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Everything posted by AerialAssault

  1. If there's anyone who needs more enhancement slots it's Epic Archetypes, especially Peacebringer's and Warshades. In any case, I do like the idea of one of the Incarnate powers opening up more slots. Perhaps this Incarnate power could add an extra 'Incarnate' slot to each power, maxing out at 3 extra slots at Tier 4? Or maybe it's a 'global' slot wherein whatever you slot into it affects all powers (if it can). Probably a dumb idea but there's plenty of Incarnate powers that we don't know anything about.
  2. Day 1 of fighting Reichsman Wow, we're finally here, the end boss! I've heard he's a bit tougher now, but our team leader says we got a 13% recharge increase! This'll be a breeze! Day 6 of fighting Reichsman It feels like years since we started fighting Reichsman, and yet it hasn't even been a week. We're approaching the 75% mark soon, the team leader says we should be there in a few days. They tell us not to worry, our attacks are hitting 13% faster. I don't even see the numbers any more. I don't know what health looks like ... Day 18 of fighting Reichsman Flares. Fire Blast. Blaze. Blazing Bolt. Inferno. Rinse. Repeat. Flares. Fire Blast. Blaze. Blazing Bolt. Inferno. It's all i know now. Those same powers, over and over and over again .. are they actually doing anything? Is this purgatory? I can only hear the words "thirteen percent" whispering to me like I was in a dream. If this is a dream .. then it is a nightmare. Day 31 of fighting Reichsman The Defender must have finally succumb to sleep, or died, because we failed to stop his Phase and Regeneration. He is now back at full health. Party morale has shattered. The team leader is trying to reassure us that the 13% will see us through. But all I see is Reichsman. Reichsman everywhere. He is too strong. He cannot be beat. It is folly .. surrender all hope ... -Last known communication of Task Force Arnhem.
  3. You DO know how much health Reichsman has, right? He has around 200,000. If you buff that by 30%, it goes up to 260,000. It doesn't matter if your 130 damage Flares activates a dribble faster, you have made that fight ridiculously more gruelling. -edito- Hell, that 60,000 alone eclipses what most Archvillains get. Activating your powers a whopping 13% faster is not going to make even the slightest difference against that monstrosity of a health pool.
  4. Give Reichsman even more HP??? I don't want to have to book holidays in just to do a Barracuda SF.
  5. Oh boy oh BOY, i'd get the ability to take a different pool power. What, oh what, shall I take???? Maybe I'll take Teleport Foe? Or maybe I'll take Invoke Panic? I know! Maybe i'll take Jump Kick! Oh wait, no I won't, because those powers suck.
  6. You'll take my set bonuses from my cold, dead hands.
  7. I agree that Hasten is a great power. I don't think anyone could disagree. I do warrant that there could be an alternative. Maybe as an inherent recharge buff to all characters of either 50% or 60%, but certainly no lower than that. It should not face any seriously drastic actions beyond that however. Hey I didn't bust my ass for three years to *not* say I have a degree in something. What I'm trying to put across is that Hasten does not break the game in a way that actively disrupts the enjoyment of other players. Does it really bother you that much that someone, somewhere, is doing Bigger Numbers? If Hasten was letting people do things that people don't already do, then this would be an open-and-shut case. But City of Heroes has always had a very high power bar. Characters in other MMOs and RPGs could only dream of doing a tenth of what characters here can do. What the core suggestion here would entail is lowering that bar for no good reason. Also "potentially useful effects". What could be more useful than literally wiping a group of enemies off the face of the earth? Debuffs? Doesn't matter, they're dead. Buff teammates? All the enemies are dead. There is nothing more useful than Damage, because you can Debuff an enemy all you want, if you don't debuff their health you'll never win.
  8. I think my degree in Games Design begs to differ. You're dragging something down simply because it doesn't fit with a perceived idea of 'balanced'. What is balanced in a game where a Fire Blaster can delete an entire group of enemies from the game with Inferno every minute with even minimal IO slotting? Maybe we should nerf Inferno while we're here. I still honestly do not see the issue with Hasten. Someone attacks faster than you, so what? How does it affect you on a personal level? What does Hasten do that any other number of powers in this game don't already do?
