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Everything posted by Seed22

  1. I view HM as not great content. I've played all of the starred difficulties, and honestly after 2* it just feels like stat boost with mechanics that can be almost ignored completely (minus the body snatchers from ITF) through barrier cycling. I feel like the difficulty is over embellished by most of the playerbase (see my comment on it being stat boost), and while the rewards are pretty good, it's still a 2-3 hour tedious slog outside of SG runs (if you're not lucky enough to have an SG, you'll probably be stuck on either a 3hr run or never running one to begin with). Props to HM though, it got me trying more mechanics driven games with mechanics driven difficulty and it was like night and day (to be fair, CoH is much older and they did what they could with what they had but still), so I literally can't play HM anymore as I'll be thinking of those more mechanics driven games and longing for something that can't happen. I am very glad those who asked for this got some content to play through, but I personally find HM to be just 'meh'. As far as the incarnates situation? PuGs cycling barrier was to be expected (though SGs do the same thing, especially if they're trying to speed the TF). What I'm horribly disappointed in is the lack of inclusion of most powersets. While sure you shouldn't and probably won't be kicked for bringing say, archery, you can bet your bottom dollar unless they're friends of yours they'd of preferred a fire blaster or another cold corr. I personally also hate that most speed groups are just 5 corrs, 2 blasters and a scrapper or tank. Feels like the cookie cutter crap you'd see in WoW. I get that's typical optimal run for things but it's still pretty gross to see for endgame content.
  2. My biggest concern I'd say is going longform and having an actually interesting story. I'm still going to give it my best shot, but that's what held me back thus far. I may ask here in the future about some ideas I have (hopefully without giving away major story beats), like so: Would you happen to have any mobster names? I need a few for the bosses in this arc and I'm drawing a blank.
  3. I greatly appreciate you taking time to play the arc and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll be taking your notes into consideration for my future arcs that I have planned. As far as a narrative goes, I'm workshopping a TV series in the form of AE arcs (I'm terrible at writing scripts, but maybe using AE will help :P). It's my hope that maybe by the end of the year, if not earlier, I can have a two episode premiere for you to play through. Once again, thanks for playing and I can't wait to bring even better material to you and everyone here in the hopefully near future!
  4. But you ARE legendary :D. And thanks! Hope you enjoy it!
  5. Hey there fellow Architects! I wanted to share my first story, Odd Stories [Arc ID: 57289] with you all. It acts as a sort of anthology series of some of your weirder adventures that you(rightfully) don't talk about, or only save for Pocket D. It has what I believe to be a wide range of enemy groups, a few of my OC's as allies, a few bits of comedy, and hopefully a good time for you the player! I would appreciate any and all feedback as this is my first arc out in the wild. Please feel free to note any spelling errors or punctuation issues(I sent it through a spell checker in the form of a few playtesters already and they claim that it's fine, but hey, you can never be too sure.). I look forward to reading your reviews!(and maybe I can get some legends of the subforum looking at the arc. That'd be neat :P)
  6. No because it never happened lmao. But here you are whining for holy trinity. You and people who hold the opinions like you, are the only ones constantly bitching and moaning for some solvable reason or another. I have and will NEVER see a post like you describe, but I WILL see your type of post.
  7. I always wonder, why don't people who want holy trinity do one of two things: 1.) Go play WoW. Seriously it's right there and you don't have to annoy others with holy trinity good yadda yadda. 2.) Team with low levels. Low level play is pretty reminiscent of holy trinity play you so often find in games like the above. CoH should never include more holy trinity. It would only serve to inflate egos, create annoying cookie cutter garbage teams, and waste dev resources. And again, WoW is RIGHT THERE, for $15/mo you can get all the holy trinity you want! Or hell, go play CO. They have holy trinity crap in their endgame AND you get a good costume creator.
