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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. True, they all are subsidiaries of YomoCorp, LLC.
  2. I actually have a use for it. It doesn't happen often, but when I'm running low on endurance it's a great stop gap solution. Also, I use it as a mule for Aegis proc.
  3. Fun thing about Posi1 is that if you run it at x8 you spawn 8 dopplegangers of yourself!
  4. In Praetoria, you gotta make the information first. Then when you get the information, you get the power. Then when you get the power, you get the "Huge" body type.
  5. Yomo would be the guy saying, "Nice supergroup you've got there, Supes. It'd be a shame if something, hmm, *happened* to it."
  6. So recently I was struck with a fit of nostalgia and pulled up Yomo, my eponymous broadsword/invulnerability scrapper who was my first character both on Live and on Homecoming. He’s in a good place as far as I’m concerned — not wildly overpowered and not useless. I’ve also been on a bit of a badging kick, so grinding away, making him better and better as he gains more accolades and incarnate powers. I’m currently soloing my way through Task Force Commander, then he’s off to solo all the AVs he “skipped” as EBs the first time through. Then we will try to solo everything we can — the DA arc was very doable at +4/x8 thanks to level shifts. I’m back in love.
  7. I'm not sure what you mean by Quills eating the proc? Wouldn't every attack that activates in 3.25 second window be eligible? So potentially Quills, potentially a damage aura from a secondary, and as many attacks as you can get off manually?
  8. In addition to @The_Warpact's thread, @Bopper has a thread on the probabilities: My short cut analysis: You get, on average, 1.2 ATOs per pack, and a bunch of other stuff; I generally break about even on the ATO sales and the rest of the "other stuff" is profit.
  9. I would support adding more uses to the catalyst salvage. An easy concept would be to use a catalyst to reverse a previous change: change an attuned IO to an unattuned one at max level for the set; change a superior ATO to a regular IO; etc. To OP: then you could use a catalyst to unattune your IO and then spend boosters to boost it.
  10. This is clearly my parents fighting about my preschool.
  11. You know how when you enter a new neighborhood, you get the name of the area in the screen for a brief period of time, which then fades away? I think it would be cool and very comic booky if there was an optional setting so that when you took a new mission, the name of the mission would come up on your screen in big letters for a short time, then fade. Just a thought. I think it would definitely add to immersion.
  12. I firmly disagree with you on reward capping. Like you said, it would make powerlevelling more effective, it would make farming more effective, and everyone would be fighting +10 Council but would skip +3 Carnies. I think if your character is not challenged by +4/x8 content, you are so well built that should be well past the need for rewards. Without serious restrictions to keep people from farming the easiest content at higher levels for more reward, my worthless vote would be heck no.
  13. I don’t have a fundamental problem with lifting the cap of +4, but I would want to see preventative measures in place to minimize exploits. Such as: 1. Rewards are capped at +4/x8. Level 60 critters drop xp, inf, and drops at level 54 rates. This also keeps the x8 cap. 2. Make it unlockable. Make a difficult solo mission that you have to beat ( for. Badge?) to “prove” that standard +4/x8 content is “too easy”. but at the end of the day, it’s probably simpler to announce you won the game with that character and it’s time to move onto another one, IMO.
  14. I'd be *especially* thankful for Vanguard war mace and staff. Thank you for your attention!
  15. I think of making inf in a very classical economic way: I'm trading off some scarce resource in exchange for inf. That resource may be time, convenience, knowledge, clickiness, other. I started a guide on "profitability per click" but it quickly became more effort than I was willing to put into the project.
  16. I'd be super curious if you track how long it takes for them to move by AT, if you decide to share that info. I don't generally trade in the Superior versions of things due to liquidity issues, but maybe I'll start. Hmm, reading that, you definitely shouldn't share that info with me...
  17. Yeah, it looks nothing like an avalanche to me. It looks like a combination of an amoeba and Casper the Friendly Ghost jumping out from behind a slanted wall saying, "er, boo."
  18. I'm also lukewarm, but it's fair to ask what does Invulnerability lack that other sets have? Damage aura and endurance management tools. I'm not saying that it *must* have them, but it is a reason I don't have many invulnerability alts.
  19. This is clearly a peeled banana and no amount of time in psychotherapy is going to make me change my mind.
  20. Sure enough, I should have tested it myself. Just bought ten attuned Air Bursts: no option on any of them to convert by category. then bought ten attuned Detonation, converted each by category until Air Burst, at which point the convert by category option disappears. Serves me right for listening to someone else!
  21. Hmm, that's what I was told by a GM here on the forums, I'll have to try to track that down.
  22. Every IO has a level, even an attuned one. However, the attuned IO has a *random* level assigned that (as far as I know) is invisible to the player's eye. And I *believe* that every time it gets converted it is reassigned a new random level in the range. So if you try to convert an attuned Air Burst by category: targeted AoE and it fails, that is because it is in the 10-19 range. If you convert it by uncommon and you get, say, a Quickfoot, you know a. that the old level was somewhere from 15-19 and b. that the new level is somewhere from 15-50.
  23. I love this thread, mainly because I have no idea what most of the icons are supposed to be since I've got old eyes. So I use converters to change hashtags to brown locusts and I'm happily none the wiser as to what they actually represent.
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