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Everything posted by GM_GooglyMoogly

  1. Done! Edit: Also, I love Power Boost (https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.corruptor_soul_mastery.power_boost&at=defender) and it's cousin Power Build Up (https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.power_mastery.power_build_up&at=defender). It not only boosts your defense and -tohit but also all your mezzes and heals. Power Build Up also boosts damage and tohit for 12 seconds. Great for sets that don't have their own Aim or Build Up.
  2. I don't gotta say nuttin' to nobody. You can't make me talk, copper!
  3. I think that people want to see flawed people do amazingly heroic things. The jokes, special effects, and fan service add to that (perhaps), but without the underlying story of someone overcoming great adversity for the greater good, the jokes, FX, and Easter eggs alone can't make a good movie, despite what Uwe Boll and Michael Bay may think. 😁
  4. I trimmed a lot of posts that were players mostly bickering with each other. Please discuss the topic and not each other.
  5. Can we please refrain from going into profanity laden rants? Thanks.
  6. Devs are aware and working on it. Hopefully later today they should be back up.
  7. Can we please not have the back and forth arguing about each other and instead talk about whether Sally is a poor, defenseless plesiosaur, a ravaging monster that needs to be put down, or a mere speed bump in the race to get all the badges. Thanks. B.E.T.E.O.
  8. Aaaaaand another thread that has spiraled down. Let's talk about something else.
  9. This thread has completely gone off the rails. Let's talk about something else.
  10. ad hominem adjective formal us /ˌædˈhɑː.mɪ.nəm/ uk /ˌædˈhɒm.ɪ.nəm/ (of a criticism, etc.) directed against a person, rather than against what that person says Can we please address the topic and not each other?
  11. We don't publicly discuss forum moderation and Code of Conduct complaints. If you have an issue with any particular decision taken by a GM, please submit a ticket requesting review by a lead GM. We aren't perfect and sometimes make mistakes. We try to foster a pleasant atmosphere in games and on the forums for people that want to escape from the trials and tribulations of the real world.
  12. Well then, that's enough toxicity for one thread.
  13. Guys, can we please show some love for each other on this Valentines Day? Let me distract you with this: The toxicity of our city, of our city You, what do you own the world? How do you own disorder? Disorder Now somewhere between the sacred silence Sacred silence and sleep Somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep Disorder, disorder, disorder
  14. Calling people idiots and morons is not excellent. My mistake for thinking a comment in the thread would be sufficient.
  15. Broke this out of the two year old "I miss the old Mercy Island" thread. I felt it was better to move and create a new topic than just lock the discussion. Carry on and BETEO!
  16. There's no need to call folks names. Players can play as they like as long as they aren't bothering other players or otherwise violating the Code of Conduct.
  17. Can we please not get into another tit-for-tat posting battle?
  18. Thanks for posting your findings, Icesphere!
  19. This discussion is going nowhere fast. Let's talk about something else.
  20. Nope. There's no carrying on for real world politics on our forums. Sorry.
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