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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. This even moreso than the badge idea. Signed, cosigned, resigned.
  2. This was a long plan, and it worked out to a T. As many of you remember, six months ago there was no such thing as a lvl 53 HO. I, like many people, was using holding bids in the /AH to store inf. Lots and lots of inf. (On an aside, did you know that Synthetic HOs are fungible with regular HOs?) So when the beta notes for I27 broke in October, the first thing I saw was that there would be lvl 53 IOs. My thought process, and I certainly wasn't alone (see @EmperorSteele's great post: was that people could take 4 lvl 50 HOs (if not unlucky with a relatively small chance for meld failure) and make a level 53 HO. Step one was oh crap! take down all my bids and put the inf to work elsewhere. Step two was start collecting lvl 50 HOs so I could make lvl 53s and maybe collect some stored inf at the right price. Step three was realizing that I probably wouldn't be quick enough to take advantage of step two, so I replaced all my previous bids with an equal number of bids on level 53s that I thought were high enough to win a dump contest and that were low enough to make a substantial profit. On the day I27 went live, I didn't get on until pretty late in the process. I was still able to sell some of the lvl 53 HOs I had made for Step two, which surprised me, but yay! But my Step three noob traps worked well. And honestly I forgot about them until the other day when I logged on an old character. I would expect that someone would pay at least as much for a lvl 53 HO as they would for 4-5 lvl 50 HOs, so I think I got a good sale off there but not a fat finger error. In fact, I see a couple of 110mm sales in the last five when I look at it.
  3. Reposting because this way I get to like it twice. EDIT: If I could like my own post, that is.
  4. I'm not asking for 100% agreement. I'm asking if it will hurt anyone's playing experience, no matter how much it would help yours personally. I believe it would. Ergo, nerp.
  5. There's a whole cottage industry in the AH about buying ATOs and catalysts, superiorizng them, unslotting them, and selling for a profit. I don't partake, but plenty of others do. My basic question I have for stuff on the suggestions forum is: "Will this make everyone's playing experience better?" So, I'm not a fan of this particular suggestion because I don't think it would.
  6. @Cutteryou have inspired me. For too long have I played alts v. EBs at sub 50, saying “I can always go back via Ouro.” No more, I say. No more. This evening I punked Nocturne and Arbiter Sands at lvl 21 on my broadsword/regen brute, Jingo Updog Esquire. I won’t claim it was simple. But clearly we need to nerf regen.
  7. Revert availability of converters back to Live standards.
  8. This part is great and, IMO, should be stickied somewhere! Nice description from a person who knows first hand how and why this has been instituted. This has been gnawing at me for a few days. I'm gonna clutch my pearls here a little bit and say, yes, I do think GMs should be held to a higher standard than players. I do think it's funny that OP posted a story about getting bitten in the butt for sloppily manipulating a market (that I completely misread on first viewing, and I apologize for that.) And I am certainly not claiming that they violated the code of conduct ("This includes trying to deceive or otherwise cheat other players for your own gain"). But I can see how others might see it that way and say, "Well, if a *GM* is doing it, why the heck shouldn't I do it?" Again, pearl clutching on my part and frankly not a big deal in the global scale of things. Just something I wanted to get off my chest.
  9. One thing that HC does that, to the best of my knowledge, no other server does is make converters extremely cheap and bountiful. In my opinion, overly so, but hey that's just my opinion. It is trivial to kit out a top-tier build on HC simply with drops and lots and lots of converters. On HC, you can exchange 100 merits for 300 converters. On Rebirth, for example, you can exchange 100 merits for 10 converters, and it will cost you 2.5mm in inf as well.
  10. Every 5-10 pages I check in to see what this thread is about now. Pets. Ok! I'll catch up with y'all later then.
  11. Dang it, I wanted to start over from scratch!
  12. I hear you, and I admire your scientific approach. I question, however, if there is a need for a community board on such things. If Set D is so terrible, people vote with their feet (and their complaints on this forum). If the devs feel it is necessary to equalize sets, then they can. If they don't, then they won't. It's not game breaking in the slightest if set D is subjectively worse than other sets; it's not game-breaking if it is *objectively* worse. There aren't quotas here that I am aware of. And the game is forgiving enough that even the worst sets can succeed with flying colors. My two inf
  13. You used to be able to trade recipes, but I don't think they drop on HC. Luckily, you can buy the powers themselves, like the St. Louis Slammer, from the P2W vendor.
