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Everything posted by Seed22

  1. My Kat/Stone/Soul can do it. I don't remember all of my scrapper 50s being honest so I can't really speak to the rest of them, but I probably have a few that can if I tried. But for sure the Kat/Stone can. +4/x8 is just like HM-stat boost the video game. It's not super snorefest trivial, but it's not THAT difficult, being honest. Can't tank for crap though, for a team. Mudpots is not that great of an aggro magnet.
  2. Thats not AE. Bet it was blueside you were trying to form it on. Those mishs are filler at best and a slog at worst, that's not AE's fault. Though what gets me is how quick people blame AE instead of the literally obvious fact that, once again, these mishes need an overhaul. I've never seen a mish team struggle to form for arcs that are actually worth doing(which is not most of blueside arcs), either they give accolade progress or other rewards like merits and badges. I'm not, and I suspect most won't, go take time out to do a generic filler arc(red or blue) just because. And there's nothing besides merits or badges you can attach that will change this stance. Don't get me wrong, I want these arcs to be worth doing and teaming for, I'm just pointing out why I think they aren't. Don't blame AE, blame the arc.
  3. Hoo boy. Wild take, not great either
  4. Problem isn't the idea, it's that the leveling experience is pretty trash. Boring content all around minus maybe red and goldside. If the leveling experience were any good at all I'd do it and maybe even PUG it, but hell no not now. God no. Also lowering XP from AE won't encourage more teaming or even use of the system, the opposite will happen actually. Though that's only from a vet's perspective, a new player should at least try it once. Then they can see what I'm talking about and maybe become vocal in getting some actually good/interesting leveling arcs in the game 😄
  5. Damn that copium pipe is hitting here. I mean, I suggest playing on an incarnate team with top tier sets and telling me this, THAT'd be hilarious to see. Though to appease the storm blast lovers I will say it's good in HM. That's where it shines, otherwise it's still slow. Quick question: I've been playing CoH since i6 and know the sets pretty well. Why are people getting so defensive of storm every time a complaint is lobbied against it? Are you all ok? I have also played HM. What challenging groups are you talking about(pssst...they don't exist 😉 not if you have a good team. Or you're(not saying you are) like me and build for positionals so you end up being tanky af on literally any toon you play)
  6. The setup for SC is not really worth it considering you won't be doing any AoE damage on a semi competent team with even one top tier set in it. I've teamed with Storms, have one at 50 myself, and it's sad to watch. SC gets dropped. I drop inferno and delete the mob, they have to go and repeat elsewhere. They try to jump ahead, I judgement the next mob, then they repeat again, but this time someone else does what I did but with a diff powerset. It's rough for stormies out here. Oh I guess yall are pretty helpful with AVs. SC really shines against AVs. The problem is not the damage, whenever it's applied, it's the speed to me. Y'all cant keep up if you're on an even remotely decent team. You WILL be left in the dust as the other blasters speed demon the hell out of the map. 😛
  7. 45% Ranged Def or melee depending on secondary. Then damage/recharge. Recovery is covered by the sustain 😄
  8. Every time I see post like these I remember it's time to look for a new MMO. Anyone got any suggestions?(Not kidding) Let me address this though, if I were forced to PUG with some of the interesting characters(being nice) on Excel I'd delete my account. PUG'ing should never be forced, and solo'ing +1/x8 isn't OP. I always wonder how suggestions like these leave the heads of those making them, tbh. If you're actually competent at building and have some common sense you should be able to, and be rewarded for, solo'ing up to +4/x8 . Granted I'm not the greatest at building and/or don't feel like slogging through that on my few toons who can handle it, but still. I'll give a hot take: This game is not even remotely good enough to survive a suggestion like this, and that's coming from someone who played since i6. I doubt people want to waste time putting together a PUG here for every piece of content on +1/x8 (using this as an example difficulty), I know I wouldn't even entertain the thought.
  9. Stalker. Learn to play the AT right and it'll outshine that scrapper 😛 I have a few myself of both. But really learn to play the AT. I hate to say it, but I think it's 100% apt here.
