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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Price AND recharge should reflect it. as far s the base port or base transporter, that's part of the problem. why do we need so many? just make one. either unlocked for inf via P2W or for free by joining a supergroup. Short animation to summon the portal so it can be interrupted and 30 second recharge. problem solved. No need for useless recharges or other powers that do the same damn thing.
  2. Just make one power that summons the portal with a 30 second recharge that doesn't need to be recharged like the rapid response. a 30 minute recharge on a P2W power is a complete joke and a huge waste of inf. I can see it on TT as it drops you right at the door. bases don't.
  3. I get the impression from the posts here that HC doesn't care too much about any feedback other than "does this stuff work". These new portal powers are what we're going to get and I don't think theres going to be any major changes to them. still haven't heard a good reason why they need to have stupid long recharges or limited uses.
  4. Not trying to be mean, but comments like this concern me and shows you're attacking this from the programmer thinking and not a player. Not saying that's a bad thing, but the average, casual player isn't going to be editing game files and such and it shouldn't be expected. the p2w and day job one aren't necessary. make it an unlock for joining a SG and give it a brief recharge and also interruptible. That solves all the problems discussed about the command over the past year.
  5. So our choices for keeping the base macros working is either one with limited use charges or one that's overpriced and a super long recharge or schlepping to be near a portal. this seems self defeating to me. Appreciate the effort, but neither of these new things are all that appealing. A 20-30 second recharge with no charge limits is enough in my opinion. Can't understand why this had to be made so complicated.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I didn't know this is how all day jobs worked. I guess the next question is why make it a day job power and not just a power that gets unlocked for joining a supergroup? if I'm remembering right, SGs used to unlock beacons by being in SG mode and getting all the zone badges in a particular zone. can't this just be made a power that's unlocked by joining a SG? no need for recharging then.
  7. Remove the 30 charge limit from the day job power. It's not necessary. travel as a time sink is a relic to keep people paying and playing longer. this game is free and it isn't necessary anymore.
  8. Looking forward to trying out the new content. Looks cool and should be a lot of fun to have new stories to run through. this is an impressive amount of work from an all volunteer staff. nice job! The base teleporter changes look like a lot of work to make a simple change. All that really needed to be done was to make the slash command not work while in combat and this would have solved the problem. Not sure why the day job power has to be limited in charges. just make it an unlock power you get by joining a supergroup. 30 charges is nothing for a days play. give it a 30-90 second recharge and get rid of the charges and this will be fine.
  9. Thank you very much for clarification. you're the best!
  10. I guess civility only goes in one direction. since my post was deleted, can a forum mod please close the topic? Thanks.
  11. where did I dismiss anyone? I just said I don't know what to tell them. it's not my area of expertise. but hey, if you want to talk about mental health, I'm happy to tell you all about serving in Afghanistan and the mental, physical and emotional effects of IEDs and PTSD. but hey, you go right on making assumptions about people. Anyway, can a mod please close this thread? Thanks.
  12. Of course they can man. No one is saying they can't. I'm just making a suggestion in the suggestion forum. last I checked that's still kosher to do. but hey, if you're suffering real life depression because of a make believe world in a video game being night time, I hope it makes you feel better that you can see the fake sun again.
  13. no dude, the people complaining about fictional night in a made up world inside a video game can follow the (just as good) suggestion of doing stuff on indoor maps, many of which are exteriors that are outside the perma night thing cycle, for a couple of weeks while the event is on.
  14. ok if you're getting depressed because it's nighttime in a video game, I don't know what I can tell you there. So run indoor missions that have the sun out for a couple weeks while the event is on. that dumb excuse works too. naïve and foolish is a good way to describe it. I guess if this event must be changed to appease a handful of people who for whatever reason get real life depressed about fictional nighttime in a make believe world, next year make it run for a weekend and be done with it just like in real life.
  15. sorry wasn't trying to be mean, just asking is all. I thought this was just for builders. I don't have any skin in this game but the GM did say one entry only and it seems unfair at least to me to let people get more than one entry base since there's so many creative builders out there with only the one base. yeah you can only win once, but it's still stacking the deck because you're giving more than one shot to some and that isn't fair to others who entered. probably an unpopular opinion but I don't think who the SG owner is should matter either, especially if they didn't do any of the work building. personally I would rather see game titles and merits go to the people who put the effort and hard work into the base creations, not just forked over inf to somebody else to build it for them. If this is a base building contest, make it for the builders. Maybe the GMs can clear it up.
  16. this kind of stuff is a lot of work in all kinds of MMOs, especially those with raid tiers and gear requirements.
  17. yeah I get that a couple of people complained about perma night. there's plenty of light indoors and in AE arcs and TFs and such for a couple weeks out of the year so the rest of us can enjoy a limited time event. honestly, the daytime just ruined this event. Hope there's no tinkering to the winter event to "make it better"....
  18. totally agreed. forget about low level story arcs. start making new content for 50+ that's the part of the game that desperately needs it
  19. Wasn't there only supposed to be one submission per builder? looks like there are people making more than one submission.
  20. Just saying ... no idea why the perma night for the couple of weeks had to be removed, but trick or treating, banners and zombies and stuff looks totally silly in the day time. totally ruins the immersion of a traditionally nocturnal event to be trick or treating in broad daylight. Hopefully next year this can be put back to normal.
  21. Nothing. some people just like to listen to themselves talk and pretend to sound intelligent I guess.
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