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Everything posted by Triumphant

  1. I think the biggest wall there is is called stone wall or rock wall, or some such. Apart from that, you can take the roman bridge pieces and kind of overlap them to build walls. I've always thought we needed more large pieces for building floors, walls and ceilings. @Dacy and others that have been at this a lot longer than I have can probably offer some better suggestions on potential wall pieces.
  2. I've experienced this, but I just put it down to personal lag, thanks to my crappy internet. Does everyone else experience this, as well? Just curious. I have a rough time with leagues, in general, so I tend to stick with standard 8-man team play. Also, if I'm to be honest, I guess I find leagues pretty boring, besides. You know, I've got no idea where I was going with this reply. I think I need a nap. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Personally, I think the pom-poms look really cool, but I'm all about adding more options to remove visual effects, so you get a thumbs up from me.
  4. I don't form teams because I'm a shit multi-tasker. I can't concentrate on talking to people and playing the game at the same time. Sometimes team members need help and instructions. Sometimes you have to invite new players when group members drop out. This is even a problem for me as a member of a group that another person is leading. If you give me instructions in the chat while a fight is happening, I can't parse them. If I stop to read them and carry them out, I either die or break off from the rest of the group and get lost (or both). For this reason, I also don't RP during combat. Someone once suggested I join a group that uses voice chat during teams so I don't have to read anything. Doesn't help. I can't listen to you talk and concentrate on playing the game, either. It's one or the other. I wish I could multi-task. I really do. But that's just not how my brain is structured. For this reason, I only rarely lead teams, and I always have regrets when I do so (as do most of the players that join my teams). So, I've basically sworn off it. Sorry. 🤷‍♂️
  5. The main difference in the market since the last time I played (took a several months break and then returned, just over the past month, after the most recent update) is that the numbers seem to more readily and more accurately display the going price now. Maybe I'm imagining that, but it does seem like the devs have tinkered with the code to fix (or, at least, ameliorate) the old problem of the price not showing or showing inaccurate numbers. Overall, though, I still use the market the same way that I always have. List everything for 1 influence and sell it as quickly as possible. Get the cash that I need for whatever build that I need, then play the game. I find the market boring. I find buying and selling boring. So I do it only as absolutely needed, make the transactions as fast as possible, and then get back to enjoying the bits of the game that I actually like (fighting baddies, building bases, making costumes, and rp'ing) as soon as possible. To me, markets are just part of the grind, along with levelling. I like end-game play. If I had my way, I would just skip levelling and buying/selling altogether and just get straight to the stuff I like. At least I can streamline the process through farming, double xp, and selling stuff quickly for 1 inf, though.
  6. This, sadly, is a problem for those of us that have trouble properly aligning objects without the "snap" function. For the life of me, I don't understand why objects can't just properly seat atop one another AND snap into place. I know, I know. CoH has one of the most advanced base creators that exist- even compared to newer games that are out there. I shouldn't complain. It's just very tedious, sometimes. 😝
  7. You're probably right. I'll just suck it up, then. 🤷‍♂️
  8. I know I've been guilty of this before. I didn't realize it could be such a problem. I'll try to remember to move my characters out from the portal trigger, so it's not an issue in the future.
  9. More than that, I would like to be able to hide other player's pets altogether- perhaps some setting that could be toggled on in graphics, or something.. Those Mastermind's hordes of flaming demons crap-up the screen to where I can't see a damn thing. No, I'm not bagging on you, Mastermind players. I just want to be able to shut off the graphics from my end, so that you can still enjoy your favorite class, but I don't have be reduced to seeing nothing but your cracked-out minions.
  10. Huh. I'm completely stumped, then. I do second @ZacKing suggestion that you watch Dacy's tutorial videos, though. That is how I learned to do 99% of everything that I can do with bases. Watching tutorials can be sort of tedious, I know- but there's really no substitute for just sitting down and watching a pro explain it step-by-step.
