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Everything posted by Trickshooter

  1. Players didn't go outside the sonic barriers, that's just where the Hamidon was and there was supposedly a way to trigger one of the massive tentacles to appear outside of them. You can see it here: https://www.deviantart.com/schwartzpedro/art/Hamidon-Sightings-1-190370073
  2. I would say about 95% of them are basically doubly prevented from Range effects. First from being unable to slot range, and second from the flag that makes them ignore buffs and debuffs to range. There are exceptions though. Some intentional, some not. These ones make sense: All Taunts/Confronts Focus Shockwave Serpent's Reach Hurl Hurl Boulder Lightning Rod Breath of Fire Repulsing Torrent Focused Burst Boggle Savage Leap Fault Impale Throw Spines Frost Some specifics ones I know of that are missing the flag to ignore range buffs/debuffs (though still can't slot for range): Brute's Battle Axe/Cleave Brute's Super Strength/KO Blow Might be more, but I'd have to double-check.
  3. There is a Range Bonus attribute that can be monitored, but this won't show individual ranges. It will just tell you -60% if the target is in Hurricane, or -75% if they're Taunted/Confronted.
  4. It's dependent on each attack as it was set up for each AV/GM; it's not based on rank. Similar to above, Range doesn't increase based on rank. It's the individual powers that each AV/GM has that are given a range value. They do not have range debuff resistance because there is no range debuff resistance. There isn't even a range debuff. What -Range powers do is -Strength(Range), which is essentially more like a global range enhancement with a negative value. However, there is a -Range floor, which is 25% of the original range of the power. That means that Taunts/Confronts -75% Range already brings any target to the lowest value their range will go. It's possible, but I don't know of any. A power has to be individually flagged to ignore Range buffs/debuffs; the game itself doesn't do this automatically because it doesn't really know what defines an attack as a Melee attack. Yes, as long as it has a range value and isn't flagged to ignore range buffs/debuffs, it will have it's range reduced.
  5. In all my years playing before sunset and now, never once have I found SS, SJ or Teleport any more or less difficult or unsafe to use than Fly. I mean, if the only claim here is that you can afk and grab a coffee while auto flying to a mission door vs needing to run around a building with SS, then that really isn't an argument as far as I'm concerned. Just about everyone I roll with doesn't use travel powers in missions either, unless they are stealthing one on a long TF or something, but in those instances they have invis running so "safety" isn't an issue. I'm not sure how you want me to respond. I also play now and played before Sunset and Fly makes things like crossing zones when you're only at the lowest level for that zone easier, especially when most of the original contacts don't even stick to the same zone for their missions. It makes searching large instanced missions easier and safer. It makes escaping enemies on those maps easier too. And it makes fights safer, especially hunt missions, when I can stay completely at range by flying up.
  6. But base fly is not on par with base SS or SJ or Teleport. Only when you disregard the other benefits of Fly. Fly is the easiest to use, the safest to use, offers the most control of movement and has practical use in combat.
  7. You're still not getting it - very simple math here... 2 > 1. I think most of us are getting what you're saying, but we just disagree. You feel that Fly needs Afterburner to compete with the other travel powers, while the rest of us seem to feel that Fly is already on par with the other travel powers and Afterburner just makes it better.
  8. THAT I did not know... I must have missed that part of the lore somehow... Miss Liberty is Lord Recluse's niece; Maiden Justice was Lord Recluse's sister.
  9. Poison/Noxious Gas (not Venomous gas) Traps/Poison Trap Poison/Poison Trap might do it as well, but I haven't noticed. Poison/Elixir of Life will do it to a player.
  10. This is the part of Fly that makes sure travel suppression slows flight speed down. Just ignore it, unless you're attacking you're constantly getting an additional flight speed buff to cancel it out.
  11. You don't even need the SO (or even Swift). Fly, by itself with no enhancements, hits the Flight speed cap at all levels (even level 1, if you could take it at level 1). But anyway, I agree. Fly is already incredibly convenient compared to the other travel powers. I don't think it's in need of any buffs.
  12. I think the only reason they don't already is just because effects can't scale to match. I don't think that really matters to most people, and effect scales are already messed up by player size, but if I had to guess, that'd probably be the reason. Interestingly, radius is already something programmed in the game as enhanceable. Technically, I think Range Enhancements in Cones enhance radius, since Cones are kinda like PBAoEs restricted to an arc. Radius Enhancements were planned, but never implemented, too. Their enhancement color would have been pink:
  13. First, just wanted to say that all DoTs stack already. I wasn't sure if that was intended to be a balance point for this set over others. Second, I really like the idea of a Toxic damage set, and I like that you considered a way to deal with the fact that there are some things in the game with significant resistance to it. However, I'm not sure the game is in a state where adding a 100% Toxic Damage set is workable. Like I said, I like that you thought creatively about a way to deal with toxic resistance. But when you say something bypasses Toxic Resistance, what you're basically describing is unresistable damage, which could break a few things in PvE, like objects intended to be indestructible or even enemies intended to be significantly challenging like Hamidon or Lord Recluse. I also think this set could be problematic in PvP, as most sets only have minimal Toxic Resistance to begin with, and some of them in powers where players don't generally slot for resistance (like click heals). And even though Toxic Defense was eventually created in the game, no player power uses it. Also, there have been other sets that propose high damage, but mostly DoT, and I always feel a little unsure about them. People typically end up complaining that DoTs (especially lengthy ones) end up being "wasted" on fast moving teams. It's your set, so ignore this if you're happy with it, but I would suggest maybe making the powers do around half of their damage as upfront Toxic damage, half as Fire DoT (this being the acid's burning effect), and then have most of the powers cause either a smaller -Res(Toxic, Fire) or a larger -Res(Toxic).
