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Everything posted by Redletter

  1. Seers have this metal suit. Im not sure if it's a harness or what, but it's sick as hell. Now, this IS a harness, and it's also sick. As an aside I dont know if this bodyglove is just "tights" but i like the texture here more than the sorta flat tights we already have? Maybe Im insane. Also! This dumb spiky hairstyle? Im into it. It's dumb, but like, it's highly reminescent of like, a couple of the villainess' from Bruce Tim's DC animation work (livewire being the first that comes to mind) and I'm all about it. Also! We have this headpiece called "Headband Wings". It's directly next to a piece called "Wings", which is just the wings from this headband... but there's no version of this headband without the wings. Could that be changed?
  2. Hi, Im baby. Do Achiles and Armegeddon stack? I remember reading status effects from the same source dont stack, so like, you cant stack trick arrow's Entagling Arrow -res with itself, but like, if I slotted Acid Arrow with Achilles and Armegeddon, that stacks just fine, right?
  3. I thought this was gonna be a funny thread about the economy and how the AH makes nearly any other inf cost services meaningless (with the exception of Icon, who are happy to charge you 4,000,000 to change your shirt). But it was actually a funny thread about you losing money because you goofed. eat the rich
  4. Fire bullets are useless. The dot is absolutely MICRO on a sentinel. Cryo bullets are... ok. Reducing recharge is never a BAD thing, really, and it swaps your damage type so there's that, it's ok. Chem ammo is probably the best thing besides standard ammo, toxic a rarely resisted damage type and the -damage makes you EVEN tankier. But no. Standard ammo is pretty godly on its own. -defense, chance for knock? That's just free damage.
  5. CC files or bullshit I see the SR logic, since while Mando DOES get hit, he functionally may as well not have been hit half the time with how little effect it has. I second the suggestion to go Willpower, or even Invulnerability? I'd definitely go Invul, in fact. Pick up the Crey Accolade power for carbonite guns, then take Ninja Tool Mastery - that gives you the Ninja sword? I forget if you can customize it, but if you can, you can easily make that a Dark Saber, and the poison dart is phenominally on-brand for literally ANY wrist firing projectile.
  6. As much as i put them down, and I didnt say this in my post (as I feel it should need not saying) but YOUR fun is the most important thing. I have a Merc/Emp MM, this is potentionally the *single* most useless character in the game that I made in total ignorance of this fact. I though 'Oh! I have a medic! I can play like, a G.I Joe character, with my cool squad of action figures!' and I learned far too late this was the gameplay equivalent of eating sand to hydrate yourself. But. Sometimes... sometimes you just wanna eat some sand. And with a team, most content won't prove insurmountable regardless of the presence of a Mercmind. So, please, play whatever you want. I find Mercs fun, despite them being objectively horrible. I'd be fine if they stayed bad just so we can all joke about how bad they are. You can find fun in the oddest of places.
  7. Before we begin, please understand. The people who made the Mastermind class weren't... they weren't well. They made a class that plays the game for you, and that's wonderful, a truly blessed class that lets you really engage with the game by teaching you how to play a support without needing other players to suffer your growing pains. It's an inspired class, that has some of the best gameplay in the game despite YOU not really being as much an active participant in the same way a Tanker or a Blaster is. However... this invited a plague on their minds, a stain on their souls. They... the Mastermind... it has a dark secret. A curse, really. It lives, like a tumor, in the character creation. I will proceed to answer your questions as best I can, and will address this at the end. But. Please. For the love of yourself. Heed my final words, for they may be your only chance at avoiding certain doom... Beasts I would say Beasts are the most fun to play, since the pets do a good job of keeping baddies occupied with THEM. They have respectible AoEs, they do ok damage, they have a fun mechanic, and you get S U M M O N B I R D S which is nice. The MAIN problem is that the Pet enhancement enhancements almost unilaterally have a "passive" in them, rather than most IO sets that have a proc. These passives only effect YOUR pets, and the AoE passive effect is 40ft. That means, for beasts, you WILL be roleplaying an overworked dog walker, chasing after dogs that chase after mailmen. The models for them are fun though, they are indeed puppers and kitties aplenty. The main problem is finding a concept that works. Many suggest Beasts/Nature, and it's hard not to agree. I also recommend Beasts/Sonic, if you dont want to be a healer, but still want to help your pets in a meaningful way. Demons Demons are, to me, the most stylish of the sets. Demon