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Everything posted by Ukase

  1. So - found something interesting regarding Cimeroran Traitors. Apparently if they're level 54, that doesn't make them "Incarnate level" Cim traitors. Antonio Nash, Pandora's Box, 2/5, the 2nd mission (after chat with Mendor Silos) has a map filled with Cim Traitors. I hadn't seen realized they were in this map. But, even when I logged off and bumped it to +4 for level 54, they still didn't give credit. It's not news that the only thing in game that counts now is Rommy at the end of Sister Solaris's arc, but in case someone thought these critters might work, I can tell you, they don't.
  2. I'm not complaining in the least - just checking for clarity. Legatus, for defeating 100 cimeroran traitors. Supposedly, those npcs were going to be more available in other missions. Has that occurred?
  3. I'd say the vet level changes with the threads and the emp merits. It removes so much of the grind you'd have to put in if you couldn't do incarnate trials.
  4. The way we do it on Excelsior with Cosmic Council (and different leaders may use different strategies, of course) is method 2. Specifically: 1. Heal up 2. Toggle Hybrid, take ultimate, then lore pets, in that order. 3. AoE buffs - Destinies, etc. 4. Pull Tyrant out of the bowl to hopefully avoid errant players accidentally using a quill/temp on the lights of the well. 5. Set pets to aggressive/attack my target. Hop around to make sure you're not stuck in the mass of lore pets. 6. It helps to have ONE person to remind folks verbally - and in chat - to refresh ultimates, hybrid, and to announce "Crackle" warnings. It's just my own anecdotal experience that the larger leagues will fare better. It is true that Tyrant scales down with the size of the league, but more leaguemates will give more buffs, increasing the odds of players surviving. But, a smaller league can accomplish it - it's just each defeat seems to be more critical. That's just anecdotal, though. Notes: I'm sure you're aware of the bug that can cause the trial to glitch out when you take Tyrant's HP down too fast. This is why some league leaders will ask that team reds not be used until called for, because there's no joy in taking him down too quickly and glitching the trial. Somewhere within these forums is a comment by one of the devs as to why this happens and how to avoid it. It's why when we do Triple Threat, we often forgo using quills to limit the odds of Tyrant glitching. The benefit to attacking Tyrant with Lore pets at the start, instead of 40%, is it limits the amount of time players have to dodge the crackle. I've teamed with some pretty ...well...not so agile groups on different servers, and some folks have no idea how to move out of the way. I don't know if they don't see the crackle message, or if they're afk, or if they just don't move fast enough...whatever it is - when they die, their pets die with them, and if you have to many deaths, you lose too much DPS. On the other hand, waiting until 40% lets newer players figure out the rhythm of dodging crackle and closing in for more attacks. So, it can go either way.
  5. Regeneration is the rate at which your character regains hit points outside of direct healing. Take the Rest power, for example. If you "Rest", your regen with an SO slotted is essentially capped. You're regaining your hit points as fast as your character can gain them. So - what impacts this rate? Good question. What you slot in Health, certain unique IOs, and certain Set Bonuses. For example, Pounding Slugfest, a level 15-30 Melee Damage set, if you slot at least two of those in the same attack, your regeneration rate is increased by 8%. Well...8% of zero is still zero, right? The good news is, unless you're being debuffed, every character has at least some level of regeneration. The higher your Hit Points, the higher your regen rate, as far as the number of hit points you actually regain per second. For example: A corruptor's Max HP...1606 or so. A tank's is much higher, usually double that, or close to it, depending on build, about 3k, 3200. The cap is 3600 or so. A tank's 8% will give that tank more hit points recovered per unit of time than the corruptor's 8%. So, any time you can increase your character's hit points without sacrificing other attributes, it's a wise thing to do - i.e. Task Force Commander, Portal Jockey, Freedom Phalanx Reserve Accolade powers all boost HP. Recovery is the same thing as regeneration, only for Endurance. Endurance can often be interchanged with Stamina. Resistance is what limits the