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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. (EDIT: tl/dr: A great way to make consistent bank, no matter how often you play a given alt, is to put in a bid for 10x a yellow recipe that doesn't require rare salvage as the last thing you do before logging off. First thing you do when next logging on is collect them and put in bids on your salvage. Play and you should have bought your salvage by the end of your game session. Collect salvage, craft, play some rare roulette, and post your items. Put in a bid for 10x yellow recipe. Repeat ad infinitum.) So, I decided to start a new alt, explore Praetoria, and document a solo path from zero to a billion inf in detail, and not at a breakneck pace. I expect to demonstrate a lot of ways to accumulate inf without spending very much effort and to do it in real time. I think a lot of this will be old news to long-time readers of this forum, but I hope someone finds it useful So welcome Miss Terrigen 1.1, a mutant Poison/Radiation Blast Defender. After running through the tutorial, I ended up on the streets of Nova Praetoria at level 2 with nothing but the wings on my back, 25 information in my pocket, and two large inspirations in my, um, I'm actually not sure where I'm keeping those. So they've got to go: open up /AH and post them each for 5 inf and BAM there's my seed money. Since I heard a rumor on a Reddit board, I decide to look up Ancient Artifacts and see how they are trading. Color me surprised to see that there are over 10mm for offer and zero bids. I'm no evil genius (in this incarnation) but I realize that I'm pretty likely to buy me some common salvage if I'm willing to put some bids in. Since I'm not greedy, let's bid 55 inf a piece for as many as I can carry, then do some work for Praetor Barry White. A few missions later, I'm dinging level 4 and going to the vendor to sell my inventory of ancient artifacts, then refill my bids for more. You can repost them on the AH as well, but I'd rather take the sure money right away from the vendor. Don't forget that when you open the vendor window, you can right click on the stack (I think it was 124 deep at this point) and sell the entire stack at once. So, I've quadrupled my initial stake, and I'm going to keep doing this while I go pick some roses. Soon I ding 5, get a new contact, clean out my inventory again and now I've got low six figures of inf. Let's try out something else that I wrote a guide about a long time ago and see if anyone is selling any cheap SOs. So I set filters on the AH for levels 40 to 54, click the For Sale toggle, and I'm bidding on any accuracy and damage SOs available. Again, since I'm not greedy, I'm bidding at 10k a piece. Let's give people a little love, right? I can sell all for them for about a 5k profit, so we're good. At this point, I'm going to invest a little bit in myself at the P2W vendor or whatever it is called. Spend 10k on Reveal, 5k on a jetpack, get Athletic Run and decide to pick up Inner Inspiration as well. The last is another great way to get seed money -- every 30 minutes you get three medium or large inspirations. The larges are generally good for at least a few thousand inf in the AH. I'm not sure how long I've been playing now, certainly well under an hour. I'm going to log, but before I do I put in bids on three recipes at 10x apiece (I'll reveal names and prices next episode). I've got 340,939 inf left over, and I hate leaving that unused. Remembering that brainstorm ideas trade at 20:1 for a rare salvage, I put in bids for enough to buy one rare salvage worth and hopefully make a small profit. Until next time!
  2. You should be able to solo those with any AT that can solo Doc V as an AV. So just about any AT if you want to carry daggers and/or purple inspirations.
  3. The silver lining to this supply deluge is that people started selling into my noob traps again.
  4. I use Time Manipulation to simulate "luck" powers for my concept characters. YMMV.
  5. There appear to be a lot of bids out there higher than yours. I’ve been able to buy decent size north of 360 but south of 400.
