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Everything posted by Redletter

  2. I know! I said they have capes. But notice how the brooch for the cape is situated in the middle, as per the "over the shoulder" option, but lacks the same covering.
  3. Actually, come to think of it, a lot of praetorian and beyond characters are blessed with cool stuff like this. Maestrom has those pistols, Battle Maiden takes her halberd off her back, and apparently Desdamona has a Hi-Res Booty...
  4. Actually! Now that you mention it? I'd be into grabbing the inherent teleports offered to Warshades and to pair them with widow, or even fortunata training.
  5. I know this maybe a little crazy, but could we get capes that are invisible? Like... the carnival of light wizards have capes, and their broaches are placed as such that it looks like a neckclace, wish I had a screen shot. If capes had a "0 opacity" option, the broach could appear on a character like a broach, badge, necklace, or what have you. ig the cape were invisible the brooc would look like a part of the carnival of light chest piece It'd also allow for the High Collar option to JUST make a high collared coat, with no cape to speak of. were the cape not visible, you could just have a fluffy shall
  6. Illusion Control/Illusion Control - Phantom Army, except it's Gang War. Martial Assault (dominator)/Martial Combat (blaster) - This isnt as much a meme as my first suggestion, Im genuinely surprised there's no Ranged Damage set based on the various "ninja" weapons. There's more than half the set there in Martial Assault. Martial Assault/Widow Training - More ninja, but now with arm katanas Assault Rifle/Arachnos Soldier - CoH? No. CoD! Mind Control/Psi Melee - The fact Psi Melee builds DONT generally have access to other mind powers bugs me. They, quite ranfomly, get Mass Levitate, and Boggle? Like, WHY? This is clearly supposed to be LEGALLY DISTINCT Psylocke, but you get these control powers out of nowhere just because you, as a psychic, could have them? Yet, neither Blaster, nor Dominator (the only two classes who combine ranged attacks and melee attacks outside of Epic Archetypes and Ancilery/Patron powers) get the psi blades. Trap Arrow/Tactical Arrow - Blasters in general are spoiled fucking rotten, theyre versions of other classes powers are sometimes just so fucking good and they show up NOWHERE. ELSE! It's one of the only reasons I absolutely advocate for letting people choose whatever set they want on whatever class they want, because it is genuinely baffling why THIS lone class gets so much special treatment... whatever, my point is I'd like Upshot, Eagle Eye, and Gymnastic on my Trap Arrow defender. Earth Control/Seismic Blast - Dominator is in a similar position of the blaster, but it's remedied slightly by the fact it doesnt get as much as a special treatment. I digress though, Id like to double down on ranged earth powers in a way that the Dominator simply cant do. Spines/Poison (or Poison/Spines) the lack of a class that combines support and MELEE is weird. I really want a defender, but for melee. It'd help support some of those Res powers that require you to be closer than you'd like to be for a defender. Plus, these are the only two poison sets in the game. More importantly, Im kinda sick of trying to make an armor set match the colors of Spines' poison vfx... Literally Any and All Mastermind Primary Powersets/Anything Besides Support Sets - The Mastermind should have defender stats on their support sets, straight up. Theyre taken out by a stiff breeze, enemies will aggro them even if the pets are the ones to engage and theyre stuck with mediocre support powers to try and keep their minions, theyre primary feature, from failing them - all because they get the crumbs of a different power set you may as well ignore? So, instead, let me keep MYSELF alive, or! Let me get more actively involved! I'll play a Zombies/Broadsword character! If you won't buff my ability to support them, then let me fight with them!! GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME BUFFS! Any of the VEAT Specializations/Anything Else - This is mostly because it's super obnoxious that you cant see the specialization information at all until you unlock them. Being able to choose one right out of the gate means I can see the information about their powers RIGHT AWAY! And finally... Crab Spider Training/Crab Spider Training -
  7. Shield Defense/Super Strength. There's probably better builds mechanically? But rocking the "captain america special" is a great way to play. All your powers are super staight forward, like, there's ZERO complications with this combo, everything you expect is directly on the tin. It's simple and cheap to slot, all you really care about is reducing your stamina costs and pumping your damage, which you can do just fine with SOs. It's very simple, its very cool, its very stylish, is very effective. These are the four things I would say are key for new players, since I, as an inexperienced player, value these things most. I find that having this sorta "core fundamentals" character helps teach you as a player what to expect while leveling in general, and is a great springboard for other, more dramatic or complex ideas. Like this! Fire Armor/Ice Melee is a REALLY powerful combo. You effectively become that kid from home alone, making your enemies slip on ice and getting multiple cocussions while you light them on fire. You can slot ALL kinds of things in those sets, like, there's three AoE toggles for damage in between them? You can slap a Perfect Zinger: Psi damage into one of them, Ice Mistral, Impeded Swiftness, there's probably a few "chance for imobilize" or "chance for hold" you could tick in them maybe, and just turn the area around you into a terrifying AoE hell from which there is no escape. You can put a -res in there maybe? I dunno. I havent made one, Im having too much fun with my SD/SS tanker to start leveling one...
  8. Ok grandpa, now let's get you back to the home...
  9. Leaving a comment here because Im also trying to make a Kin/??? Scrapper, and the insights here may probe fruitful if I decide to to /Rad. The only thing I knoq for certain is that Power Syphon should probably get Gaussians: Chance for Build up at LEAST, and maybe the full set, im not sure how that would mess with the Build Up proc chances. Regardless, best of luck on your build!
