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So do I 😁... But question... How did you do that @Glacier Peak? In fact I have seen a few pictures that showed asymmetric body parts, like arm's looking different then one another. Looking at my costume creator, I don't see how I can do asymmetrical body parts (which is a cool feature btw). Need input lol...
I had to defend the game's honor folks...
BjorJlen replied to JnEricsonx's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for the info @Turric. I will defiantly look into it... -
I had to defend the game's honor folks...
BjorJlen replied to JnEricsonx's topic in General Discussion
Whippersnapper... Hmmmm... What a good name for a new character @KauaiJim... 😁 And on a side note, not to get off topic about the original post and nerfs, couldn't a case be made about companies releasing games and even PC programs that were not exactly what you might call "finished products"? If only to make more money with game expansions and updates? With some businesses I think their is more money to be made in such practices then just releasing things that don't need to be immediately "fixed", in their eyes at least. (Take Cancer research for example.) Just a thought... Oh and @Turric, what's this about Star Trek Online? That is another game that I have been wanting to check out for a long time (Long time Star Trek nerd here lol). Could you (or anyone) point out some links that I could look at before I get into the game please? Reviews, nerfs, game issues, how the game community is, and such. I am big on research before getting into anything for the most part. Thanks... 🙂 -
Need Help from a Historian: "Redside: Best Side"
BjorJlen replied to TemporalVileTerror's topic in General Discussion
So totally awsome, you must eat awsome cookies for breakfast. 😁 Great (adjusted) quote @Cobalt Arachne... And @TemporalVileTerror, I am sorry to disagree with you, but I know for a fact that Dev's like Villians as much as Heroes. How do I know? Because I (on T'rel) beat the snot out of one during a big PvP event in Recluse's Victory way back during live (one on one btw). If it wasn't for a Stone Brute in Granite armor TPing in between us (interupting the fight) and saving the Dev (who ran away btw), I would have brought her down within seconds. On the other hand... maybe after such a beatdown the Dev hated villians after all. Nahhh... 😛 But I know they like cookies, cause everyone likes cookies! Like this guy... 😁 -
Ok first off, thank you @TemporalVileTerror for creating this post. One should always appreciate what one gets in life, as it could always be worse then it is. So expressing yourself with simple gratitude, even if its just a simple "thanks", should always be done. And you started this thread, so good job. 🙂 With that said, I just wanted to post a few things here in relation to giving thanks to all the GM's and other people who have put so much time, effort, and yes love into bringing back this amazing game. So without further adu... some poems for you GM's (and players too)... 😃 A Day Will Come Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012 A day will come in every life, When appreciation is rendered. And this should be taken seriously, And given with love and tender. Anyone who deserves appreciation, Must have done something great. So share with them the way you feel, And always treat them right. But keep in mind that appreciation, Should be given again and again. If you truly appreciate, You'll remind them how great they've been. Do something special to thank the ones, Who've made a difference to you. But don't forget to thank them again, For everything they do. ------------------------------------ Volunteers have Hearts of gold, Helping people, Young and old. Always giving, Always sharing, Volunteers... Are always caring. ------------------------------------ Valuable is the work you do. Outstanding is how you always come through. Loyal, sincere and full of good cheer, Untiring in your efforts throughout the year... Notable are the contributions you make. Trustworthy in every project you take. Eager to reach you're every goal. Effective in the way you fulfill your role. Ready with a smile like a shining star, Special and wonderful, that's what you are. ------------------------------------- You Did... You didn’t have to do all that you did But you did... You didn’t have to give up so much time But you did... You didn’t have to put yourself out like you did But you did... You did when I didn’t expect you to You did what no one else could Thank you For doing what you did... -------------------------------------- And this one is especially for everyone here and in game... 🙂 Who You Are... You are not your age, Nor the size of clothes you wear, You are not a weight, Or the color of your hair. You are not your name, Or the dimples in your cheeks, You are all the books you read, And all the words you speak, You are your croaky morning voice, And the smiles you try to hide, You're the sweetness in your laughter, And every tear you've cried, You're the songs you sing so loudly, When you know you're all alone, You're the places that you've been to, And the one that you call home, You're the things that you believe in, And the people that you love, You're the photos in your bedroom, And the future you dream of, You're made of so much beauty, But it seems that you forgot, When you decided that you were defined, By all the things you're not. ---------------------------------------- Anywho, thank you GM's from all my heart for what you do on a daily basis, and the gift that you have given all of us. City of Heroes and yes, these forums too, are a blessing in many ways. Often times we can forget that; the simple little things in life that are given to us without so much as knowing it happened. As a new (old) CoH player, I don't know you GM's really, or in truth you players as well. But I am thankful for all of you, especially the GM's (like GM Kaiju for example) who give and participate in something very special here. When I heard years after that NCSoft had shut down the game, I shed a tear of saddness for that which was lost. Now those tears are of joy that some people like the GM's decided to bring this game back. Homecoming is a very appt name for these forms folks, because I am sure that none of us... NONE of us ever expected CoH to be back. So thank you again GM's for all that you do, and all that we don't see or even know about "behind the scenes". You all rock, so keep on keeping on... Peace... P.S: Yeah this was a bit sappy I admit, but hey... I like poetry and giving thanks lol. Now go hunt... kill Skulls (I mean arrest them... yeah, that's the ticket lol)...
