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Lunar Ronin

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Everything posted by Lunar Ronin

  1. The Issue 27, Page Three changes to the Eden Trial did it no favors. I used to love the Eden Trial. I parked a blue side character at level 39 back when it was bugged on live just to run it. But making the Crystal Titan's attacks auto-hit took all enthusiasm for it away. I get it. Barrier Destiny. But the call should have been to neuter Destiny in the Eden Trial (and all other non-Incarnate content FWIW), not just neuter defense completely. Most people that I know have stopped running it since. C'est la vie.
  2. As others have said, no. However, be aware that doing Praetorian missions via Ouroboros can be buggy as heck and may require GM intervention a couple of times. Especially if you've already done any First Ward content.
  3. Interestingly and coincidentally, PC Gamer published an article today about World of Warcraft's Mythic Plus dungeons are struggling as people are abandoning it. TL;DR: With World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV both, over the past year their developers made their group content too difficult for the average player, and they're losing players as a result. I just find this an interesting contrast to City of Heroes.
  4. The Hamidon raid is a pathetic joke compared to what it was on live, thanks to the combination of uber character builds that Homecoming allows and Incarnate abilities. Some Hamidon raid leaders prefer it not just being a complete roflstomp faceroll and have a little vestige of the raid strategy from live.
  5. I've read that Final Fantasy XIV just had one of its worst years ever since its relaunch, with its population taking a bit of a dive. Something about the mechanics of the latest expansion's group content being too difficult for the casual players in its player base, turning them off from the game.
  6. Good to see supremacy.
  7. That's just through 2021.
  8. There's nothing hotter than robot on robot action.
  9. @Rhaevyn , Michiyo's servers are back up and operational. Try now.
  10. Michiyo's Internet connection and/or computers went down a little over four hours ago. I'm sure that when Michiyo can, she'll get it back up and running.
  11. Probably. Homecoming is the only server that cares about that, the rest do not.
  12. The MMORPG YouTuber Josh "Strife" Hayes put together the "ultimate MMO tier list," and City of Heroes is only ranked #245, behind a bunch of gacha games and games that aren't even out yet. So when do we riot? /s On a more serious note, I think that this means that City of Heroes needs more attention on YouTube, Twitch, and Kick.
  13. Save the AE arc if you haven't already, and load it up on Brainstorm/the beta server, and show your friend the arc on the beta server. May get the Early Bird badge on the beta server, but it'd only apply there.
  14. To be fair, in Zack Snyder's Justice League, Lois Lane was pregnant with Bruce Wayne's kid. Had it continued, Clark would have realized it but raised the child as his own.
  15. I know that one of the Homecoming developers that has since retired pushed for a page back in the Issue 26 days (2019 - 2020), that would be nothing but bug fixes and polish. It's badly needed, but sadly never happened obviously.
  16. Were you the team leader, or was someone else? If you were a Rogue but not the team leader, this has been possible since the start of Homecoming. It's how Vigilantes can do the classic Lord Recluse SF. Only the team leader needs to be the proper alignment. Everyone else on the team can be Rogues or Vigilantes, depending. Not Heroes or Villains, depending, however.
  17. I'm writing another one of these damned notices too soon. It pains me to report that @Milliondollar (or Dollar) of Champion on live and Torchbearer on Homecoming has passed beyond the rim. He was Milliondollar everything... Milliondollar Healer, Milliondollar Blaster, etc. He was a regular PvPer back on live on Champion. He and I teamed on occasion back on live, and I had the privilege of taking part in a twelve person Hamidon raid with him on live, (sans any temporary powers, and before all Incarnate abilities were available). Unfortunately, I lost touch with him after sunset, but I discovered a couple of years ago that he found his way to Homecoming and landed on the Torchbearer shard. Dollar was a good teammate, a good man, and will be missed. Rest in peace, Champion.
  18. I wish I knew. I just learned less than a hour ago that yet another person I played with from live passed beyond the rim. That makes nearly two dozen people I knew and played City of Heroes with over the years gone now. Some cancer, some disease, some murder, some natural causes. It's just going to get worse. I wish I knew. Sorry.
  19. My condolences on your loss.
  20. Except that there is just as much misinformation on the Discord server. "Rogues can't start TFs" is just one of many things that I have seen there.
  21. Scroll all the way down to the very bottom of the wiki. You'll see "Privacy policy About the unofficial Homecoming Wiki Disclaimers" then "Dark mode." Click on that. Italics, or maybe a more neutral color like a green?
  22. Dark blue would most likely create the opposite problem, where it's hard to read when in dark mode.
  23. City of Heroes players aren't exactly a competitive lot, on average. Competitive games are certainly not my cup of tea. FWIW, I have heard good things about the game, so I hope that those who play enjoy.
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