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Jiro Ito

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Everything posted by Jiro Ito

  1. Or, give us something else to purchase with incarnate salvage? For once we've crafted all the incarnate powers we mean to on a particular character, but continue to play that character, the incarnate salvage we continue to get just piles up. Adding in consumable or temporary items like super inspirations and the P2W buffs would be great, as well as being a salvage-sink.
  2. For sure, give me a stone armor/radiation armor tank all day! Seriously though, i think balancing this would be a nightmare, ie, if you have this snipe you can't take any other snipe, if you have this rain aoe you can't have any other rain aoe, etc. It'd be a lot of fun to smack an enemy with a fire sword, then an ice sword, then a psy sword, then a sword-sword, then TWO swords, but it sounds like a lot of work and unbalanced. Defender with cold shields and sonic shields and force fields and thermal shields...fun to think about though...
  3. I'd dig a Rikti EAT, with branches for Mentalist/Mesmerist psy control/kinetics/sword melee; Soldier rifle/sword blapper hybrid; Guardian pistol/rad/shield buffer; and Communication Officer mastermind type (complete with monkey pets!). Storyline-wise, you could go down the Restructurist path, a more villainous one started with Ambassador Kuhr-Rekt in Grandville, and a Traditionalist path (heroic) working with Paragon Heroes; all post-invasion plot.
  4. Yes it does. It's super handy as a Howling Twilight target to safely rez your squad after a team wipe. For OP, it's kinda funny, trolling the leeches.
  5. nah. i've played the game for myself and am enjoying it.
  6. lol clickbait picture of boobs that isn't from the game he's talking about. his opinion is super valid 👍
  7. Yes please this would be super helpful. I have to psych myself up to pull stuff out of the Character Items because the process is so painful. Many times I come to the conclusion that it's not even worth it.
  8. This is driving me crazy too, i can make 5k selling a rifle but 1k selling a spaceship? I finally resorted to using console commands to deal with storage capacity. Bye cheevos 😞
  9. I used the console code to give myself 100B credits then played around for hours just to see what it was like. Then I went back to my saved game to play regularly. 🙂
  10. I'm enjoying the game. There's some weird bugs that I assume will get worked out through patches, like I've seen in all the other Bethesda games (I've played them all since Morrowind), but I'm having lots of fun. I got lost in the spaceship builder for hours, trying to put together something I liked that was also flyable.
  11. This would be super helpful to know, as someone who rotates through my roster and can't always remember on Friday which toon did the TF on Monday. Perhaps if the info showed right in the LFG window?
  12. You could roll as a Peacebringer? Early eye blasts and punchy smashy.
  13. You cannot change the arc contact from mission to mission. You can work around it by completing the main objective in mission 1, then having a "rescue" or "ally" objective pop up where you have to go talk to Manticore in the first mission and he gives you some information about the next mission. You'll still have to go back to Statesman, but he could say "based on what Manticore told you, etc etc". If your boss isn't a required objective, you can have him run away at 25 or 50 or 75% health and not have it affect the outcome. You can have a different objective (collect a glowie) required to complete. You can still have some mission text "Defeat the boss" appear at the top so players fight the boss anyway. You have to be creative sometimes within the constraints of AE. Sometimes the inflexibility can lead to some more interesting and creative things though, which is cool.
  14. AE already exists in the game though, it's just called AE. Players generate a lot of content there now. Not very many people play those stories. Everybody knows where AE is, any level can use it, there's a system in place to mark some of the better arcs as "Devs Choice" so you know you're playing a quality arc before you jump into it. There are some great ideas to expand the options, which can hopefully be implemented at some point. The above idea seems like a whole lot of work on the dev side, for not much payoff. I think the devs will get more bang for the buck with a new Task Force or Strike Force. My "Other" vote is for just such a thing, new task force or strike force with hard mode options.
  15. I feel like a single powerset that had every type of damage in it would need to have very low damage numbers to keep a bit of balance to it, since all the existing powersets of a single damage type (or, yes, fire/smash or cold/lethal, etc) eventually run up against a mob with resistance to it. Getting around that resistance within a single powerset would need it to have a lower damage output overall to balance. See: dual pistols lower relative damage since it can swap ammos.
  16. It depends what you mean by custom. If you make your own powersets, ie one guy who has Dominate, Char, Rain of Arrows, Jack Frost, Granite Armor, Singularity, Headsplitter, etc; a bunch of powers from all kinds of different powersets, then they will not grant xp. If you're making your own enemies but using existing powersets (fire blast/super reflexes, etc), then they will grant experience. Personally, I don't care about xp within AE missions unless I'm farming. When I play storymodes, I'm usually using lvl 50 characters that are fully built, even when exempted down, so it doesn't matter much to me.
  17. owl take it under consideration - a dev, i hope
  18. Seriously...I would love to roll around in a Longbow Chaser or Arachnos Flier, Halo-style. A couple other groups have some fun options too. Even as a temp power inside a mission.
  19. This. I don't want the tauntyness of Taunt nerfed just so it will do a little damage, thank you. There's lots of other ranged damage options for tanks; every epic pool has a ranged aoe or two if that's what you want. Perfect Zinger has a chance for psi damage proc as well.
  20. Sure, open the mini map and right click at a spot, and it'll drop a thumbtack on it. You can also type /loc and it will tell you the coordinates your are currently at, and you can type /thumbtack followed by the coordinates (/thumbtack 000, 000, 000) and it will create the waypoint for you.
  21. A few of the AE badges are account-wide, but yeah, otherwise you gotta do the legwork. Fingerwork.
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