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Everything posted by Seed22

  1. I’ll block your ass so no the fuck you won’t. *Edited because the last bit will get me no no points. Still applies if you read it bio.
  2. I have a WS and PB at 50+1 triform. Cite that shit in the lore or please stop quoting me thank you
  3. Thats the thing: NONE OF THEM EVER CAN. They are simply pulling this up from..nowhere. Thats just it. Nowhere.
  4. Yeah wouldn’t that be neat.
  5. It does feel…I dunno, sad isn’t the word because to me that’d be a little selfish personally; valuing the security of a Veracor run over his own mental health or happiness with the direction of the game.* But more…bittersweet? Closest I can get. Definitely going to be a shame for when I do pop on not to see V’s name in the ELTF lineup of runners for the night. I absolutely agree about not liking the direction the game is heading in, and being honest, the type of community these changes are fostering. And with so many other games in the pipeline for this year and prior years to get to, and all of our already limited times in the day, there’s no reason to sacrifice happiness. *That is not to say that is how anyone else thinks or trying to paint a picture of anyone else, just my opinion.
  6. This aptly sums up my feelings on the matter. It really only hurts ATs already affected by CC, and at best annoys but not outright disrupts bulldozer ATs or hell even the supports who have a caked in CC prot power in their primary/secondary. But it'll probably be how they go about "touching up" mobs in the future so you all will have to either advocate against it or acquiesce into a "soft" teaming meta.
  7. This happens every single time this thread is made. The same two people come in here, have an aneurysm about lore, or balance(like they understand khelds lmao. there are only 4 people in this game who I trust to understand khelds. 4. they are not in this thread.) then derail the thread into arguing in circles. It's actually kind of concerning it happens with such certainty. I mean EVERY TIME?! You can't get that kind of consistency in most things in the real world!
  8. Okay, and this shouldn’t even be a question or point of contention but this is CoH players we’re talking about and it IS unfortunately 2024. Why is more options a problem for you? And inb4 “but resources n devs” until they SAY they can’t or won’t, I don’t like to presume they can’t or won’t or that its an over the top request for em. Hell who knows they may be working on it now
  9. Update: Flintlock is…not exactly least value if you get it on gamepass. But it is pretty average or lackluster depending on how important these factors are to you. Character story is..mostly pretty solid. I like the relationship between the MC and her companion, pretty well done. Combat is clunky with parrying really only being great with the use of a skill in the skill tree for pistol combat. Hit boxes are trash though. Final boss is artificial difficulty, plain and simple. Worse boss I’ve ever fought in a game. Overall score? 6.5/10. 7 if I was to be super generous. Its a gamepass game 🤷🏾‍♂️
  10. I think this counts? Dungeons of Hinterberg. Its like if Zelda went on vacation in Austria(I think). Honestly super relaxing, it does have a lot of puzzles but they’re fairly simple imo. Decent combat and action to it, and honestly a fun little story and great relationship building with its assortment of supporting characters. It’s on PC, Xbox Series S/X, and PS5 for roughly $30 barring tax
  11. Nope thats not it at all. In the ELTF discord he explicitly says it’s because of HC development. I don’t disagree either. Hell I “finished” the labyrinth on a toon, which is good enough for me. Soon as some RL things come about in a few weeks, and things pick back up, I’ll be following suite but ofc I’m not some notable name in the community so I won’t be making a big post* *Besides the one in AE and thats just for the few who were possibly interested in a followup arc I have in the works but is now on (probably) almost indefinite hiatus.
  12. To them it is, now you may disagree and thats fine and dandy, I personally don’t agree with how they presented their argument but I’d be remiss if I didn’t say I was concerned about not necessarily holy trinity play but teaming being a bit too heavily pushed with new additions recently. But that’s just my sentiments.
  13. When I don’t like something that homecoming does, I vent to my fam about how shit the decision was, then I take a break from the game. So far it hasn’t been severe enough to where I’m gone forever but that day may come. But what I never do is go on a tirade on the forums. You’re not going to get support there for one and for two the people you would get support from lock you out because of your unhinged rants(not talking about you Lumi talking about this person btw) But in other news, this recent page was so good I actually TEST tested it in closed beta and I’m delaying my hiatus(in part to some IRL things too) from CoH until probably September/October to play the update a bit.