  10. The story's alright, the content itself is...I mean it's like they tried to copy a WoW mega dungeon. I get it but overall I prefer the ITF HM, if I was forced to run HM again, to the Aeon. It's just better overall imo.
  11. worthless currency for an endgame activity. Coulda made IOs that specifically worked in HM content or provided HM-specific(akin to PvP IOs in PvP Zones) bonuses as a reward instead but eh, that's just my take on em.
  12. I farm my 50s! But then again I refuse to PUG with folks like this, which is what is more than likely to occur. I've seen more who level to 50 who have no idea of what they're doing lately though. Bad is bad, worse if they were given time to level and engrain bad habits. What gets me though, is when you're given clear instructions and still manage to fumble a very easy W. Reading comprehension is a most valuable thing, and honestly the level of illiteracy is disgustingly high right now, unfortunately.
  13. That looks confusing, fun AND challenging.
  14. But what if I am the Tank, DPS and support all in one? *Cough any well built defender/blaster*
  15. There are none that will ever exist in CoH, including this idea. HM would not work here. Too much time in costumes and hurt feelings involved, plus the games that DO have HM, CoH players asking for this won't touch due to skill issues lack of interest in one or more aesthetics of the games.
  16. Hide is free def. No skippy ever 😛 Though snark, to answer your question a stalker in a team can help speed up mishs where you need to find a boss, or they can scrap it out like a scrapper but with better burst and controlled crits(I like their ATO more than scrappers). The days of old "AS and wait for hide" gameplay are kind of over, though opening with AS is still fun and helps delete pesky Lt's/Minions(*cough* sapper *cough*) as well as Bosses fairly quickly. All in all: Play a stalker like a scrapper with stealth and controlled crits.
  17. I enjoyed it! I preferred the vigilante to rogue arc though(not the biggest fan of open maps, but the writing for both were on point!).
  18. I use it to play the new powersets. Sometimes I give feedback if a power is particularly bad, most times I note typos and see if someone else has already tagged 'em.
  19. Oh really what science experiment gave him his powers? If we're going off CoH definition: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Science
  20. Seconded about the good guys always winning. Mustache Twirling has it's place to balance out constant edge, but it gets very boring very fast. I've seen y'all's SG and loved the concept! It creates in a way, a more moralistic/philosophical type of villainy not really seen here in CoH(imo CoH is too black and white, even on tips, with morality.) A personal...idiom, I suppose? That I take with my characters is that only 3 are what most would consider 'True Blue'(Heroic hero types). The other litany of characters are all a smattering of Rogue or...okay mostly just rogue. It only makes sense that unless specifically prompted to use their powers and magic for good, most would default to self-serving interest, or only look out for their close friends and family(i.e. act like a normal human being would). This, I feel, leads to more nuance in their character than, "I must do good all the time!". Plus, it makes you weigh the consequences of your actions more heavily; Act like a selfish rogue? Maybe you burned a bridge with someone who could have been a significant ally in the future. Just my thoughts on the matter 🙂
  21. No. Thats more of a staple of groups than a Barrier thing.
  22. To a degree I can understand, but this is City of heroes, the entire damn game is a crutch. This isn't WoW, this isn't a game thats even meant to be remotely competitve. It's a meme in terms of difficulty(I like this! If I wanted a game to be a sweaty tryhard in there are literally hundreds of other options), and people tend to overanalyze(HM 4 is a joke. It's literally the same shit from HM 1 but with stat boost. Wow, such difficulty. Wow. I say this as someone who ran HM back when it was popular 1 star through 4 several times.) HM 4 isn't build diversity, It's two or three cold corrs, insert obligatory fire blasters, and a Rad or Bio or Stone tank. Damn that's an insanely diverse team we got here...(not all teams for you pedantic folks but if you've ran it you know it's basically this.)
  23. This might be the worst suggestion unless its a meme, that I have ever seen on these forums. And I've seen a lot. But it would also be hilarious to watch so why not.
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