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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. I have been grateful and appreciative of both being able to be back in The City and all the work that has gone into it since its return but about the only change I haven't had a problem with is making it where buffing movement powers actually buffs movement powers. And scrapper stone armor turned out pretty well balanced.
  2. More often used in this world than I care for. <shrug>
  3. Ya know, something can be broken and still not be broken enough to bother fixing. Reality ain't a Chess board.
  4. Yes. I'd honestly love it if the devs made their current bug list public so that we could peruse it prior to starting new bug threads.
  5. You know me, man. I'm the guy that will spend three hours soloing an ITF. I don't need three lvl 53 micros in sprint, swift and quickness because of speed runs. I need them cuz max is max, yo, and they look cool on the manage screen. An NO ONE has emailed me any micros yet! Wait... @BillyMailman emailed me one!!! Thanks, man!
  6. Honestly, I don't worry much about the incarnate softcap. If I'm soloing in DA, +4 ain't +4 anymore due to level shifts and on trials there's so many buffs being thrown around that it becomes damn near meaningless.
  7. I'm in the camp that SL is an attack that just happens to heal. There are plenty of melee sets that provide +recharge and if I recall correctly, the optimal ST chain for Dark is MG, SL, Gloom (or Moonbeam,) Smite, repeat. Granted, that gets boring as hell after a while but it is what it is. This is the way.
  8. Adventure on a Heathkit H89. Woot.
  9. Original card with that rig was a sapphire radeon 290x. don't remember if there was a card between that and the current 1080. Might have been an nivida 980.
  10. This one is gettin long in the tooth. Built it back in 2013, i-5 proc at 3.4, 24GB ram, 1080 vid, game on SSD.
  11. It... appears to have something to do with the clockwork see-through torso and the teleporter beam in the middle of AE. Frelling bizarre.
  12. Got all kinda wonkiness so sad fark it. Set default values at Ultra in game. Set default values for driver but turned on vsync. Cranked up two instances. First one was my claws/fire brute. That instance sits at 110 FPS. Second was my new inv/nrg tank. That instance sits at 144 FPS. I can alt-tab between the two and FPS always settles back to the above. How does one character cause a 35 FPS drop when all toggles are turned off?
  13. I remember jg0001. Thanks for that.
  14. Ok, this helped. Cranked to 32x in game, but in NCP, set for application controlled but cranked up AA-transparency to 8x, DSR to 1.5 on factors and 50% on smoothness, enabled MFAA. Hopefully it'll stick. Edit: Would still like to know what everyone else is using to optimize eye candy. Edit2: Bah, something is now causing a framerate dip when the particles start flying in heavy combat. Already disabled DSR, so that ain't it. But AA still looks good so I'm leaving that off.
  15. One thing I do miss about running ATI cards was that antialiasing actually FUNCTIONED!!! I'm currently on an Nvidia stock 1080 and it doesn't seem to matter whether I use in-game AA or NCP AA, it always looks like crap. Sometimes, less than others, almost as if it fades in an out or drops to lower settings on its own whim. Does anyone else noticed this on the regular or have any tips on maximizing AA for CoH with Nvidia cards? I know, I know, I used to be the ATI guru, I should be able to figure this out on my own, but I'd rather not recreate work if someone else already has a good line on it. Thanks much.
  16. There any other powers in game that we could test this with?
  17. Here's the fixed build if anyone wants it. It should be amazingly mediocre!
  18. Yup, that covers it. Please email all +movement/endred special origin enhancements to @bill z bubba. Thanks much.
  19. Tis a good spot for that since the Prev Med Chance for Absorb works regardless of where it's slotted.
  20. What happens to that damage if you 6 slot it with Power Transfer? Not tagged to ignore enhancement, so should be buffed just fine by that set.
  21. Yea, eviscerate sucks on scrappers even with its higher crit chance. Sucks on tanks even with the bigger cone size and number of enemies hit. Sucks on brutes because it gets nothing to help it. And REALLY #*$&#$*&#$ SUCKS on stalkers because they turned it into a single target attack and dumped spin... then turned around and left all the savage AoE quite untouched. Edit: I might still be a bit bitter about stalker claws.
  22. Found this in the feedback thread. Anyone know if it's still accurate?
  23. Grrrr... what the hell is the current fly speed cap since afterburner was turned into an inherent part of fly? I'm showing 82.95 mph with a 50+5 basic fly IO in Fly and a 53 Microfilament in Quickness. Unslotted my 50+5 basic run IO from swift, stuck in a lvl 50 Microfilament, fly speed is now at 83.93.
  24. And there it is. I stick lvl 53 Micro HOs in Quickness because it does boost both run and flight speeds and at least as per Mids, and it takes no sets. My memory really is turning into swiss cheese. Edit: Same goes for Sprint. The sets it can take don't buff both jump and run which sprint does.
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