  14. I know, I know, this should be over already. But after picking up the double xp from the P2W vendor, I was resigned to running the Praetorian version of radio missions until I hit 30. After all, I had finished Vanessa's arc, and she didn't introduce anyone, so... And then I discovered that Mistress Maria was available at sub-30, and so I snuck my way into Night Ward at 27 and dinged 28 just before getting introduced to the Zombie Montague. There's some strange stuff happening in the Night Ward. I feel like I'm in Beauty and the Beast and I'm being attacked by anthropomorphized lanterns and candlesticks and flashlights and whatever else has a thirst for Miss T's ichor. The main reason I wanted to make this post, however, is because one of our mysteries has become more clear. At some point over the weekend, someone crashed the rare salvage market by selling something over 5k units (it could have been a lot more than that, I couldn't tell you). This helps to explain why rares have been on an upward path recently; Occam's Razor tells me that someone was accumulating them in order to see what would happen. It could have been ... YOU! Well, good for them! If it was, in fact, the same person, they got some entertainment and maybe a real life demonstration of Economics 101. They certainly didn't make any profit, but not everyone needs profit all the time. You know who's got two thumbs and DID make inf out of this? That's right, it was Two Thumb Charlie. Good guy, Charlie. I love events like this, which I term micro-macro events. I think of macro events as a fundamental change in the game, like new power sets, or lvl 53 HOs, or even discount prices on Winter Packs. I think of micro events as the day-to-day flow of supply and demand. This was an event that was certainly big enough to move the market in the short run. But you may be looking at the last 5 and ask yourself, wait, things look pretty much the same as they did last week?!? And that's probably because we may have reached a new equilibrium that is pretty close to the last one. I think of layers of unknown bids in the market for something like rare salvage as bodies buried in the backyard. I have buried a few myself, and I've observed where a lot of other people are burying bodies. But as time goes by, it gets more complex, and I'm less certain about where all the bodies are. And then someone clears out all the outstanding bids over a certain level, and it's like a backhoe just went through the backyard and cleared it all out. And now there are some new bodies! Miss T is sitting on about 1.2 large right now, and most of her activity is new niche related. The jury is still out on whether or not she will pursue this short- or long-term. But I did notice something the other day when looking at Reactive Defenses, speaking of buried bodies: If you see a trading history like this, you can feel pretty confident that some parasitic antisocial predator has put in a chunk of bids at that level. On the flip side, you can probably thank that parasitic antisocial predator for bidding higher than anyone else. And you can also probably thank them for making them into LotG recharges that you can buy at 6mm or under. To your health!
  15. Well, in THAT case I'm putting the thorn back.
  16. Not for nothing, but if anyone figures out a way to sell Iron Wills on the /AH they’ll be rich, RICH!
  17. Also, specifically about Talos missions (maybe PI too): choose a Council mission, it's right there in town. Choose a CoT mission? Oh guess what, you have to go 2 miles north and take a left at Albuquerque. It's SO ANNOYING!
  18. I knew I was getting close to the fabled one billion mark, so I figured I'd put in a little extra effort to push across that finish line. Luck of the Gambler is always a good, fast seller. I've talked about lvl 41 Red Fortune recipes recently, so instead I decided to look at lvl 41 Reactive Defenses recipes. Wow, at just over 2mm a piece, plus a rare salvage and crafting fees, that's close to 3mm all in. And yet, well within my profit zone, so I put in bids on all five non-proc recipes at 10x apiece and ran a few missions. But something was eating at me. Why didn't I check Red Fortunes as well? Surely someone read my post, and the cost of buying and crafting a Red Fortune must be approximately that of doing the same for a Reactive Defenses, right? Right?!? You would expect that some young entrepreneur would be bidding up the Red Fortunes so it would be roughly equivalent in cost. Nerp. By the time I checked to see that not only were Red Fortunes not about a rare recipe's worth more expense than Reactive Defenses, they were actually 400k cheaper. How foolish of me! By this time I had bought 30 Reactive Defenses, so I canceled the rest of my bids there, shifted my bids to Red Fortunes (bought 14 of those in short order), then did my magic: craft, convert by category: defense (where you have a 50% shot to either get a LotG or a not-LotG) until LotG, then decide whether or not to convert in set or not. I think I only converted the End/Recharge and the Def/Recharge IOs in set. LotGs are the gold standard of set IOs. Every character I have north of level 22 has somewhere between two and twenty of these, and I just can't see people not needing them. I also pulled out another factory of mine I have recently let fall to the wayside: lvl 41 Titanium Coatings. These uncommon recipes will convert once by category: resist damage into either Aegis (decent) or Unbreakable Guard (better) and those are both good sellers with a lot of real end user demand. Putting in 10x bids on every recipe in the set quickly got me 60 recipes for cheap, and I put them to work. Not surprisingly, there are members of the Aegis and Unbreakable Guard sets that I reroll in set because they just aren't that popular. So I worked on this magic while finishing up Master Midnight's arc. Floated a bit around First Ward taking in the sights. Soloed the Seed of Hamidon. Oh I could tell you blood curdling stories, but they probably wouldn't be true. Still at level 26, but we just hit our titular goal: I hope you've enjoyed reading about my little story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Over 15 days I hope I've demonstrated a lot of different ideas and shown that accumulating more inf than you can ever really need is easy, stressless, and dare I say, fun? Feel free to reach out to me anytime. Best, Yomo
  19. When I made Thor Loser, I went with War Mace/Electric Armor scrapper, although it would be a stronger build as a brute or a tanker. But he's Thor LOSER, not Thor WINNER.
  20. Some procs (Steadfast Protection Res/Def and LotG Def/Rech are two) have both a proc component and an enhanceable component, so sometimes it does matter what level a proc is. Also, I personally cannot stand to see 5 attuned IOs and one unattuned. It just drives me nuts! So I always buy my procs attuned.
  21. I never, NEVER, choose Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon, or really any magical adversaries when I'm running paper or radio missions. It's not because I am scared of Agony Mages, although they do suck. It's because I can't stand cave maps, so by choosing NOT CoT I end up with a lot of vanilla Council missions, which are almost always indoors. Just an idea, but would it be possible to randomize this so that certain enemy types aren't slotted to certain maps? I realize I'm shooting myself in the foot here, but I'd risk getting Council cave missions in exchange for CoT warehouse missions.
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