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Everything posted by Redletter

  1. This isnt a big deal or anything, but like, is there a command to add a chat tab to the chat window? Whenever I make a toon, I end up having to add each and every tab individually and it takes like, five whole minutes. This minor inconvenience is very minor, and very inconveniencing.
  3. Does the DOT from your kitty scratches scale with your meter? I know that SM was kinda fiddly before the rock blast patch and not doing the damage it was supposed to apparently? But Im wondering if the DOTs it applies count as damage that your rage meter effects. Likewise, does the DOTs BUILD meter? Like, does every tick give you rage? If so, does the class IO that gives you a chance for extra meter apply on the power AND it's DOTs, or just the power?
  4. See, I'm now picturing Hami in a greaser jacket, complete with pompadour...
  5. Huh... you're right! Maelstrom isnt in there either. Weird, seeing as how like... how he shows up quite a bit and isnt he like, the reason Duel Pistols even exist as a powerset? Wild... anyway, thanks FB!
  6. I made a thread a while ago how to approach a speedster. I ended up making them a Kinetics/Sonic defender and rather than making them just a speedster, they can SHARE their speed. I was very conflicted, even now, about how "basic" this feels, there's no cool pattern usage, I've used all the "cool" pieces, it really feels uninspired and cheap to me... And yet... I'm really happy how he turned out
  7. I feel like this may not EXACTLY be the place for this, but it is AE content? I guess? In my never ending quest for plaguing the devs with costume piece requests, ive finally discovered AE's ability to view and edit certain character models. This has made my quest MUCH easier, so I dont need to run around, trying to fanagle my camera to get a good view of a chacter model. Now, my search brings me to Desdamona, a character I've heard a lot about but have never seen. I looked for her under the various Praetorians, Resistence, and Arachnos sets but she'd nowhere to be found (or maybe im blind). Whatever the case, I feel like i'd ask you good people if you know if she's even there at all.
  8. BREAKING NEWS I finally found out you can mess around with NPC costumes in AE. This will really help me in my quest to demand the devs waste all their time and resources on my vanity addiction... ANYHOW! Once again, here we see defined abs outside the Barbarian chest piece. I'd like this, so I can be show off all the gains I dont get IRL. Also, Aurora's hair is beautiful and we're really hurting for two-tone hair options that arent short. Item number 2: Literally everything about this phemoninal Onlyfans outfit. Namely the jacket.
  9. Wait... theyre NERFING Titan Weapons damage? Why? That's like... the ONE upside about it. Why would I play TW when it's infinitely more ponderous, both in it's special mechanic and in it's basic animations than ANY other set besides like, Kinetic Melee? This is like... "Ok, so, Scrappers can CRIT? That seems unfair, it means they do MORE damage than other classes? So we're taking away crits, makes NO sense why they need them".
  10. This... this build. It's... it's beautiful 😢
  11. I think my favorite thing about them is that they, to me, really symbolize the "character concept > [ ]" philosophy I subscribe to. Or, rather Vanity. Rules. Everything Say I wanna make a cowboy gunslinger, call him Hona Jex. I could make Jex a dual pistols blaster, maybe pick up their traps or whatever they call it. Then I get my cowboy... but he's also got exploding drones, net grenades, claymore mines, a flying fucking minigun friend... but, all I wanted was a cowboy. So... ok! How about a defender. I can be like... an Empathy? Cowboy? TIIIIME cowboy? Corruptor? That's kinda just like... Defender but reverse, I get the same choices... I could, absolutely, make any excuse I need to let Jex have whatever powers these classes would give him that I don't really think he would have. Or... I could play a Dual Pistol/Super Reflexes sentinel. All the cowboy, none of the NOT cowboy.
  12. Have you heard of our lord and savior, Combat Teleport?
  13. There was a sonic build contest one time, I submitted my zombie/sonic mm and won a healthy amount of money for it despite it not being complete. Problem is, it wasnt really fun to play. I did it to 48ish, and with how MMs work, getting to 50 with them wont change anything. I made a Beast/Sonic, that's... ok? I really wish I had healing, because RESIST damage, early game when you have all of ONE pet who's doing ALL the work? And NO heal? It's not good, even if you can debuff damage res early on. The character doesnt really get going until you get MORE pets. Most secondaries dont have this problem. Most will be like "oh you have one pet? That's ok. We can help!" where as Sonic is like "You ONLY have ONE pet? Are you POOR? You KNOW I can ONLY target ONE person with my -res power, RIGHT? Every COUPLE of MINUTES! Why dont you come back when you have MORE pets, LOSER".
  14. I don't think that's true, not at all in fact. Can you name a single one? All the sets that offer recharge dont count, that's cheating
  15. So, many dominator secondaries have a buff power that gives them a blanket +50% strength to their controls effects. Im looking to remake my Seer (Psi/Martial Blaster) as a Dominator (I considered defender, I may STILL do defender since I have some ideas about a time/psi of FF/Psi defender? No idea yet) or a Controller. I shyed away from 'troller because there's no psi secondary, and in general, I have more luck with landing control effects as a Dominator. Obviously, that led me to looking at Psi Assault, and I realized it doesnt have the Control Effects Buff clickie that sets like Dark, Fire, and Energy get (pretty sure it's called Power Up in most of them, but some might have a different name). So, my question is, are these powers really worth it over, say, Drain Psyche?
