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Everything posted by BjorJlen

  1. Well more like a single toggle then the multi toggle that DB has. Thunderspy gave it to you immediately when you first created a character I believe. It was very useful... Peace...
  2. Sorry Sir Snarky man, but your link does not seem to work for me; this is what I get... This www.bing.com page can’t be found No webpage was found for the web address: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=supernatural+tall+tales+again+and+again+clip&docid=608003876973523150&mid=F1A1DA24483FCDC3C8D7F1A1DA24483FCDC3C8D7&view=detail&FORM=VIRE HTTP ERROR 404
  3. Ok I am a bit confused here. True, I do not have much experience with Force Field, but looking at all the powers in the set, there are only two... two... powers that can only be used on a ally (Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield); the rest can be taken and used by a character and run in solo play quite easily. Thrue, the Arch/FF combination might not be top tier, deal the most damage, be the best for teams, or even fun for some, but from looking at the powers it seems it is at least playable for solo, though challenging. I just might have to play this to find out for myself though (heck I could even name the character Mr Masochistic... and yes I have already saved the name lol)... Peace...
  4. This is a interesting topic, glad I found it. Currently I do not have any real game mechanics (save one - see below) as I am far more into designing archetypes and power sets in general (btw, where can I find such a post if it exists? Because I have a few suggestions and ideas about that lol). However one idea I have actually comes from the Thunderspy server (though I rarely ever play on it). My suggestions is to create a button that changes ALL the Knockback effects on a character you have into Knockdown instead, BUT using it (this would be a toggle mind you) means you deal a bit less damage in any attack that it changes. What that % is I do not know, but Thunderspy has that option and it works fairly good. This way it would allow people to use energy blast (for example) in a team setting and not piss anyone off, while still making the KB/KD Io's viable (as they don't change damage at all). What do you all think? Is this a good idea as I am throwing it out, or would it be too difficult to pull off game code wise? Peace...
  5. Ok, this is the first time i have heard that. controllers are essentially superfluous in end-game content??? God i hope not, as i have grown to love controllers a lot nowdays. And FF/Arch huh? I may just gave to try that combination out @Hardboiled Hero. I can just see my battlecry now... "Society sucks, and I can't win!" lol πŸ˜‹
  6. Ohhh boy (Shakes my head).... The Burka finally decides to post something here on this great forums of ours. I gave you a like though, just to say welcome (finally lol). Now keep posting! 😁 Good question though; i was considering asking it myself. So thanks for the excellent replies and imput guys. Keep up the good work... Peace...
  7. I would say after each mob that is put down in a DFB, but hey i guess your idea works too. 😁
  8. Ok I got something a bit ironic here that i wanted to share with all of you. Last night while i was on one of my new characters i made (A'zura, a ill/rad controller), i went to one of my contacts (Mathew i believe). And as soon as i got there, a hero walked up to me and offered to trade. Not really thinking about it i hit yes, and he gave me 10mil right on the spot. A'zura was inly 4th lvl at the time, and i was so surprised that i never caught the heroes name lol (talk about a drive by lol). And this comes on the day i made my post here. For a second i thought one of you, especially Yomo here tracked ne down and hit me up, but i sorta doubt it. But this was so ironic that i just had to share this. I tried searching for the hero who gave me the $$$ so i could say thanks, but to no avail. In either case, this again shows how unique and great this CoH community is. You all rock, so keep it rolling! 😁 And thank you whomever did this good deed for me too. I wish i knew who you were so i could return the favor and help you hunt Skulls lol... Peace...
  9. Hey don't forget ol' Chuck Norris to Sir. He's a fitness buff too (and very for real)... But a 70 year old Batman? Please clarify Sir Snarky, but if this is really happening I would think they would be doing a Batman Beyond thing instead, and he will play old crank Bruce Wayne like in the cartoon. If it is him playing batman though... ummm... wow?!? 😁 Peace...
  10. Hi there... Again I gotta say that I love the CoH community. So kind, and giving, and totally unique amongst MMOGamers in the world. At first I thought this was a joke, but after reading all of this post it just warmed my heart and put a smile on my ugly mug. @Yomo Kimyata, you are a excellent person for doing this and I thank you for doing it. I myself don't need the money (got over 100mil atm myself), but there are lots of folks that do. And by you seriously doing this, well... you simply rock! πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ˜ However in the spirit of comunity, I guess I'll play too... I guess... Exactly 2148! (Hey I like the price is right too lol)... Peace...