  6. I've got a 50 there. The main selling point is that you get two damage auras and you hit like a really slow brick. I think I'm respecing for something like:
  7. RE: cowmanning. In January I leaned into things a little, meaning that I made sure I didn't take a day off. I have a small circuit of seven alts that I run through in the morning over coffee; if I had time I would revisit two or three of them in the evening. Total time spent under an hour, and usually while I'm multitasking. The basic premise is doing the difficult, difficult work of changing lead into gold and receiving a small fee for my efforts. Really, I should get a medal for all I do for the community... Anyway I tracked the profitability by sector and it's way up there. I have a larger circuit as well that I run every few days that involves slower moving commodities and that spits out inf in larger chunks. I do it because I find it soothing, making order out of chaos and taking my (rather large) cut. Ooh, and I found 500 winter packs on an alt that were left over from the Winter Event before last. RE: real life investments. My style is a mixture of value-based with a soupcon of behavioral economics. This works very well with the sort of statistical arbitrage that we see in the AH, but in real life I stay far away from the things that get lots of attention in the news. I'm on the side of the shorts in the Gamestop debacle fundamentally, but applaud the short squeezers for manipulating the flawed (bugged?) system of shorting. That said, I'm not a first mover and I'm not going to buy anything that I can't break down into its component pieces and extract value. That generally keeps me out of things like crypto and even gold, because fundamentally to me the current value is only what I am able to get someone else to pay for it, and I don't understand tulipmania. RE: the pandemic. I thank my lucky stars every day for this game and the people in it. It certainly helps to soften the situation.
  8. I was (deliberately) married on a Friday the 13th, and every one is an anniversary. You scared the crap out of me, but the next one is in August. Happy Lunar New Year y’all though!
  9. I don't get Call Bruiser for another level.
  10. Peppa Pig is the Induced Coma % for -Rech of the porc world:
  11. I haven't read the whole thread, so apologies if it's been mentioned. When I'm a little ahead of my skis when I'm fighting an unexpected EB/AV, I pop out of the mission and *gulp* open up /AH and buy some large purples. Maybe fill up on Good Luck Imbuements before trying him again? They can't one shot your bots if they can't hit them! Also, I've fought him a number of times, but always on melee characters. If I'm able to focus on him, killing him disbands his pets. And of course, make sure you clean out the random enemies so that you don't accidentally aggro anyone other than Calystix and his buddies.
  12. Them's fightin' words! The farmers and the cowmen should be friends!
  13. Sorry to repeat the clip, but I get so excited with market posts. This demonstrates clearly my contention that in the kinder, gentler AH, there is absolutely nothing that is priced out of reach for a reasonable amount of effort. Two additional observations: 1. The experiments I've run indicate that a kill-all paper mission at 50, be it -1/1 or 4/8, will net you 1-2mm inf if you vendor everything (including IO recipes and rare salvage). 2. Everything you listed can be (and is!) created for even less than the selling prices (except that 6,666 bug).
  14. I'm sorry; that sucks. I didn't sell it. Check out the link in my sig for an easy way to get 20mm back, no strings attached. It's a drop in the bucket against your unfortunate accident, but it's a start!
  15. I organically play all my alts, mostly at double xp, but some I go old school. My 50s are mostly melee, and by the time my melee characters hit 50, they are generally already capable of playing at max difficulty. That doesn't mean that I run them there, but I'll generally try a few missions just to make sure they can. So I'll generally get them alpha slotted and then they mostly sit unless I have a project for them. A few are partially T4ed. I'd like to get more of my non-melees to 50, but I don't really like ranged combat nearly as much. I suspect that I will find that incarnating them will lead to a bigger jump in performance. For my sub-50s, I really like making new alts and playing them up until the mid 20s. By 26, I've gotten to the primary T8, and I probably have a really good feel as to how I like to play the character. And at double xp, it really doesn't take that long. Keep in mind, I slot expensively and aggressively and up my difficulty so the xp comes a-flying! I tend to lose steam with a project in the mid to upper 30s. At 35 I join Vanguard, go to Cimerora, and get patron pools unlocked. By then I'm usually around 37, and I need some impetus to push through into the 40s and beyond.
  16. I've gotten purples as low as level 46 when playing +3 content, which could have been either lvl 49 or lvl 50 mobs. I'm going to *guess* that you need to defeat an enemy that is at least lvl 50.
  17. Not technically necessary perhaps, but I can't stand to look at five round IOs and one hexagonal one. So I attune everything.
  18. Dead on. If you are joining someone else's TF, ask them if they would consider lowering it if it's too much for you. If you are running a TF, ask your teammates what they would prefer.
  19. I do wonder how feasible it would be for the devs to set up a "permanent" test server that would enable you and others to play with no market but full access to whatever items you wanted without the fear that your characters will get eventually deleted? That could serve as a test case, and players could vote with their feet.
  20. I have begun to sell off some of my WOs. I figure a 8-10mm profit is sufficient.
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