incoming damage you're going to get hit with. A tank's resist cap is 90%. So, if an NPC hits the tank with a 1,000 points worth of damage, because the tank resists 90% of that damage, they only take 100 hit points worth of damage. The higher the resistance, the less damage they take. Defense is the ability for a character to avoid being hit. The higher your defense, the greater the chance that you avoid being hit. If the npc attacking your character dishes out 1000 hit points of damage, but you have 45% defense, then there's only a 5% chance you get hit. The Wiki can break all that down. It can be quite confusing. Recharge is how fast/slow a given power will be able to be used again. Hasten, for example, has a base recharge of 450 seconds. "Base Recharge" is the length of time that has to elapse before the power can be used again if there are no enhancements in the power, nor are there any other set bonus recharges, or external buffs to recharge. (Speed boost, Accelerated Metabolism, for example) Some players, I have no idea what game calls it a "Cool down", but they use that term interchangeably with recharge. Heal/Absorb are two different things, but they do work in conjunction. If your character has 200 hit points of your total of 1606 Hit points at the moment, and I use Heal Other on you with my emp, you will go from 200 hitpoints to about 900 hit points. If you have an absorb shield, it acts as a temporary extra amount of hit points. Hoarfrost, for example, unslotted, will give you a 29.9% heal, as well as a 29.99% absorb shield. Hope that clears things up. They're good questions. If my answers are not clear, I encourage you to ask for more information.
  6. I'm aware. I just pointed it out because personally, I have both bookmarked, the paragon and the HC wikis. But I tend to use the Paragon out of habit. So, I figure I may not be the only one, so this alone is a motivation for me to start leaning into the HC wiki over the paragon. In the past couple of days, seems like whomever is running it has fed the hamsters or greased the wheels they run in. The page now comes up as fast as the Paragon.
  7. It may be worth pointing out - there's a distinction between the HC wiki and the oldie but goodie Paragon Wiki for the Ubelmann arc from Lannister. On the Paragon Wiki, it says this is a council arc. On HC, it ACCURATELY states it's a 5th column arc. So, kudos to whomever ported the info from Paragon Wiki and edited it to show it was 5th Column.
  8. So, this is what I will share: About 5 months ago, I crossed a line with influence. Some folks stash surplus inf in the AH with bids on things that don't exist. I am not one of those. I keep mine in email. But each account can only hold 100 emails. So, when each of my three accounts were capped, I had to make a 4th. And, since there's no reason to not put the 4th account to work in addition to just holding inf, I made an afk farmer with it, with the idea of recycling the farmer at a convenient point to maximize emp merits to convert to reward merits, to convert into converters. But, when you see an opportunity that tends to avail itself when Dr. Q (244 merits for roughly an hour for most speed teams) and Apex/Tin Mage (80 merits each, 120 total, as they're usually run in tandem for 20-30 minutes, total) the converters get dumped on the market, as they're a fast way to make inf. Doing all the clicking to stock up on converters is tedious, but if you can just bite the bullet once and load up on them for cheaper than normal (sub 70k), I am one who will use every available auction house slot I have on multiple characters to get them. In fact, if I sniff out anyone wanted to unload a bunch of them, I'll pay 70k each for as many as they have, as a courtesy. Saves me some clicking, saves them some clicking and 10%. Win/win. And I will make all of that 700M for the 10K converters back plus some, simply by using them wisely. It's not unheard of for me to go through 3000 converters a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. So, if you look through the guides, or through this sub-forum, there's plenty of information to be found about the actual USING of converters for influence, as opposed to just selling them. When you have a character that is just playing content, they get recipes without you doing anything extra. You're playing the game, enjoying yourself. And at the end of your game session, you look in your inventory. Some of these you can craft with the salvage that's dropped, some you can't. Craft what you can, as long as it's yellow (uncommon) or orange (rare) or purple (very rare). Look