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Everything posted by macskull

  1. Updated: no longer available.
  2. For winter IOs, the normal and superior versions are bucketed. For ATOs, they are not.
  3. Hydra, Titan, Hami, and synthetic Hami enhancements all share a pool but each level is independent. So if I want a level 50 acc/dam I can bid on any of the four and I'd get the one I wanted. Unlike regular IOs you can't have the market change enhancement level for you, otherwise people would just be running Eden or Abandoned Sewer trials instead of a Hami raid.
  4. There's still some amount of Stalker hate but I think part of that is because the Stalker buffs happened near the end of the game's life and people either didn't know or forgot. Stalkers went from an AT with okay AoE and occasionally good single-target to an AT that can do both pretty well. Basically, the buffs were a game-changer, and now the ATO procs are another game-changer.
  5. My Stalker builds have been doing 6 slots of Superior Stalker's Guile in AS. I almost never use AS while hidden - it's either an AoE or my other single-target heavy hitter so I'm not wasting time waiting for AS to wind up. I'll use AS to fill in gaps in my attack chain, or when it's got the orange ring (guaranteed crit), so that's a great time for the chance to hide proc to fire off and let me drop another AoE out of hide. The Assassin's Mark proc isn't a typical proc, per se, it just adds a global flat rate chance to recharge Build Up whenever you use an attack, so it doesn't really matter where you slot it. The builds I've been using have it 6-slotted in my tier 2 melee power (I don't take the tier 1) and it's really random though very useful. I've managed to get a lucky roll a few times and get Build Up triple-stacked for a brief moment, which is even more ridiculous if you have the chance for build up proc slotted in Build Up.
  6. Well, it still is "this proc fires this many times per minute," it's just that it's a theoretical expression because you still need some way to determine a base chance for a proc to fire that isn't a flat % chance. I think I now understand what you're trying to say though regarding slotted recharge. If I'm understanding you right, your issue is that if you slot that 10-second base recharge power with 100% recharge you're basically cutting the proc rate in half, and that's true because if slotted recharge didn't affect the proc rate it would be kind of silly. That's how the PPM system worked on live for the procs that used it - only cared about base recharge time and activation time, not slotted recharge, and there was no 90% cap on its chance to fire. I24 was supposed to change that to be closer (if not identical) to the current system and apply to all procs. Not disagreeing with you on where the sweet spot for procs is now though. That being said, even if you continue to use procs like you would've on live, you're still going to get some benefit from them, though in some cases it might not be as much as before.
  7. Yeah, people always forget about the LFG system (I usually do too) but it's a great way to get to a specific location quickly as long as you're not on a TF.
  8. You're still getting hung up on the "if I don't use a power I waste a proc opportunity" thing here. It doesn't matter if you use a power every 5 seconds or every 5 minutes, the chance for a given proc to go off when slotted in that power will always be the same. Obviously using a power like that every time it's off cooldown will boost your damage output (assuming we're talking damage procs here) but you don't have to. Global recharge helps when it comes to procs because the PPM formula ignores recharge from set bonuses and buffs. To use the numbers from my earlier example, if I'm using a 6PPM proc in a 10 second base recharge time power with no slotted recharge, I should be able to use that power 6 times over a minute and the proc should fire every time I use that power (obviously still capped at a 90% chance). If I have 100% global recharge from set bonuses or buffs, that power is actually recharging in 5 seconds, but it'll still have that capped chance for the proc to go off each time I use it which means the proc will actually fire on average 12 times per minute. Basically, it's easy to make the PPM system work to your advantage, and adding recharge from bonuses or buffs makes it even better.
  9. Yeah this is exactly why Ice Blast is so hot right now. Greater Psi Blade is a great proc-able power too since it's also a hold. You can do 2 acc/dam and 4 procs in Greater Psi Blade.
  10. Procs per minute is defined as the average number of times a proc will fire over one minute if you use it in a single-target power every time that power comes off cooldown. Here's an example: Let's assume activation time is zero because it makes the math easier, and that I use a given power every time it recharges with no delay, and I don't have any recharge slotted into that power. If I have a proc with a PPM of 6, and I use it in a power that has a 10 second recharge time, that proc should fire 6 times over that minute, or every time I use that power. If I use it in a power that has a base 2 second recharge time, that proc should still fire 6 times over that minute, but I used the power 30 times so it only fired 20% of the time. So you can see why slotting procs in your longer-recharge powers, and not slotting them for recharge, can work in your favor. It also means global recharge bonuses and other recharge buffs are more useful. Now, you're probably not going to be only using the powers in the example I gave, but regardless of whether you're using that 10-second-recharge power every 10 seconds or every 5 minutes, the 6PPM proc should fire every time you use it. If you're not using a power for half a minute you're not "wasting" its chance to fire. It is entirely based off the five parameters I listed earlier. Regarding procs if a power misses, procs are flagged with the 'CancelOnMiss' flag which means if the power they're slotted in misses they won't do anything. To calculate % chance a proc will go off for a single-target power, use this equation: % chance = ((Base recharge / (1 + Slotted recharge) + Activation time) * (PPM rating / 60))
  11. The current proc system is based off procs per minute (PPM). Basically a given proc has a certain PPM (like, it might trigger on average 3.5 times every minute) and to determine what the chance the proc will have to go off when slotted in a particular power, you're working with a few parameters: 1. PPM of the proc 2. Activation time of the power in question 3. Base recharge time of the power in question 4. Slotted recharge of the power in question (this ignores global recharge bonuses from IOs or buffs) 5. An AoE modifier, usually based on the radius of the power, to keep procs from being too effective in AoE powers There's a 90% proc rate cap though, to keep some amount of randomness in there. Here is a list of procs available and their PPM. The spreadsheet also contains a link to another spreadsheet which has formulas for calculating the % chance a proc will have to fire given certain parameters, and the % recharge you can slot into a power to keep a 90% proc rate. Note this calculator doesn't factor in AoE modifiers.
