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Everything posted by jubakumbi

  1. The earlier access to SOs may help a bit...obviously not so much for Sand of Mu and such...just a passing thought.
  2. Humans are pattern seeking creatures that see structure where there is none if they need a 'reason' for something to have occured, IME. Personally, the reason I come and go from playing is all based on posts like this trying to imply that a playstyle is hurting the game/wrong/not old school enough/etc. It's silly. it's just pattern seeking people trying to raise the boogie-man in some passive-aggressive effort to change the way people play the game, again, IMO. It's fun to watch for a while, then I get tired of the small minded attitudes and I leave for a bit. Why some people worry so much on how others choose to spend thier free time is really just showing how much those people want to control the rest of us, IME. Have fun PLing, I know I will, even more after a thread like this, TBH.
  3. <Post deleted by moderator for lack of group-think> My ideas are not wanted in these parts, but thanks for the invite, @EmmySky!
  4. I did, it was deleted. If you think these threads are sacrosanct to some singular topic, then there is nothing to really discuss anyway. Toddles.
  5. Well, I tried to open the conversation again, but apparently anything I have to say that is not inline with the group think will now be eliminated. Not going to waste my time on it at this point, it's obvious if I am honest in posting, it wil be seen as an attack against nature or something. We talked at the very beginning of HC how these situations were going to arise, that competing servers would be fighting for players, etc. if the HC censors don't want anyone to talk about anything of substance, it kind of invalidates adult discussion. It's thier ball and they have decided I don't get to touch it. Toodles.
  6. You can use the system as it is to create challenges for groups. Sure, the players involved have to cooperate. COH is all I am talking about here. You can play with the level of challenge you prefer if you take the time to do it. The power to that is in the hands of the players. Why people want to give that back to the volunteers is simply not logical to me, beyond wanting someone else to do the work and not have think.
  7. I just had to quote this and comment on it. From my POV, this is the only question that needs asking the vast majority of the time in the vast majority of MMO threads I see. And now my POV. (Rant by many standards, but hey, why not?) So many busy-bodies worried so much about what other kids are doing... Why is it so very hard for so many poeple to just accept reality, accept the game for what it is, without this constant refrain of "I see a problem, something must change" like it's a Live game that coulds go offline at any moment, or that it's some MOBA that if not perfectly tuned to please every player, the game will die, etc. Why is it do hard to just let the game be what it is, and if you want challenge, or not, work within the confines of the games code and structure to create and play the challenge you enjoy? It's so easy with this game, in this state, to tune your character to s specific 'power level', it's awesome. Yet, we get cries of "NO" because that means each player has to pay attention and use personal effort, they cannot blame everything on the mean old developers for not making the game fun for them, IMO, a complete lack of personal resposibility of ones gaming time. There are no 'devs', there are volunteers that are nice anough to add stuff and fix the actual bugs, and do what they feel like doing, because 'voluteers', 'hobby', 'game', 'playtime', rather than appeasing the masses for profit. Accept that the the game in it's current state is something that, like a PnP game, the individual has to use thier own judgement to restrict themsleves into the RP world they choose. Why is this so hard? Why give all of your power over to others, when you can determine the challenge level? Play the game, create your own challenge and stop looking to the universe to give you what you can make yourself, this is my POV. And finally, the one everyone moans and groans over - maybe, just maybe, if there is 'nothing left', if there is no challenge, if it's just not fun in the current state, then maybe it's just time for another game, or, in this specific case, time to learn to code, so you can invoke the changes you think 'we just cannot live without'...personal choices.
  8. I have not encountered a single HC player that ruined my fun. I don't PUG much beyond DFB to get started and the ToT groups though and I turn off all Global chats. I only see these arguments in online discussions. There are always people that are out to troll other players, but that's just life. So when I say 'see in COH' I probably should say 'see in the commentary around COH' to be clear. In-game, I have nothing but fun because it's so easy to avoind the trolls and toxic players because of the base code design.
  9. With this outlook, I have to wonder why you even open a web browser, TBH. As for the drama about the toxic players, I found that whole thing to be one hilarious story about a bunch of children on a playground thinking they have real power over other humans because of a video game. The gatekeepers you mention are laughable, I would love, Love, LOVE to talk to some of them to ask why they think thier e-peens are so large that they can gatekeep the game for others, sounds like seriously mentally deranged Dark Tetrad stuff on a few of them. Humans are wired to belong to tribes. Some of us because of our (broken) wiring, do not subscribe to that newsletter. Some humans bow to this childish peer-presure, others don't, some of us like to call it out and deride it. What I see in COH is a bunch of humans that might be old enough to be (and possibly are) parents and grandparents, still acting like elemetary school children, because they have not progressed emotionally past the point of the playground, with cliches and secret groups and deranged outlooks. It amazes me why an adult would allow these adult-children any power over ones own emotional state and outlook. Screw 'em, let them rot in thier own swamp, go have fun. I am the guy who was raised in the South as an Unbeliever, I know the whole story, I was literally thrown out of Religious Sunday School for asking "Why?". I wear it as a badge of honor, I am proud to be an 'outsider' if that means living my life with logic and reason and not the peer-presure-FUD so many humans choose to wallow in and call it society.
