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Everything posted by GM_GooglyMoogly

  1. Six hours in, sixty percent+ to goal. Not bad. But we can do better!
  2. You had started two threads with similar, some might say identical, topics. Both threads were getting responses from players. So it seemed sensible to merge them so that all the commentary on the topic was on one page. I did, however, mess up when I merged them into General instead of Suggestions and Feedback. I apologized then for that error and do so again -- Sorry.
  3. From your link: "Ad hominem: This is an attack on the character of a person rather than his or her opinions or arguments." Objection overruled, counselor. Move on.
  4. That's funny. I seem to recall that you correctly identified at least one of the posts as an ad hominem. There were, in fact, several. Who am I?
  5. What the heck is going on? Oh. I see now. You know me so well. B.E.T.E.O.
  6. It's probably best not to tempt Peregrine Falcon and others. But to turn this into a teaching moment, lets remember this snippet from the Code of Conduct: "There are three overarching ground rules that must be followed at all times: Anything an Administrator or Game Master says overrides anything else in this document - if they give you an instruction, please follow it. Don’t try to do anything you couldn’t get away with on the live servers. Enforcement of these rules is based on intent. If we deem that it is your intent to be breaking the rules and causing trouble, then that will be cause for action. If you unintentionally break these rules we will be far more lenient."
  7. Please debate the merits, or lack thereof, of the proposal. Not of each other. B.E.T.E.O.
  8. Oh dang! My bad. I meant to merge into S&F. Reset!
  9. There were two similarly titled threads in two different sub-forums that I just merged. Apologies if that threw off the flow, but at least everyone is literally on the same page now.
  10. Tell your friend to visit Glacier Peak on Indomitable. I hear they are looking for new blood on Hammy raids! 😇
  11. How's endurance without Ageless? Or without any incarnates?
  12. Actually, I believe he WAS genericed. Then he asked for a review saying, "I'm the author!" And then provided proof after a skeptical GM essentially responded, "Yeah, right." Of course, that might all be myth . . .
  13. Please discuss the pros and cons (if any) of the suggestion and not the pros and cons (if any) of each other.
  14. I'm watching you. . . . Be nice!
  15. Please be nice to each other. Kingcedd03 has made a suggestion, folks have commented. Anything additional will just result in more personal attacks. Thread locked. Do not start the thread again or post all of those pretty pictures in someone else's thread.
  16. I rushed over to see what was going on . . .
  17. Damage as measured by DPS is irrelevant to balance? Metas are formed not by a crazy guy, but by a crazy team that figures out a way to beat the unbeatable and then everyone copies that until another crazy team finds a way to do it faster or easier. But I'd be interested to hear about what objective standards you mean.
  18. To be clear, I have no more authority than any other player to dictate the direction of the game. The devs will do what they do. And to further clarify, I am not against a buff to brutes in general, depending on what that buff might be. I specifically agree and stated that the Brute ATOs are lacking in comparison with the others. I didn't say that, or anything close to that. I did say that I thought the goal should be to have a small deviation from the best to the worst.
  19. The problem is that there is no objective standard . . . other than DPS. Some players like to eke out every possible drop. I take it that you are one of them. But you have to realize that not everyone plays the way that you do. Nor do they want to. You keep insinuating, or outright stating, that makes them . . . less. This is a game that can be played many ways. Your way is not the only way. And even if your way was the only way there will always be one powerset or one AT at the top of the chart and another at the bottom; Unless we just give everyone the exact same attack stats. And that, to me, would be boring and worse.
  20. I think this may be the one thing that everyone here, or almost everyone, can agree on.
  21. I understand that players have to make build choices. But, as stated by Videra, you also have team buffs, and might use inspirations and other purchasable buffs to get to those caps. I also understand that some of those might not be available at 4* play. But you will have Barrier spam and team buffs. PS - It takes no special knowledge to be a GM. Just a willingness to volunteer and follow rules.
  22. I can understand and appreciate the perspective of super high-end 4* team play. But that is only part of the game. Soloists play. Some people get to level 50 and then shelve it before getting incarnates and accolades and start at another. Some people just want to look cool and create a superhero they thought about as a kid. All are valid ways to play. It seems to me that the devs, live and HC, have tried to reign in the top end and boost the bottom end. And that makes sense to me, even if I, as a player, have complained about some of the nerfs handed down over the years.
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