  14. Oh I don't trust the forums "high end" builds(no offense forumites, though I'm sure some will take it anyway) . Minus Icesphere and the people who I recognize as pretty good/regulars on the discord. Nah I go to discord for the high end builds, or 9/10, build my own. But yeah I'm sure the forums builds suffer a lot in the 20s, none of mine ever do. Well, none of my newer 50s have ever felt noticeably weaker in exempted content than 50 content barring incarnates ofc, greyed out powers, and the lack of a travel powers. seriously, I swear I pick em all around the 20s, yet strangely enough, I never have a travel power available. Or rather it feels that way lol. I base my evidence off my dominators, who lean on perma dom a lot. On an exempted 50+ dominator in a team leveled to about 20-25, I have perma dom, so they effectively function as they would at 50 minus of course the missing powers from exempting. Don't get me wrong they're not decimating whole spawns usually like they do at 50, but they didn't lose a majority of their set bonuses. They have roughly 66% of them. Out of my 104 50s, 13 might lose their bonuses. And that's because they were built in 2019-2020 when I didn't know about attuned IOs. I don't need your word for it, I have direct experience. *Perfect example recently, I just got out of a Virgil Tarikoss on my Marine/Dark. He functioned like he had a majority of his set bonuses, and looking at it, he did. Was he oozing recharge like he does at 50? No. But he had a seemless attack chain, the recharge of brine was almost exactly the same as at 50(I think here it was 17s vs 12s. with ST, it was literally the exact same as 50. 4s.) Also Whitecap was still the monster it was at 50. So didn't lose anything there(admittedly proc bombed, so not going to be affected by exempt anyway) Alls to say, attuned doesn't mean you won't lose any sets, you'll probably lose anywhere from 33-60% depending on how low you go(with 60% being in the single digits of levels), but you should retain a majority of your set bonuses. Or, you'll feel relatively the same as you do in the higher levels exempted into the 20s, minus of course recharge and possibly attack chain wise depending on missing powers.
  15. They don’t. Its called attuned, fun thing, those.
  16. I wouldn’t give a shit. I usually form my own teams so I literally wouldn’t even notice them
  17. The arc was…serviceable to me. I found some of the bits kind of interesting, like skulking around the crey labs to gather info on the Hero Corps members and cloning shenanigans. But overall, the arc didn’t stick with me. I found it to be a solid 6/10 maybe 7/10 if I really stretch it. Serviceable, but definitely not “Well dayum!” Probably because Crey stories are so overplayed in my eyes that I kind of tune out
  18. Did it 1 and a half times. Got the gladiator costume on one toon and most of the badges on another. It’s alright. It’s a multipurpose zone which I think is not terrible. I won’t be doing it again for quite awhile but that just means when I do come back to do it again it’ll probably be rote memorization for the leaders at that point so it’ll most likely be smoother. EDIT: I lied. I got in a few more runs and the gladiator costume in two 50s and the accolade on 1. Now having seen everything in the zone badge wise I feel kind of done with the zone.
  19. Thats the thing: it IS super early, as in, literally 24 hrs ago early. It’ll be about a week as usually people are working during this time so can’t really delve into the set, what it being an early week release, until probably the weekend at the latest. But honestly? This isn’t ‘one of those games’ so you can risk testing it out on beta and finding your best pairing with no cost to you other than time.
  20. Lmao “smoke” being typing on a keyboard arguing on a 20 year old MMO forum ooooh scary. But seriously my dude why are you trying to beef so hard on this with people?
  21. I rarely give advice, and when I do its usually in a less “you’re wrong I’m right” manner. But I also never take advice from anyone on these forums. There are 10 people I trust for build advice in this game, and 1 of them is myself. And I don’t think any but 1 are on the forums. I only take advice from those 9 as they are some of the best players in this game and regularly speed 4*. But I also understand not everyone values what I do.
  22. The set strikes me as baby kinetics but water themed. Kin is solid and literally meta for most content without any mez prot for the caster. I think Marine will sit somewhere next to it at the table and imo doesn’t need mez prot on top of everything it already does. Which is weird to say, cause I’m all for buffs on a lot of things.
  23. Dungeons of Hinterberg to me has been absolutely solid. It’s a dungeon crawler meets persona 5 and decides to be themed as a vacation(never could of guessed by the name 😛 ) Similar in design of the dungeons to the old Zelda games(and kinda has an art style inspired by the newer Zelda games or wind waker. It’s truly relaxing, fun and just enough action to satisfy me, but the true star of the show has been the dungeons. Such fun puzzles, and I usually hate the damn things in other games. It’s free on gamepass and i think $30? Through steam. Next review will be for Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn when I get to it
  24. Ehhh about 3 weeks to as long as 4 months if OB happens to land on a holiday. Remember it's not just the set being tested, it's an entire page. That naturally means there could be any number of things that hold it back from launching early, or in the timeframe I listed. Doesn't seem like that'll be the case though. Normally I don't disclose anything from the Closed Beta but I know they want it out before August.
  25. I dont think that’d be a good idea for soloers just trying to grab things in the Labyrinth
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