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Everything posted by BjorJlen

  1. Very gooddesign @Grindingsucks, and I like the color selection too (specially the hair, which is a great contrast to the black and red of your character). However, is it me or does the chin guard your character is wearing make him look like he has a "frowny face"? 😁
  2. Mork & Mindy... Such a sad ending...😢 And rest in peace to Robin Williams...
  3. Of course not... Would you? 😁 Besides, he is probably used to it because of his early time with Batman. 🤗Pet indeed...
  4. Good question @Snarky. As a comic buff of old, though mostly Marcel comics, there is only 2 Robins that I really cared about or liked. One was Damien who hands down was a good bit of fresh air for the Robin character, and totally cool too. I mean out of all the Robins who teamed with Batman, he is the only one who would tell Batman to go F-off and get away with it. Totally sidekick and partber material, not a pet in any way. And the second of course was the original, Dick Grayson. Great origin story that was sorta original at the time and similar to Batman's in a way (both being orphans). And him breaking away and coming out from under Batman's shadow to become Nightwing? Very cool as well. So absolutly ge was a sidekick that became a partner who grew into his own man/hero. Besides, he had a relationship with Starfire for petes sake. If that don't cry awesome, I don't what does. However, keep this in mind folks. He did start like this (i'll let a pucture(s) speak a thousand words)... It was a differant time back then lol...
  5. Neither good @biostem. It's the wings on her back lol. 😁 Seriously though, very nice look. 👍
  6. Hmmm... Cookies AND a dental plan? Woah... now I am reconsidering things... sorry, not really. As a old cat used to say, Blue side rules, and red side drools lol. Just kidding... its a joke... hey, why are you villians all looking at me... that... way... (backs up slowly, and then turning around beats feet! lol 🤪) Peace...
  7. Greetings Homecoming.😁 I am writing this post to ask a few things about SG's. As i have mentioned before, I was a old player from live who was part of a SG called the Conglomerate. It was a great SG with a great buch of players in it, and they helped me out a ton when I first began playing and were super cool and friendly; always willing to team up together to take on those pesky Skulls (😛). However things have obviously changed a lot in game since NCSoft shut down the game, not the least of which is SG's; at least on Homecoming (which is cool). So i have a few questions about SG's in general and specifically... 1) Since on Homecoming SG's are essentually free now (no prestige required or power stations for most things), are serious SG's (not individual personal ones) in general now more or less important or desired because of it? Or is there some other reson? Such as having access to the Cosmic Teleporter for example. 2) I now play on Excelsior (yay home lol) as it is far busier, populated, and as such easier to find things to do with people if you want (plus it feels more like live did too because of it too). As such, are there many SG's active on the server, and serious in being one (ie: teaming together, helping new SG members, willing to do SG costume contests, etc)? 3) One of the things I enjoyed a lot during live when I was a member of the Conglomerate was doing Base Raids with them. While I am not into PvP generally speaking, especially nowdays, I loved Raids as that was lots of fun and felt very "comic bookish" (ala Avengers Mansion being raided in the comics way back when). So do SG's still do Base Raids, and if so with whom and how often? 4) When I was playing on live, I only joined one SG; the Conglomerate like i've said. However a friend pointed out that some people might join multiple ones with differant alts for variety sake. So does this happen now? And if so, how many SG's have any of you all joined, and why? When I join a SG, I tend to focus on only that one, but some might be more apt to multitask SG wise. 5) Like I said, I am on Excelsior now, and am officially looking for a good serious respectible SG to join now. 🙂 So which ones are, lets say, the top 3 or 5 SG's on the server generally speaking if I may ask? Since playing on Excelsior I have been offered to join a couple of them (the most recent being one that a Cyber-specter invited me to and another who's "theme" was female angels... Thanks again for the invite btw:)), but since being so new to the server, I like to do my homework first before commiting to any one SG, ya know? So would anyone have or know of a great SG for a serious yet casual player such as myself to join? i have heard of the Legion & Heroes Reborn, but are they good? While I do like to solo sometimes, I also enjoy teaming up with SG mates too (so long as their cool lol). I am a big team player who understands tactics, likes doing missions (not nessarily farms as i like content not necessarily power lvling), and don't mind sidekicking people. And as a person in his 50's, I am respectful, relaxed, non political, and not a asshat who does Leroy Jenkins like stuff lol. And I got your back jack too! 😛 Anywho, thank you for your time and if ya see me playing, hit me up with a tell (not just a blind invite please) or hit me up here on the forums. My global name is @BjorJlen, just like on the forums here. Thanks in advance for your replies and help, and as always... Peace. P.S: I hope it was ok to post this here as it has a lot of general SG questions in it, and many players might not see it as not everyone who plays on the server reads that section. Thanks... 🙂
  8. Very nice @Moonxtal and welcome to Homecoming. 🙂 However did you happen to get this idea from this? 😁 And this...?
  9. So insightful anf true @GastlyGibus. If i could give you three likes I would. Reactive vs Proactive; suns up Heroes vs Villians quite well me thinks. Good job pointing that out in such a specific intelligent way. 🙂
  10. Shudder indeed1 😁
  11. lol... Like I said... Gotham at its grittiness. 😛
  12. Thanks for the input @tidge. I am not sure, but I adjusted my bind with what you wrote and it works. However to see if it does what I hope it does, I'll have to encounter a quantum at the very least. Soon maybe... Thanks again though for the help...! Peace...