  11. @Snarky To elaborate a bit on what Etched suggested: Setting grid to 1/4 makes the pieces "socket into place properly". However, some (most, perhaps- the technology pillar being the single exception that I can think of) have open, rather than closed, ends and do not stack on top of one another lengthwise. Because of this, to stack pillars you have to overlay one on top of the other, then use shift to push them "up". Yes, this is a titanic, tedious pain in the ass. Sorry. 🤷‍♂️
  12. How I do it: 1) Create costume 2) What kind of hero/villain do I think of when I look at my cool, new costume? 3) Pick power sets that best reflect what I imagined in step 2. 4) Pick powers that seem cool/fun (I look them over in City of Data) as I level to 50. 5) At level 50, take a hard look at what I've got. Reevaluate slotting, in light of being level 50 and (by now) having a lot more influence to buy IO sets with). 6) Realize that I will probably need to respec and reslot to get the character to perform they way I want it to perform mechanically. Sometimes (rarely), I goof this step up and have to do it twice (once I had to respec 4 times to get a character tweaked to my satisfaction. But, usually, if it takes me more than 2 respecs, that means that the powerset is just not my cup of tea. I typically cannibalize such characters, emailing myself any IO's, then delete it). 7) Know that I'm finally satisfied with my build when I can solo most content at +4/8 difficulty. 😎 Consider fine-tuning the build in an attempt to get a character that can solo Arch-Villains and level pylons in 2-minutes flat, during pylon tests. Realize that I don't have the patience for that level of build-tinkering, and just enjoy the nice, strong (but not top-tier) character that I already have.
  13. Stephanie Peebles mission arc kinda/sorta fits here for me. I want to be completely fair about this. I don't actually hate the missions themselves. They have a lot of kill alls that you have to slog through, but this is only boring after the first several times you do them. That ring is a really sweet buff, though, so I do the chain with a lot of characters to get it. I think it's more the repetition that has made it boring for me, but that ring is powerful, so it's totally reasonable that you have to do some slog work to get it. And I do feel a little tickle of warmth in the cockles of my rogue/vigilante heart that I helped the old girl, so I guess I even still get some measure of enjoyment out of running the chain, when all is said and done.
  14. I love April Fool's day. 😄
  15. I typically start by creating the visual look of a character. After finishing the costume to my satisfaction, then I decide what powersets best represent the visual look of the character, and create a name that complements these and is reflective of the concept of the hero (or villain). I also love building a personal base for my character that is in theme for their concept. There's an "artsy/creative" aspect to this game that provides much enjoyment and has very little to do with the actual "game playing", itself. In that respect, it's almost like a creative art project for me, at times. I've been playing since about 2019, many hours on a daily basis, almost every day of the week, so I'm quite familiar with the game and most of its missions by now. I've discovered that what I really most enjoy about this game, is designing a fully-kitted out lvl 50 character, tweaking it to my personal perfection (which doesn't necessarily mean efficacy- just what I feel is most enjoyable to play), and then being able to access all of the content of the game with that maxed-out character. The first several months to a year that I started playing CoH, I felt that the mid-forties was the level range that I found most fun. But once I got a certain amount of experience with the game, I realized I just want to skip level grinding and swiftly access all the content with a fully powered character. So now I pick up my double-xp buffs from the vendor, and power-level myself (via farming or pug/TF stuff) or door-sit to quick level. Plenty of people that play CoH want to "enjoy the ride" as their character gradually grows over time. And that's totally legit, of course. I don't really care for that kind of play, myself, as I find it grindy and boring, but that's the beauty of CoH. If you want to level slowly, you can choose to do that. And if you don't, you can largely skip it, if you so desire.
  16. Well, okay. But don't complain about CT not having mezz protection if you get stunned. 😄
  17. So do I. But I don't teleport into the middle of a pack. Because that's a job for the melee AT's.
  18. If you're teleporting into the middle of a pack, you should be playing a tanker, brute, sentinel, or other AT that already has mez protection. I take combat teleport on almost every character I make. In terms of combat utility, it's possibly the best movement power in the game, apart from fly/hover. I think making it even better is not warranted. Just one guy's opinion.
  19. I'm primarily an RP'er who hangs out on Everlasting, so I guess this doesn't apply to me so much (considering that it seems the trouble is mostly with Excelsior, atm?). Your analysis of the problem does feel correct to me, though (or, at the least, very plausible). The real question is, having identified the problem, what do you do about it? You can't rely on the solution of people changing their nature, I can tell you that much. In real life, most people don't want to be the one in charge, running the show, and so on (except for middle managers, who can enjoy that stuff without actually doing any work 😄). They just want to enjoy themselves. If you don't like to be in charge of running content, nothing is going to convince you to do that. Realistically, I'm not sure what can be done about this. 🤷‍♂️
  20. Yeah, there's a lot of great stuff in the new update. The warning signage is something I've wanted badly for a long time, now. 😁👍
  21. @plainguy I do somewhat see why you have the perspective that you have, but I really do think the CONS outweigh the PROS, as it were. I won't elaborate further, as I think the other responses of those who are against the suggestion, have pretty much summed up my own position. In short, implementing this would create worse problems than it solved and I'm not sure that it would solve anything at all.
  22. I do imagine that might make someone more relaxed about life. 😂
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