  10. So it's a vision impairment issue. Working in the software business, I know it's hard for any company to create UIs that work for all people in all situations. IME, people paid to make UIs are often terrible at doing it, especially with disabilities are considered. With that said, if your goal is not get anything changed and simply to lament the fact the game cannot accomodate all humans properly, then enjoy doing that, I guess.
  11. Still don't see a problem, Paragon's energy aura magically prevents any actual naughty bits from being seen, and having fellow Heroes give feedback can make or break an outfit.
  12. "The Flaming Tater Tot", perhaps? Or the drops could all change to Potatoes as a prank...if I ran a server, there would be so very many tears...
  13. I don't see s problem with using a trainer or going to a shop. Do what you like. And if you think the dialog with the trainers is cluttered due to offering another option, I think you are just looking for things to pick at, TBH. Useless Drama, IMO.
  14. On Topic. I have been perhaps 3-4 times in 'farms' since I started playing, Day 4 on Live and about that on HC and the other servers after the Snap. I will never door-sit a mission again, ever, for any reason, I would rather gouge out my eyes, TBH. When I play games, I like to play them, not watch someone else play them, I don't 'do' streams either, for the same reason. No, I don't have the desire to just talk in chat while door-sitting, I come play COH, not to chat. I can remember people getting characters hitting 50 in record times from the very beginning of the game, times that others thought were impossible and the developers bent over backwards trying to prevent (which I found hilarious, TBH). So powerleveling as the end result has been here from the start, as you point out, there are a great many ways to do that. From my POV/IME, the current idea of farming is more based around getting the resources needed to IO multiple characters more easily and quickly. IMO, HC gives so very many boosts and perks and easy access to IOs, there is that much less incentive to 'farm' over just playing. I have the two characters I wanted to be tricked out good to go in short order from my POV, they both sit mostly unused, I am about to pull out the IOs in one for a new idea that might keep me playing. So playing, with easy leveling and easy IOs, through whatever conduit you enjoy, IMO, is just playing the game. Play how you like, play how you have fun. I think sitting and watching others play the game while my time on the planet passes is not Fun. This is also wrapped up, IMO, with the whole FOTM club, with the players that are determined to find the exact, perfect, most mathematically efficient way to get the games slot machine to produce dopamine rapidly...I play characters, not mathematical constructs. 🙂 So, I think 'farming' stuff in COH, has many flavors, just like playing the rest of the game, and is simply a reflection of the more modern take on many games that do not have the MMO based leveling idea. Most games IME now have a totally different outlook on 'levelling' that while fine in it's own right, is not how most 'traditional' style MMOs were built, where the leveling process is not simply a speed bump, but a large portion of the game itself. This was already occuring with the end of the Live servers, IMO. When we look at the 'masses' in gaming community terms, they want the 'time spent to dopamine saturation' to be as short as possible - just look at the way people lose thier minds from a few seconds of a loading screen, for example. It's like gamers are trying to tell game companies they have to be paid as players to play the games, when it's a hobby, a pass-time, not an investment in anything other than sanity, IMO, but we have people that think ther acocunts have some value that games companies 'owe' the player. 🙂 This change in the landscape of games with little to no 'leveling experience' becoming more popular is fine for the people making the games and thier profits, that's cool, but it does make it harder for someone like me to find games that have any value of play past 15 minutes though. I play games to Play and Relax, not for Advancement or Rewards, just Fun. When my wife and I setup vacations (not currently easy as we all know) we would have a day or two with one activity each day, followed by a day of nothing, etc., while we watched poeple on 'vacation' to 'relax' go down a list of activities lined by the minute and exhaust themselves trying to 'get in all the fun in one go'. People are just wired differently. 🙂
  15. You mean the pocket dimension is not sterile like I was led to think? Uh-oh...I think I need to make a few phone calls...
  16. That's nice. I don't, and won't. If I see something, I say something, 'letting things go' allows far too much hate to fester in dark corners over misinformation and negative innuendo.
