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Everything posted by jubakumbi

  1. If you follow the second link to Reddit, there is a discussion about when these terms appeared with some references. According to those references, several of these sayings could have been added much later, as you supposed. The etymology is always fascinating.
  2. https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/7-common-sayings-that-dont-mean-what-you-think-they-mean-245885 also
  3. Curiosity killed the cat ... but satisfaction brought it back. One of my favorites. It is a parable, IMO, on the topic at hand... Crowds can become herds. Herds are not known for thier out of the box thinking, nor are they know for accepting 'others'. In almost no other game have I seen the herd mentality as strong as I have here in this one. Just look at the Brute fire farmers. I have no issue with eschewing the herd, but some humans live for the embrace of the herd and feel bad when it does not accept them, I get it. My advice is simply to ignore the herd and use your energy to find players that enjoy the world the way you do and you will find your mojo. Don't allow the outlooks of others to dictate your own, that is yours alone to control, because the herd just repeats and does what the last herd-member said and did, the telephone game never ends well, and the herd will just trample you. 'I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.' - Groucho Marx
  4. Almost all of these old quotations have been turned on their heads from the original, all to make those that would go against the grain seem to be the bad apples...
  5. This right here. If what's happening in the chat box is not helping you have Fun, turn off the chat box. Why is this so hard for so many people? <--- Serious question! If there is a group of people that causes you stress in an MMO, ignore them and move on with life, those poeple are not worth the time and effort, IME. Why on earth would people look for validation/acceptance from a bunch of random people on the Internet? Screw 'em if they don't like you, go and enjoy your life, the small minded power-mongers that inhabit this community won't go away, but we don't have to give them air, either.
  6. There are examples of both awesome and terrible 'mechanical mission design' in CoH, from differing tools over the years to so many different people working on it, IMO. This is my POV here. I think the idea of rescuing and escorting is awesome, but the mechanics in CoH are not the best for it, or have not at least been levered as well as they could be, IMO. How many times in comics has the person being rescued carried the plot further? The rescues/escorts could be so much more well done with modern tech. The forced wait times are something in even today's games, but the wait can be purchased away, so it's still a 'thing'. Not a big fan of 'make me stand here' types of wait timers myself. I would think if anything, the actual timer could be changed. Good content is hard to make. So much of it is subjective and so many people are not always objective when it comes to content that evokes emotion. I was never a fan of the zone, TBH, so I have no thoughts on the minutiae beyond that. TBH, from my POV, you pretty much always just seem hostile and anyone that dares disagree with you, you just stop interacting with ... it's fun to watch though!
  7. Using a device special made to Hulk-bust, by Dr. Banner, just in case the moment became necessary. Not quite the same thing as channeling the energy of a star. It's not that I think Balance is bad, on the contrary, because with balance the DPS lemmings enthusiasts make the game seem like it's only 'worth' playing certain things when the game has outliers like TW, for example. People who think the numbers are all that matter get controlled by them in droves in all games. In a game where the whole point is to be able to create the gamut of things we can here, knowing that some characters are intended to be gods and others mere mortals, does it not make sense to concentrate on making the game have the challenges the creator of those characters choose to pit them against to further their narratives, from street thugs to Galactic Arch Villains, rather than try and make them 'do equal units of the same damage measurement'? The current difficulties are a great start, these and the Ouroboros settings show us, IMO, that the way to do it is through the settings of the content, not force all characters to a DPS/Rewards Per Minute baseline. There is room for all of this, IMO, if we are each allowed to set the difficulty where we like it.
  8. This. Just drop DOs/SOs entirely and move to basic IOs as the 'baseline'. For one thing, that would simplify so many things for the casual player. Then, there would just be two basic gear 'tiers' - Sets and non-Sets. Balance wise, there are simply Role based Archetypes with Power Combos in this game that were never really meant to be used as solo Characters. There is nothing wrong with that, it allows us to create a great many different types of characters, IMO. IO Sets and Incarnates allow the 'determined hero' to become Super. I just don't see 'why' a FF/Sonic Defender would roll through enemies like a Fire/Fire Blaster … they are built to do two different things. It kind of baffles me as to why anyone would think Hawkeye and Thor could do the same things, they were never meant to...