at the AH for that crafted IO. See what it's selling for. Subtract 10-15%. That's what you might consider selling it for. Would you make any profit? Consider that the recipe was free - but also consider what the recipe is selling for on the AH. Consider the cost of the salvage you used to craft the recipe. example to follow: A perplex recipe, level 50. On the AH, this might sell for 1 inf, or it might sell for 75K. Maybe a touch more to 100k. But for the most part, without looking at it in-game due to maintenance, 30-50k. The salvage used is 3 commons (3x300 inf) + 1 uncommon (2000 inf), plus the cost of crafting for a level 50 recipe...what is it..467K, I think. I think it's safe to say that this IO cost roughly 500k to craft - but on the AH, it sells for anywhere from 300k to 700k. Unless someone adds an extra zero and overbids. So, what to do? You've just spent 500k to craft it, and there's no real profit to be had. You convert it from the uncommon perplex to a rare - and you'd likely end up with Malaise's Illusion, assuming the IO is over level 30. If not, you may end up with one of the other 2. But as it's a level 50 in this example, you get the Malaise's Illusion. A Rare IO. Now, this sells for a bit more. And if patient, you can sell this for 1M to maybe 1.3M, depending on which one, and the whims of the market. But, if you use more converters, there's no telling what you might get. You could get lucky and immediately get an LotG 7.5% (luck of the gambler Defense/7.5% global recharge) or you might get something that sells for even less. Me, I keep clicking until I get one of my preferred IOs that will sell for 3-8M. It rarely costs me more than a dozen converters. Sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less. Opportunity cost of 15 converters: 1,050,000 influence. So, in this example, I've invested about 1.5M. If i make 3m, I make just less than double my investment. Now, when I do this for 250 IOs a day...that's about 250x1.2M=300m per day, total profit, at least. The salvage, the converters, the recipes - most of that stuff drops from the sky, free. But sometimes, even though I'm recycling characters for their emp merits to turn into converters, the easy, quick sales of converters can be used to help other players out, and save me some time as well.
  9. You'd have to define lucrative. It certainly can be, but it depends on your source of the enhancement. This particular market can be tricky. You can do the math, buy the 4 level 50 Special-Os necessary to make a 53 at a price which may make you some profit, but when you try it with a level 48 to combine with a 51 or a 52 or even a 50, sometimes...sometimes, the RNG laughs in your face for your greed. This happened to me once on the cytos, which for reasons that defy any logic my poor mind came up with, the history showed several bids of 120 to 130M. I don't use them, had some in the base taking up space and tried to be greedy. On the one hand, a 52 still sells for a nice chunk. But losing that one 48 cyto still cost me about 40M. Maybe a little less. I'm still traumatized a full year later. I've tried to repress it from my mind in self-defense. And what's this nonsense about Flea being wrong? BLASPHEMY! Good thing we have it in writing. I don't know that this has occurred before. Maybe THAT's why the servers shut down an hour earlier than I expected! DOOOOOOM!
  10. I was going to by 10B more this morning...but they started maintenance an hour earlier than I expected! Doooom!!!!!!
  11. For the lycanthropes - Beast Within - by accident, I stumbled across Ashwin Lannister. A level 25-29 contact, Ubelman is a 5th column story arc. If you set to 0/8 with a character in that range...then proceed to not complete the arc, but level the character, I suspect that'd be an easy route to this badge.
  12. I have 3020 packs left to open...still undecided if I should buy more. And I think time is running out! Probably ends tomorrow. At least, the winter event should.
  13. I remember tackling this bad boy on my first character. I don't even want to think about the debt I accrued. I'm not sure what changed with Nosferatu, but I think I got smarter. I don't think I ever figured out until much later that when closed in melee for his smite attack, ya had to get out of melee to stop him from self-healing. It never occurred to me to hover over head and just blast him from safety. Once I figured that out, he was easy. My melee characters...that was a lot like tackling Protean or Battle Maiden in Apex TF. Gotta stick and move. Good fun, but sometimes annoying if you mis-time your attacks.
