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Everything posted by TombTyrant

  1. I try not to judge. It takes courage to put yourself out there creatively, and most early steps are likely to fall into any of a number of clichés. We all looked stupid taking our first steps. If our parents had laughed us down instead of encouraging us, how many of us would still be crawling? Not you (collective reader), of course. You're a bright special pronoun of wonderous untapped potential, and your every creative effort is a resounding critical and personal success. Everyone knows that. Not everyone is a roleplaying prodigy though. If you want to elevate people you have to encourage their efforts even when they could use more work. Otherwise, people might get the idea that you don't really care about how people roleplay. One might imagine you're just looking for validation that you're doing it right to cover the dreadful embarrassment we all feel when we put our creativity out for the judgement of others. All that being said, as I came of age in the edgiest of times, I have a soft spot for them. Like any trope, overuse wears thin in time. But I try to remind myself that I am lucky to witness someone put a piece of themselves out there.
  2. No. I already know why you'd do it. I just wanted to make sure I was understanding what you were working so hard on. See if you can find that old tour of Sharkhead Isle I wrote for the forum newspaper.
  3. Disagree. The changes are really great for getting around faster and spending less time switching flight modes. Also, because the base fly speed was made so much faster, even if you do run out of Afterburner, you will still arrive at your mission hella quicker than ever before. And I don't find that Afterburner is even needed most of the time.
  4. Have to run this one by my buddy, Mr Jranger.... whaddayasay pal? Um.. he's not feeling it.
  5. So... the point of this is to... read the old forums?
  6. It is probable that the shaky legal status of the private server makes it difficult for us to take a legal stand, and that is not something you'd want to advertise. It should be noted though that difficult is not impossible.
  7. There's probably no call for hyperbolic testing conditions such as this. However, a good question is how comparable are a Blaster and a Mastermind playing fairly well, making reasonable choices, and laying out their powers in a way that makes sense on a mob to mob basis? How does they compare in terms of damage output, survivability, and endurance management? And how, ideally, should they compare?
  8. Okay man, that sounds like an event I would be interested in running.
  9. No way. Homeboy's got his specs on, pencil behind the ear, tongue in his teeth. He's doing research. This dude is the genie you want to make a wish on. He'll go the extra mile. You're not gonna wind up with wisher's remorse.
  10. This is useful data and I think moves me more firmly into the position of upping the AT's base damage.
  11. Seconded but only if it sings Life on Mars.
  12. I keep wanting to say something but this whole thing just makes me sad. We have to be better than this guys. Punishment, naming and shaming, I mean if that's what it takes fine. I don't actually think it will work, but I am hardly an expert. I play a decent amount. I roleplay a little, mostly when I am extremely comfortable with the content I am doing. Just like, it's been so many years, if my rust is showing I am not going to handicap my typing by channeling a character or adding brackets. But when I am doing something I find easy and comfortable I will roleplay a little. I like to actually. I like the game's lore and exploring creativity with other people. I play on Everlasting. I can't say I have never been hit on. On both my male and female characters, although, of course, the female ones more often. Hardly exclusively though. I consider myself fortunate that regardless of my avatar this has never escalated beyond the level of interested flirting. I have never witnessed this concern firsthand, but I believe without reservation. I know all too well how a certain predatory type will behave if allowed. Our game must unreservedly be safe from that kind of predation. I applaud efforts to bring that goal to a swift realization.
  13. That genie is super helpful and considerate. I'd have just uppercutted her into the stratosphere.
  14. They might be. I sure feel like I run out pretty quick if I do anything other than order my pets around. But, as I said earlier, I actually think they should be given extra damage or effects and the cost can remain high, for balance reasons. That's my suggestion.
  15. A desire to run petless masterminds does not mean that mastermind attacks are not too expensive for what they do. The entire issue of whether you can run petless or not is secondary to the need for those powers to be examined. This is true whether brought up by the original poster or follow up posts. Reducing the issue to only being the concern of self gimping challenge builds is reductionist.
  16. You want a steal my look button? Fo shame!
  17. I don't think we should conflate boosting 3 powers with making a petless mastermind viable. No class that skips 5 powers in their primary is likely to be very good.
  18. As a suppository. ZING! I kid. You don't use it very often in the course of normal gameplay. If you need a panic button after drawing a pile of aggro you can throw it up until the mob has been killed or redirected by your team mates.
  19. It didn't hit me until the first time I returned to Scrapyard's Grave in Potter's Field. That was where I was standing when shutdown hit. I wrote an article for it for the old forum newspaper. That's where the heart of home is for me.
  20. The suggestion: Mastermind attacks could be a little cheaper. The reality: Mastermind attacks are artificially inflated to balance the DPS on a class with multiple damage dealing pets out at all times. The community response: How do you play your Mastermind? Here is how I play mine. He's not asking for build advice. Or play advice. Or why you don't find the reality to be a problem. I'm sure we're all super awesome players who know how to run our class. That's a subject for the Mastermind AT forum. This is about the suggestion. Do you agree that the class would be more fun, or better balanced, if the attacks were made cheaper? Yes or no? Now for my part, I say we have already had balance passes on the Mastermind to in part address endurance issues in the past. The suggestion above implies that they are not enough. For my part, I am inclined to agree, and I think the testimony here in this thread that the attacks aren't worth picking up at the level they unlock is indicative of a need for a balance pass to examine them. You really, I think, ideally, want each power to seem like an interesting choice for some build somewhere. Right now they feel like traps to late additions in most builds, depending on how spikey you are. I'm not convinced that examining the end cost is the right fix, if endurance struggle is best for balance, or if it becomes unbalanced with the lack of need to reapply buffs, but I think we could take a look. In my mind, I think they should either do more damage or produce a stronger secondary effect if they are going to cost a boatload. But that is only my suggestion.
  21. I mean, you can. We come up on a google search. You can post and stream and stuff now.
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