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Everything posted by Seed22

  1. This is the main thing I disagree with. Just because you don’t want, nor should you ever need, as it wasn’t the design philosophy of original CoH devs, AT specific role based gameplay(a Tank for tank role, healers) does not mean you don’t want enemies to do damage. If, outside of HM, you bring a team of all blasters you should still be able to complete the content and have fun with it. If HC moves towards WoW like role enforced gameplay(they probably will adopt some similar) it will not go well I don’t think. *I should say in respect to LGTF this is still possible. Blasters can grab holds and corrs and such have holds. Most everything does really, so in this instance the above isn’t really an issue. Just a word of caution for content going forward
  2. There’s a difference between these 4 hour runs. If you decide to do a KM 4* or what have you and it’s 4 hrs? Awesome! You do you. But if you get a team together in hopes of getting through the TF in a normal amount of time(at most an hr to hr and a half if not on a meta comp) and it takes 4 hrs? Yeah thats a big problem. That’s not playing, that’s suffering 😂 Hence why I don’t do random PuG 4*’s. If ever I decide to lead 4’s again, I’m doing it strictly the “elitist” way. Only with discord and or the SG I’m in. No randoms, ever, for any reason.
  3. How did we go from make a meh T9 into something actually useable to “Seeds is pretty busted huh?” I’m sure Seeds is going to get nerfed to be as bad as MC’s T9. Honestly I say why stop there? Get that nerf bat in full swing. There’s a lot of playable sets that need a nerfin to get to the new tier HC’s aiming for. I’m not being passive aggressive or snarky in this. I’m deadly serious. Get that nerf bat into full swing. I think it’d be funny as hell and I wanna see what it’ll take to break the metaphorical camal’s back that is this community
  4. That doesn’t mean you have to allow anyone who wants to join on your HM 4’s. Thats how you get 4 hr runs. I know this is true because this has happened when I PuG’d a 4*
  5. I get a good laugh out of this. Private discord =/= elite players. May just be a trusted group that knows the content well and speeds it fast. I used to lead PuG 3’s and 4’s, and only recently ran with a discord group. The discord group was objectively better in every human way possible because there was no need to explain and we were all on the same page. To the excluded I’m sure that makes me look elitist. Whatever, it’s not but if just having a group be on the same page and not take an hr and a half to 2 hrs on what should only take 30-45m makes me elitist, then well, I dunno what to tell you. And I’m certain others feel this way as well with their groups.
  6. Exactly this. A lot of people defending using GF when explicitly asked not to by the team lead believe they are entitled to a team. They fuck around, I love it when they find out via a kick. If a GF user joins my team and pulls this braindead shit it's a kick from me.
  7. You don’t know what these words mean by this very post you made. Please stop using them wrong
  8. Not only are you wrong, you typed a whole soliloquy of misinformation. Nowhere in the CoC is AFK farming explicitly pointed out as being against ToS. You and everyone like you should learn to live with. >.> <.< Psst! Come ‘ere…. Different playstyles than yours. Especially if the devs themselves don’t care. This misinformed little rant of yours is not getting anything done, you clearly don’t know what AFK farming is, how it’s done, or even about the CoC. We get it, you don’t like it. We don’t care.
  9. Thesaurus. Use. A. Thesaurus. Why does no one do this? Does the thing scare you? I promise it doesn’t bite. Not finding a name is simply a lack of effort on your part, plain and simple. And a lack of creativity. Use a goddamn thesaurus. PLEASE. *This is a request for all in lieu of the recent name fiasco.
  10. This is 100% not true. Neither of you impact us, you’re just fucking annoying. Both of you. What impacts farming is whatever the devs cook up as an excuse to take a whack at farming, and that whole fiasco with the market which wasn’t necessarily from AFK farming but a literal XP/Inf bug that gave roughly 3x of both I believe? Leading to farmers being overly flush with inf. Not so much an issue nowadays. Flippers still make more faster. Sucks I had to be vulgar but honestly this rodeo keeps rolling into town too often.
  11. That hasn’t been true for at least 2 years. It’s a common misconception spread around the forums. Blasters want +HP and of course all the damage you can get. Some healthy amount of recharge is nice too.
  12. Good players moved over farmed then left. Thats just basic efficiency, which is what good players actually do. But now it’ll be what it always was; a preference, instead of an incentive. If you like low pop servers well there’s indom and reunion for you. And torch.
  13. But what makes them having a bunch of lvl 1’s for their desired purpose hoarding and you standing around for hours RPing not hoarding? You’re both effectively playing your way and neither are “playing” the game by the metric of gaining levels and whatnot. So technically both are hoarding. Or, as I like to see it, both are playing the way they see fit. I personally have a lot of 50’s. To some even that still is hoarding. I say as long as you’re logging in, you’re good in my books. And the HC team too according to the release policy
  14. That was a day of stupidity for sure. Same as beanbag really.
  15. Marine really is the only good set thats new. Symphony is ok and has no gimmick. Seismic is awful, arsenal is not great, and Storm as you’ve seen is bad.
  16. Thats what I was thinking.
  17. I can’t find anything about this. Production seems to be going steadily from what I googled
  18. Could possibly add Adamastar, Caleb and Kraken for horror monsters. Would be neat
  19. 4* is really not that bad. It does, for speed, damn near require the meta to get those nice times of under an hr. And a lil bit of knowledge. But otherwise it’s fairly easy content.
  20. Nothing in lore says anything about the makeup of the species to that depth so there isn’t even a lore reason why it can’t be made red.
  21. If this continues to be a problem, as much as it sucks to do, cancel the event for awhile if not forever. You can see in this very post how hard it is to respect a simple request. They want to fuck around, let em find out. This is not to single any particular person out, but it is infuriating that a simple request is getting an infantile, “but why?”. You are not children, this is not a townhall meeting. It’s all well and dandy to figure out exactly WHAT’s causing lag sure, but Kronos is causing problems for the event, the organizer ask people to stop spawning it. You stop doing it. End of fucking discussion.
  22. It’s Ice/Cold/Psi with liberal proc use. It’s the meta corr for a reason.
  23. According to my tinfoil hat and chair that speaks to me in my mind, CoH seems to have a very biased moderation practice varying from GM to GM with little to no consistency in application. But thats just tinfoil musing, pay it no mind
  24. Leveling in WoW helped you learn the class but I think a happy medium needs to be attained that respects your time as modern day gamers have a plethora of options to pick from that do, that also usually have more engaging progression/stories. Also players are always criticized for rushing through things, which I can understand. But also what’s not considered, especially here, is just how much busier we’ve gotten as people. People aren’t rushing(usually?) for the sake of just rapid consumption(though that definitely is a thing/problem), but for the sake of their time. They only get a few hours on the weekend to game. I doubt they want to spend it slogging through antiquated game practices like killing 100 boars or doing generic bland leveling contact missions from 2004. Taking half a year to get a max level character(if you were as busy as folks are today back in that time period) was acceptable as patience was higher, and also there really weren’t too many options as gaming was in its’ infancy. Now? Not so much for the reason I listed above, but placing the biggest emphasis on respecting players’ time. *Also see my earlier post in this thread about why such a thing occurred originally and why it’s not really going to pan out in the player’s favor.
  25. Its not. Its a meme that would not die in ‘09 where it belonged(or before). It was…ok back in the day. It’s VERY very overdone now, bordering on cringe
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