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Jiro Ito

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Everything posted by Jiro Ito

  1. Wind Shield lol damnit why didn't i think of that
  2. I just wanted to point out that the game's hardest content disables all temp powers like base buffs, START buffs, Shivans, etc, so you'll never see gatekeeping like this.
  3. I do like the idea of plaques or trophies that can be displayed in your base after completing certain badges, tfs and arcs in the game. Bonus if they are clickable to show the date earned (not date placed in the base).
  4. Just because I want Hurricane on ALL of my characters: Weather Mastery Brute, Tank Direct Strike: Ranged (Sniper), Foe -Endurance, Special Hurricane: Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback Thunder Clap: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient Jet Stream: Ranged (Cone), Foe Knockdown or Repel Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Foe Knockback, Fear, Disorient Scrapper, Stalker Direct Strike: Ranged (Sniper), Foe -Endurance, Special Hurricane: Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback Hailstones: Ranged, Foe Chance for Knockdown Jet Stream: Ranged (Cone), Foe Knockdown or Repel Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Foe Knockback, Fear, Disorient Dominator O2 Boost: Ally Heal, +Resistance(Disorient, Sleep, Endurance Drain), +Perception Wind Shield*: Toggle, Self, Resist (Energy, Smashing, Lethal) Hurricane: Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback Chain Lightning: Ranged (Chain AoE), Foe -Endurance Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Foe Knockback, Fear, Disorient Controller Direct Strike: Ranged (Sniper), Foe -Endurance, Special Wind Shield*: Toggle, Self, Resist (Energy, Smashing, Lethal) Stormwinds: Self, Defense (All), Resist (Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear) Jet Stream: Ranged (Cone), Foe Knockdown or Repel Chain Lightning: Ranged (Chain AoE), Foe -Endurance Sentinel O2 Boost: Ally Heal, +Resistance(Disorient, Sleep, Endurance Drain), +Perception Hurricane: Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback Thunder Clap: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient Keening Winds: Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Foe Confuse, EndDrain, Self +End Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Foe Knockback, Fear, Disorient
  5. It certainly reads like something AI generated.
  6. this year it tells you that it has reset your character to level 1
  7. On this note, I'll cast my votes for @Zhym and @TerroirNoir2 for their continued support and amplification of AE writers.
  8. Yes great but where is the "Accidental Zeroes" self-debuff where you bid 400,000,000 for an LOTG, sad face, mad face.
  9. A Wailer giant monster in St Martial The Jade Spider in Siren's Call
  10. Lying in bed last night, I thought of more positive/negative powers like Absorb Pain and Energy Transfer. I still think it's a fun mechanic though, especially for something like this where a little smack talkin' might make your enemy angrier, with positive and negative results.
  11. Red Caps throw a mini-me who stabs your eyes out. We should have that!
  12. I love this idea haha. Power Pool toggles would have huge endurance costs, and maybe you don't need 3 toggle taunt auras? Suggesting drop Fooling and Belittlement for: Belittle - ranged single target, taunt, enemy +dam but -acc, -def. We don't see anywhere in the game where something has both positive and negative effects. Maybe poison's rez with the vomit mechanic. This pool might be a fun place to do some things like that. Adding a huge accuracy debuff but allowing the enemy to do more damage would be very funny to me. Discombobulate - ranged single target, confuse
  13. At long last, I have finished another arc I'm comfortable presenting for feedback. This one brings together a lot of new things for me; level differences, mobs with custom power selections, optional objectives, unfinished lore involving an unseen faction, setting a giant monster loose on a civilian population... This brings together a lot of in-game lore for a high level arc tying some of that stuff together while opening the door for some new stuff that was planned in the game originally but never implemented. I plan to continue exploring some of that, time willing. This is designed as a high level arc; I was able to complete it comfortably on 4x8 with a team of 5 of my friends who I often run hardmode stuff with. Most of the enemies are stock, as implementing a whole custom group kept crashing my game (sad face), so I stuck to existing enemies with custom bosses and archvillains to keep the file size down. If I can figure out how to make that work, I'll go back and swap some out. The Family enemy in mission 1 is really easy at low level, but when you raise the difficulty and get the gravity bosses with Singularity, things get super spicy.