  9. CoH broke the mold on the Role based MMO paradigm. We now have players that want to the Roles balanced, Defender/Tank/Controller/DD, while at the same time we have players that prefer a Super hero that plays all Roles. Without literally having two sets of rules, one for both sides, IMO that will never work - and we know two sets of rules don't really work well - PvE/PvP. I think the only way to solve this issue is some serious work on how to set mission levels and difficulties with the game in it's current state. We literally have diametrically opposed ideas as to what the character power level should be, so IMO, there is no way to accomplish that with the characters, it must be done with the encounters. No ONE thing is ever, ever going to please these diametrically opposed POVs.
  10. I don't see time playing games as an investment in anything more than sanity. The reward, to me, is playing the game, the drops in the game are just not the reason I play. Having random failures in games is Fun IMO. I realize you do not agree. No worries, Fun is subjective.
  11. Could not disagree more. The 'misses' and 'long animations' do, IMO, create tension, drama and comedy, all of which are subjective, not objective. Missing at the wrong time means you have to scramble and use a backup plan, inspiration, w/e, and that makes it fun and exciting, to me. It's not bad game design, it's just a choice - cannot please all of the people all of the time. I think the streak-breakers in RNG engines is the worst thing to ever infect them, personally. I totally agree actually injecting real fumbles and spell failures to add that would be awesome.
  12. While agree, I also think that further removing Random lessens a games fun, while those that like to time thier maps runs down to the second will be overjoyed. I have long ago realized online gamers as a whole, the masses, have absolutely no patience or desire for the kinds of game mechanics I prefer.
  13. "Should", one of the most loaded words in English... Why should the most basic things not break sometimes? "Even monkeys fall from trees" is the right wisdom bit here. In so many forms of comic-book based entertainment, the failure of a mundane power or gadget can lead to really fun encounters, for example, fumbles, IMO, are the very essence of fun playtime and Random. In a world with all of the reality changing and physics defying that CoH contains, why should it all just work right all the time? Things break. Powers fail. Accidents happen. I see these things as nothing more then the Universe trying to screw with us.
  14. I get it. Those types of things just don't bother me, it makes me have to have a backup plan, an alternative skill, w/e, making things more interesting to me, not less. Even if the RNG 'evens out' over a long enough period, playing through the lows and the highs is the fun for me - not a set of test results at the end if multiple specific runs on specifiic characters to compare the minutiae in a spreadsheet - I play for the head cannon and the mindless pixel explosions, not the math.
  15. I hear you, I do, and I still prefer Random. I do not, however, hate things like converters to solve some issues with Random, I think that's a fine idea, there are many ways to implement it to curb the 'terrible luck runs'. Not a fan of RNG code that 'insures' a good roll every so often though - I am a PnP gamer at heart, the dice rule the game - but ways to get 'points' toward the thing you need is cool. I really do look at it from the POV that 'if this character gets that rare thing then they do, it's part of thier story' and if another does not, then it's just not part of thiers... IMO, the state of HC CoH is that of a character simulator since it's so easy to get the resources to build anything you want, over a game at this point, for the gearing of characters - truly interactive entertainment for me.
  16. Honestly, I think you scratch another itch with this subject in your post - Random vs. Reliable. I vastly, completely, totally, without remorse prefer Random over Reliable. IME, the Reliable group for COH has pretty much always won out in the battle, based on the code changes I saw made. IMO/IME, it is a fundamental difference on how people like to play games and build characters. I have never personally understood why some people hate Random as much as they do, I have read all the arguments, my brain is just not built to think Reliable is more Fun than Random. For me, getting suprises while playing games is a huge portion of the fun, I am not out to solve a math equation by pressing buttons in a prescrobed order and timing - I never much liked playing the piano, I prefer Whack-a-Mole.
  17. Balance arguments are certainly some of the most passionate I see, complete with players that think games will die, players will have heart attacks, and the world itself will end if they can no longer play thier OP sets and abilities. However, those glasses you have are rose colored, IMO, about any team being magically better than another, over money. Just because there is not profit involved, does not make this group any better at taming complex systems and appeasing a diverse playerbase any more than any other group of developers, IME, and, TBH, lowers my expectations, because the only incentive they have is to do what makes them happy, which may or may not be what makes players happy...just like other developers teams with priorities that conflict with the players... This groups has, in fact, chosen to follow some of the most silly and restrictive rules to lord over the playerbase in some guise of protecting the game from the evil coporations, etc. ... they have no more magic than any other group of humans trying to run a game...
