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Everything posted by macskull

  1. So, if the ability to do this has to be added into the game in the first place, why would I want that restricted only to the test server? That's more work than just adding it to the normal servers because then you'd have to disable it every time you wanted to push a patch to live, and re-enable it every time you pushed a new patch to test. That would also require me to load onto the test server every time I want to PvP, which isn't practical for several reasons, not the least of which is the test server is sometimes home to experimental or buggy powers or mechanics. "Go to the test server" shouldn't be an answer. Adding this feature to the game has literally zero effect on non-PvP content and addresses a hugely popular PvP QoL request that goes back almost to when PvP was introduced to the game.
  2. I suppose OP should have been more specific with what he was asking for - not another way to unlock the accolades via PvP content, but simply having the accolade powers granted on a temporary basis as long as you are in a PvP zone or the arena. As soon as you leave one of those areas the power(s) would be disabled again. The goal here isn't "bring more people into PvP by making them go into PvP zones to get PvE rewards" but rather "remove some of the grind from making a competitive PvP character by auto-granting accolade powers in a PvP environment." See my reply to the first quote in this post, where I explain what exactly is being asked for. Now that you mention it though I am curious what exactly you're referring to happening in that timeframe, as I'm not aware of any times where a PvE method of obtaining something has been removed and/or replaced entirely by a PvP method. The goal here is to lower the barrier to having a competitive PvP build.
  3. So because I'm bored I'm going to actually take the time to respond to this. PvP wasn't deemed a failure by the parent company or the developers, at least not initially. Prior to Issue 13 this game had some of the best PvP you could find in any MMO. It wasn't perfectly balanced, but it was fast-paced and a ton of fun. Many servers had PvP events or leagues and at its peak there were at least a dozen independent teams engaged in competitive arena-based PvP. That might not seem like a lot, but this game never had a super-high population. It is true that a vast majority of the playerbase never engaged in PvP, but the same argument can be made for many aspects of the game - most people don't RP, most people don't badge-hunt, et cetera. The situation changed dramatically after Issue 13's sweeping PvP changes which ironically were intended to make PvP more appealing - most of the competitive players left and very few new people actually got into PvP. PvP IO recipes didn't get introduced to the game until Issue 14 and while it's definitely true that people used arena matches to farm for those drops, saying that was what most PvP consisted demonstrates an utter lack of understanding of what was actually going on in the game at that time. It doesn't matter how much of the playerbase a subset of players is - it could be one percent, or ten percent, or fifty percent. Saying that a group of players represents a small percentage of the playerbase and therefore doesn't matter is antithetical to everything this game's community stands for, or at least stood for. These days, I'm not so sure. In regards to your last paragraph, well... I guess I have to address it, but it's... really, really dumb. No one is going to chime in and say that they do that, because doing that is completely stupid. No one's going to spend the time to level up a PvP character in PvP zones when they can PL to 50 in a couple hours and then IO and accolade their character. Have you ever tried to level a character from 1-50 via entirely street sweeping? I've done it, and once you hit the upper 20s it gets agonizingly slow. If someone spends a large portion of their time in-game in a PvP zone, they're a zone PvPer. Besides, you've already said in here and other threads that you basically despise PvP in this game, and you used Guild Wars as an example of an MMO with good PvP, so why would I take anything you have to say seriously?
  4. You are fundamentally misunderstanding what the OP is asking for - he's asking for the existing accolade powers to be available for PvP (arena/zone/whatever) without having to grind PvE content to unlock them, not asking for new PvP-specific accolades. With the current state of PvP the stat-boosting accolades are pretty much a requirement to be competitive.
  5. There is something in the works that I think people will like. A pentad tournament would be fun but I don't think we have enough AT variations to make a draft-style pentad work right now.
  6. Comparing a toggle power that 1) has an activation time, 2) has a recharge time, 3) costs inf to buy, and 4) can be suppressed when mezzed with a slash command that has none of those drawbacks is like comparing apples and oranges. Every thread this slash command has come up in has seen you somehow linking it back to PvPers and quite frankly it's tiring.
  7. I'll see if I can work on a list over this weekend.
  8. Also a couple more mez-related bugs: Corruptor/Psi Blast/Subdue - 4.0 sec immobilize, should be 2 Corruptor/Force Field/Detention Field - 8.0 sec immobilize/phase, should be 4
  9. It's not a bug, per se, but now that heal decay no longer exists in zones and is off by default in the arena (i.e. it's essentially nonexistent now), it may be worth revisiting the disparity between PvE and PvP parameters for powers that give heal over time in PvE but +regen in PvP. Big examples here are the Panacea proc and some of the Nature Affinity buffs.
  10. Melee does not need a damage buff. A correctly-built melee character can be essentially unkillable even with multiple people attacking it.
  11. Wow, this thread kind of blew up when I wasn't paying attention. I'm a little disappointed most of the replies (looking at you @Bentley Berkeley) didn't read the second half of the thread title and completely missed that I was advocating for disabling the command in PvP environments only. I understand it's all irrelevant now, but when I made the OP almost two weeks ago I don't think it was widely known that this was supposed to be a GM-only command and assumed it was something that was intentionally available to everyone. I'll close with my normal "PvP ruins everything" plug - in the entire history of this game there has only ever been one - one - power or mechanic that's received a PvE nerf solely for PvP reasons, and the players who insist that PvP should not exist in this game because they don't like it are more toxic than the PvPers they hate (alternatively, why not remove all badges from the game, because badgers are such a small subset of the playerbase that having the badges is just a waste of resources).