MMs are the *ONLY* player class in the game that gets access to the fire whip. This, initself, is reason enough to play them (and why this MM is often played 'petless'. Apparently, from what I learned, it was made as a preorder bonus to Going Rogue. CoX's "pay to be super fucking cool" shines through her, as Demons are no better or worse mechanically than any other primary... But... you do get the whip, which is the only way to get the whip, so if you want to whip out the whip, you gotta get the whip, which means you gotta play Demons. One of the benefits I'd say they have over other sets though is they tend to deal fire, ice, or energy damage. This means they dont deal more heavily resisted damages like Smashing or Lethal. My problem with them is that theyre hard to work with from an aesthetic perspective. Zombies, Thugs, Mercs, Robots, and even the cursed one have a multitude of ways to play into your character, but demons are... demons. It's very hard to work any non-magic ideas into them. If that's important to you, you may have difficulties. For Demons, I recommend Radiation for the healthy mix of damage buffs, enemy debuffs, and healing. Necromancy Zombies are my soft spot. My first MM on live was a necromind, because I survived a zombie apocolypse and said "I wanna DO that" then was quite sad to learn your zombie summoning isnt even a fraction of that. Personal feelings aside, zombies have a healthy mix of melee and ranged attacks. What's nice about Zombies is that the FIRST pets you get, are pets that remain fairly powerful and useful for the lifetime of your character, like, they're actually pets youll notice putting in work from level 1 to level 50, for me most tier 1 pets fade into the background of "ok yeah theyre here, I guess". I have a Necro/Sonic MM, but, I'd say Necro/Dark or Necro/Poison is a much better way to go. Go for Necro/Dark if you want to double up on your control with your Lich, go for poison if you dont mind the Lich doing all the CC work. Ninja Ninjas are in a weird spot. I tried to play them as not a naruto gameplay fantasy... but it wasnt fun... and I fucking HATE Naruto. So I was shocked when I was like 'ok but what if I try a dumb ninja wizard or whatever' and wouldnt you know it, I had a blast. I digress though. Ninjas can crit... which is nice, but, also sometimes their A.I is very challenged. Giving them BOTH a ranged and a melee attack means that sometimes your ninjas will JUST hang out, throwing shurikens, or running away to throw shurikens, when you'd REALLY like them to run up and kick somebody... and viceversa. They also arent the most durable bunch, so your secondary set needs to find a way around that. Popular consensus is Ninja/Dark or Ninja/Time. I personally did Ninja/Trick Arrow my first time through, since the *NOT* archery arrow sets are some of my favorites. That wasnt as fun for me though, despite loving Trick Arrow. What was fun though, was Ninja/Storm. I don't know why, but playing the fucking Hokage was way more fun than playing Shredder for me. Robots What can really be said about robots that hasnt been said already? Theyre many peoples first MM, theyve got the best AoE DPS for their class in the game, and theyre really tanky. They work with just about anything, and everything you'd think would be fun on them, is. Trick Arrow, Force Field, Traps, Elec. Affinity... it all works, it's all great. I have a Robots/Trap guy and he's great. The ONE thing I'd recomend though is setting up a custom powers for putting your bots into agro mode, defense mode, or to wait passively at a targeted location, since traps kinda require you to play MUCH differently? And having the ability on demand to say "go here and dont attack anybody until they attack you or me", "go here and attack people the second they come into range", and "go there and dont do a damn thing", can be the difference between life and death. Thugs Last but certainly not least is the humble thug. Thugs do a lot, and they do it well. They have a lot single target damage, and the fact the tier 3 goon is TOTALLY different from the rest of your gang in terms of what role he fills makes for a good introduction to giving different commands to your pets. Like, the Bruiser is a baby brute you can call in to knock heads, while your other goons drown the enemy in gun fire. I find they REALLY like control secondaries. Time, Storm, Trap and Trick Arrow come to mind. For me, I have a Thugs/Traps and a Thugs/Trick Arrow who I love equally, but for different reasons. Trick Arrow is a lot of fun, and synergizes really well with thugs due to the pyro's tendency to ignite your oil slick arrows, which means YOU dont need to ignite them yourself. Traps however, is a lot of fun, especially for me. Roleplaying as a magnificient bastard is a lot of fun, and having the big red button is also really nice... It depends really. I mentioned a couple instance above where you may want them, and they ones I mentioned are generally the only ones I'd say make your life easier, but no - you'd never need them. Although, setting things up so you can talk and emote through your pets is