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Everything posted by GM_GooglyMoogly

  1. Let's please stay on one topic per thread. This thread started out about PvP etiquette, if any. We've got several other flying threads out there. We don't need another. Also, please leave the mental health diagnosing to professionals.
  2. Despite my enormous magical powers, I am not yet omniscient or omnipresent. If you think a post is over the line click those three little dots at the top right of each post and report it, so that I or another GM can look at it.
  3. I moved a similar post to this in another thread and I moved it to "Brutes" and I found this one. So I hid the other one. Good luck!
  4. This not being excellent to each other or following the rules. Guideline #1 of the COC says: "Do not abuse or harass others. This includes players, Homecoming staff, and players or staff from other communities" In this very thread, a dev with the power to make your suggested changes basically told you the same thing and suggested data over insulting other players. You decided to double down instead. Please stop insulting players or anyone else. P.S. I have noticed several people use strikeout to "edit" their posts. The strikeout doesn't make it better. It shows that you know you shouldn't but did anyway. For moderation purposes, the strikeout absolves no one but does add evidence of consciousness of guilt.
  5. Can we not start another round of Blood Feud? Also, would Goddess of Kheldians be the kind of title we are talking about here? If so, I don't think Oklahoman would want that title.
  6. Yeah, thanks for pointing this out, but let's keep real world politics out of the forums and the game.
  7. -------------------------
  8. Can you get a vigilante friend to run it for you? I think even having them start the Ouro arc and leaving you alone works.
  9. PS. Did everyone see the new patch notes here:
  10. 9/11 was a tragic day in the history of the United States that still has repercussions today. Not only did thousands die on that day, so many more died as a result of the toxic cloud the collapsing buildings released and scores of others that were casualties of armed conflict. People are still actively dealing with the consequences today. While twenty-three years is a long time, many who play this game were alive and very aware of the events of 9/11. I suspect that many may have been personally effected and even more know someone who was. I don't think Gravitus meant to cause anyone discomfort, but it IS still too soon. Accordingly, I'll be locking this discussion.
  11. Welcome to the forums, Winglord24! Whether you are the reincarnation of KingCedd03 or not, please remember to follow the code of conduct. Reminder: we can see your IP address and can compare IPs between accounts.
  12. WRONG! It's in the controller zone.* * Magically somehow.
  13. I thought we were done with this topic. Summary: Copying someone else's IP = not allowed. Will probably get genericed. Parody or homage = allowed. But the line can be very close sometimes. Stay far away from the line to minimize chance of generic.
  14. I'm sorry, but our Code of Conduct states: "Use of copyrighted characters and content without permission is not permitted when creating characters or Architect content. This includes characters and stories from intellectual property belonging to any IP that is not City of Heroes." So please don't try to copy "Spidey" or any other character that belongs to another person or business. DOH! Impervium beat me.
  15. Moved to video games sub-forum because . . . well . . . it's about video games . . .
  16. Moved to suggestions and feedback. I was very disappointed to learn that Increase Density was AOE for resistance, but anti-mez was single target. Almost ruined my enjoyment of a thugs/kin MM. Luckily Gang War + Fulcrum Shift + Burnout + Gang War + Fulcrum Shift brought back some of the joy.
  17. Moved to the Market sub-forum. Any player is free to set their own price for items they put up for sale and items they wished to buy. However, you will only make that sale or purchase if another player agrees with your valuation. When the price of an item goes up or down it is in direct relation to supply and demand. My guess is that there is much greater supply. The picture in the link supplied by Luminara confirms it. That picture shows 7,626 boosters for sale, 8,579 bidding, and last sale price between 850 and a million. Currently, there are 18,612 for sale, 10,436 bidding, and last 5 prices of 860,000. That tells me that supply has gone up, demand has gone down relative to the supply, which should lead to a drop in price. And yet, the price seems to have held at around 860K. I would not be surprised if it fell a little more.
  18. If you have HC Launcher, you can click the triple dots on the bottom far right under Ready. Then click on Settings to get a pop up UI and check the "Show debug console" Next time you start your game, you will get a separate window open up showing start up information that might lead to the problem. (Remember to uncheck it if you don't want that extra window forever more)
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