its going to check that against. If it checks against you and your 6 pets standing in the patch, that jumps from 2.9% chance of seeing it fire to a 20% chance So the important bits are: Who does the proc roll a check against? When the proc fires, who gets the benefit?
  23. I think it's more like you pointing out that my proficiency at hitting a stationary target with a throwing axe doesn't directly correlate to my proficiency at hitting a charging swan. You are correct, but that has zero bearing on my practice of throwing at a stationary target, and is only tangentially related to why I do it. I understand that -res procs produce higher efficiency against even con targets as compared to +4's. It's just not relevant when comparing Pylon tests to other Pylon tests.
  24. It's not a minigame, it's a way of testing via setting a common baseline for all ATs. It's not a comprehensive test but it does tell you performance within a given setting that you can then compare to other builds. The ability to slot -res procs alter the results of the test. That's data you have to have in order to evaluate the change. If pylon times don't give you the data you want to use then you need to develop and run a different test
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