imperative, and if you fail to do so, GM Impervium will steal, quite literally, all of your jelly beans. Don't test him, I've seen him do it. It's a very different, very freeing character. Early levels are nice, since your pets are remarkably tough customers who can handle most things within a few levels of yourself. Like, DONT be scared to turn up your difficulty for more XP. Normally I wouldnt suggest that, sincw that has mixed results based purely on builds and people's disposition. However, pets are tough enough that I can handle +1x3 and still have fun. Also! This is important and I'm not sure if it's mentioned anywhere, but you can use inspirations on your pets. Just drag the inspiration onto a pet's name. This is normally meaningless outside of reds or greens, but you should know that you can do this - and you should do this. If you play your cards right, you'll never need much MORE than reds and greens. Dont thank me yet, there's still... The Curse... You see... I mentioned six primaries when I broke them down. However... there is a seventh. A cursed thing, a wretched, disatrous blight upon the class. It is a thing all masterminds fear, a visceral, heart wrenching dread and disgust overwhelms them when it is mentioned, and knowledge of this seventh primary alone is thought to drive men mad, littleown it's inner workings. To my knowledge, I am one of the few who has gazed into this fetid abyss, of the two I know of? One is a GM to this wonderful game, and the other a foolish seeker of wisdom, not unlike yourself... Be warned. What follows is classified as a cognito hazard in 8 countries. Now is the time to turn back, if sanity is something you value, or, even possess...
  8. I play Mercs/Emp! It is phenominally suboptimal. Almost abysmal, even! The suffering is eternal, everlasting, and equisite. Emp is, quite oddly, STUPIDLY expensive for stamina. I was shocked to discover, on a mastermind where much of your stamina is used for nill, I bottom out the blue bar FREQUENTLY. Literally two to three times every fight. If you need guns and healing, please consider sparing yourself this pain, and playing an assault rifle or duel pisols character - perhaps a defender! Anything but this... But... if you seek suffering, if you seek... pain... You'll want to max the effectiveness of your healing, then, take Experimentation, and Leadership. You'll be taking just about everything in both of them so don't get too attached to silly ideas like flight or having fun. The reason why you take experimentation is because the booster shot in it is helpful in bridging the gap between your trained soldier's inability to fight common thugs (not to be confused with the thugs Thug MMs use, those are rare, holofoil thugs) and the common thugs your trained soldiers should be capable of handling. You'll be using these horse stimulants on the Commando, because everyone else dies so fast you may as well consider him the only pet you have. You may also want concealment, so you can hide from the dangers of the world (you may also consider avoid the trouble alltogether, by playing a better character, but if you've come this far you are already cursed -- there is no turning back). Your soldiers put in a good effort to not be useless. They usually fail. They get a LOT of gunfire, it does an ok amount of damage, but they get dont get enough of either of them to impress once you hit 30 or above. Keep in mind, there's some exaggeration here. Soldiers arent... dead on arrival. And since you'll likely be in a group, you can rely on the team to pick up your G.I Joes and carry them to victory. But please understand, your medic is not a medic. YOU are the medic. YOUR medic will give a booboo soft kisses, just in time for your soldier to die. He gets a baby horse stimulant later, it's useless, but dont worry, he'll still waste everyone's time and resources applying it as often as he can. I would like to say they get some nice AoE, but they dont, because instead they get a FIVE DEGREE CONE Spec Ops are honestly where the set "shines". Spec opps get a snipe, they get stealth, they get flashbangs, they get tear gas. Theyre really nice debuffers! Or... they would be... if these things didnt take nearly three times as long as player equivalents... but! They do get stealth. Stealth helps. The Commando is probably what you'd want from your tier ones, not what you'd want from a tier 3 summon. But! You only get one of him, which means you can easily keep up with him, and you can juice him up with every buff you have. As for YOUR gun, the Grenade is the best power. You may want to cut a deal with the P2W lady, buy grenades from her too. Maybe cut a deal with her to get better soldiers too... while youre cutting deals, you can stack whatever you want into slug since that's the good one. You can also take Burst if you find your soldiers miserable damage output needs to be supplemented with mediocre damage. It's not even that much of a proc monster... So. That's the basics. That is, in short, my hell. Welcome to it, welcome friend, you'll be here forever mostly because you can't kill aynthing in any amount of time...
