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Everything posted by Dacy

  1. Thank you!! I’ve seen some of your stuff around here, and you are quite the premier base builder, so that compliment is very much appreciated. 😊
  2. There, now I can post more. Captain's quarters: One of the halls of crew quarters: A crew room, shared quarters with a living area and bathroom, also a replicator in case you don't feel like going to the general cafeteria or restaurant/bar: Cafeteria Restaurant/bar/lounge: Exercise room with rock climbing wall 🙂 -Dacy
  3. I can't seem to post more, it tells me max size is reached, but I can't access the ones I uploaded to delete and upload different ones.
  4. Here is a ship I was working on, but am going to redo it with some of the new pieces we got. It was just getting too big, too slow to do base functions. Here is the front, side, and back.... Here is the bridge, with starscreen and vid screen. (All base functions are right on bridge or just outside of it, for easy access)Engine room. I've run out of room, I'll try and get more in another post. -Dacy
  5. Well, at least, usually they don't move a lot, nor often. I think once it's gone through a couple of resets, it shouldn't move again. Also, you don't have to use a really -big- object, find one that's a comparable width. If it's too long, sink the end into the floor (unless it's got something underneath). -Dacy
  6. Okay, I've tried this with multiple items during multiple sessions (although always on the 64-bit client), and it's consistent. When I get an object that is lying down, such as a floor piece, statue base, etc, and I try and angle it so it is upright, I cannot get the piece to align at a 90 degree angle (upright) facing south. It will align facing north, at which point I swivel it around so it's facing south, but this is an annoying extra step. I've tried it at all angle snaps, thinking somehow I was maybe going too fast to get that angle that's between slightly under and slightly over rotated, but nope. That angle does not seem to exist, if I'm rotating the north side of the object to the top, so the object's top is now facing south. I hope this is clear...I tried to take pictures to illustrate, but the print screen function didn't seem to work this time (I took pictures yesterday with the same settings, outside of the base, and it worked fine). -Dacy
  7. This is due to spaghetti coding. The base is using text fields for numeric values. So, it must round. (Reset time to see rounding error is about 6 mins out of base). So, you do see some things shift...it seems like vertical shifts are more pronounced than horizontal, to me. There is no fix for it that the devs can do, other than recode the entire base editor, which is a distant, distant project. Here's all you can do: play with slight angles. Leave them however they've shifted (tho, small repositionings sometimes give you different rounding errors, which can result in a near match), and angle one slightly higher and one slightly lower, so they are even. With the new base items, you could also get something as big as the entire ramp you want, and place that as a surface, so the surface is even (power substation foundations in cityscape comes to mind). It's pretty much a "play around until it works" type of thing. Sorry. For all of us, lol. 🙂 -Dacy
  8. I'd have to check, since it's been a while since I used the base's style and not created my own, but it seems to me that if you apply a style to the base, you get the trim in the doorways of the style you chose. Also, you can light the doorways by sinking Ceiling Spotlights in the floor/walls/ceilings.
  9. I would like to request a change in the new indoor/outdoor lighting options: could we please have lights not lose their effect in outdoor lighting?? When it's night time, you can't have lights indoors if you have outdoor lighting (and an indoor part to the base), and it's impossible to well light an entire plot (especially if you built over the base plot edge) with indoor lighting. It's very annoying, and I'm not sure that overall, it's actually an improvement and not just a trade-off. Or perhaps I am the only one, or one of the few, that likes to build both indoor and outdoor components in a base? If you go outdoor lighting, you also lose the effects you can obtain with the base colored lighting. I'd just like to have the wonderful effect of outdoor lighting, but also be able to light certain areas all the time. Please? -Dacy
  10. No, you can have one room that is nearly the size of the biggest plot. In that room, you can use base items to make open doorways (currently no way to make a door that opens and closes) in between areas. However, if you are using the base rooms, they must have a hallway between the doorways, and no wall can touch another wall, not even the corners.
  11. Typically, I put about three levels in a base; if you try to make more, you'll have less than 10 feet of clearance (the COT door works well for measuring this) and will start to run into clearance issues, even when your character isn't that high (the computer apparently has to allow for the possibility your character needs that much clearance). The cement walls, without most of the wooden paneling (just leave the same amount at the bottom as the top) works well as a measure of one level, and leaves room for a ceiling. For floors, well, some people use the docks in Landscape to do floors and ceilings simultaneously. I find the big docks to be a bit thick for my liking; besides, I like light ceilings. I might use the dock to set the floor level until I have the surface covered in what I want the surface to be, though; although, usually, I'll just slide a piece of office flooring around (Ctrl is so helpful here, because then I know it's always at the same level no matter where I move it). If I use pieces for the ceiling, I tend to use the larger shower floor, in bathrooms, the underside of that is solid with no drain. They lay perfectly next to each other if you set your grid on 1/4. You can build either above or below the base, too; you can move the base entry so that that's where you enter, if you wish, or you can access it with internal base porters. The base plot goes WAY up and down; the only thing to keep in mind is that you cannot build to the side of the rooms on the plot, you can only build up or down from whatever rooms you have. If you want to build higher (or lower) than the base itself, then you'll have to move something like a piece of flooring up or down to build on. My best advice is learn all of the commands in editing the base, it will make life so much easier! :) -Dacy
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