  10. More importantly, what happened to Horus' COSMETICS?! I wanna rock and walk like an egyptian co- ... Chicken
  11. Thanks, Perv. I thought it was for like, "loading into any redside location causes my game to crash" and other importanr issues. But now I know I can post all my dumb questions there and no one can stop me! The double click would be useful if I werent playin on my laptop most of the time, and in no position to set up a mouse. Double tapping the trackpad happens on accident more often than I'd like? So I'd be miscasting that like crazy. That "Baby want UP!" one though is super good! Especially since, according to the command, it goes the MAX distance of the power, so if I slot Teleport with say, like, 6 range enhancers, it wouldnt throw me the base max of tele, it would throw me to whatever the max enhanced range was, so that's good to know. Ahhh, see, I didnt know a macro for a power didnt plug it into the tray. I thought that when you made a macro for a power, it slotted it into your tray (the only macro for a "power" ive ever used was for the super group commands people show off, and those go right into the tray). So that's a different part of the command string all together. Good to know! Thank you, OH so very much. Both for the help, and for using small words so my brain doesnt turn to glue trying to understand the information.
  12. Tankers are His chosen people, Bill. Just because you have chosen to forsake Him and His gifts, all for the Scrapper menace, doesnt make His plan any less flawless. Now excuse me, while I continue to try to level my SM/SR scrapper to 50
  13. This probably isnt the place for this, but I also dont think this is a pressing "help" forum concern? I dunno. Im not a big macro kinda person, since learning macros makes my brain melt. I just picked up Combat Tele. on my stalker, and I'd like to be able to put it on my tray as a something I can just press the button for and it will execute it, and I'd like a version that i can use a "cast where my cursor is immediatley" kinda deal. How do I do that?
  14. Pfft! Listen kid, it's 2022. NOBODY is going to fall for such an obvious lie, there's NO such thing as "people who take stars". Take your trolling elsewhere.
  15. This may not be the right place for it, but I was curious if the alternate animations for the melee powers in Elec Manipulation are gonna make their way over to Elec Melee, since they share the powers for the most part? Or is that like, a wierdly impossible thing because C O D E?
  16. Ya know, those covers look like they were done by different artsits. Things to note: Synapse has small feet Sister Psyche's cleavage exposure seems to fluctuate between her appearances Manticore's got some GREAT lateral on his legs, which in themselves are rather feminine Statesmen's got kinda a Dad Bod goin' on Lord Recluse has golden accents on his helmet that dont show up elsewhere. Does he have FORMAL event HELMETS?! My word...
  17. Well, the Class Ios go for between 7 and 10mil. There's 6 in each set, and you want both so thats 120mil~ for both. Looking at the same price for Winter sets, I personally dont like most of them? But people like them, and odds are you can slot at LEAST 2 full sets, so that's another 120mil. Now we've got the regular purples, which tend to go for 10-12mil, there's at least two you can get going, but I know I could slot 3 full sets? So that's gonna run you 148mil~ or so, more if you want more than two. If you want to dip into some of those PvP sets, youre looking at 7-10mil, now, I personally think getting the WHOLE set isnt worth it? Especially since, somehow, they are JUST as expensive as the other sets yet the pvp community is so small here? Im convinced that this is part of some kind of conspiracy, but I digress, that's another 60mil for one of them. The "popular uniques" section is full of things that go for around 8-9mil each and there's 9 of them or so? 49mil right there. That's already around 500mil, give or take as your needs demand. This isnt including all the proc stuffing youll need, if you need to buy catalysts, or if youre trying to craft them yourself and have to buy the materials. And that's ON TOP of the roughly 500mil you need to get your Golden Spandex, which NO. REAL. BUILD. is complete without. Like, if youre not rocking the golden undies of justice you JUST arent ready to play with the adults, it's just that simple. SO yeah! Youre looking at 1bil inf or so. Minimum.
  18. Thanks for the clarification!
  19. I think it honestly depends on the character. Some get a LOT from early slotting of the high-end stuff, while, in my experience, most can get by fine with whatever the longbow vender is selling. Examples of classes that REALLY like their class IOs ASAP: - Stalkers - Tankers - Scrappers - Defenders These four have REALLY nice class ios that make their lives MUCH easier. It's a thing youll notice while playing them without them, once you have them. It's important to note that the procs are the MOST important pieces, but the whole set is the goal for most. I wouldnt worry about getting the WHOLE set, since most Single Origins will serve you JUST fine.
  20. You will exemplar down to the level of the team leader. If you are 50, and team leader is 6, you will put down to 6. You will have all the powers you had up to level 6. Anything AFTER that will be greyed out and unavailable for use UNTIL the leader reaches the level you unlocked those abilities at. For instance: Let's say youre a level 50 Tanker. With Invulnerability/Super Strength. You take Resist Physical Damage and are given Jab at character creation - this is level 1. At level 2 you take Temp Invulnerability. At level 3 you take Punch. At 4 you get Fly, at 5 you take Haymaker, and at 6 you take Resist Elements. If you've exemplar'd down to level 6, THESE will be all the powers from your class that you have, and in that order. BECAUSE your powers are locked in at the level you get them at, most "builds" youll find here on the forums have a specific progression for them so that way you can exemplar down without issue. For instance, let's say you respec a Stalker once you reach level 50, and take Assassin's Strike as your level 40 power. That means, if you examplar down BELOW 40, your stalker would not be able to use assassin's strike. No. DFB has a different progression than Examplar-ing though, as all of it's kin do. For instance: If youre in a positron youll be level 15, and allowed access to your power progression UP TO level 20. Youll be fine. Any "level set" content will set your level to where it needs to be, and if youre on a team your level be lowered to the leader's. This can get annoying if you respec at 50, and forgot to take specific powers in specific progression so you dont LOSE them when you examplar down. BUT, that's more a matter for the forum page dedicated to whatever your class is let's say a Tanker - if you wanted guidance for a Invul/SS tanker ideal power progression you should make a post on the Tanker subforum.
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