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Everything posted by macskull

  1. Are there plans to get the in-game updater working again?
  2. 1:16:30 Dr. Q 41:24 Justin Augustine 45:36 Sara Moore
  3. What I find weird is how the crafted Miracle unique sells for half what the recipe sells for.
  4. ...Because 244 merits for 75-ish minutes of time is an awesome investment.
  5. Should be in Tequila as Homecoming (BETA). There's a guide to the slash commands for giving yourself XP and inf and IOs in the test server section of the forums.
  6. I don't think it does. But, Traps is... meh. It's not very mobile which works okay with an MM, but it's not the best.
  7. But for real, I think the thorn tree room from the STF/villain respec trial would be kinda neat for a smaller team or duel scenario. I feel like it might get a little crowded in anything more than maybe a 4v4. I think everyone knows what I'm talking about but I'll throw up a pic in a few.
  8. They do not, but that's true for most powers like that.
  9. I think there's like 2 people from dUmb so maybe we will be able to field 1/4 of a storm team.
  10. I think the most expensive items now are Hami O's, purples, and winter IOs, and even then none of those are anywhere near what they were on live (well, I think some Hami O's are going for more, but that's because there's way less supply and PvP builds love their microfilaments). Oddly enough, I've only done minimal toying with the market and have made off with a good chunk of inf just using converters and offloading what I don't need. Of course, I run enough content every day that I'm sitting on thousands of reward merits already so I can probably fund all my own builds without ever touching the market, but I just find it easier.
  11. I've got a screenshot of us finishing in like... 2.5 hours? I know it's possible to do it faster and I don't think team TP was a thing yet, but clever use of Ouro portals, base TP, Pocket D TP, and mission TP plus Assemble the Team make it possible. Helps to be able to steamroll everything once you're in the missions too.
  12. I work overnight that day but I might be able to make it if it doesn't run TOO long. I'll throw in my name. @macskull Tauntbot Mk. III BS/Energy Scrapper or something else if it's ready by then.
  13. The farming that's going on is not utilizing exploits of any sort. That's happened in the past and when the game was live the developers were very quick to patch out such exploits. The problem with "nerf this content because everyone is doing it and I don't like it" is that once you do that, people will move on to what they perceive to be the next best thing. That's exactly what happened with the AE XP nerf - people just moved on to DFB. If you nerf DFB, something else will become the new thing. Playing whack-a-mole with content is a little silly.
  14. So tell a GM/mod and move on with your day.
  15. Multi boxing was allowed when the game was live and literally none of the problems OP mentioned happened because of it.
  16. I would like the ability to convert them. And hydra/titan enhancements as well.
  17. The one for medium insps should be "take_a_breather" for the blues. Also if you're turning off break frees and awakens you can get rid of that part of each macro and add in the ones for luck/good luck/phenomenal luck.
  18. I think the only two characters I ever explicitly built for perma-Hasten were my Fire/Psi Dominator and my Warshade. First one was for permadom (this was before the Dominator changes but even after it was nice) and second one was for perma Eclipse, because running around with capped damage and capped resistance to everything and just spamming AoEs is pretty damn awesome.
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