  9. I disagree. I think this game's greatest strength is the character customization and more pieces only improve upon it. "Signature Characters" already have many of their items in the CC, and vice cersa, and certain things like "fur" is not exactly what I would call "signature" fashion... especially since the fur is just kinda a trim to his oft forgotten cape. From the front it looks like he just has some fuzzy shoulder pads. But if you turn the boy around... You'll notice it's a large tuft of fur that joins with his cape (im not sure how its layered in the code, this might be a "shoulder" slot item that comes OVER the back) So. TECHNICALLY we already have Recluse's shoulders, since you can clearly see he doesnt wear anything there. What we SHOULD be clamoring for is his cape.. Or... maybe it's a part of his spider pack? Does Recluse ever complain about the clipping issues here to his fashion designers?
  10. Pelvic curtain, butt cape, AND Marilyn Monroe dress Edit: Also these armbands and this choker.
  11. So, a while back I made a thread about the duelies character I was tempted to make. I made them. I picked up Trick Arrow as the primary since that fit the best thematically. Turns out, this was a terrible(ly wonderful) idea. This thing can slot the whole fucking universe, apparently. So... how do I get the most bang for my buck here? The only thing I know for sure I'd like is the defender class IO that does the aoe heal to be going off fairly frequently, since the only thing this set LACKS is a healing power, and eing able to cheat one onto it through the heal proc feals like the icing on the cake to this incredibly fun combo.
  12. So, SOME of the powers give you some basic information about them when you hover over them, some give you information right in their descriptions, but most have neither. Right clicking does nothing. I'd kinda like to know the mechanics of what Im buying, so is there anywhere where it's listed? And if not, does the "revoke" option work if Ive bought a power, used a charge, then realized it wasnt what I wanted so I can test these things out?
  13. Behold... my P O W E R! Hgnnn... Hngaaaa! Yaaaaaaah! SHAAAAAAAAAH! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! At long last. Difficulty... I've unlocked the power... to tweak the base difficulty! And with this power... I can experience, at long last, a challenge! Beyond the feeble machinations of the filthy casuals! They'll never understand... What T R U E P O W E R is like! The FOOLS!! At long last... the euphoria...
  14. I was just about to say this - im not sure how far you could take this? Like, Im not sure if you could do something like a rolling keybind on top of those? So like "pressing t executes Deflection Shield, releasing t executes Insulation and rolls the bind over so when you next press t it will execute Howl and releasing t will cast Shockwave and then reset the sequence" so I have no idea HOW crazy this could get? Because, if you CAN do this, you could theoretically just "roll over" bind your enter kit and just keep mashing "t"? I have no idea. But the point here is that I was gonna say "you can set up a macro to cast a power on press and on release", and that's the most important thing!
  15. *Recluse Crab Huntsmen Crab Wolf Crab Widow Crabs Fortune Telling Crabs Trapdoor Crab, (Carbiter) Sand Crab, Sun Crab (Crablinda) and yes, Crab Crabs
  16. Noooooobody knows, the trouble iiiive seen Noooobody knows, but Arachnooooos
  17. No no, that's a good point! Let's get rid of enhancements while we're at it! And... ya know what? Level ups totally refreshing your health? That's dumb. Get that crap out of my game! In fact! I mean, why stop there? SOOOOOOOOO many problems could be solved if we just removed super powers from the game. Like, really, I think that's one of the biggest balance breaking things nobody's brave enough to call out? But it's gotta be said. We gotta make a stand! Here and now!
  18. Jesus, do you use shaders or is this just your graphics settings? HOW DO YOU GET A THIGHBAND?! Bobcat > Mynx < Ghost Widow < Hamidon-chan
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