  14. This is my favorite part. We have lots of deep dives into magic and lots of deep dives into technology, and those who dabble in a little bit of both, but I'd love to have something that goes deep on blending both together as their whole gig. Technomages? Is that the thing? Maybe. Bird people would be cool, something new that we haven't seen, and all kinds of cool opportunities for vertical combat that we don't see at all right now, and I like the "drop" mechanic. That would be scary as hell, just rollin along and all of a sudden bird claws crunch you to the ground and something pecks your eyeballs out. Making the battlefield three dimensional, with ambushes falling from the sky? I'm ready for that Bird Strike badge. The speed mechanic doesn't excite me as much as a player. Sounds like jousting a bit, is that right? Squishy melee? Maybe this is a good spot to put that "Guardian" or "Paladin" melee/buff and debuff archetype? It's not for me, but there have been plenty of requests in the forums for that. BUT: As a mechanic for enemies, that sounds awesome. You're fighting Avilans, these scary cawing bird guys with beaks and talons and the faster they race around you, the more damage they do? That sounds wild. Then the strategy is not do-the-most-damage, but, interrupt their speedballing. Time to get those Immobilize powers slotted! Can we get travel suppression (in pve) removed from the game yet?
  15. always loved croatoa the most
  16. That would really be a nightmare at low levels, were you only have 2-3 powers anyway, and they can't recharge. I suspect that's why there aren't any of those mobs. Even at high levels, we don't see many cold enemies just because they'd be so difficult to deal with for the majority of players in a way that makes the game not fun to play.
  17. Four Star Aeon, has many more AVs for the bonus merits than ITF or LGTF. 90 minutes on a good team 60 merits + emp merit + 20 aether + 10 aether for vanguard + 9 merits per AV (25 including optional = 225) + 15 merits for Ripplesurge* + the DSync enhancement *I counted the number of AVs on my fingers so margin for error Tinpex is great, at 40 merits per 15 minutes or 120 an hour if you alternate characters, plus the incarnate salvage. WST Dr. Q at 244 is great. Hami is 80 per 20 minutes on Torchbearer if you alternate characters, estimated, or 240 per hour, accounting for setup and clear time. All of which require good teams and planning. If you just want to blaze through some stuff solo, Ouro is the way to go.
  18. *steals Greycat's best ideas and trundles off to the Architect*
  19. sorry man, what a pain in the butt. hope you're able to figure it out. i usually try to stick to 4 missions or less just to make it more breezy and fun to play, but I'm going to just plan them shorter for functionality now too.
  20. my unusual problems were also on the fifth mission my story...maybe something there? somehow?
  21. all players must have Mako patron pool powers, obviously!
  22. I've been having all kinds of trouble in the AE the last couple of weeks. I'm trying to get an arc finished that I've been working on forever, and it seems like every time I touch something now, it forgets the allowed number of bosses per map, or the escort in the last mission doesn't work correctly, or crashes outright to the desktop. I dropped a custom mob and used a preset one, thinking maybe it was file size (sitting at just under 17% right now). It's the longest and most involved arc I've ever done, at 5 missions with lots of optional objectives, so I'm not sure if I've pushed the system to its limit or what the deal is.
  23. I believe the last round of Dev Choice arcs was awarded for the winter holiday arc contest, Christmas 2022. A Dev Choice award does come with a permanent special title. I'm down for any love thrown in the AE direction!
  24. This seems like a good compromise And so does this Because this is true. I'm not sure why it was changed in the first place, because obviously characters below 35 aren't going to contribute anything vs level 54 content beyond getting powerleveled. As said above, I too find the Halloween motel to be just as annoying for this same reason; what was fun content being done by a league was turned into an involuntary farm session. Anyad has been graciously running this iMSRs on Torch for years now and all I don't think it's too much to ask for participation instead of leeching. There are plenty of other farming options.
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