  11. Hi y'all. BJ here... I just wanted to point out something and put out @GM Impervium to you all. For the last several day's I have been attempting to hook up the Homecoming Discord server so I can learn something new, and maybe interact with you great folks (if you'll have me that is... I know chat's like that can be "clickish" at times lol). However due to me being totally ignorant about Discord, what it is used for, how to set it up, and even use it, and my own disability, It was like I was lost in the wind without a prayer of figuring anything out. I just couldn't make a account work, much less figure Discord out. So at the advice of a friend, I went to support and wrote out a email saying "HELP!!!" lol. And low and behold, @GM Impervium was the one who replied. And while I can give great details about what happened, I will sum it up like this. Despite me being so far behind the wheel in understanding tech and Discord, he helped me. Despite me making mistakes, asking stupid questions, and writing him a lot as I tried to figure things out. And if it wasn't for him, I would still be lost in the wind. With his patience, guidance, and help (unselfishly so) I was able to sign up for a Homecoming Discord account, and get the thing working! And it was all due to him... one very patient, kind man... @GM Impervium. So I just had to write this post to thank him publicly, and to give a testimonial on how this person went out of his way to help a poor ignorant smuck like me. None of us are perfect, and none of us are wholly good... we are a young growing species after all, but his act (as simple as it might be for some of you) shows what a good person can do. Some play a hero (or villian) in this game of ours... this City of Heroes... but sometimes, sometimes the simplest act of kindness and helping others in need shows what real heroes we can be. It may be a "job" that he help people like me and us, but even the simplest things in helping can outshine the biggest showy "acts of kindness". So I want to say thank you again @GM Impervium for all your help, and all you and the other GM's & Staff do here. It matters... you guys matter... and that's what it's all about... Peace...
  12. No he didn't!!! He ate Tuskedero (wouldn't you?)! πŸ€ͺ Peace...
  13. Thank you, thank you. I very much appreciate the complements. I actually work very hard on the looks of any character I make once I have a concept down for them. Then once that's set, I write up the bio's. But sometimes, sometimes it just all clicks extremely well. I used to win many costume contests during live, and its nice to se that I haven't lost much of my touch. In the case of Fire-Arm (I can't believe that name wasn't taken too lol), sometimes less is more ya know? And while she IS only a Sentinel, she is still a blast to play... pun intended lol. And isn't that the real point in City of Heroes? To be creative, and have fun? πŸ™‚ Which is why we should alays be thankful for the GM's and staff here that gave us the opportunity at a second chance to do exactly that, in a game we all love so much... Bless you all, and as always... Peace... P.S: Btw, I am always free to give anyone help on character concepts, looks, and/or bio's even. I can generally come up with a concept for anything one can think of given time lol. (Btw, I am going to be playing Fire-Arm tonight at some point, so feel free to say hi via a tell if ya want 😁. a also got a new character I made last night that I'm gonna try out; a Ill/Rad Controller that I've never played before. I hear its a good solo set to play. Let me know if ya want to see her pic lol)...
  14. Ok folks, I guess its that time again to play "The Toon is Right!" lol (the crowd groans at the bad pun... so sad... ). Ok, ok I'll stop lol. Without further delay... The first one is Xanthia', a 9th lvl Grav/Time Controller. Yes she is sorta based on Starshines look, but it was so good I couldn't resist making something similar but differant too. Grav/Time is a cool set to play, but I am still learning how to use them together well. πŸ™‚ The second one is Pig Pen, a 17th lvl Stone/DM Tank. And yes... he is the grown up version of Pig Pen from The Peanuts cartoon. I mean out of Charlie Brown and the rest of the gang, he was the only one who had a power for petes sake lol. Sure, it was just being incredibly dirty and stinky, but for some folks, that's a big time power lol. And so expanding on the theme, I came up with Pig Pen... the slinkiest Hero in town 😁... And last but not least is Fire-Arm, a 10th lvl Fire/Rad Sentinel. And due to @Glacier Peak help and @TygerDarkstorm specific info (complete with pictures... thanks again guys btw), she was my first attempt at making a character using that concept. Though going further, I also searched for the Blaster type power that could be set to use one arm mostly, and this was the result. A Blaster type character wielding a cursed demonic gauntlet that has bonded itself to her forearm. Very fun and cool character, and fairly normal looking otherwise. And as I patterned her look specifically after a non-important NPC in game (though I gave her life πŸ™‚ ), I wonder if anyone here knows where she is (though it should be obvious as I am sure many of you have seen her at least once in passing). Anywho, that's it for now but there will be more coming I am sure... Hey! Stop groaning out there! I can hear you! πŸ˜‹ Peace...
  15. @Glacier Peak , out of the three pics you posted on the previous page, I like the third one best. There's something about that look with the "Helper" tag above it that screams "I am here to help you whether you want it or not!"😁 But I really like your Stone Tank above the best. Great look, especially with the asymmetrical shoulder pad on its right shoulder. It's just enough to make it pop, ya know? As far as the other three go, I am with @Grindingsucks. The trenchcoat one is the better of the three, though does he have a belt? It sorta looks like he might be wearing one, but if he is might I suggest you make it more pinkish like the coats lines? At least so it breaks up the black on black between the pants and coat. And yes, the Valiant Voice character does scream Silver Age. Good reference. πŸ‘ Peace...