I had to defend the game's honor folks...
BjorJlen replied to JnEricsonx's topic in General Discussion
Oh I defiantly got what you were saying, and I totally agree with you. My "evil" comment was just me making a joke is all, so it's all good and your fine. 🙂👍🙂 -
Where is Briggs when you need him?
When I saw this the first thing that popped into my head was "Hey buddy, your in my parking spot." 😁
I had to defend the game's honor folks...
BjorJlen replied to JnEricsonx's topic in General Discussion
lol... But... but... I was always taught not to play with my food!!! 😛 @KauaiJim, I am not sure I agree with the notion that NCSoft's position "was an example of a game that wouldn't die despite the best efforts of those running it." Your statement defiantly does have validity to it, but as a person who tries to see the best in business and people (generally speaking), I do not think they deliberately axed CoH because it wasn't against their preconceptions on what a MMO should be, and is. More like the numbers didn't add up for them is more likely, and from a business standpoint, it is a numbers/money game (pun intended lol). The population just wasn't up to what they figured it should be (as right or wrong as that might be), and as Stone Cold would say, "that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold say's so". Businesses generally don't have little evil imps in a back room somewhere thinking of ways to sabotage their own products... most times lol. 🙂 -
Very nice Character and look @biostem. I very much like the unique name you gave her too, and her backstory. 🙂 So I guess tis time for three more characters of mine to show... The first one is Charisma, a 20th lvl Arch/Em Mutant Blaster. She is a very fun character to play, and very fast on the draw so to speak lol... The second one is E'lan, a 19th lvl Gc/Emp Controller. She was my first attempt at creating a Sidhe type character, and I LOVE gravity so much (propel for the win!) I just had to have her use it lol... And lastly, is the first Peacebringer I ever created; Starshine, who is currently 14th lvl. I always wanted to create one even though I do not like quantum's (who does right?), but never had the right concept for one. Until I remembered the one I wrote up in the book about T'rel. Sooo... after doing a ton of research on Peacebringers, how to make the binds for her, and a lot of character designs, I came up with the perfect look for her and concept idea. Oh, and this is the character that Shen-Dragon commented on not 10 seconds upon entering Atlas Park. 🙂 And so there you go; another three characters of mine I find very fun to play, even though they aren't super high in lvl yet. Sorta hard to lvl up characters and play them when one is so busy with work & life, and splitting my time up between so many of them. Damn altitis lol. Peace...
OMG...! Unscrupulous to say the least is right! Talk about a dirty move... 😲 On a side note, I haven't had too much time to do more then look at Imageshack, but I'll also check out Imgbox as well. Thanks for the added site... 👍
Greetings y'all. Recently I had the pleasure of participating in a discussion about the Infinity War, Thanos, and the Infinity Gems themselves. And so I asked this question... If you could choose ONE Infinity Gem/Stone to possess, which would it be? And let me tell you, this got the discussion going big time lol. So I pose this question to all you fine CoH folks who love this game, and comic lore, and Marvel movies so much. Which one would you choose, and more importantly... why? The best answers will get that Gem/Stone from Thanos himself... yeah right! lol 🙂
Death Threats: the shocking cost of playing a hero
BjorJlen replied to Techwright's topic in Comic, Hero & Villain Culture
I totally agree with you @Techwright, but unfortunately these are the times we live in. So sad. 😞 Everyone in the public eye (and private too) suffer from threats (death ones or otherwise), disrespect, and even hate at times. Which is why I always think we should all be good for goodness sake, and show everyone (by example, not just in words), the best a person can be given any situation. But madness still rears it's ugly head, and some people just want to watch the world burn. Sad but true... -
lol. Great sentiment and oh so true @Snarky. I just prey that CoH has decades of life in it to, and will be around on Homecoming for that long... at least! 🙂
Greetings... After asking where I could post pics of some of the Characters I have made and play, it was kindly suggested I post them here. I have a bunch of them, but won't be posting anywhere near all of them as I have like 76 characters atm (dang altitis lol), so no worries about flooding you with anywhere near all of them at once. 🙂 So without further adu... The first one is T'rel. He was my lvl 50 dm/inv scrapper during live when I was part of a awesome SG called the Conglomerate. He was extremely powerful at the time, super fun to play, and often times was the Tank on the team as he was VERY hard to put down (plus was very fast and could deal damage like no ones business). He is currently lvl 22, and while I have been drawn more to Controllers and Blasters now, one day maybe he'll get to 50 again. 🙂 Heck he was so much fun and my favorite character hands down during live, I wrote a 500 page book about him in CoH. The next one is a character called Slow Moe, a 13th lvl Mind/Radiation Controller. As I tend to only create concept characters, and semi RP them as such (though I am not big into RP in general), when I play him solo, I tend to take things nice and... slow lol. I even use the walking feature in game to get from here to there many times, just for funs sake... The third (and last atm) is White-Star, a lvl 10 eb/em Blaster. His concept is that the pet he uses in game (a light fairy) created him from a white dwarf star via a bet she had with other fairies. So I tend to bring the pet out as much as possible for concept sakes. Also this was the character I was on during the costume contest I watched when a "Ghost Girl" and I talked for a bit (and I am still trying to find so I can thank her). Yeah I know he is a bit hard to see in detail as there is so much white aura'ness going on, but hey he is made from a white dwarf star after all lol. Anywho, that is all for now, but I'm sure there will be more to come lol. You ALL have such great character looks and pics, so it warms my heart to see that people still use the character creator to its fullest extent. Way to go CoH players! Keep up the great work... But by God! 132 pages of pictures!!! Like super cool and WOW man!
