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Everything posted by AerialAssault

  1. Yeah you're right, I also forgot to mention auto powers. (As an aside, putting Regen/Recovery Aura onto Healing Aura means an Empath character would have to stand uncomfortably close to melee characters who typically need those buffs the most. Healing Aura doesn't heal nearly fast enough to absorb any incoming AoE damage) It's clear you put a lot of thought into this, and I wouldn't say no to it being trialled. That's what beta servers are for after all. But to me at least it would make an already fairly uninspiring set to play even more dull. I agree with @Linea in that the proposed changes would probably be better off in a new support set.
  2. Rendering down an entire support set to a bunch of toggles sure sounds like fun.
  3. You'll take my patriotic billboard from my cold, dead, human hands
  4. In short: No. The long of it is that releasing a game on a console can only be done with the express consent of the console owner (so, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft). Since Homecoming does not own the rights to the City of Heroes brand, they won't entertain the idea. Whether it would be physically possible is another thing. City of Heroes might be an old game, but it is optimised for PC use only. Preparing it for console would be a herculean task. Also, how would it even work on console? I'm trying to imagine the controller configuration in my head and I can't think of anything that would be intuitive to use AND work for any AT/Powerset
  5. I've heard rumours that they masquerade as ordinary players, us. They stalk amongst us, unseen, wielding terrifying and godlike power. That cute Ice/Cold Controller you met on the Posi1? The silent Poison/Rad Defender that carried the group through a rough Barracuda? Even the loud and boisterous Brute who kept running ahead and getting killed. All of them could be Homecoming staff, waiting, biding their time to unleash their awesome wrath. Why, they could be anyone. Anyone in this thread could be one! Even ... You.
  6. Just saying, I don't see anyone volunteering to write this metaphorical list of can's/cant's of character creation.
  7. Talk of what is or is not creative aside, I'd rather not take the Dev's time away to nanny and handhold people for something that is obvious to the rest of us. If you feel as if you have been unfairly generic'd, petition a GM about it.
  8. Read through the announcement for your answers. Don't expect the Homecoming team to budge on this any time soon.
  9. Spending weeks, even months physically assembling a costume, perhaps even working out so that you can cosplay as your favourite character =/= Spending 15 minutes in the character creator making "Batguy", the Natural MA/SR Scrapper
  10. I want to be honest OP, I don't know what your suggestion is. Do you want Homecoming to have a comprehensive list of everything that is or is not allowed? That would take forever to compile, and people still would not read it. Unless, of course, you're volunteering to write this list up.
  11. Me: "Aw man, I have this Armageddon, but I wanted a Ragnarok." Person: "Hey, I have a Ragnarok and I need an Armageddon! Let's tra-" Dz131 runs in, kicking me in the gonads and stealing my purple: "you fool, you idiot. Absolute blathering buffoon! You can't just trade a purple! You must work for it! Bleed for it! Earn it!!! When will you learn??"
  12. Yeah that's the thing I'm talking about. I suspect that those event mobs are a separate entity, and not something that could just be toggled on or off, but i'm willing to be surprised. Other suggestion: increased character limit for Clues from 300 to 500.
  13. There's literally already a thread asking this on the first page
  14. So, you know how the enemies in the new zone events do not have a level? That minions always con white, lieutenants yellow etc.? That would be awesome to have in AE, it means that lower level mobs could be fought at higher levels while still awarding some XP and not being completely trivial. I don't know how notoriety would play into this system though, but hey, it is just an idea.
  15. Did Hasten kick your dog? Are you okay? Do you need help?
  16. The live Devs put a lot of trust in the players when they allowed The Naughty Colours for Water Blast. Do the HC Devs trust us enough to do that for Ice powers? That's the question.
  17. I misread the title and thought this would be a "Stay at home" themed event. If you're caught outdoors twice in the same day you are banned. If you're in a group with more than one other person you are banned. Standing too close to another person nets you a ban. Entering a supergroup base that is not your own gets you banned. The reward at the end of the event is a badge for any account which did not get banned (badge name pending). I don't think it'll take, to be honest.
  18. Give your Inf to @Aerial Assault it's for a good cause. (I will spend it on opening Super Packs)
  19. I really like this idea, particularly for Task Forces and Strike Forces, and could also be a test bed for interesting IO procs. Extending it to story arcs I feel would be a natural progression. I'll give this a +1.
  20. I'm not opposed to the idea, and I feel it's something that should be vigorously tested first. While I don't believe it would make those particular characters "OP", these things can have a knock-on effect.
  21. As someone who tried (and failed) 20+ times to get one specific enhancement from a set while using Convert Within Set I'll have to give this a big ol No.
  22. Ah yes, Gambling Addiction, the most powerful superpower.
  23. I'm likely alone in this but I'd love the mega-brawl effects added to more powers, like Energy Transfer or Knockout Blow as an optional enhancement etc. But I know how mad knockback makes people in general so it'll never happen. A man can dream though, a man can dream.
  24. There's a simple reason why the end-game is "too easy". There's a hard ceiling, and you've hit it. Game development stopped when the game shut. The content which was meant to challenge these characters never came. While I respect the Homecoming team for all of their effort, making new incarnate trials, zones with missions and story arcs, and all the other stuff people want is, for the time being, a bit out of their reach. It would be nice if we could get to that point, but you gotta learn to walk before you can run. The solution is not getting rid of IO's or Incarnates. I won't ever support a suggestion for that. There is, unfortunately, no easy solution.
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