  18. What I have noticed now for a while in MMOs is that a large portion of the populations are only interested in rewards per minute, because they are spending an hour or less on each and every MMO per day trying to stay max level in all of them to feel like they are accomplishing something. Chatting, bantering, mentoring, relaxing, etc. all flew out the window, it's all about how fast the games can be beaten to get the rewards people won't use and don't need just feel the dopamine hits. Been seeing this doubled-down in the pandemic. Having known multiple gamer geeks that only know how to focus on tasks and finish them, who by their own admission simply don't know how to just 'relax', these people can become very loud in MMOs in my experience. So, if you are not on-board with the rewards per minute clan, then they rip you a new one for not jacking up the diff and steam-rolling and are no fun to play with, star or no star, IMO.
  19. Is balance pointless? Depends on the point, I guess, which is the rub. Is the point to have fun? Is the point to get more stuff? Is the point to socialize? Is the point to trick peoples minds into thinking they are doing something productive while wasting their time and taking their money? For me, this is game is just a character simulator. You can make what you want, from a street urchin to a god and play it. Finally, as I always ask since it's a comic book based game... Are Hawkeye and Thor balanced? Does that matter?
  20. IMO, the only problem with balance in games are those that think any negative adjustment is a nerf because of some emotional attachment to numbers never going down or something, the whole idea of 'nerf' is really just silly, it sounds just like 12 year olds on a playground fighting over kick-ball rules to me. I see negative adjustments taken as some irrational personal affront by so many gamers it's sad, it's like they invest thier personal self-worth in numbers they cannot control in a game. Never negatively adjusting things just to cater to people that 'cannot handle reality' is no way to run a game, IMO. I see no reason to stop balancing game numbers, up and down, to keep games fresh and fun. You cannot please all of the people all of the time and to try to do so is sheer folly.
  21. I don't understand why people think the object of the game is to get rewards rapidly, but I don't go telling them not to play the game they way they like... I love Radios because they allow me to create the story of my characters my way in my head, while feeling like I am fighting crime in real-time. I can run Radio missions all day long and have a blast doing it. The objective of playing games for many is not just rewards per minute, it's not a job based on hourly profits.
  22. So, in a post praising those who will lead a team and trying to be positive about the ways to do it and the various levels of stress it involves for some people, we have a poster who just has to chime in to snipe at others while claiming to be in the 'moral majority' yet again, for 'playing the game wrong' because they assume other people are doing the worst possible thing to other players... Yeah, I really like laughing at the people that think this community is so very much more awesome than the rest... I agree with @Andreah, try to be a good follower if you join a team, rather than it's new leader. If you like it stay, if you don't leave and make your own. You folks crack me up.
  23. It still amazes me, after all these years on the Internet, so many poeple still think that to talk about something you dislike is to directly insult. We are back around to I am the mean villian man again, telling everyone how terrible they are, I guess i will just crawl back under my rock. I think I have run in this circle on this forum enough, my episode of 'As the Hamster Wheel Turns' is over for now, it reamins obvious I am not a welcome addition to the community, since what I have to say does not conform to the nature and structure of the current majority. Toodles.
  24. So now what I say is not what I mean and I am lying. Nice. Is my passion posting always accurate? Am I always in full control of my own emotions and totally watchful of each word I type? Nope and nope, I try, but I am a big stoner and this is just a fun conversation outlet for me, not a contract for work. The existence and volume of the controlling voices in and out of this game has, at times, soured me on playing the game, even while I was only playing with RL friends in-game. I am now somehow lying about that? IME, IMO, from my POV, these voinces are louder about 'how to play right' in this game than they are about other games. Since I like this game and IMO they ruin the playing of the game through thier actions and words, I speak up about it. I do think many of the 'roots' of this community think and feel this way - I have watched these community popular voices say these things for years, some in this very forum thread. I think that these voices have altered the narrative over the years, still today trying to convince people there is an 'old school' way to play, for example, or that not making a 'creative enough' name or costume means a person should not play the game. Why does it make you so angry at me to point this out? Why does it matter that I am in a minority if I see these things? How does it change the facts for me to be one of the few people willing to talk about it? Why do you even care what I think?
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