  14. I like most of what the SCORE team has done but there are a few decisions I don't really agree with and doing full powerset proliferation is one of them. While powerset proliferation is generally a good thing there are several places where the original developers make a decision not to give a set to a particular AT for good reasons and this is one of them. Empathy just isn't a great set for Masterminds. It's playable and decent enough on teams but at the end of day it's not really a great option. If you really want an MM Empath the best option is to stick with Pain Domination which was designed with MMs in mind. Their proliferation is so inconsistent though. Empathy for masterminds but no Energy Aura for tankers? Clearly a conspiracy is at work! Energy Aura needs some work in the opposite direction. If Tankers were just given the Scrapper/Brute version as is, but bumped up with Tanker mods, it could soft-cap all damage types except Negative (but very close) and Psionic with just SOs. And that's on top of moderate resistances, a heal, +recharge and +endurance.
  15. Thematically, I feel it would be more appropriate to have Force Field graphics as an alternate to Energy Aura.
  16. Took forever, but I finally got their resistances to link in-game. Paste this in to chat: [Carnival_Strongman_Inherent.Resistance] You'll see they have 100% Resistance to RunSpeed Slows, along with Mag 100 Protection to Repel, 50% Resistance to KB/KU, 70% Resistance to Immobs and 20% Resistance to Smashing damage.
  17. Poison ticks a lot of boxes for a support set: heals, buffs, debuffs, controls... The problem? It's basic. No real theme, almost no unique aspects, just green waterballoon versions of powers pulled from other sets with Toxic resistance added. EXCEPT... for one feature that was added later in the set's life: splashing. I think if we leaned-in to this more for the whole set, it would both improve the performance of Poison and also define a theme for the set: potent ST powers that “splash”. Alkaloid Add scale 0.865 Heal (0.76 for MM) in 8 ft radius 'splash' (115.8 for Defenders, 101.9 for Corruptors/Controllers, 81.4 for MM) Add base 10% Res(Toxic) in 8 ft radius 'splash' (10% for Defenders, 7.5% for Corruptors/Controllers/MMs) You toss your vial of Alkaloid, it hits your main target and splashes on nearby allies. Simple enough. I think if you added "Caster" to the Entities affected field, it would also heal the caster with the splash, which would be nice. Envenom No changes Weaken No changes Neurotoxic Breath Increase recharge to 60s Increase duration to 40s Ok, unrelated to the splashing suggestion, this power is actually pretty potent as a debuff, it just has a slightly short duration. Poison as a whole can already spend a lot of time reapplying debuffs, so I feel it would really help if it lasted longer, so it wouldn't need to be reapplied so frequently. If others feel differently, I’m perfectly fine with it as is. Elixir of Life Add 100% Recovery in 8 ft radius 'splash' (30s duration) Add 50% Recharge in 8 ft radius 'splash' (30s duration) Add base 20% Damage buff in 8 ft radius 'splash' (25% for Defenders, 20% for Corruptors/Controllers, 15% for MMs) (30s duration) Add base 15% ToHit buff in 8 ft radius 'splash' (18.75% for Defenders, 15% for Corruptors/Controllers, 11.25% for MMs) (30s duration) Add base 10% Res(Toxic) in 8 ft radius 'splash' (10% for Defenders, 7.5% for Corruptors/Controllers/MMs) (30s duration) “You want to give half of those very potent buffs to a whole team with no crash!?” Here’s the thing: 1. Someone has to die to use this power 2. It takes 3 minutes to recharge 3. Duration will only be 1/3 of the main buff Antidote Add scale 15 Protect(Stun, Sleep, Immob, Hold, Confused, Terrorized) in 8 ft radius ‘splash’ (6.495 for level 50 Defenders, 5.19 for level 50 Controllers/Corruptors, 3.9 for level 50 MMs) Add scale 250 Res(Sleep) in 8 ft radius ‘splash’ (108.25% for level 50 Defenders, 86.5% for level Controllers/Corruptors, 65% for level 50 MMs) Add 25% Res(RunSpeed, Recharge) in 8 ft radius ‘splash’ Add base 5% Res(Cold) in 8 ft radius ‘splash (5% for Defenders, 3.75 for Controllers/Corruptors/MMs) Add base 10% Res(Toxic) in 8 ft radius 'splash' (10% for Defenders, 7.5% for Corruptors/Controllers/MMs) If this ends up seeming too good, then at least I would like the Damage Resistance portion of this power to be an AoE, like Increase Density (possibly also the slow resistance). I hesitate to also allow the splash of this to affect the caster, but frankly it would seriously help keep Venomous Gas from being detoggled, at least on a team. Paralytic Poison Add 14.9s Sleep (mag 3) in 8 ft radius 'splash' Increase recharge to 18 seconds Similar to Blind, give the main hold an AoE sleep. Recharge increase is simply double that of Blind, the way Paralytic Poison is already double the recharge of ST Control set Holds. Poison Trap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I literally don't know. I don't want it to just be a copy of the Traps version, but the Poison version feels like it does almost nothing anymore except for the Hold. Venomous Gas No changes.