  9. Someone attacks faster than me. God this game is broken, who ever thought hasten was a good idea. You talk about Hasten as if it was literally game-breaking. It's not. You just attack faster. w o w.
  10. In a largely PvE game, is that even a problem? Because it doesn't sound like a problem to me. Someone else attacks faster, call the police because my feelings got hurt.
  11. Going in Circles (alternate names: 'Spin Me Right Round' or 'I Survived The Carnado') "It was at this location at rush hour morning that a strange gravity anomaly occurred, sucking up dozens of vehicles and their terrified passengers. Paragon City authorities and heroes alike tried in vain to stop the whirlwind of metal, succeeding only in rescuing civilians from their cars. The event lasted only a few hours, and miraculously nobody was seriously hurt. To this day, nobody knows how or why this wild event occurred, but it has become something of a talking point of the city, of the mysterious 'Carnado'." This exploration badge would be located where the Carnado used to be, before it was patched out. rest in peace, old friend.
  12. I think one of the issues is an AI problem and not a power problem, as there are enemies with melee attacks that will stay at range if they can help it, chiefly Council Marksmen. Despite having a Brawl attack, they will, most of the time, fire their rifles rather than close the distance. They do use brawl if confronted in melee, and I have seen them charge in from time to time as well. But most of the time, they stay at range. AI behaviour can also be observed in AE enemies. Even ones set to range will attempt to close to melee distance if they have a melee attack and no other ranged attacks available. I do seem to recall one of the Live devs talking about AI behaviour and that enemy groups have a sort of 'hive mind', where if a certain number of enemies are engaged in melee, then the rest will stay at range until a position opens up for them to charge in. Of course, from what little I know of programming, any time someone mentions "AI Coding" it tends to send a shiver down programmer's spines, so I won't hold my breath on that being changed any time soon. However, if there is a quick solution, well, the Beta server exists to test these things.
  13. There's no list long enough on a personal level, but if it had to be something I'd appreciate the older Paragon City zones getting the Atlas Park treatment, or Kings Row treatment if that's not possible. So the former is a total zone revamp, while Kings Row got some new storylines and the Skulls got an update. I'd love to see the same applied to the Outcasts, the Lost and so on, each one could be done in an Issue to stagger the release. The other thing would be revisiting older Task Forces and in particular the most unpopular ones, such as Synapse, Citadel & Numina. On a person level I feel the Shadow Shard task forces should just be nuked and re-done completely, but then I imagine that would tie in to any Shadow Shard content/update.
  14. It isn't as simple as "put it on another platform.", there has to be business negotiations between the developer (in this case the Homecoming team) and the publisher & operator of the platform (so Valve for Steam, EA for Origin, Microsoft for Xbox/Windows Store, Sony for PlayStation & Nintendo for the Switch). The issue, as PaxArcana points out, that would involve sales, and Homecoming is a strict non-profit project. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't think a company like Microsoft or EA are going to get embroiled in a legal dispute over something that won't see them any actual profit.
