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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Right, but the title doesn't say 9,999 merits. It says 999,999 merits.
  2. Ok, so recently I went down the dual-boxing rabbit hole and I've been using a fire farmer to PL a few of my alts. I've never spent much time farming for inf before, so I figured I'm at the point in the pandemic that I check it out and see what the buzz is all about. First of all, I'm clearly doing it wrong. I'm running @brigg's Phantastic Phire Pharm #125 at 4/8 with my 50 spines/fire/fire brute (I really hate Spines but boy does it get the job done) with no xp. I have a door sitter in tow on regular xp/inf (no xp boosters -- I wanted to see how long it would take). Anyway, my 50 seems to be consistently pulling in about 3.4mm per mission, or 17mm for all five. That doesn't seem to jibe with some of the number I've seen bandied about in terms of inf/hour. I'm not setting any speed records, but I find it hard to believe that people are running a full circuit in 12-15 minutes? I'm wondering if I have a setting wrong. Second, I was sure that there would be more wiggle room in order for strong marketing to make some serious incremental income. But so far (only about 5 circuits so far), I'm getting a lot fewer IO recipes than I would like -- like 5-10 per run. Yes, the purples and PvPs are nice, but the yellows and the oranges are seeming like a waste of time, market-wise. They cost almost half a million to craft, and level 50 is a terrible spot to get good value. Anyone with more direct experience want to chime in? Paging @Ukase!
  3. Maybe I'm doing the math wrong?!? 999,999 merits rounded up to 1mm merits and 5 merits/booster = 200,000 boosters @ 1mm each = 200bn inf I assume that the title of the thread was a typo?!?
  4. Nothing. But diving boxer dogs notice a missing 198bn! That's why they should be in charge of Wall Street.
  5. I think the breakdown in communication is 999,999 merits v. 9,999 merits? Either that or you are getting *ripped off* on your boosters!
  6. Something is not adding up here. I guess, to be more accurate, something is not multiplying/dividing up here. ?
  7. Plus, you had to pay a conversion fee of 250k inf in order to swap those merits for a converter. I really wish HC would tone back their generosity with converters, since really it's only benefiting me and other ebils. I'm against this in principle, since I personally think it makes things too easy. But then again, we have the Character Items account-wide pool. It might be interesting if there was some mechanism to move items to the Character Items pool without buying packs.
  8. The bad news is that I now know what the short-term cap is in the market. The good news is that I'm chipping away at the packs beneath you.
  9. I have not gotten past the planning stages yet, but I was hoping that the Hybrid: Melee: Radial taunt aura would help? Does anyone have any experience with that?
  10. If you were to build a stalker for +4/x8 farms, what power sets would you go with? I've looked at the AoE thread but wonder what people think when aiming for a specialized environment. I have a thought but I'd like to hear from the stalker community!
  11. Why *would* it go back to a toggle? Regen is a click-heavy defense set, and not everyone likes click-heavy defense sets. That's why Willpower is an alternative. Regen is fine. It's not as easy a set as some others, but it's just fine.
  12. Not nearly as large a window as 100bn+...
  13. I'm going to say the easy part of this would be to loop through every character and aggregate the inf holdings. I think it would be much harder to check how much is stored in emails, and it would be much much harder to suss out the aggregate tied up in bids on the AH.
  14. I'm curious as to what the approximate amount of aggregate inf is in Homecoming, and maybe this poll will add some insight. I expect it's a lot. I'm asking on General rather than the Markets forum to get a hopefully wider selection. I'm not asking about your net worth or the value of the items in storage or on your character -- I'm asking about straight cash, homey. And I'm asking account wide, not how much is on any one of your characters. I ask because 1. it's interesting that inflation does not currently seem to be a major factor and 2. maybe this would give the devs some incentive to think about putting in some large scale influence sinks. I'm not intending this as a bragging thread, but if you want to, brag away Scrooge McDuck! Also, as a reminder, I'm still giving away 20mm inf to anyone who asks -- see my signature for the link to that thread. Happy hunting!
  15. Nvm, I found the thread. I've rescued him in the Ouro Heather Mission, but maybe I'm not looking hard enough in the Dream Doctor mission. I'll try it again -- maybe I'm just missing his body.
  16. Could you point me to that post? Thank you kindly!
  17. Unfortunately, no you can't. Trust me, I tried twice.
  18. Is it impossible to get this badge if you didn't rescue Detective Hopp in Heather Townsend's mission *before* completing the Dream Doctor's mission that is supposed to have him?
  19. Yomo Kimyata

    Buddy Cop

    Is there any way to get this badge (and the subsequent Dark Astoria accolade badge) if, by chance, you missed freeing Detective Hopp in your first run through Heather Townsend's arc, meaning you cannot get the badge from releasing him in the Dream Doctor's arc? Running it through Ouro doesn't seem to unlock it.
  20. I want unobtainium merits and a badge!
  21. but, but, I *like* clever auction house bids! My addition to this suggestion that would make it useful to a wider swath of the population is make the denomination an order of magnitude or two lower, so 100mm or even 10mm. Then it could be useful to the rank and file as well as the top hat and monocle crowd.
  22. Nerp. The Wayne Foundation is a 501(c)(3) and I need the tax write-off from that and the NOLs from Stark Enterprises.
  23. Let’s look at this functionally. Your issue is that you have an attuned IO, and instead you want a boosted IO. (For the reverse, you state you can attune a boosted IO — I’ve never tried it but I’ll take your word for it.) 1. You could easily sell the attuned IO and buy back an unattuned one, even at the same price. 2. There is a question of what level you want the unattuned IO at. Maybe you want it at the max level. Maybe at the min. Programming that choice is a lot more difficult than buying a new one in step 1, but ok. 3. Once you have an unattuned IO, you can spend up to 5 boosters on it. If the problem is, you have an attuned IO and you want an unattuned one, I can see asking for converters to be used to make that change. If you are asking for using a booster on an attuned to both unattune it AND to boost it then I think that’s a bit too much to ask.
  24. I wanted to post this from @GM Sijin from a while back -- sounds like it was incorrect or an oversight?
  25. I like the idea, but I also suspect it would be difficult at best to implement. But more importantly, I'm trying to assign a value to it. Far more valuable than an unslotter. Probably more valuable than a respec.
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