  12. Most of my IO builds run in the 300ish million range, and I've built 3 or 4 characters in the last week, so 200 million is absolutely not enough. I understand you said personally but I feel like for quite a few of the people that frequent this section of the forums 200 million isn't that much.
  13. Ice is good because of the number of damage procs you can slot. With the I24/I25 changes to the proc system (changing from a flat % chance to fire to a procs-per-minute system) procs are an easy way to raise your damage output. That being said, Ice isn't necessarily top tier. Psi is probably still better in a spike scenario because you can time three attacks to hit the target at the same time.
  14. Activating the Proton Therapy power on a Rad Armor Sentinel causes the character to root during the animation. I'm assuming this is because the power uses the same animation as Radiation Therapy for Scrapper, Stalker, Tankers, and Brutes, which is a click PBAoE that affects enemies. In that case it makes sense for that version of the power to root the character, but since Proton Therapy only affects the player it shouldn't cause rooting. Case in point: Particle Shielding from the same set applies +absorb and +regen and doesn't root the player while casting.
  15. 1. I'm well aware of what the PvP resist bonus is and how it works. So I'll say it again - not every AT gets inherent base resistance in PvP. 2. You didn't even address the point I made. What I got out of your reply, though, is you're okay with unbalancing PvP because it doesn't affect PvE, but you're not okay with unbalancing PvE for the sake of PvP? Never mind that your proposed idea, while nice at face value, would, by your own argument, be inherently unbalanced. Also never mind that your proposed idea would actually introduce imbalance, unlike the solution the OP proposed. EDIT: Ah, I see your argument about point number 1. I suppose, yes, every AT does get the PvP resistance power even if that power does literally nothing for them. So sure, that makes sense. But... see point number 2 for why that's a bad idea, using the very same argument you're using to say why the OP's solution is a bad idea.
  16. To go further on that, quite a few of the critters in that list are NPCs that you never actually fight against. Additionally, only a handful of those critters with KB magnitude over 8 are ones you'll actually routinely encounter (basically, boss or lower).
  17. You keep saying that this is a major change. 1-2 slots is not a major change. 1-2 slots can absolutely be a major change. And this isn't 1-2 slots, it's 1-2 slots, 16-20 KB protection for every character, and 20% slow resistance with Winter's Gift, which is huge considering how easy it is to build for slow resistance now with the winter event sets. As others have repeatedly stated in this thread, there are likely very few people actually slotting that much KB protection in PvE builds. In reality what will probably happen is most people will ignore those extra slots because they probably won't even go to the P2W vendor and get the extra prestige sprints. All my PvE builds have one KB IO slotted in Combat Jumping and I can count on one hand the number of times they have been KB'd. I don't take CJ just for the KB protection though, I take it because CJ+Hurdle is the best in-combat movement you can get in this game short of Inertial Reduction or Gymnastics. I'll also address your earlier suggestion of adding KB protection into the inherent base resists that everyone gets. There are two issues with that: 1. Not every AT gets inherent base resistance in PvP. 2. To turn your argument back the other way... if I suddenly have all that extra KB protection for no investment I've now opened up at least eight slots to do other things with (and this isn't theoretical, you actually need eight slots for KB IOs in addition to Acrobatics to reach the level of KB protection you need to be survivable). By your own earlier argument that's a massive balance problem. This is all kind of dumb anyways, because extra KB protection wasn't even a thing before I12 when Acro's KB protection was lowered from 100 points to 9 points. You can go on all you want about how you're basically gaining free slots, but the way it used to work meant some builds (specifically PvE ones, because every PvP build is going to be taking that pool for CJ and SJ anyways) would have to compromise into taking three power picks just to get any KB protection at all. The very existence of KB protection from IOs removed that requirement and gave builds more wiggle room. I'm having a very hard time understanding why anyone reasonable would be opposed to this.
  18. As part of my regularly scheduled marketeering I lowballed a stack of some purples before I left for work today. I came back to find out that all my bids had filled... and when I went to check, I discovered that I'd added an extra zero so I ended up buying 10 purples at 150 million each! If anyone needs me, I'll be over here crying.
  19. Globals: @macskull/@Not Mac Alias: mac, Not Mac Characters: BS/Energy Scrapper (IO'd, acco'd) Rad/Dark Defender (IO'd, acco'd) Ice/Nature Corruptor (IO'd, acco'd) Emp/Energy Defender (IO'd, acco'd) This list should be final for Sunday.
  20. You can pick any mission from the contact.
  21. The Shard TFs have a (somewhat deserved) reputation as being slogfests. Most people ran them once or twice before all the extra team travel powers became available, or even before Ouroboros portals were a thing, so they took hours and were just plain awful. These days they can be done reasonably quickly, and I'm positive that even the times in my previous post can be improved upon. That being said, it takes a little more coordination to do those TFs that quickly, and the merit rewards are only really worth it if they're the WST. Dr. Q might be worth it even if it's not the WST but 1-1.25 hours is still an awful long time for a single piece of content.
  22. Are there plans to get the in-game updater working again?
  23. 1:16:30 Dr. Q 41:24 Justin Augustine 45:36 Sara Moore
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