  8. I build every toon with the mindset of self-efficiency. That is to say, I build the sturdiest toon I can, then focus on trying to maximize the AT strength, so it'll go a little something like this: Defense Recovery Damage/Recharge CC immunity Seems to be working so far. It's allowed me to tank +2 reichsman on a Blaster with two brutes on the team, or tank most of a Sara Moore TF on a Earth/Ice/Fire dom. My next project is a Storm/Storm corr with near softcap def for well, everything but negative I think and perma hasten(abusing some FF proccage in tornado and Jet Stream).
  9. Yes. Plant Control 😛 I'm going to give Storm/Storm a shot, seeing as storm/rad was a failure(my bad, didn't build for ranged def so ate floor more than im used to. And storm needs you ahead of your team to maximize potential). Good thing is my expectations for the set have been lowered from my time on storm/rad. Solo it'll do wonders, in a team? Well at least I can lean on storm summoning unless I'm two mobs ahead of teammates.
  10. Try your best to get training IOs over SOs. Get a 50. You can get altitis later, get a 50 now so you have a money maker in your roster. Don't have 50 million alts lying around without at least ONE of said alts to fund them. Use attuned IOs when you get the chance, get Mids and play around with builds if you can't find one on the forums(but do be careful with forum builds, some of them can be outdated/not fit your playstyle). Get a farmer, you'll want one for whenever you want to just skip the grind to 50, and for when you want some inf/drops. Learn to play the market, you don't have to do it often, but its' best if you at least know how to do it. Oh, and ATs aren't squishy. BUILDS are squishy if you go too far into offense and no defense. You can and will do ridiculous things within your AT if you build right. If you don't? You and the floor will be friends for life.
  11. Remnant II until BG3 hits PS5 in a few days. Really can't wait till BG3. Gotta make my sorlock tiefling and do some heinous honorable acts for the people.
  12. Hard Mode. I view this as a general waste of resources. Not because hard content(It's not hard, it's literally just stat boost and some weenie hut junior level mechanics), but because of the 'optimized' way to run it. It's literally just 5 corrs, 2 blasters, a tank or scrapper. In what way is this good for the game overall? And how does this help create more diversity in teams? In particular, wasn't this content created with the mindset of including, finally, a place for CC? I don't see any CC in HM runs. The rewards aren't horrendous minus PAPs, those damn things are worthless to me (sure you can make 100m in 30-45m with an optimized Aeon 4*, but you can make the same literally faster through marketing.). The merits? While yes they are nice, you could do ham sammich raids and get some pretty good merits without nearly the same amount of headache. Plus I view HM content as less successful WoW mythic+ dungeon knockoffs, and after having ran HM 1-4 several times when it launched, like I said earlier, it's really just stat boost and lite mechanics. Really wish they'd have focused more on creating good mechanics over just giving enemies tactics and some arbitrary def boost that ultimately pad the run time. Also, people ignore the little mechanics that are there through barrier cycling.
  13. Hold up a second there's something in this that would be awesome. Send Inf to someone, they invest the inf in the market like a broker, and you get returns on the inf in the form of dividends. You can also cash out your inf and just get a lump sum if you so choose. Addin in that RL market flavor baby!