Sweet! Thanks... I'm gonna check that out as soon as I get done beating up some laundry. Maybe they are Skull's in disguise? Nahhhh....
Again, thanks for the reply's and help guys. I was able to find and talk to Shen-Dragon a bit last night while I was downloading Falcon & Winter Soldier, and told him thanks for his nice complement. Seems like a very cool person, and helpful too. Like I said... great community of players as always. Way to go Heroes (and Villians)! Keep on being unique... 🙂 Oh sorry @TemporalVileTerror, but me no do Stalky stuff lol. I may talk a lot (at times), but I am also super respectful and don't like to just add Global names of players without their permission. Gotta respect a person's boundaries after all, cause we all have them (even Skulls... what??? What am I saying!?! Go hunt... kill... I mean arrest Skulls lol). But thank you for the advice too. I never knew that command, so I'm gonna put it in my list. 🙂
Ohhh yeah. A Motorcycle travel power would be cool indeed. Heck, I wouldn't mind being able to take a Taxi at time, or a bus (there are bus stops you know lol), or even being able to use a bike travel power. That way we could create Paperboy type toons, and throw papers at Skulls when we peddle on by them lol... 🙂 And on a side note, while Lobo on that Motorcycle is cool (Lobo is always great btw), there's something about anime girls on Motorcycles carrying a lightsaber katana that just screams AWSOME lol. So I am afraid that @Above the Law gets the win here...
Thank you for replying guys, and all the helpful advice. I will defiantly take it and not annoy anyone lol. @biostem, I might do what you suggested about creating a simple album on a image hosting sight, but I have absolutly no idea how to do such a thing, or where to go to post them either. As I don't use most social media sites (wayyy too much drama at times for me lol), like Facebook, Snapchat, or especially Twitter (for example), would you or anyone else have any suggestions for a simple easy to use site that does such things? Thanks again, and as always... Peace...
I had to defend the game's honor folks...
BjorJlen replied to JnEricsonx's topic in General Discussion
Good job @JnEricsonx for defending this great game of ours. The person who wrote those comments about City of Heroes obviously didn't have any data to back up his opinion... because that's all it was... a opinion. If you play any MMO game, nerfs are just to be expected and ridden threw like any other storm that comes alon. But a nerf did NOT kill CoH. NCSoft did... period. So I would direct you all to the great Jack Nicholson as Joker would say in response to this persons opinion... Just replace town with person... 🙂 -
I vote Legendary as well. However I have a suggestion, though I am sure it would require a lot of work, and may not be doable in game. How about creating a badge that switched names once a month or so between the three best names in the list? That way the badge would be super unique, and sorta fun to have if all of a sudden it switched right before our eyes on any character we saw in game. You know, first you were Legendary, but all of a sudden you become Unquenchable instead. Talk about a identity crisis lol. It's way to late to do this, but maybe for the next badge...? Just a thought...
Quick question here... I mentioned in a earlier post that I might want to show some of the characters that I play in this great game of ours, but there might be more then a few of them lol. So the question is, how many would be too much to see and be a bit annoying, if not more so, and is this the right forum section to post them in? Just asking cause I don't ever want to annoy anyone (except those pesky Skulls of course), I am new here, and it's always best to ask first before coming in and blasting everyone with "Hey! Look at me!". lol 🙂
Yeah that was always something that made me scratch my head. Why? Because any eye beam that can shave Superman would easily go threw any mirror like a hot knife threw butter. So suspension of disbelief is always the best way to go imho, and certainly far more fun.