  13. Sorry good sir, but no I did not create such a character with that name; I was hoping you would as it is your honor, not mine. 😁However... if I did character with that name, it would obviously be a Demon Mastermine as it is the only Archtype I know that uses a whip lol. On secondary's though, ya got me there as I have no idea what I would choose. Peace...
  14. Well @KaizenSoze it looks like you got some good binds to check out. 🙂 As far as me goes though, as I team up with a fairly antisocial friend of mine who I've known for years (hense why we team often) who sometimes plays his Peacebringer, I have expanded my keybind into this... TAB "target_enemy_near$$targetcustomnext quantum$$targetcustomnext dwarf$$targetcustomnext nova$$targetcustomnext void$$targetcustomnext cyst$$follow" This bind will search out the nearest threat and I will follow him/her/it and pound it silly until it cries cookies! lol And if there are no such Peacebringer enemy's in the mob, it just targets the nearest bad guy and off I go. The only downside to this bind is that IF there is a Peacebringer bad guy laying on the floor after I have pounded him into the dirt, it STILL targets him until he is dissapears (I mean TP's off to the Zig). So I have this question... @tidge, I noticed that you put "alive" in your list of keybinds (even though you didn't post your specific keybinds); is this a actual line command that can be used within a targeting bind to differentiate between living targets and dead ones? If so where should I put it in the keybind I listed above? Thanks... Anywho, I hope all the advice helps you out @KaizenSoze and answers your question. Please let us know how it turns out if it did... "Quickly" (there @Xenosone, I used it... that good? 😋)... Peace...
  15. Personally i made my own keybind for melee targeting that when i hit the tab key it not only targets the nearest rnemy, it also activates follow as well. Its actually a simple bind that is quite useful and is very fast so you'll be a quick melee killing machine. 🙂 i am at work atm so i can't paste my bind here atm, sorry. But i will when i get home, unless someone else here can write up that specific bind before then. in addition, i expanded it recently to also include targeting quantum's and such in threat order in case i team up with any Peacebringers or Warshades. I will post that one to later in case you want it too. 🙂
  16. Thanks again @biostem. I will check that out tomorrow after work. 🙂 But without further adu, three more Characters I made (one of which is new)... The first character is Cauls, a 5th lvl Wb/Dk Blaster. He is a concept character that I always wanted to make, and basically he is the humanoid offspring of Lusca herself, created by a genetic experiment. Haven't played him much (obviously), but he is fun... The second is Ire Isotope, a 16th lvl Fc/Fa Dominator. I created her a long time ago on live when I and other members of my awsome SG (The Conglomerate), decided to make "theme" based characters to team together with.. So we all made */Rad characters who's last name had to be Isotope. Many of us had similar power sets (fire/radiation) and together we melted everything that got in our way in SECONDS lol. Hell one time we found three, yes THREE instances of Babbage all together at the same time in one place, and we melted all of them at once in less then 2 minutes flat! Heck, even Eochai & Jack in Irons (together) went down fast I think. 🙂 Ire is my homage to that original character and SG, though slightly different power set wise lol... And finally I created a new character tonight on Excelsior named Ebony-Shae. She is a 9th lvl Dp/Mc Blaster, and I based her on a similar character I made on Reunion named Nash Noir (I'll post him later lol). It's a fun set to play and the character is a fun concept too. In between missions while I hung out near Miss Liberty, I had the pleasure of talking with Cyber-Specter who quoted Nietzsche in his bio, and Ralu who was a 37lvl El/El Blaster Vet and had a great bio and look for her character as well. I liked Ebony-Shae a lot, and it was a very enjoyable evening overall on Excelsior... Until next time, Peace... 🙂
  17. Ooooo... Please tell how you did that exactly @biostem! I have been trying to figure out how to do that for weeks now, but with no luck. 😞 And a very cool look yet again 🙂
  18. Please excuse this poor mans question, but can't we just change our alignment by using the option next to the chat window instead of visiting Null (which is cool to btw)?
  19. Just a guess here but to compare, playing hero side is like playing in Metropolis while playing Villian side is like playing in Gotham. The two "sides" have a very different "feel" to them (at least to me), and generally speaking lots of people like playing more with shiny things. Of course with traditional Villian archtypes and powers available on hero side might also have something to do with it too. At least I think it does... 🙂 Btw, welcome to the game and Homecoming. I am a relatively new person here too, though not "new" to the game per say. So believe me when I say that Homecoming is the place to be. 😀
  20. Not bad @Virtual Green... 🙂 I already feel a chill coming on just looking at him lol. (Sooo cold!)
  21. To everyone here...
  22. Oh yes indeed it does. I tend to colorize everything liked wise first, then break the coloring circle so to speak after so I can make any adjustments I need on a piece by piece basis. I never noticed the separations in shoulder parts before though (for example in your pic). I will definitely have to check that out when I can... 🙂 Thanks again for all the great help you all have given me here guys (and in other posts too). Oh and no communication or language issues here good Tyger. Not like this guy at least lol... 😛
  23. Excellent! Thanks for the Input. 🙂👍😀
  24. Ooooo, that's sorta cool! I will have to try that out when I get time to log into the game; thanks @TygerDarkstorm. But doesn't using that feature also change the colors of said body parts too at the same time (if you change colors that is). Sorry if that's a dumb question. 🙂
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