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Jiro Ito

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Everything posted by Jiro Ito

  1. Only took me 4 years to get here...
  2. I almost always slot a Kismet +acc in Combat Jumping (and LOTG +rech) on every character I play, and I usually pick up Tactics (and Maneuvers for another LOTG +rech) on my corrupters.
  3. This is what I have been running. Feels weird to skip Death Shroud and Hasten, but Folding bad guys onto Tar Patch and using the 3 AOEs is just too much fun. 4, once I get the Void Judgement.
  4. I disagree, I think it is fun and funny. Funny when it happens to me, funny when it happens to a teammate. I wish it happened more often.
  5. From the notes: Be aware the AI is not any smarter for this, and it may completely ignore powers you give it depending on its attack chain. Expect to experiment some to get intended results. You've got a lot going on, probably more than the computer is able to have your character execute. I have a couple characters that I give "auto" armor powers to, otherwise I have the most success with giving them 1 or 2 "signature" powers that they can mix in for flavor. A lot of the powers you are using require your character to target enemies to execute, which could lead to further confusion by the NPC. You may see more success if you stick to the powers they can execute without an enemy target. Like most things I find with AE, it's going to take some trial and error to see what works. Good luck!
  6. I always thought it would be cool if we could all earn bounties from various factions, leading them to hire mercenary bounty hunters who often show up in our missions, similar to Void Hunters coming after Khelds. Just finished a Ms Liberty TF? Lord Recluse puts a price on your head and Guts N Glory took out the contract and springs a trap on you while you're running a LGTF.
  7. sorry i won't be able to make it this weekend, super bowl plans! i still love this idea and will try to transfer over to everlasting for next sunday's run
  8. I complete Alpha first, then Judgement (the most fun), then Destiny (the most requested by teammates), then Hybrid. Then I worry about Interface, and finally the Lores (the worst).
  9. I have a magic psychic and a natural, alien, psychic. The only rule is that which you make for yourself!
  10. Fortitude is still awesome, but when you compare the RAs and AB to a set like Nature, it kind of gets lapped in the buff department, plus Nature has some debuffs thrown in. An Empath would be great if you spend a lot of time on Positron and Yin TFs, but in the higher levels, most people I know don't need the heals, regenerations, clear minds of the set and want more +rech +dam +absorb +end. Maybe if Absorb Pain were converted into a PBAOE absorb power for the team. We could also combine the two RA powers into one, and add a new debuffing offensive power such as "debuff an enemy damage/damage resist while at the same time debuffing self damage/damage resist," in keeping with the Empath theme. I had an empath defender on Live, and have one here, but I feel a lot more useful on a kin, nature, time, etc.
  11. An NPC named Wes in Atlas Park said Perez Park was supposed to get a zoo! That would be awesome! Super-powered mutant gibbons? Yes please!
  12. the heart aura itself is already in the game, if you shoot an ally with the temp power bow and arrow you get from doing the Spring Fling quests.
  13. Just wanted to throw out that you can, in fact, create any combination of primary and secondary powersets for any rank of npc in AE. I have a species in one arc that is based on melee primaries and buffing secondaries (another server has a "guardian" AT like this, if I remember correctly). You can also edit the data files to further customize your AE characters if you like. I do this on most of my named bosses to give them more flavor, though that disables the experience earned on those characters, if that is important to you. As for the OP, as many others have said, there's not a place for this on Homecoming as it would completely imbalance the game as it is. I'm not saying it wouldn't be hella fun to drop Tar Patch and Whirlpool, then Freezing Rain, Blizzard, Rain of Fire, Ice Storm, Storm Cell, Hurricane, then Fold Space for days, but it's out of scope for what the HC team has stated as their mission statement. It sounds like there's already a solution for people who want this.
  14. This seems like it creates a bigger disparity between the players who have mastered the game and those in the learning phase. Once mastered, players who are already earning more valuable rewards at a faster rate will see that rate increase, while players who are struggling will see the game only get more difficult to play. You can come up with your own "iron man" rules or punishments to handicap yourself and your teammates if you want, but I don't agree with granting even more rewards to players already crushing the game while at the same time making it harder on those who are taking it easy.
  15. Yeah some of them you see in Ms. Liberty's TF, attempting a thorn tree respec in the middle of your TF, some of them you see in Kahn robbing City Hall, and the fire-powered ones show up in Aeon's SF.
  16. What year is it in City of Heroes? The first Rikti invasion was 2002, followed by the second in 2007. The Praetorian invasion began in 2010 and the war ended in 2012 with Tyrant's defeat. Is it still 2012?
  17. i remember Turok 2, i played a TON of that monkey multiplayer mode in college lol, good times. it would be awesome if COH had some version of that with the Rikti monkey form you randomly turn into when using the secondary mutation temp power.
  18. Lots of fun playing with you all in-game! -Jiro Ito, noted Elitist
  19. Thanks for hosting Zam! Nice to see you all in-game!
  20. I'm honored! Will do my best to be there Sunday for the run on Torch.
  21. There's two pieces to it. One is objective requirements like spelling and grammar, consistent mission levels and storyline, complete custom characters and objects, overall polish. The second piece is going to be the subjective stuff, like did the mechanics appeal to me, did I like the story, were the characters and setting appealing enough to me that I could overlook the limitations of AE, etc.
  22. Vorpal Judgement is kinda this
  23. I always err on the squishy side for my custom enemies, and if I want to ramp the difficulty up, I give them a power that is innocuous on its own and only becomes difficult if the number of enemies is increased (tohit debuffs for example). I've never gotten a complaint that enemies were too easy! If I want a hard enemy, I use EBs or AVs that way the player knows what they're getting into, and I try to give them an ally to help. It can be a pain to balance, and testing and trial and error is really the only way.
  24. just wanted to circle back to this post and give it some love, as I'm using it now in putting together a customer character full of various electrical powers and it's good to know how to color-match them all. thanks!
  25. Without a few people to actually play them, we're just screaming into the void. Thank you my friend!
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