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Everything posted by Seed22

  1. When I have blasters tanking AVs, Doms also acting as tanks and same with fenders, I believe I have my build slotted properly. Or whatever I’m building achieving the goal I set for it. We’ll see with my next project, a Dark/Rad Dom when I get done with Palworld lol
  2. So people got mad about one PAP, whined, and we get this garbage instead. This is goddamn beanbag all over again
  3. I tested these guys back on CB on +1x8 on..I think an arsenal/arsenal dom, and it went alright. But I can definitely see the annoyance factor. I hate that a once turn your brain off and have a beer/joint group got turned into this but I’ll just keep making builds that can solo as I refuse to team for something as trivial as radios
  4. People on here acting like they don't have access to google at their fingertips or can't bust out a thesaurus app/actual thesaurus to try and come up with a name. I get wanting a name that someone's sitting on, but in that time you spent malding, you could of come up with what? 5 unique names?
  5. I’ve literally been saying this this whole thread and you’d swear its like trying to explain quantum physics to preschoolers apparently.
  6. A lot better than preshutdown. Fully IO’ed 50s that can usually dp their initial role and then some form of tanking or CC. I also am way into DPS than preshutdown, where I had 25 50s all as trollers and fenders. Now I have 100 50s of which 60 at least are some form of blaster/scrapper/dom/stalker or tank/brute. My team play has become a lot more aggressive, leading the charge and very much on a go go go mentality. Not always the greatest but hey.
  7. For people who think sticking together for everything is team work, make sure you specify that in your teams. Also, consider that most of CoH pop is vets. Vets who have seen this or done that well over a thousand times on most likely SEVERAL 50s. They probably speed out of habit. Its become second nature to a lot of folks to get to the objective in a mish and it’s not always out of malice, or rather its VERY rarely out of malice to begin with. Outside of HM runs, I almost never enforce a rule to stick together because I actually understand the above, exceptions being when we have a few exempted toons.
  8. Oooh I’m in an add 😮 all of these arcs are phenomenal and deserve a playthrough
  9. I dunno, it may still go live, but as something different. I dont care either way being honest, you get more PAPs doing HM 1 of which I am certain all the naysayers have never nor will ever do
  10. Could there be an option where you keep the cape and one without? For the sybil costume
  11. Hey these perfectly describe how I feel about this whole argument(not yours, the “counterpoints” if I can even call em that. Just seems to be like the anti farming arguments.)
  12. The crummy thing about this particular feature is it really cant be given a large sample size for testing until its live
  13. You DO know ice control did this first right? Right?!
  14. I personally think they were meant to be more of a PG-13 stand in for them yet seperated enough to where someone wouldn’t go “they’re just copying nazis”. I don’t necessarily disagree with you but I also can see where people come from with the 5th. Plus I doubt Paragon or HC would directly attribute hardcore nazi ideals to the 5th, but it doesn’t(or shouldn’t. Im talking CoH players here so maybe it does) take a rocket scientist to see the parallels.
  15. I have 100 50s. I play about 5 at any given time, I guess you could say im camping names but I know no one would want(nor will I ever give) any of my names
  16. Now I want coffee. Thanks Oub 😛
  17. No im not trying to move the goal post I dont really care if you think people thinking taunt is needed is a bad PuG habit(if thats what you’re saying?), this was me just saying if you did HM, which also can be PuG’d btw, with a tauntless tank(if you could even convince someone to allow you to join with that) I will seriously give you 100mil if its a 4* vanguard fight. Thats just curiosity really
  18. Try Hard Mode. Sticking together isnt really any kind of coordination other than room temperature IQ strategy(which isnt to say people employing it are dumb, it just is a basic survival strategy harking to our early days as humans) You wanna actually have to coordinate. Do a HM. No joke that requires actual brain cells, not much unless you’re the lead, but still.
  19. I also feel I need to clarify: STICKING TOGETHER IS NOT THE ONLY WAY TO PLAY AS A TEAM. sometimes it can mean the stalker going off to grab the mish objective, or someone going off to kill a boss. Teamwork comes in many shapes and sizes. What you all MEAN to say is: I would like it if we stuck together and cleared like a KM
  20. I’ll give you 30 mil and a D-sync if you can get a tauntless tank into HM and tell me you dont need taunt. 100mil if you somehow get into the aeon vanguard fight with a tauntless tank. Im not kidding.
  21. I dont think a lot of people are grand standing as much as I wanna get this shit done as fast as possible because I’m either at work and on break or just have other things in life coming up or that I want to do soon.
  22. Did you vocalize it as a Kill Most? All of these complaints can be solved by clarifying a few times that its a kill most. Most people will understand what that means. If I dont see that, im speeding to the objective because well, the goal is to complete the mish so I figured thats what everyone wants, you know, to not spend a year and a day doing a 5 minute mission? I feel old gamers are whiney and bitchey about speed because something something game mechanics, and new players hate the old for not keeping up. I personally like KM TFs when I form my own, but I definitely can respect and understand the desire for speed. Plus, I feel I need to remind you all that some of these people are playing during a break at work so do keep in mind they’ll probably assume you mean speed unless you specify otherwise.
  23. Thanks so much for running it! Yeah I need to get back in the architect and fix those spelling errors(and I will! Once I'm done running a few HM TFs to get back into the swing of things before p7)
  24. I see this as a buff to Bile spray and artic that should stay. Maybe more people would take them to use instead of just to proc bomb. Theme should never EVER trump performance. In any situation, at any time, NEVER. If these changes make the power better, they should stay
  25. That can be started by anyone now. Back in the day it could only be started after getting a badge for defeats I think.
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