  16. You can search the forums for time builds, typing in "/Time" will yield a myriad of results, and I know there's a Time guide for Masterminds on the Mastermind Forum. I personally prefer Time on Blasters, mostly because Time Lord is a stupendous power that, if any other class got it, would absolutely break the game, literally, the world would fracture in half and all the spaghetti code would fall out -- I've had this confirmed. By Him. But feel free to pick it up on whatever.
  17. You thought correctly. But it's a powerset that forces you to spit on people, and fashion trumps literally any number in the enitre game? So if you can't make spitting on people work thematically, you just dont play it -- period. It's the rules.
  18. Carnival chest piece. Very elaboeate, very stylish. Very "mysical armor" and it's claerly intended to help the carnival's shoulders not look like theyre floating a foot off your shoulder. Here's everyone's friend, the hero of First Ward and of our hearts, Seed Hunter! Him and his totally unique hat and hat scarf combo. If only we could be so cool... He also has these pants i'd like to see.
  19. Little thinf I noticed while starting to ACTUALY do missions from first ward contacts This is Nadia, she has has a skirt that goes past her knees without revealing ANY hint of legs! She could have anything under there! Even legs! I'd like this mystique at my disposal as well... Edit: Crossbow? Please?
  20. I knew about the blaster tier numbers on debuffs, but I didnt know they got the blaster numbers on fire ammo! That's good to know. That's a lot of numbers and words my potato brain doesnt understand entirely, but it sounds important and good! My keyboard and I have a very intimate relationship and he says Im a great kisser. But besides that, I kinda like stalkers for how easy the flow of play goes, hence why I figured duelies/sr appealed to me, since duel pistols and super reflexes as both things i really liked. Yeah, I know the numbers are smaller. I was like... when I say 'oh debuffs are fun' i just mean in general, not just like 'man i LOVE having HUGE debuffs, i NEED HUGE debuffs to have fun' because that's not the case. Still, it makes me wonder like... WHAT precisely the Sent. is supposed to do, since like, they dont get Tanker numbers on defense, they dont get blaster numbers of blaster, of debuff numbers of defenders, or even corruptor. DPS certainly isnt the metric. When I look at a sentinel I see a ranged character, who's like, got the staying power of a tanker. That's probably not FUNCTIONALLY true, but like, I enjoy SR because it lets me NOT die super hard, and I like duelies because theyre cool they have a very 'complete' and interesting kit. Plus the character concept fits best this way I hate DPS races, actually, but I hate them a lot less than like... dying a lot because Im not out damaging mobs, which was the inpotence of me dropping the class in the first place. So far, this combo is a lot better, so far.
  21. And I think we should. That's the beautiful thing about opinions.
  22. My thorough investigation into costume pieces maybe only 2 people would ever care about continues! These are the pants (and belt) of our lovely friend, Twinshot. And while her hair is terrible, her taste in belts is not - this is "imperial defense" but it comes with pants pouches! Or... maybe the PANTS are the ones are the ones with the pouches... whatever the case, I'd like pants pouches, and perhaps the fastest way to do that is to steal them from Twinshot. Next is our fine Lady Grey, who's hair style we get... but without the cute napkin. I would like a hair napkin, for when my toon goes to fancy parties where it's BYON. Likewise, there's the frilly lace bits on her dress. Around the neck and wrists. We get a TASTE of it in the form of... The Gunslinger and Victorian steampunk sets, respectively. But! Lady grey has a prettier pattern, and Ill cry about it, even if im totally wrong. Plus, she doesnt have a little choker around her neck to hold the lace in place, which makes hers far less kinky, and therefore, far MORE kinky. It's also hard to tell, since her clothing is so dark (Grey my booty, this shit's midnight at BEST...) but her corset is also unique, in that it has straps that go to the neck. And finally, of course, there's her wrist lace. We dont get wrist lace, but I'd like to have wrist lace. No witty or snide joke, I just want them to help improve my toon dress game. ALSO! Piston Gauntlets? When? I'd like a powerfist, that seems like it'd open up ludicrous amounts of builds - I don't even care if it's a 'Huge Build' exclusive item! I'd just really like to step up my robot hands game. ALSO ALSO I used to be like "Oh, I see why we can't have weapons on out back, that makes sense, the only people who have weapons on their backs are the ones with totally unique weapons, so it's likely a specific backpack or chest detail piece that is tied to that NPC" BUT I WAS WROOOOOOOONG!!! Here's Apex with the totally bog standard Longsword! On his back! I feel so betrayed... Anyway, this has been your daily dose of Red Letter's Vanity Addiction Catalog. Tune in next time for our Giant Monster edition, wherein I take a peek up Jack in Irons and tell the devs to give us his undies...
  23. So, in my revisting classes I was like 'ill pass' as my understanding of game mechanics grow, I think it's high time I give the Sentinel another shot. I got a fire/fire sent to like, 14 and dropped them, since they werent dealing the damage i needed them to be dealing compared to the damage I was taking, and the agro I was drawing. Im thinking of doing a Duelies/SR Sent. I figured I'd just make as straight forward a character as i could for like, what I imagine is the sorta 'quintessential' experience for the class. But I have no idea how functional this is, since Duelies, from my understanding, see most of their damage from procs and their debuffs don't really get to be impressive on a sentinel? I don't really know. If you were to reccomend the sentinel to someone who enjoys tankers, defenders, and stalkers, what build what you recommend to them?
  24. Well as with MOST belts in CoX, no SENSIBLE person would DARE wear a very specific selection of belts with jackets. Among other items. It's actually illegal to do so, it's a crime even dirty villains won't commit! Have you seen Mot wear a jacket with a belt? Of course not! Hamidon? Nope! Even he's not THAT nefarious...
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