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Everything posted by Shenanigunner

  1. "This way to the airlock, chum, this way..."
  2. This is why I wrote the Chicken Run guide. 🙂
  3. All contributions to the knowledge pool are good ones. 🙂 You did, however, overlook or politely omit that, depending somewhat on your screen resolution and zoom range, you invariably have to click the guards on their, uh, junk. It gets hilarious after a while.
  4. Probably redundant to add here. Pretty sure the player base skews to over-40, and a big curve after that. 🙂 I started playing computer games before they had views. ...so I grew up on 1st person shooters as they came out in the 80s and 90s. All the original ones: Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, Half-Life... and many others. So did I, and I still play FPS games (Borderlands, etc.) with no problem, But again — there's something wrong with CoX's first-person view that is like a monkey turning my head for me, not quite in sync with the on-screen motion. Just can't tolerate it.
  5. As noted in prior discussions, I find first person view disorienting the way some find the camera shake upsetting. It's not quite concentric/in sync with the pivoting of the view, so there's a sort of a trapeze-swing or trombone-shot effect every time you turn, and it really claws at my eyes.
  6. I just can't... do that many buttons. 🙂
  7. 49 inch ultrawide, 5k. The display is stretch-wrapped a bit; I don't know what the effective viewing angle is. I should measure it. It absolutely, positively needs well-optimized mouse acceleration, both in CoX and in work setup. But after managing 3-4 monitors for years, rarely well-matched ones, it's the greatest work comfort/productivity boost since my first EVGA screen, decades ago. 🙂 I am just insanely pleased that City's aging engine supports it so well. ETA: It's surprising hard to measure the view angle, but at first-person zoom it's about 70 degrees, and at 100 feet back, it's a little over 100. The center two-thirds of the screen is largely undistorted, and then the edges stretch nonlinearly to fill the space. It's quite immersive and the distortion as you turn is... ignorable.
  8. The function is /camrotate. You can bind it to any convenient key if you (like me) find the middle button a PITA to use. Say, the left Shift key: /bind LSHIFT camrotate — holding the left Shift will now allow look-around mode. There are several camera control commands that are useful to set and reset the view.
  9. Sorry, kinda tiny. Full size on request. The two tiny trays at right center are Event stuff, temporary. (And caught me in the shower, sorry about that.)
  10. I used to put the health bar right across the alt's backside, so it was within view. I now put it bottom center, make it large enough to be able to glance at, and put my primary power bar above it, also a bit large so I can monitor recycle times. That's worked well for the last year or so.
  11. Yeah, 64. Unless you're in the UK, and then it's 6. 😄
  12. I'm way out of forks on this debate — it was just a suggestion, no serious thought — but is this what you think when you get behind someone whose sh*tbox can't get above 50 on the highway? Or, amid zen-like calm, is it more "Gee, this fine ciitzen should stay on the surface streets"? 😄
  13. How do you vet someone you don't know and for whom there's no shared record or rating? Never mind. I don't team. Don't really care. Have no further arguments against the idea that crappy players have just as many rights etc.
  14. I'm not sure what your argument is, here. Most players know if they have a crappy connection, for whatever reason. Is it some kind of ADA or charity or kindergarten rules that they be allowed to join long-term groups they know they are unlikely to be able to finish, without at least a warning flag for TLs? Okay. "Fair" enough.
  15. So there's one TL who will never opt in losers again. Too bad every single one has to learn the lesson independently.
  16. So a TL sees that Ima Butthole has "crashed out" 25 times in two weeks. Probably a player to avoid in any case, even if they're just running a crappy connection. I just suggest it's a different category from directly quitting. /nohorseinthisrace
  17. If you can't stay connected long enough to complete a group effort, it's unsportsmanlike to keep joining them. I have no horse in this race; I have very rarely teamed in the HC era.
  18. What about a tracking system? Shouldn't be too hard to add to some page of player info. Track exit from mission/TF/SF through loss of connection. Partly exculpatory, but seeing someone who crashes out twice a day might give a TL pause at adding them, Track voluntary drops. A few is one thing; a persistent pattern... again a TL call. Do NOT track being kicked, because the polite exit would be to claim a RW issue and ask to be removed.
  19. Well, no. A gnomon can be anything that casts a shadow, and many sundials are designed around a stick or peg. On one hand, almost nothing in CoX isn't just decorative. OTOH, if we're going to call that thing by any name other than "big curvy gold thing over the pool" — all of which is pretty clearly meant to be/look like a sundial — it would be "gnomon." (Hums "Time is on My Side"...)
  20. An update, as good here as anywhere. In my dreary rounds collecting tokens for my three mains, when there weren't swarms of other players trying to pounce on my — my, my, mine! — Time Capsules, I did some experimenting with distance. The "new capture" distance is only about 400 feet. Beyond that, even looking right at a target, the command won't light it up. However, the "retain" distance is a bit over 1000 feet; you can keep it actively targeted until slightly past that distance. And THEN, if you move in and re-target, it will pick it up again at more or less 1000 feet or less. I assume this has something to do with database management and "object persistence" and other aspects of managing the visual elements. But the slight variations are useful to know. And may vary with some of the distance settings like /visscale and /LODbias. Worth experimenting.
  21. I'll concede no game should be a unending grind. (I have yet to play more than about fifteen minutes in Borderlands Ultra Vault Hunter mode; every small mob takes all your ammo and resources to defeat.) But if you just want to cruise around firing off level-50 Burn on level-10 mobs in Perez (something I find insanely fun when passing through... but only for about two minutes)— I dunno. Kinda edges into "why play at all."
  22. The balance of snark to truth is elegant here. As someone who simply can't grasp the "fun" of building an invincible Fifty-'leven and just stomping ants forevermore, I'll lean towards the truth.
  23. I hear Snarky muttering, "Re-vamp?"
  24. May as well bring up Lovin' Spoonful while we're wading around in this acid-era swamp.
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