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Everything posted by Seed22

  1. The new arcs by HC are the only real example of this, I admit. Was trying to be nice to blueside but yeah nothing outside of that to be honest. Quite sad really
  2. I meant to ask, is the unlock account or character wide? If account, meh I see no problem. Character? Oh hell no that shit's gotta go.
  3. Oooh I'll for sure get around to doing these on my recent Fire/Dark corr. I know I should test em, but I wanna remain spoiler free so I'll leave it to other more capable testers.
  4. Or do operative grillo's mish with snakes and boom, snakey parts unlocked. I understand the initial kneejerk reaction, and share in my weariness personally when it comes to things like this, but if future unlocks are just this small and NEVER tied to completing say, a HM TF or a specific TF/arc, then I'd be fine with them.
  5. Not really. FA was never OP. Was it decent? Sure, but extremely niche.
  6. I think they’ll give you as many as you ask for assuming its for story of course. I got 4 on my primary account after its slots were full.
  7. Blueside has more people for ease of teaming. And of course the zones are brighter and somewhat easier to navigate for new players, but redside still has better content. What could help Redside is adding in less lackey material and more be your villain material. Add in more plots that you can initiate, make more mishs where you actually impact and disrupt the status quo of Paragon and/or the Isles. There arent any really evil arcs besides Westin in GV, so im unsure why people cant stomach being a lackey unless somehow thats like holding a mirror up to them IRL and forcing them to look into it 🤷🏾‍♂️ But yeah, more agency for sure. Bluesiders arcs are bland and all just horrible but at least they have agency
  8. Pretty much this. Its true of Excel too. If you want to do something, don’t whine about a lack of leaders, grow a pair and lead. Its easier than sleeping to lead in this game, as people aren’t likely to jump down your throat like in other MMOs if you mess up
  9. Appreciated as always! I hope you enjoy
  10. Hey there fellow Architects! After the success of Odd Stories [Arc ID: 57289], I thought I would try my hand at long form story telling. I give you one of five arcs covering a supergroup and their adventures titled The Pariahs. This first arc follows Magus Gray, the founder of The Pariahs as he gets to the bottom of who killed the Winter Court, the court he belonged to for centuries. He believes the summer court was behind it, but needs the aid of muscle, which is where you come in. Arc ID: 58682 Please be critical of my story! I can't get better at long-form if I'm not given proper critique to work off of. Also, I'm aware that the ally rescue in the fourth mish will not show up in the navigation HUD. I've tried to fix it, to no avail. The other rescue pops up though, and both rescues are still in the mish. I hope you enjoy the arc, and look forward to more coming soon!
  11. I’ll give the arc a shot and leave my feedback after I finish my own arc(on the last mish then have a souvenir to create and i’ll be done. Along with some playtesting and another round with the spell checker/check for plot errors)
  12. Id listen to crane. This man(or woman, or…you get my point! :P) has the right idea when it comes to this kind of stuff. Also I used to think Ky was a bit rough of a critic but as time has allowed me to mature as a person, I see his criticism as necessary to be better. Hell, I’d be honored if he reviewed my arcs(only have one so far and another cooking) so I’d definitely listen to him. When I received criticism for my arc Odd Stories, I didn’t just throw it away, I(hopefully, we’ll see in the review of this new arc) took it in stride and tried to incorporate feedback for my future arcs as best as I could. Sure you may not get paid, but maybe one day you’ll want to turn this into something(I know I want to write and get a show produced from the stories I put out here), so why not give it your best shot?
  13. Ok well im for sure playing these. You had me at BHS, and the snakes one just sounds too hilarious to not play, once im done with an arc im currently working on that is.
  14. To be fair after reading all of the posts over the years I feel like my IQ has dropped when it comes to this game. I blame the forums!
  15. 50s are protected so if they’re 50 this accomplished nothing but yeah sure, doesn’t affect me 😀
  16. Im gonna assume you were around during 2019 with HC since you mentioned a few years ago. The only endgame addition that happened is Hard Mode TFs, of which there are 2. Thats it. There’s more on the way(HM TFs) but thats all
  17. I mean basic attacks aren’t doing THAT much for you mezzed unless you’re playing on -1x8, which I mean, if you are more power to you I guess. *Before they kill you or the group kills you, I should say
  18. This is good information, because this is directly from a new player’s perspective. No matter what you all think of how the player fell into this or that trap or did this or that wrong, even if I agree with you generally, this is the new player experience. It may sting but hey thats reality for ya. Coh will struggle to attract a large amount of new players long term for these and a few other reasons outside of the game’s control. I still think its a decently new player friendly MMO, but I guess the new player themselves think otherwise and in this instance as much as it hurts, given they are the new player, I will have to default to their perception
  19. I wouldnt do it personally. Just easier to come up with a new name. But I don’t judge those who do, I’ve teamed with players who have leet speak who play better than those with extravagant names
  20. I still always recommend this AT for new players as it gives you some melee, ranged, armor and light CC. Basically exposure to most of the game’s mechanics with relative safety. I then immediately recommend they build a sturdy blaster and enjoy insane damage for minimal tradeoff
  21. I ahould say im only speaking on level 50 content. Pre 50 moving as a group is not only smart but literally necessary! Think I’m becoming out of touch with the average leveler due to my experiences so wanted to clarify that bit haha. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the slow and steady approach. Believe it or not despite what I said earlier im a huge fan of Kill most TFs over speed for exactly that reason. Its just I dont want something other than a kill most taking longer than necessary. Most normal people have a life and time commitments I like to respect so i let people do their thing as efficiently as possible when I lead, and I dont want to force anyone to move together if they can reliably solo things on their own. Basically my team is unless you’re new or have a squishy build, you don’t have to move as a group.
  22. Very typical of you Zee. Just like in CO. Anyway, to me, teamwork is playing to your strengths. If that means a few are able to peel off and reasonably handle themselves on their own, I let em. Now, if they endanger the rest of the team we have a problem. I mean, I figured you'd grasp that but then again it's you I'm talking about so I figured this would be the case.
  23. I see the reason for teaming as getting the task done as fast as possible. If that means moving as a group(HM content) then so be it, but im not about to sit here and pretend thats a faster way than allowing those who clear pretty efficiently to do their thing instead of being shackled to the team because of arbitrary notions of teamwork. My teams do this and surprise surprise they get the job done in record time. But I wanna say, different strokes for different folks. If you think moving as a herd is faster, do it.
  24. Also be sure to learn the game mechanics and develop your own playstyle even outside of AE. There have been so many times I've teamed with individuals who are extremely daft who have never touched AE but instead learned bad habits or tried to adopt another player's playstyle for themselves. But yes, avoid AE until you've leveled naturally first.
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