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Everything posted by AxerJ

  1. Water control and something Mu related?
  2. Great post, Zect! I agree with everything you've said. The only thing I feel is that the activation time of Storm Cell is a little too long. Do you think SC should activate more quickly? Considering how important it is. I think a faster activation would smooth out Storm Blast to perfection.
  3. For the ability we're using every fight, the activation time is kind of annoying. It really should be immediate. Why do we need to wait 2 seconds before it begins? Why can't the rain just start pouring as soon as we lift our hands up? If Storm Cell's activation time is much reduced (I think it should be near instantaneous), the set will feel much smoother. As it is now, it feels delayed. Not a great feeling. I know this is supposed to be like a slow-moving storm, but that does not mean the activation needs to be lagged -- especially since we depend on this ability for every other ability. Please.
  4. YES! That'd be an amazing, heroic resolution which would truly elevate AR...
  5. There is no projectile or explosion graphic when firing the LRM Rocket ability from Munitions Mastery on a blaster using the Crey Pulse Blaster weapon. Thanks!
  6. Agreed, and I like Tempest!
  7. This is especially important for the laser swords - 'no redraw' makes the most sense, as we can imagine the beams extending out of the hilts.
  8. Changes are great, except I hate to lose Ignite. It was such a unique power. I'd much rather it be a bit buffed or tweaked than replaced with Incinerate.
  9. Amazing set, so fun - incredible work devs, one of my favorite now! The only tweak I might make is to increase the radius of Storm Cell a little bit. Not too much.
  10. My KM/Regen scrapper is in my top 3 most fun chars to play! I think regen is a great contender for this topic. Regen is fun as hell, requires more involvement than others, and can still have supreme defense with a low cooldown MoG. And so much healing if they get through our def. And revive if that all fails, which is incredibly rare. And the scrapper KM doesn't lose its awesome ranged cone like its stalker set does. One of the coolest animations on that ranged cone, I think. My KM/Regen has water spout for more cc and that +100% recharge proc.
  11. Just giving this a nice bump.
  12. Any sound mods out there for Ion Judgement? It's so dinky. It would be awesome to hear some real Zeus lightning with this epic power...
  13. I'd especially love lethal resistance because I can't stand seeing all my awesome undead surrounded by hovering bright orange and purple shield symbols, so I don't equip the +res/+def enhancements. It's a crazy self-nerf, but I can't enjoy playing them with those horrid bright icons nonsensically hovering around them, obscuring their sweet, dark countenances. So my undead are extra squishy. (btw, please look at making those floating symbols from the +res/+def buffs optional vfx! Plzzz)
  14. Very much agreed, hear hear!
  15. Would it also be possible to make the floating orange and purple shield icons optional around our pets when the +res/+def enhancements are slotted? Since you're doing a mastermind revamp. Very interesting changes, you all rock!
  16. Do we need to reserve a spot or is it whoever shows up at the time? I bet there'll be more than 45 people trying to play. Awesome that you're doing this btw, top quality!
  17. Thanks for the interesting tips, Sable -- I couldn't take the icons anymore and got rid of those enhancements too. I'm certainly noticing the -30% resistance, but the floating colors around each undead kill the fun for me. Great to see some ways we can work around them!
  18. Yeah, it'd be incredible to be able to reduce the bright visual clutter. But please let me see my undead clearly... don't visually penalize us for using the needed +res/+def enhancements!
  19. I've been leveling my first ever mastermind, and I've been really getting into the character - a Necro/Storm. I have a cool former Circle of Thorns magus-turned-lich theme. The aesthetics of the character and the minions are really fun. But then I got the +res/+def pet enhancements. And now all my undead have permanent, bright orange and purple floating shield icons around them. Forever. It's actually killing my interest in playing, as it's just not very fun to look at anymore. So have masterminds resigned themselves to seeing these orange and purple shields floating around their henchmen permanently? Is that the state of a mastermind? That sucks. I'm seriously considering removing them altogether, but I'm a necro/storm -- the pets need those buffs. I'm not giving them any shields. I could just try to knock the enemies down all the time, but removing +30% res and +10% def seems like a pretty significant hit to their survivability. What do you all think of the permanent +res/+def icons floating around your pets all the time? It's really too bad that something which is essentially mandatory is so ugly. Could the devs make these floating orange and purple indicators optional? It's pretty much killing my desire to play a mastermind. Obviously, the look is a lot to me in this game.
  20. Exactly. Please consider this, devs!! /e plead
  21. Or - make the mastermind henchmen +res and +def enhancements a straight buff and not an aura. Whatever must be done to remove those horribly unsightly, permanent bright orange and purple shield icons from floating around our minions for all eternity. Thank you!
  22. The everpresent floating orange and purple shield icons from +res and +def buffs (even from enhancements!) look quite lame. I was enjoying my mastermind, but now all my cool undead are constantly circled by large orange and purple shield symbols because I equipped the +def/+res pet enhancements. Please make these optional! Thank you.
  23. I adoooooore this idea. It'd be so easy to opt out of if we didn't want to participate. I'd also love having the pvp event somehow face heroes against villains. But this mind control episode would also be great. Fun mass pvp, no negative consequences, pleeeeeeeeeease.
  24. Hm, I missed the fact that they'd need their buffs again anyway if they were ressed - that slipped my mind, oops! I was assuming for some reason the ressed pets would retain their empowerments. That'd be nice! But what yall are saying makes sense - resummoning is essentially the res. Thanks
  25. Allowing masterminds to resurrect henchmen would add a huge amount of utility to their resurrect skill. Instead of needing to resummon every time and buff, the resurrect skill would fit in perfectly with their unique ability set. It would further differentiate the mastermind's abilities in a cool way, too. Maybe no one else would be able to resurrect the minion - only its mastermind. I think this would benefit the mastermind archetype significantly and makes total sense. If we're worried about a new meta emerging wherein minion captains are allowed to die so they can be ressed with whatever res buffs, perhaps new rules could be made for resurrecting minions. Perhaps they could just be resurrected without buffs, while buffs (and drawbacks) are reserved for player resses. Or maybe it wouldn't really matter.
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