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Everything posted by Dacy

  1. Moses Jones contributed 100 million. Just thought folks should know! -Dacy
  2. Giveaway loot, continued. Rare IO: Basically, 1-3 of each type of rare salvage. Event: Easy! 50 of each of the four types of Halloween salvage. -Dacy
  3. Here is a (requested) post showing what salvage we get to give away, plus 50,000,000 in infl. These are high quality, blame Linux; I took a pic of all total, will upload as many as I can of breakdowns which are easier to take in. All: Special: List: 1500 brain storm ideas, 1000 converters, 300 unslotters, 100 boosters, 30 catalysts, 30 superpack (heroes) and 30 superpack (villians). Next post, the other two in breakdown, rare IO and event. -Dacy
  4. NPCs are super hard to select by click. I typically position them before I place, by attaching them to surface, and placing the surface so they will be positioned the way I wish. If the position isn't right, I ctrl/z and do it again. However, OneManTankWall has made some demos of grabbing and replacing and manipulating NPCs. https://imgur.com/a/oTXP6C8 and https://imgur.com/a/lQoEduq. I haven't tried his technique, myself, being quite used to how I do it. But I hope it helps! -Dacy
  5. You are so kind! Thank you. The alphabet letters are not the only alphabet available, there is a full alphabet in the sg logos as well. So, anything that can display a sg logo can be used to write things. This includes banners, sg dividers in dividers and the sg logo displays and podiums in tech. (I am not sure of the exact names of those items offhand). I’ve also made my own letters from a variety of items, including bathroom stall panels, candles, soap, bones, and candy boxes. The lit, rotating letters are the logo displays from tech. -Dacy
  6. I used a variant of this. I used the letter I, but not like how you show the Qs lined up. The face of the letter has the plate that induces the slide; unfortunately, you can only see it from below. By lining up my letter i's so that the plates are contiguous (use "hidden markers" under options to see the plate on the letter, or /seeeverything) and placing them at a 45 degree angled slope, I have my shark pool which only exits down (barring the use of fly). I did find that fx plates can slow or temporarily stop the slide, so, for the most part, I had to bury those under the tech balconies which the letters seem to be on. I also discovered that the letters must be face up, not face down; despite the fact that there is a plate on either side, the effect will not work if it's not the front plate that's being used. I also found, as you did, that I could not hide the letters by sinking them mostly into the floor. Even though the plate is still above the floor, you no longer slide on it. So, I had hoped to have a slide where you did not see the letters, but instead, I have this: A note, if you are putting a slide pit together, make sure the plates join evenly, or if that's not possible, make sure the one below is not above the one above, or it will stop the slide. It does not matter which way the letters face, and it does not matter which letter; I used I because it screams "Alphabet Letter!" the least. Base shift has made a few spots less than perfect, but overall, I did what I hoped I could. It's a trap! 😄 Here's a shot showing the plates of the alphabet letters from underneath. Note there are no spaces visible, and this is important. (I hate these plates in any other circumstance...) Probably not the clearest picture, but given that it's a complete build at this point, there's not much space for a picture. But that's several plates. Thanks for pioneering this! While I did not use the same method exactly, you gave me the idea to adapt to get it to work for my situation. 🙂 -Dacy
  7. Hi! I hope this isn’t a problem, but I petitioned to have the name of my sg changed from Spooktastic to The Witch’s House. First of all, it’s more descriptive (I really wasn’t thinking when I chose that name and haven’t been comfortable broadcasting it). Secondly, “spooktastic” could be perceived as offensive by some. So, officially it’s The Witch’s House code BOO-17189 sg leader: Halloween Mystic contact person: @Dacy, sole builder As to a tour, I know you all have been through already, although no one looked for the secret room, but that’s not integral to the experience. Do you feel as though you saw all four paths to their final teleporter? If you’d like to be sure, or you do want to see the secret room, let me know and I’ll choose a time when you put up the next block. Otherwise, since the main goal of the base is surprise in the exploration, I don’t feel the need to lead you through. If I did my job right, you saw everything. Thank you! -Dacy
  8. @naganrhys, please check out my video tutorials, pinned to this topic, they are very helpful. You will find all the storage items we have in either arcane workshop or tech workshop, in the first series of tabs on the editor bar. You may have up to 18 of any combination of IO, inspiration, or salvage racks. -Dacy
  9. Thanks, @Grindingsucks! I’m glad the tutorials helped! I keep getting asked this; maybe it’s a sign? No, I have artistic talent and a creative drive, but nothing professional. -Dacy
  10. Decided to post my dragon head from my Halloween base. Please go visit the base if you have not, the reactions I'm getting say you will love the experience! (And it is an experience, not just a tour). BOO-17189. Here's my dragon head. Now I want a whole one! I really like the effect I got on his eyes. -Dacy
  11. Thanks, GM Miss 🙂 I'll just wait til next year, I guess, which gives me an entire year to make some expansions I've planned, muahaha. 🙂 Meanwhile, thank you for leaving it up! My entire goal is to get folks to enjoy it, and I'd probably pay influence to watch the GMs go thru. So if you feel like letting me know when/if you go see it, I'd love that!! 😍 -Dacy
  12. I just heard, and am so sorry. The community will miss him greatly. -Dacy