  14. I ran this with a pug 4x on 4 different alts. No question in my mind, I missed Barrier more than anything. Hybrid, Interface, Lore, Alpha...I don't often think of those unless I'm in a Magi. Destiny I think of a lot, and Judgement is always useful - but I can live without it. Worthy Opponent is just annoying, not difficult. The only real difference was the inability to incan people to and fro when expedient to do so. And, with a fair number of folks using the teleport pool, even that wasn't missed as much as I thought it would be. A couple of times, we tried to snipe the heroes under the Atlas globe and it worked well. A couple of times - not so well. Lots of defeats, but when we regrouped, spammed temps and buffed and actually focused on one target, it worked much better. If only people would read, the defeats would have likely been fewer, but that's a pug for ya.
  15. I gotta say this: I completely understand when the tells come steamrolling in, to the point where you'd have to scroll up, because when you hit backspace, the name that pops up wasn't to the person you intended to reply to. It happens. I should have been more clear. My beef is when you send a tell to the person recruiting, their message time stamped at 8:00 am, "I'll join, will zone in via LFG". at a point in time - say 8:00 am. Twenty seconds later, I'm in zone, and say "in zone" in a tell. And they say nothing. It's just maddening. Now, in their defense - they did say in LFG that they were full. That message was put out while I was porting in, apparently. I had to scroll up to find it. It just irks me to no end to stop what I'm doing to help someone and they can't be bothered to reply. I didn't reply in LFG, I sent a tell as requested. They should be able to reply in kind. It's simple. And yeah, sometimes you can get overrun with tells. It just irks me.
  16. So...there are three plays with Winter-Os which are going to be used the most, as far as "for profit" moves go. 1. Buy now, open whenever, sell the enhancements and other things of value and make some inf. The amount isn't "fantastic", but with volume, you can make the case that it's as good as most other plays in the market. 2. Buy now, open whenever, and sell the enhancements and other things of value when prices for these enhancement begin to creep up to what they were before the sale. As with most things in life, when we defer gratification, we reap more. 3. Buy now, open none, repost and wait. The longer you're willing to wait (repost at 25M) the more you make. With the possibility of them not going on sale again...it's an interesting situation. On the one hand, it's not real life money - and most of us in this subsection forum can make as much inf as we need in short order. So, it's a question of how much inf do we want to hold onto for future needs/wants. I could make the case that I can spend all of my inf on packs, and subsist of them for ...years, maybe. But the market can be a fickle beast, and we all know our HC devs can change things within the game to impact the market with no notice. Heck, they may turn them into "gifts" that drop into special salvage by character for performing certain random tasks during the week. I have characters on Rebirth, but I'm not active there, not really. I don't monitor their forums (ugly format) so it always surprises me to log in when these servers are down and see certain characters have 25 Winter pack or 10 Hero packs - but only on certain characters in an account, not all of them. And their packs have purples, as well as ATOs in them, too. Quite strange. So...since it's fake loot, go nuts. But...anything can change...so temper your risks as you see fit.
  17. I do not know what that means. And, good or bad - I've learned it doesn't make any difference what we players think about other player suggestions. The powers that be will read it, and round file it, or think about it, and maybe do something soon, or maybe do something much later.
  18. And that's fine. My point is that there seems to be some power slide (as opposed to power creep) for the illusion primary. What's the trade-off? How many toes did you use to make the calculation?