  12. Please for the love of god keep the interrupt in Aid Self.
  13. The values for procs in the spreadsheet are PvP-specific, as that was its original intended audience, so some things like mez durations may be different.
  14. Thanks for the shout out. I'm reasonably sure the PPM values I have listed are correct as it seems like the values listed on the Wiki were current as of the game's shutdown and the values haven't been tweaked since. Most of my leg work in putting that list together came from checking numbers on sets that were added post-shutdown or weren't on the Wiki's list, and then spot-checking the ones that were. I am missing some proc effects just because the way some of the procs work grants their bonus (+hp, +end, and the like) in a way that isn't easily viewable in-game.
  15. Well, every stream of this game that's happened since HC released has been against Twitch's ToS. Also note this isn't the HC team saying "don't stream," this is them saying they "can't endorse" streaming. As far as people getting in trouble for streaming, that'd be on the streaming platforms to police, not the HC team.
  16. Just went back and re-read the OP and discovered my PPM spreadsheet is linked here (fine with me!). As far as the PPM being vetted for Homecoming servers, I got my numbers by checking the information pop-ups for each of the procs in question. I may update my spreadsheet with a PPM calculator that can handle more than just single-target powers as the calculator that's linked in my spreadsheet is limited to only those.
  17. Mez procs as follows: Energy Manipulator (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Unspeakable Terror (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Lockdown (hold) - 6 sec, should be 2 Debilitative Action (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Gravitational Anchor (hold) - 6 sec, should be 2 Pounding Slugfest (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Devastation (hold) - 6 sec, should be 2 Executioner's Contract (stun) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 Razzle Dazzle (immobilize) - 5.3 sec, should be 2 It seems like the only mez proc that is the correct duration is the Triumphant Insult (stun) proc.
  18. Title says it all, mostly, but... one of the I25 changes that got snuck in kind of under the radar is a slash command to access an SG base via passcode. This command is awesome but can be easily abused in a PvP zone. There's already precedent for making certain powers disabled in a PvP environment (Ouroboros Portal) and for slash commands as well (/ah).
  19. So, just putting this out there - though you could make the argument that the ET nerf was because of PvP, you'd be incorrect. In the entire history of this game only one power or mechanic ever got a PvE nerf solely for PvP reasons, and that'd be Hurricane. ET got nerfed because of its insane DPA relative to every other melee attack power and because even though it had the tradeoff of doing damage to the caster, the developers at the time felt that wasn't enough for what it did. I also saw a post on the first or second page of this thread regarding changing PvE vs PvP animation times - only some power attributes can be changed with a PvE or PvP flag and animation time isn't one of them. It should be noted that I'm not supporting the ET nerf - quite the opposite. I don't like it either. The nerf took a set that was really good at only one thing and turned it into a set that's really good at zero things. The general complaints re: old-style ET animation in PvP stem from people who'd get two-shotted instantly by a Stalker using AS into ET when in reality all people really had to do to avoid that happening was simply move around in three dimensions because most people who played Stalkers in PvP couldn't reliably get an AS off on a moving target, and even if they could you'd be way out of range of ET if you'd been moving the entire time.
  20. Ice is good because it has plenty of secondary effects which give you more ability to slot damage procs. With the changes to the proc system (PPM vs flat rate) you can stuff your heavy-hitting attacks full of damage procs (Bitter Ice Blast and Freeze Ray come to mind) and boost your damage output that way. Psi is still nice because of projectile travel time so you can basically make 2-3 attacks hit at the same time which makes it harder for both your target and your target's emp to deal with. Regarding Plant or TA, it's a choice between damage and utility. Plant has Strangler (ranged hold which does good damage and can be proc bomb'd) and Toxins instead of Build Up which is nice because the extra toxic damage that's added isn't subject to diminishing returns like the +dam bonus would be. Tac Arrow gives you some really good movement control, net arrow, and glue arrow, which is great for disruption and keeping people grounded, but you lose out on the extra damage you'd get from going Plant.
  21. @macskull/@Not Mac @hell's punisher Fire/Psi Tank Ice/Bio Sentinel
  22. Temp's hold is ranged but it doesn't do any damage.
  23. Pulling the information from this Reddit thread. Probability to fire for a click power = PPM * (MRT + CastTime) / (60 * Area Factor) Probability to fire for a toggle or auto power = PPM * Activate Period / (60 * Area Factor) Most toggle powers have an "activate period" of 2 seconds while auto powers have an "activate period" of 10 seconds.
  24. 1. A proc will have a certain % chance to fire, it's not time-based (though part of what goes into the % calculation is base recharge + activation time and slotted recharge time). 2. Generally speaking, yes, though there are some exceptions. 3. Nope, a given proc slotted into a given power with a given amount of slotted recharge will always have the same % chance to fire regardless of how often that power is used. 4. Toggles and auto powers have different rules than click powers. 5. Recharge buffs (Hasten, Speed Boost, Quickness, etc.) are not factored into the % chance calculation so they will effectively raise your proc rate because you'll be able to use the power in question more often. 6. Each power the proc is slotted in will have its own unique % chance to fire based off the PPM calculation for that type of power.
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