  15. Supervisor Graham looked out over the harbour of Port Recluse from the safety of the Sinister Submarine’s deck. The sea was unusually calm around the Isle today, but the nose-wrinkling stench of fish and industrial spill still polluted the air. Only the acrid tinge of their cigarette did anything to make it bearable. Truth be told though, he had become accustomed to bad smells. A few months ago, Graham had been put under the direct leadership of Carter McKeeny, better known as Cesspit. Among the Sinister Soldiers, it was regarded as a ‘joke’ position. He knew why he’d been put there, of course, as punishment for failing to stop a duo of ‘heroes’ from sabotaging a smuggling run. He initially resented the posting, the constant pervasive miasma of the Squad’s chief terror weapon had him consider signing up for Bio-lab duty just to get away to it. But it was Carter’s personality and mannerisms that made him stay. Some of the Squad were known for strange habits or outbursts. Soldiers sent to the bio-lab usually came back different, physically, mentally or both. If they ever returned, that is. Those in the engineering bay found themselves censured for the slightest infractions by its neurotic inhabitant. The recording studio was were the truly unfortunate went, forced to record hours and hours of demagoguery. He’d heard that some had tried to swim their way back to the mainland on the mere suggestion of being sent to the studio, but figured those were just stories. Cesspit, on the other hand, was surprisingly, and refreshingly for Graham, quite normal. His abilities he would never understand or get used to seeing in action, but he had a certain coolness and understanding about him. He was neither heavy-handed nor a soft touch, and the two had found a common interest in men’s hair styling products. A waft in the air and a souring of the atmosphere indicated to Graham that his boss had joined him on the deck. He was watching some protesting miners clashing with Arachnos, and snapped a quick salute to Carter. “All quiet up here then?” “No interference. We’re in position like asked.” “Good.” Carter clapped the soldier on the shoulder. Carter was unusually tall, through no apparent scientific or technological enhancement, towering over the already fairly tall soldier. He also left a dirty imprint on Graham’s jacket. “I don’t expect I’ll be too long, but you’ll get th’ signal when I’m done.” Graham smirked “Just a friendly visit then eh?” Carter grinned back “Hey, y’know me. All friendly, all the time.” The Supervisor took a long drag on their cigarette before flicking it into the ocean “Make a mess out there boss.” Carter nodded in sadistic agreement, slipping on their iconic gas mask and taking to the skies. Graham hated it when he did that, flying along on jets of toxic gasses. He didn’t even want to entertain where he summoned enough of it from to be able to jet through the sky, but as he watched the veritable dirty missile soar through the air, he didn’t give it much thought. A few months watching the mutant at work had jaded the soldier through. - Carter raced through the air like a fly with a rocket attached to it, bumbling and ungainly as he focused his powers as jets of propulsion from his hands and feet. He’d long forgotten when he’d discovered how to achieve such a feat, because to him it didn’t matter. He could, and that’s all that he needed to know. Scanning the docks below, he flew overhead a number of skirmishes between Arachnos and some rebellious miners. Flying further inland, he spied his destination and swooped down. It was a dingy old warehouse, now ostensibly a mass-laundry cleaning service, but the well suited thugs outside suggested that filthy overalls weren’t the only things they were laundering. As he landed, the two guards motioned for their weapons, until the miasma caught up with him. One of them gagged while the other recoiled in horror. Carter waited for a moment until they stopped coughing. “Fellas. Here to see Big Boom.” Carter stated matter-of-factly. One of the guards held a handkerchief to their face in a vain attempt to block the suffocating effluvia emanating from Carter. “Jeezus .. Y’must be th’ one th’ boss mentioned .. holy mother of- .. look just get in an’ out before we gotta get th’ whole place condemned.” The guard fumbled with the door to open it. Carter gave a mocking bow as they entered. “Why, so kind. I’ll let th’ big guy know he’s hired th’ right muscle eh?” He didn’t wait for a reply, taking a certain pleasure in hearing their pained gasps for fresh air as he moved into the building. Business was booming here, both dirty and illegal. Naturally, this was one of the oldest tricks in the book, and one Carter had hoped the mob boss he was meeting would surely not have been so stupid as to actually try. But then, he wondered, perhaps it was so stupid that nobody would expect