  19. Those of us on live way back when, remember when the phantom army was a key tool in taking down hami - indestructible PA, dropped on Hami repeatedly. Then, hami changed. I re-made my old controller, formerly known as Imperious Rex BEFORE ITF was on beta. Those Paragon Devs stole my character's name, but I was allowed to keep it. And fair enough, as I stole the name from Sub Mariner's list of expletives he'd yell when he got pissed off. But I digress. On Aeon SF, not sure what's doing it - but PA army are taking damage. Yes. That PA army. You know, the one that's supposed to be impervious to damage. I remember on a hami on homecoming, PA took some damage there, too. It's been 2 years, but I think the PA takes damage on Magisterium, too, during the Tyrant fight. I know the Crystal Titan did some damage to them, too. I say this to suggest that something needs to give. Either the description in PA changes, the duration is increased, or they go back to being impervious, or something else in the illusion control set gets a buff to counter this deflation of value in the PA. It's the hallmark power of the set. There's literally no other reason to take illusion other than to have the pets that are impervious to harm. Now, suddenly, they can be damaged? That's not right. Nothing should harm the PA. Not Hami, Not the Titan...thematically, the PA are not real - they're illusions. It doesn't make sense for them to take damage.
  20. I've heard of this chap, even saw some videos of him when the streaming ban came out, as I was curious as to what he could possibly gain by making videos of playing a game that anyone can play if they want to. (once they make an account). But, I'm old, and there are reasons that are good enough for him and others, and it doesn't have to make sense to me. So, that's all fine and good. The part of the video that talks about the hami raid...I can completely understand why folks would be irritated with him about that. I don't know what server he was on - someone said excelsior, but it's not clear to me if this guy only plays on Excelsior, or hops around on different servers. I'm guessing he was a server-hopper. If he were an Excelsior player, and enjoyed doing a hami raid, I'm pretty sure he'd have realized they do these raids every night around 9:30-10Pm eastern. Sometimes earlier if the zone fills. I've got to think this incident occurred a long time ago. Like more than a year. Maybe 2 years. Because the hive caps at 50. You can't have several leagues in the hive, unless each league is only a couple of teams. And that certainly wasn't the case, since he mentioned they zerged Hami. Not unless there were a bunch of nukes & such. It's not fair for me to say that he should have known better. Ultimately, there's nothing to stop anyone from hosting anything like this if they want to. He's not gonna solo it, so there has to be a good number of other people that also want to. And if they "infringe" upon another leader's normal time, than the other leader - while they have a right to their feelings, they don't have a right to expect other players to stop what they're doing so that routine leader can do what they do. Nor should the routine leader expect them to invite the routine leader and pass the star. I remember needing one more lousy bomb click and GM for an MSR. I also know on Excelsior, @doc proteus? Not sure what his global is, but it's close - he does these raids at 2pm Eastern fairly often. A few months ago, it literally was every day, unless he had some issues come up, and he generally tried to convey those days he couldn't lead ahead of time. He also makes a notice in the server events calendar. Now, knowing this, I didn't want to wait until 2pm Eastern. I wanted to run an hour earlier. But, I know how protective the players are of their routines. And, well, if I were Doc, I wouldn't want anyone to undercut my routine planned event by an hour either. So, I checked the calendar. Doc wasn't on the calendar, and more telling, he'd mentioned that he wouldn't be leading one that day. So, I knew that I could do so without any objections, and without being accused of any nefarious dis-respecting of anyone else. (and I tell you the truth here - there were more than a couple of players who insisted I not form it because Doc's was scheduled to form up any moment! I told them I checked the calendar and he wasn't - but man, they were rude until they learned that. ) Would I have been within my rights to do so, whether Doc had something scheduled or not? Absolutely. Would other players have a right to complain about it? Absolutely. But, when they start making discord accounts and extra game accounts just to insult - they're crossing a line from being understandably irked to being more than a bit psychotic. As for the SG stuff, his officers kicking folks for not being good enough - someone posted about that, I didn't hear it in the video - this is what happens when you invite just anyone into your sg. Every "open" sg has these kinds of issues. Even Cosmic Council kicks people for various reasons, and drama is either the cause of the kick, or the result of it. And it's quite annoying when people you like teaming with are the cause of drama, or are kicked for other reasons, or they leave because of drama. Or worse, the ones doing the kicking are causing drama because they don't like this person for whatever reason. Sometimes, it's a good reason, and sometimes it ain't! But anytime you have a group of dozens of players, drama will occur. That's why we have popcorn. To be on the outside of the drama and having little else to do other than to see who said what to whom. It's in every SG, and no member or leader will be free from it for any real length of time. It's why one of the best things about HC is the /altinvite command. You can just make coalitions and not be too familiar with the other players. Familiarity can breed contempt.
