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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. It was late! Or early! Not the first time I've trusted Mids only to find out later how wrong the build turned out.
  2. Bein a southerner. Although I was also in the army. Ayup. Edit: And now I'm a Masshole! HAHAHAHAHAHA.
  3. I really wish someone had pointed this out to me before now.
  4. This time it's actually true, Troo. This tank is for team tanking. Need need for big DPS.
  5. Especially on a tank. Edit: That damn +damres tank IO... who was the brain behind tanks being able to add 20.1 DR to EVERYTHING when triple stacking that IO? And then HC gives them more damage and bigger AoEs. Maddening.
  6. Yanked that, installed, and yup, now I'm at 2642 HP and 33 HP/sec regen. Oh well. I'll lose vengeance and add back in DP, steal 2 slots from something, probably health.
  7. Then it's gotta be Mids. Didn't think this could have been right. What version are you on? I'm on I've already got a tank runnin et-long, tf, et-short, gloom, bonesmasher. This build is for far more punchvoke and far less corpse blasting. It won't be used for soloing TFs and AVs.
  8. Huh... with accolades, 3411 HP, no dull pain, 76HP/sec regen.
  9. Or I ignore Sorc pool and crank up more HP/Regen with PhysPerfection and set bonuses. Hmm. Playing around. Will post build shortly.
  10. Well, that's what Mids was showing but this version seems to have some issues so I'm not entirely sure how accurate that may be.
  11. EDIT: The following thread was based off of Mids misreporting HP gain. Yall know I main SR, running around without a heal is nothing new to me and DP is more of a proactive power anyway. Just noticed in Mids building an Inv tank that without DP, I'm around 280HP short of the cap after I add in the passive accolades. As I'm also not chasing max damage on this build, (hell, I'm actually skipping energy transfer AND total focus) I really don't need hasten either and I was going to take vengeance because I had nothing else to take. But I could drop all three and pick up spirit ward, arcane bolt and rune of protection. Thoughts?
  12. Characters that are built specifically to lean on amplifiers and insps will be at a disadvantage when those items are turned off. Characters that choose to use amps and\or eat huge insps stored in email will perform better than when they don't. Yes, an email system full of huge insps will have more of an impact than incarnate powers right up to the point where the insps run out. It will also have more of an impact than a good build or player skill. While the mez protection from the defense amplifier is a game changer for my squishies, based on the numbers for the rest of the buffs, no I don't think they have as much impact as 6 T4ed incarnate powers. It's not even close. With as easy as it is to make inf in this game, I do find it worth it to keep squishies loaded up with mez protection, when I actually remember that I find it worth it and hit the P2W vendor.
  13. I hear ya. There are some cheats I'll never allow myself to utilize but I have started buying 8 hrs of amps for every level 1, regardless of whether I'm street sweeping, running content or just PLing them to 50. Can no longer rationalize NOT having defense amp for all my squishies. But at least I haven't started actually designing builds with all the cheats in mind.
  14. There is that and we have had enough of it. Edit: But we both know a whole bunch more is coming with the sentinel changes.
  15. And here I thought it was an nrg blast's damage sucks thread.
  16. And folks wonder why I think insps storage in email should be verboten... regardless, that's awesome.
  17. And only you can decided where challenge crosses over into masochism.
  18. As for getting HOs, the easiest way is to be rich and just buy 'em. I had a further analogy but should probably keep it to myself.
  19. Dude... my solo max-diff no insps/temps ITF run on my sentinel took over three hours. An 80 minute solo MLTF is awesome! 🙂 Side note: update your sig line from time to time. I'd like to watch what happens when you ding 100000 vet lvls.
  20. Yes. Not me with my builds, but others have done so. Hell, I probably could solo the MLTF with my shield/nrg tank if I dumped all my self-imposed rules and leaned on ultimate insps, warburg nukes, base buffs, etc, etc. Bet someone out there has figured out a solid way to dual/triple box it without breaking a sweat.
  21. The problem with that though is that you don't get the toggles at lvl 1 and folks will raise bloody hell about losing the KB for X number of lvls.
  22. I actually like this suggestion. Quite a bit really. Here's some thoughts that might stop it from happening. Cottage rule. Some folks like power push but moving the 100% KB to Burst might work to alleviate their concern. I would very much also prefer push's animation over burst's but whatever on that front. Edit: Well, wait... I'm not sure that a toggle can disable an effect like KB that's coded into a power. The KB->KD procs aren't removing KB, they're just adding a huge negative amount. However, just as a staff/bio scrapper ends up with 6 form toggles to choose from, that won't be a reason to block this. I would absolutely roll up an nrg/bio sent and run Plasmatic 100% of the time. Kinda sucks for defenders as they wouldn't get it until 28.
  23. As said before, obviously you care, but so many of us don't. I have a TON of alts that have nothing but AE badges at 50 with fully IOed and T4ed builds because I haven't even bothered to get them their accolades and I'm currently looking at 8 transcendents in email and can easily make more for more alts. If I'm on one of those characters and someone reads my info, if they decide I'm 100% ignorant of the game because of it, that's definitely THEIR problem and not mine. Maybe you should just stop looking at other peoples' character info and judging them for it. Sounds like you'd probably enjoy the game more that way.
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