  13. There may be (is, in my case) people who commissioned bases from either the same person, or the person who worked on a base for someone else also has one of their own. Different owners. Other contests have ruled that it’s not fair to exclude a base because it has the same contributor, if the owners are different, and I’d asked questions, and they said well, if you contribute on more than one, you can only win once. Let me just put out there, in the highly unlikely event that both entries I’m connected to would place, please give priority to the entry from @Invincer (idk if by “you can only win once”, they meant prize/title is only awarded once, even if both placed, or one eliminates the other and can’t place if the other places, but I really don’t want to knock him out of the competition.) Honestly, the base I did for Halloween is for fun, I want the GMs to tour it, and it’d be awesome if they thought it was as fun as others seem to, but that’s honestly my main motivation in entering it. If it’s going to cause any problems, I will withdraw. I have no idea how either stacks up in the judges’ eyes, so it’s just a guesstimate as to which they’d like better, and I’d rather let @Invincer be able to compete. I admit, tho, I’d prefer to let them both be ranked, and see if this is even an issue in this highly competitive contest. -Dacy
  14. /visscale 5 gets rid of the different redraw times of objects in the base, so, if you are looking at things that tend to fade out at a distance (and that distance may not be that much), you'll see them more clearly if you increase your /visscale. Normal is, I believe, 2, so if it affects performance (haven't heard of this even on slow systems, but you never know), just type /visscale 2 to return to how it was. -Dacy
  15. I made a base especially for Halloween. Well, it's also to be able to hand out goodies courtesy of @VileTerror's event, but I thought, hey, let's make a fun Halloween base, something really interactive. I've gotten lots of excitement from those who have been through it, and I invite you to come and see! For the most fun, turn off fly, and set /visscale to 5 or better. Happy exploring! And be sure to show up on Halloween for your special treat! It's a nice one! Code BOO-17189, on Everlasting! Happy Halloween! -Dacy
  16. I made a base especially for Halloween. Well, it's also to be able to hand out goodies courtesy of @VileTerror's event, but I thought, hey, let's make a fun Halloween base, something really interactive. I've gotten lots of excitement from those who have been through it, and I invite you to come and see! For the most fun, turn off fly, and set /visscale to 5 or better. Happy exploring! And be sure to show up on Halloween for your special treat! It's a nice one! Code BOO-17189, on Everlasting! -Dacy
  17. Okay, I made this base just for the Halloween event and for the Halloween special event that @VileTerror is doing, but from the reactions of the people who have visited it, plus a desire to have the GMs and devs go through it, I'm entering my base, Spooktastic. (Note: while I did design another base in the contest, I do not own that one, I own this one). Couple of notes: It's a public base, for fun, for Halloween. For the best experience, no flying, set /visscale to 5 or higher. Shard: Everlasting Base: Spooktastic Code: BOO-17189 Owner/sole contributor: @Dacy (Character for base creation: Halloween Mystic)
  18. Oh, I hadn't read all of the posts in here. I entered a base I did, a public base which I own, and then @ralewis entered a base that she owns, but I made it for her. Does that count as one or two for me? That's the only problem with doing bases for others, I'm never sure of these rules. On the one hand, it doesn't seem fair to exclude someone because their base builder did another base that is also entered, but on the other hand, it's also not fair to hog the competition, and hey, I'm competing against ...myself? Tho in different categories. Can they be entered in different categories? Let me know, and we'll work it out, I don't want to be a problem, here. -Dacy
  19. SG: Spooktastic Code: Boo-17189 Contact: @Dacy Public themed base for fun, could fit in maze category as well. 🙂 Each of the 4 paths to explore has an endpoint which can transport you to the end goal (the treat room!). -Dacy (PS, for best experience, no flying, set /visscale to 5 or higher)
  20. Chaos Girl, that was a beautiful and sweet post. I’m honored to be a “guru” for you. It always amazes me and is both humbling and thrilling to see people take what I showed them and go to even more extraordinary heights with it! Oh, and, there’s a trick to cladding the outside of a base, I think I was the one to discover how to tame the editor’s balkiness in this regard; I will be happy to show/tell you about it (when I can, I will make a video about it). -Dacy
  21. That’s Divine, it won second. -Dacy
  22. Congratulations, Giovanni! I knew you'd be in the top three, for sure, and was thinking you could definitely win it. Well executed, large, detailed base, no flicker, well laid out, with some inventive stuff. I wasn't sure if Divine would count, since it was not finished, and the rules said that the base must be finished to be judged, but it's spectacular. And I truly thought Chaos Girl's base would be in the top three, but, I think that without her to guide them, a person could easily not find all the incredible things she's put into that base. Which is too bad, because it's a super well thought out base, as well, and both of you put so much time into it! Well done, everyone. -Dacy
  23. Four days to go! Have you narrowed the field any? And if you had, would you tell us? 🙂 -Dacy
  24. I like the door! Well done! -Dacy
  25. Amazing bases! Wow, I don't know how you're going to choose! Thanks for doing this contest, and thanks for looking at all of our bases! Nothing makes a base builder happier than having people see their stuff. 🙂 In the ONES space ship, the Oranderite, I did want to call attention to detail. Check out, for example, the bar in the nightclub. There's a garnish tray for drink garnishes there. I tried to pay attention to detail in each room I did. Thanks! -Dacy
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