anyone to actually do it. Was Big Boom a genius, or a lucky idiot? Carter shrugged to himself. Soon he’d be a dead idiot. Carter & Big Boom, who’s actual name was Benny Loggens, had a lot of history. When Carter first made the jump to Primal Earth, Benny helped find Carter somewhere to stay … then tried to extort him. That didn’t end well for Benny. Carter had forgot the number of times he’d had to put Benny in their place, but their somewhat pathetic, puppy dog charm had prevented him from ending him in a brutal and unpleasant way. He sighed as he knocked on the manager’s office door. All good things come to an end, he supposed. A muffled confirmation of acceptance came from the other side, and Carter walked in. The office was a horrid mess, with files and books haphazardly shoved into whatever space could be found. Clothes, both male & female, were dotted around the room and draped over any available furniture. A painting of a clown hung on the wall, and Carter made a mental note to take it once he was done. The lone occupant of the manager’s office had been enjoying a meatball sandwich until Carter had walked in. “Ah .. shhhhhhhooooo good t’see ya Carter! He-heh .. it’s been a *urp* while ain’t it?” Big Boom forced a smile and opened his arms in a welcoming gesture, promptly slopping himself with marinara sauce. Benny was not like most other Family bosses. For starters, he was possessed of mostly luck and no actual skill, and hadn’t been “Supe’ing up” like others had to face down heroes, or worse, villains. Instead he’d been able to get to where he was by simply being in the right place at the right time, or avoiding the wrong places at the wrong time, or a mixture of both. Carter feigned interest in Big Boom’s office “Oh y’know. Work. Speakin’ of work, I’m just gunna cut straight to th’ chase. By all means, keep stuffin’ yer trap.” He gestured to Benny’s sandwich. The portly mobster briefly considered doing so, until the wall of stench hit him. He was no stranger to Cesspit, and yet every meeting seemed like the first time they’d ever met. He took a deep breath of what would surely be the last clean air he’d breath for the next few minutes. “What’s on yer mind buddy?” Benny squeezed through their pursed lips. “Shipments pal. The Boss ain’t happy.” Carter folded their arms “And when he ain’t happy, nobody can be happy, y’get it?” Benny nodded, then shook their head “Everything’s been runnin’ smoothly, jus’ like we agreed.” He fidgeted with his short, fatty fingers. “Yeah, there’s delays .. th-there always is in this business y’know.” “Delays we can live with. I’m talkin’ ‘bout no shows.” “Whaddya mean no-shows? There ain’t no no-shows with Big Boom, y-y’know that right?” A layer of sweat began to form on Benny’s forehead. Lying was certainly not the forte. Or maybe it was the effort of holding their breath finally getting to them. Carter relaxed a bit and stepped back, again feigning interest in their surroundings “Yeah, shipments always get there. Just problem is, not all th’ shipments. Like U-12236? Ring a bell?” Benny paused as they searched their mental notes “Right, 100 pieces t’Indy Port. Got there uh .. fifty minutes late? Come on, that ain-“ “88 pieces, Benny. 88 turned up. Now y’tell me how 12 hi-tech guns managed t’fall outta their secured crates? Cause it’d be real bad of ya t’keep lyin’ right about now.” Carter approached the mobster at their desk, privately revelling in the interrogation. Scrabbling in their seat, Benny stammered for an answer. The mutant approaching them, and being fully aware of their powers, he raised his hands in protest “Okay okay! We were skimmin’ of th’ top! We all do it, y’know that!” Carter tutted, shaking their head and talking in a condescending tone “Oh Benny, Benny, Benny .. ye really are just that stupid ain’t ya? Well, how ‘bout y’tell me where yer keepin’ th’ skimmed guns, an I’ll see ‘bout lettin’ ya finish y’sandwich eh?” He placed both hands on the mobster’s desk, leaning in to face the terrified criminal. Benny’s stomach was churning, from the terror, the overwhelming toxic aura of Carter and from the marinara sauce “W-we keep th’ trimmin’s in Talos u-uh .. Warehouse 218, they’re all there, I swear!” There was an uneasy pause. Carter’s head sagged, and Benny was still held in a cold, sweaty fear. Carter’s low chuckling turned into a hysteric laugh. “Ohhhhh Benny Benny Benny. Y’know when I came here, I thought ‘How bad will I mess him up? I know, I’ll mess him up as much as he lies t’me face’..” Carter pressed away from the table, circling around the room and then clasped their hands, turning to face Benny. “Y’see Benny, our weapons guy, they’re a bit of a paranoid wreck. So all those guns? Trackers. Trackers, Benny, y’freakin’ fresh idiot!” Dread realisation crossed Benny’s heart. He knew his time was up. He stammered a response, but then he felt .. something .. in his chest. Heavy and burning, he choked on it as he started to convulse. Bloodshot eyes fell onto Carter, who stood, relaxed as if this were a normal conversation, with a single outstretched hand balled into a fist. “Man Benny, y’really did yerself in. I woulda been happy just dowsin’ ya and ya little shindig here, but y’just .. couldn’t help it, could ya? Now .. I’ve gotta make an example” Benny coughed and spluttered, their lungs filling up with .. well, in their last few moments, he barely had time to consider it as Carter’s outstretched hand flexed open .. - Operative Vance inspected the scene like one might look at a piece of art one found pretentious, yet not utterly repulsive. Being a Huntsman of many years, he’d seen a lot of things, but this one probably had to take the cake as both the weirdest, and most brutal. He turned to his colleague, Seer Yulia. “Don’t suppose it was the meatballs that did him in hm?” Arachnos were crawling all over the crime scene. Whoever had been here had no interest in a robbery, although a clean patch on the wall suggested a painting or other fixture had gone missing. It looked to be a clear cut case of intimidation. “I do not think that is very funny, Operative.” Yulia’s sense of humour was as dead as the look in her eyes. With her helmet removed, she had a haunting beauty about her which belied the grisly scene they found themselves in. Other operatives had either refused to enter the scene, or kept their business brief. Vance shrugged, sipping their coffee from their travel mug, grimacing a bit as it had gone a bit cold. “So either someone planted a bomb in this guy or .. well, that’s all I have.” The Seer prodded a still warm chunk of gristle splattered on a fancy looking clock “You could say that. I suspect the victim fell foul of a Destined One.” She paused, looking over to her colleague “We have no reports of any Destined Ones in this area at the time of the murder.” The Huntsman idly inspected some of the (now soiled) filing cabinets “Hm. Too bad neither of the two outside feel like talking.” He looked around and stifled a yawn “Just call it foul play and call it a day?” Soundlessly, the Seer moved over to one of the cabinets the Huntsman was inspecting. As if under some given mission, she flung it open and began flicking through the files. Eventually, she stopped at one and pulled it out. “No. I think we’ve found our lead ..” Sinister Squad
  16. I've always thought that Aid Self was meant to be used as a little pick-me-up between fights, or as an emergency heal when there's a brief respite in a fight. I've certainly had a lot of fun using it on Force Field characters by activating Personal Force Field and zapping myself back to full health. A shorter cast time would be nice though.
  17. It's assumed that 'Natural' heroes have mental or physical capabilities far beyond what your standard, or even above average human could achieve. Someone who has naturally attuned their body to say, punch through sheets of steel (i.e. a Martial Arts character) would be on the FBSA's radar. In a similar vein, there are a number of psychics who have attained their powers through rigorous training and self-discipline. While they're still not technically super-powered, they possess abilities that no ordinary human could achieve. Now, a hero without any notable powers (for example, can't throw a punch that can knock down a Mek Man) would still need to register to be afforded the legal protections that heroes receive, otherwise they'd basically just be a costumed cop and liable to all those same rules & regulations (see the Citizens Crime Fighting Act I linked further up).
  18. Weren't you the guy who said you were "not an elitist" when you were called out on being an elitist? And yet here you are telling people what they can and can't ask for since Bentley Berkeley said they don't matter. Jabs aside, my own personal feelings on the matter is that, if it's an harmful EXPLOIT, it should be fixed. In this instance, people are reporting that incredulous folks in PvP are using it to avoid a defeat, which is wholly unacceptable. But I agree that, in it's stead, base teleport powers should be more convenient for those that use them, and PvP overall could be made more enticing to people. I mean, for me, I just run/fly/jump to the nearest portal, since most zones have one, but since Homecoming came live I've been shocked to find people even lazier than me.
  19. "Hnng .. Positron, I'm trying to sneak around, but i'm dummy thick, and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the Council."
  20. Hi, just popping in here because my hyperbolometer suddenly spiked and hOLY JESUS
  21. If you go up to the bar behind the portal, the bartender Pollux (i think thats right) is a vendor who you can sell stuff to and buy Tier 1 inspirations.
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