  21. You and several others are quite correct. I had my panties in a bunch and wasn't thinking clearly.
  22. I'm just going to say this - and candidly, you're entitled to do things the way you wish - just know if you don't adhere to this protocol, I think you're in the wrong. When you recruit for something, and you get a reply via tell (assuming you didn't ask for a shout in broadcast), if you fill up right before that you get that reply, you simply hit backspace and reply, "sorry, full". You don't say anything in LFG. And "Why not?!" you may ask. It's a fair question. After all, the player that sent you the tell was clearly monitoring that channel. But are they monitoring that channel after they've sent you a tell? No. They're not. When you recruit - it's like putting an ad in the paper, or Craigslist, or one of the on-line job boards. They never take out another ad to specifically state the job's been filled. Telling the world in LFG that you've filled is like putting an ad in the paper saying the job's been filled. It's common courtesy. I completely understand that sometimes - you get 10-20 tells for a given recruitment effort. Guess what - back space works. You can and should reply to all of those people who were kind enough to reply to your plea for assistance. If you can't find a way to do that - it's my opinion that you're just wrong. That concludes my soap box rant for the moment. You've been a great audience, even if you disagree.
  23. Given various variable and fixed costs aside from payroll itself, I think the sub rate per month would have to increase to $25/mo, per account. For each dollar an employer deducts from payroll, they have to match a portion of those taxes for unemployment, not to mention 401k matching & other perks - like paid vacations & the like. Legal expenses would likely increase, too. I don't know what all the new expenses would be, but I'd wager there'd be a lot of them. I think in addition to them being non-profit, they should also be a charity - where profits over 10% are donated to other known charities, and the 10% held in reserve for hard times (and perhaps expansion)
  24. If they tried to commercialize this in the precise manner in which the OP suggests, at least half the player base would quit, instantly. At least half. In item 2 in the list : Legacy Homecoming players could access 5 pre-existing characters/server, allowing for a significant number of their current characters. Do you know what the term significant means? I can't speak for everyone, but most everyone I know and have teamed with in this game has hundreds of characters. Not just 25. And having 5 characters on another server is like not having them. I don't think many players bounce around from server to server playing this day on Excelsior and that day on Everlasting, etc. And if I couldn't play them, I could deal with that, but because I couldn't play them, I'd have to respec them all and take out all the enhancements and sell them because I don't have enough storage for all the enhancements - and because they're 50, I'd have to respec them twice to get all of them out. This wouldn't be fun in the least. It would be annoying. In fact, I wouldn't do it, I'd just quit playing altogether. 5 characters...sheesh. During this pandemic, most folks suffered some sort of economic hardship. Loss of hours, loss of job...kids moving back in - some sort of issue. It will take some time to "catch up" to where they were before. Most would likely not pay. Maybe 10-20% of the folks that are playing now. You can advertise all you want...it may bring in some new folks - but will you keep them? No way to know. With all the ridiculousness in that list, you're basically telling people to subscribe, or be ripped off. That's really it. 2xp bonus payable by the hour? In real cash? Nobody sane is going to pay for that. An insta-50, perhaps. A token dollar, maybe. If you monetized alignment changes, you might as well tell redside players to kick rocks. And they probably would, too. It would be even more scarce than it is now. A better solution would be to hope things stay as they are.
  25. The acronyms I can deal with. It's the very lazy method of typing "u" for "you" and "ur" for "you're" or "your". These people need to be stripped of any advanced education they have and go back to school until they learn to write properly. Now get off my lawn!
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