  14. The journey is fun all of 3 times. Once for hero, once for villain, and once for GR. Then it's boring and repetitious. Hence why lots of vets speed their way to 50 on alt accounts. I personally hate the journey and view it as a waste of time and an outdated slog through utter garbage. But then again I've done it a LOT preshutdown and a decent amount post relaunch when the nostalgia goggles were on tight. Now that they're off, I can't even stomach the thought of attempting another "natural" 50. I just PL, IO, maybe incarnate and move on. All this to say the journey was fun back in '08-'09. Not anymore
  15. I don't like assuming one's intent, I just know that this mindset is common lately. I personally don't see the need for things to change drastically. But I think it may be due to people thinking changes will make this game more attractive to newer players(not gonna happen. at least in large quantities. It's gameplay loop is fundamentally basic, and the modern gaming audience demands a LOT more than CoH can deliver.) I don't like being a bearer of bad news, but the best and only changes that will have long-term impacts are QoL and new powersets at this point. The game's core loop is established and won't be redone, so no point in trying(if of course that's the goal with any of these changes). As far as change goes for me with CoH; treat it like an old car. Don't try to pimp it out with crazy new accessories and hydraulics, work to make it the best and smoothest running car on the road(QoL/powerset additions vs gaming modes trying to capture a modern audience that won't really pan out.) Could be the biggest difference between wasted resources and actual long term growth. I'm no dev, but I am a longterm CoH vet whose watched changes over the game's lifecycle since i6. The best ones I've seen have always been QoL updates and powersets; CoH's strong suit
  16. While I doubt my names would be swiped up, if they were I'd probably continue taking my hiatus and maybe shift to permanent hiatus. Not even because I'm mad over the name loss, I just can't be bothered coming up with a new name for ~90 50's. Too much work. I like the idea of years for names per account. People have lives(okay, MOST people here have lives) outside of CoH, and take breaks for a number of reasons. I honestly don't have to worry about this being an issue though. I doubt 50s will ever be on the chopping block for names.
  17. I should of specified! My bad. Actually was considering buying a base. Lotta auctions lately, and they're some nice bases.
  18. I have roughly 400m. Spent my 2 bil on several alts before getting burnt out* *I've done this a number of times. Get 2bil, get about 4 new 50's, then get another 2bil after spending all my inf. Never had more than 2 at a time, and never will. I'm officially done making alts, so that 400m will maaaybe go to getting a SG base or...something. Getting inf is easy, for me. But for new players, I can see how it's rough out there, which is why I may also donate some of that 400m to a new player in need.
  19. I've never seen a streamer with a decent viewerbase playing CoH so I don't know how their following effects CoH pop numbers. Probably a few will stick it out though, at least for a month or two.
  20. Heheheh...No. Besides that, I don't think more accolades will be great, as that could clutter the UI/trays. Maybe increase RM gains from these activities instead *Seriously though yall stop with this power creep BS. Use it so much and yet a lot of y'all have no idea what it looks like or means, please...please stop. **Before anyone gives an unga bunga response, tell me in actual numbers how 1% is powercreep. Give me an honest to goodness breakdown of how and why, and I'll leave it be. Bonus points if you get a dev to agree with your math.
  21. Seed22

    God of Storms

    Sadly, I'd stick with elec. Storm...works, and for this theme it'd work fine, but overall it's more work than it's worth. Elec performs significantly better endgame.
  22. Take a break! I'm kind of doing the same myself, slowly but surely weening off of CoH for a while. You may come back, you may not, and that's okay too! CoH has a decent amount of content to play through, but once you've done it all multiple times(assuming you have), it very much starts losing luster. The worst thing you could do is try and force yourself to play continuously even while bored. That'll lead to hatred of the game. Play other games too! I'm currently playing D4 and catching up on shows, and that's been nice (though I did go against my own advice and PL'ed two alts to 50 in an attempt to eek out the last bits of my altitis).
  23. I've learned to be careful extrapolating the inabilities of others lest you risk exposing yourself. Not saying you're doing this but just in general. I assume, unless given reason otherwise, that you are as capable as I, lest I look like a dumbass fool. This is a lesson I am still learning at times haha.
  24. Seems you're a tad bit heated at this too, judging by this post. But I think I get it. Like you said you're both entitled to your opinion but this post still comes off as hostile. Oh well, par the course for this little community. I'm still interested to see where you're getting this variety of gameplay from, as I'm burnt out and could use some. And before ya say it, yes I've done everything in CoH/V/Rogue at least once. Could use something besides HM or iTrials(I'm sorry, BAF on repeat since the others aren't run as often on Excel.)
  25. Depending on the subject: Nerd. Due to wide-ranging gamut of interest: Geek.
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