  16. Very interesting views. πŸ™‚ I was expecting a bit nore specific power set combinations, but very interesting none the less. Does anyone have some specific ideas on set combinations though, because i like a challenge lol. Peace...
  17. Wow, thats so cool @Heraclea! I never met anyone in any game that incorporated Acme stuff from Loony Toons into their character concepts, even if it is only in passing. And I very much know Nimrod too as I made a Marvel Superheroes character named Nimrod as well, though your concept is far better then mine was lol. A fun fact though; Nimrod is also a Sentinel from the future who hunted down and killed Mutants in the Marvel Universe. Anywho, great job on the character and concept. Let us know how he turns out. πŸ™‚ Oh and @Virtual Green, nice job on your character too. Grav/Time can be so much fun too. 😁 Peace...
  18. lol... Very cool sir Marshal. Which means if he is, ya gotta have him dancing tech after every mob he defeats. 😁 Peace...
  19. Greetings everyone. I figured that as I have a little free time on my hands, I might as well ask one of the questions that has been rolling around in my head for a while now (lots of room in there ya know lol), so please forgive me if this has been asked before. Reading many posts here I have noticed that many ask "what is the best... AT, power sets, builds" and whatnot. However I haven't noticed anyone asking what the worst things you can build in game (generally speaking only mind you). So I ask this... What power set combinations do you consider to be the WORST together and/or the HARDEST to lvl (sands the xp buffs you can purchase) in a solo manner, and why? As a man who makes concept characters who has altitis, I tend to try out new things from time to time. And I was wondering how different it would be to make the worst character I can make ala powerset combinations, and how difficult it might be to play it solo. In a general sense its easy to pick power sets that mesh well either conceptually or works the best together, but what about the worst ones that you can still get to 50, even though you may want to toss your PC out the window in frustration. So I was wondering what all of you fine heroes and villians might think are the worst of the worst, because lets face facts here; sometimes a challenging character that you build that sucks, but you still manage to get to 50 can sometimes be more rewarding then getting a top tier character set there instead. And certainly has more bragging rights then the "flavor of the month" builds lol. After all, if you make such a build and get it to 50 and someone comes along and says they got their spines/fire character to 50 and it was so much fun, you could say that you got such and such character no one makes to 50 AND you got all the death badges in HALF the time too. 😁 So let me know what you think good people, and as I always say... keep on keeping on... Peace...
  20. Good god I hope not! πŸ˜› But great looking costume, theme, and battle cry @Heraclea. But Arc/Dev; interesting concept. Never thought of that powerset combination before; especially on a Viking like character. How are you going to explain the more high tech items in the Devices set. If your going to go for the more low tech kind of theme that is. Please let me know as I am always curious about a characters theme so to speak, and how their powers relate to them. πŸ™‚ And good morning too everyone... afternoon..? evening..? Oh heck, I'll just say G'day Mate (ala Crocodile Dundee, who would obviously be a Beast/Nature MM 😁) Peace...
  21. Uhhh... Then how are you ever gonna get the forum explorer badge @Snarky? πŸ˜‹ I mean we have them here right... right? (everyone looks at me weirdly as some shake their heads... lol). Snarky the Explorer to the rescue!!! Sorry Snarky... feeling a bit silly atm. And good morning to everyone. Happy Saturday! 😁
  22. Similar concept to a character I made a bit ago... which I will post soon enough... Well done sir...
  23. It's all good @Grindingsucks. Just because he has a bit of a disgruntled look, don't mean its not a cool design. Don't change it! lol In either case, I guess its time for yet another posting of three of my Characters; doesn't that just thrill you?! (Hears crickets chirping in the background lol) 😁 Anyways without further adu... The first one is named Loc'ie, and she is a 7th lvl Ice/Shield Scrapper. I got her concept from a cool picture I have which I have put below her for comparisons sake. Interestingly enough, she is the reason I finally decided to get a REAL PC who could handle high end graphics, because when I tried playing her my fps went down to... 4 fps! Yeah, totally unplayable I know. So at least she was/is good for something lol... The second one is Immanuel, a 15th lvl Emp/Sonic Defender. This character is in honor of a persons character I saw being played during live. And yes he does look (a bit) like Jesus (Immanuel was the first name a angel called him), though in no way do I play him as a religious person, a support of any one religion over another, or as a pushy "bible thumper". Instead I play him as a Emp/Sonic Defender (lol) who happens to say inspiration things (when I get the bind right lol) and supports players of all types. πŸ™‚ And finally the third one is Tobor', a 12th lvl Inv/SS Tank. He is a very fun character to play, though I tend to play him as a Scrapper more then a Tank (which I do with most Tanks lol). He has garnered a lot of attention on Excelsior as he does look cool imho. But as far as a "Tank" type Tank goes, he's only so-so. But a good Scrapper Tank just the same lol. Anywho thanks again for your time, and look out cause more are a' coming... πŸ˜‹ Peace...
  24. On steroids! lolol 😁
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