  17. Joined again last night. Thanks again for herding the cats, League Leaders! I was the idiot that did not realize they had become a leader of the team at less that 50...stoner! I think I am finally enjoying playing the game again, it's been almost a year since my play-buddy died and I don't tear up anymore as I log in these days. The general inclusive attitude and the behaviour of the players involved has allowed me to remember while I have deep, fundamental opposition to some choices the HC team has made in how they police the players on thier servers and players who run to be Creative Sheriffs, there are plenty of players that do just still play with whomever shows up without bias and without telling them they are 'doing it wrong'. Go, Hunt, Kill Zombies!
  18. I usually have most all video game characters _do_ whath they would do, not me. For chat, especially private tells, I view those interactions as more with me the player than the character. None of my characters say much, but I do make macro binds sometimes on Percy Verance so he can do Flex Emotes while the Rage crash occurs in the middle of hug groups of mobs...these are the things I do to RP, I use the emotes and stuff in the game, but I don't chat in character much, if at all.
  19. Give or not give whatever you like. You rolled up throwing out completely unrelaible data in an attempt to sway people into thinking there is a concerted effort, by possibly multiple players, to ruin the fun of getting a DFB badge, which you were then able to easily get with simple a change of approach. How does that not sound like a conspiracy theory? You are using anecdotal evidence and the inherently unreliable testimony of humans to try and make people think there are players 'out to ruin the fun'... Sounds like a pretty cray-cray POV to me. Sure, there are people who don't play well with others. To try and conflate that into there being some problem that needs solving over this badge? Conspiracy Theory Territory, IMO.
  20. So you and a few other people you talked to agree there is a nefarious player at work who is out to ruin your fun and it's a 'problem'. You sound like a conspiracy theorist. That's called anecdotal evidence and perception bias, just to get started, not to mention a small, unrelaible sample size that consists of nothing more than a few players unhappy they did not get a badge in a video game. Are there trolls that play video games? Sure, just research the Dark Tetrad. Is this some 'problem' that needs solving with such lacking and completely biased 'evidence' and POVs? NOPE.
  21. Saw a post on Reddit mentioning this, wanted to say THANKS! to the fine players running the ToT league in PI on Exelsior last night. Also big shout out to the players doing the GM hunting and co-ordinating the mass teleports! Was a blast, will join again! - The Guy Who Hardly Ever Teams PS - I am bad with names, so I don't have any to share, sorry, you know who you are, Stand Tall!
  22. How does 'pugs bad at following instructions' become 'players activiely sabotaging'other players'? So, you had trouble getting a badge that like others point out is about a 50/50 shot most of the time on a PUG, and your FIRST inclination is to post on the ofrums that other players are actively trying to ruin your fun... "You are not actively helping me, so you are a bad person" is no way to treat other gamers.
  23. I consider 'toxic' as well any effort to ruin the Fun of others though any form of gatekeeping. Another tid-bit here is that I think a whole lot of people within gaming communities confuse 'community/culture' with 'peer pressure', but to be open and fair, I view pretty much all 'cultural norms' as 'peer-pressure at scale'. Just because "that's the way we do it here" is never, ever, never ever, IMO, a valid, logical, sane reason to do anything on it's own, beyond trying to blend into the 'herd' which I don't have a desire to do. By not following the herd, I have times been labelled 'toxic' and in those cases I wear it as a badge of honor.
  24. With this is mind, I always like to hear what poeple think is the definition of 'toxic' in communites like these, as I see the word used like Kleenex to mean 'anything with which I do not see eye to eye' is 'toxic'. I find 'willful ignorance' to be 'toxic', for example, whereas someone that is really passionate/loud/endless about a POV I just see as a dedicated fan. IME, 'toxic' has in fact lost all meaning in many of these conversations.
  25. Because Hope and Stubborn. Many Hope they can turn a frown upside down or whatever. Many more gamers just want to win the argument. That's a whole lot of people that are just now possibly learning that there are, in fact, many people in the world that deserve nothing more than to be ignored, yet they Hope they can change that person, thinking they are helping. The Human Condition. Our brains re-enforce our choices with cognative dissonance to keep us sane. We all think we 'know what is going on' and 'just how to fix it', when we don't know jack and are just letting our emotions override logic. IMO, the one thing that separates the the two 'teams' in life for me, the ones I am going to root for vs. the ones I am going to ignore, are simply those that can admit they were wrong, or not. IMO, if one cannot admit one is wrong and own it, then I don't want anything to do with that person, they cannot be trusted, because they will lie, cheat, steal, and murder to cover-up being wrong, they will follow the herd like lemmings off of a cliff, just to spite everyone, to avoid admitting they were wrong. IME, the rest of it just follows along on top of that simple, yet profound realization.
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