  18. Honestly, I thought they must've turned it up. I got 3 purples on one farm run just last weekend.
  19. Your suggestion is good, and I wouldn't be mad if it was implemented, I'd just be happier if we could make the set work with just debuffs. I wouldn't say recharge slows are the worst debuff (that title would go to -perception, ba-dum-psh), they can be really debilitating, but like you said, only when an enemy has run out of attacks. Recharge slows synergize so well with -ToHit (or +Def like in Cold) for that reason. The real issue is that TA has so little -ToHit to make recharge slows effective. Which brings me to... Honestly, maybe that would be all it takes to make a difference early on. I feel myself hesitate agreeing that Flash Arrow can stay exactly as it is, except with more -ToHit, but thinking about it... what would it really change? I have seen so many people agree that Flash Arrow can't stay aggro-less if it had increased -ToHit, but the more I think about it, what difference does it make? You either use it on a group and don't fight them, so the -ToHit amount is moot, or you use it on a group and then you fight them, in which case, debuffing them 10 seconds before or 1 second before doesn't really change anything. Hmmm... I would say at the very least, duration would need to come down and recharge go up. Possibly just to 30/30 rather than 15/60. This is always the problem I have when I think about it. TA as a whole ticks most of the boxes for a debuff set, it's just the debuff values that tend to be off. But Glue Arrow thematically doesn't fit any of the debuffs you'd want to increase in the set. I agree, these could use a general review pass. Time's Hold is decent, but Petrifying Gaze, Paralytic Poison and Ice Arrow are the three worst Holds in the game. Don't worry about it, I wasn't actually offended or anything. I thought I was being funny, but looking back now it probably sounds a little elitist. You shouldn't apologize for me being an ass. ;D
  20. Oh, no apology needed! Trust me, I was not offended or anything by your post. I was just trying to say that for every power we feel is bad, there is someone out there that think it's good and I mentioned the 7 years because I also used to feel Entangling Arrow was the power in the set that could be cut, but over the years I've seen there are people who are equally passionate about keeping it.
  21. Who was the guy who constantly posted for Stalker changes, and then right after he "disappeared", we finally got buffs to Stalkers? I remember so many jokes about how he died for our buffs, but I can't remember his name and it's been bugging me. Anyone remember?
  22. Late to this, but just wanted to say that Eviscerate becoming a ST attack was not done as a penalty to the set. It was actually a player-requested change. I think it was because Claws for Stalkers didn't have a heavy-hitting attack, besides AS, with a guaranteed crit, and so it lagged behind the other sets in burst damage, which went against the intended focus of the Stalker AT.
  23. Emphasis added by me, but this is your opinion, and there are likely plenty of people that think Entangling Arrow is fun and useful. Again, I argued with those people for 7 years, so I know they're out there. I'm against removing or completely changing a power for everyone just because a few of us in this thread don't like it. I'm all for adding to or updating powers, though. So rather than break the cottage rule and swap Entangling Arrow out for something else, if you suggested "electrifying" Entangling Arrow and adding energy damage to it in addition to improving or adding to its debuffs, that I could get behind as it would vastly improve the power without removing the things some players already enjoy about it (like its effectiveness on AVs or just its graphics and how it's a classic comic book archer thing to have a net arrow).
  24. Only these ones: Cold Domination/Ice Shield and Glacial Shield Force Field/Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield Kinetics/Speed Boost and Increase Density (only the +Res is AoE, Mez Res/Prot is ST) Sonic Resonance/Sonic Barrier and Sonic Haven Thermal Radiation/Fire Shield and Plasma Shield Powers that were mostly mez protection, like Clear Mind, were not included. Although, I feel Thermal/Thaw and Poison/Antidote should have also gotten their Damage Resistance made in to AoEs.
  25. That exists, but you also have the option to raise a single hand at the target and fire fire from a single palm. I think Griffin is asking about the original Flares animation where your arms are above your head (shared with Heat Loss, Fulcrum Shift, Gale and Sonic Siphon) which was 2.17 seconds long. That animation was tossed when Blaster's got Defiance 2.0 in Issue 11. Flares default animation now is a 1 second animation doing the pewpewpew arms.
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