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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. I would guess from those that hover-blast. If you sit in melee all the time, you're going to take vastly more damage.
  2. I didn't. But if you base changes off of flawed assumptions, you won't end up in a very good place. I suspect that with other AT-wide changes so far, whatever is done to sentinels will end up leaving them overpowered.
  3. I was lookin for a new farmer. FA/RadMelee/Mu it is then. Maybe this time it'll work.
  4. Any AT that solos poorly and only performs well on teams is badly balanced, especially given that end-game advancement, the ride to being fully T4ed, can be done while 100% solo, even with ATs that perform poorly solo. They exist and must be part of the comparison. If for no other reason but that to show just how bad Khels actually are.
  5. I've tried, multiple times. Rad ended up in the junk pile with elec melee for me. Even if the numbers end up ok, I just can't get it to flow for nuthin. All clunk and no sexy. Extra damage aura is nice though.
  6. well, ya know how it goes... sometimes the angry mob is right!
  7. Correction. 2 min avg time on the claws/bio at the moment. Just went and retested. This gets better as recharge goes up and the pause for followup recharging goes down and he was lacking the extra global recharge from day jobs when I tested. The 1:30 time I keep getting stuck in my head is for my em/bio's avg. Given the vast superiority of claws' AoE over EM's, I'll still take it. For those wondering, ST chain is followup, focus, slash, repeat. This ends up having a triple stack of FU on focus, so make sure to calculate that in.
  8. 1:30 pylon time with claws/bio. Your assessment is very wrong. It also boasts considerable AoE output once enough recharge is in place to cycle followup, spin, shockwave, repeat.
  9. I've seen my posts. I don't even want to read what I'd say on such a day.
  10. I'd make the argument for the MotT: CF +resistance in BF, so yea, Gaussian in Invinc.
  11. I greatly enjoy my wm/bio scrapper. Jawbreaker, clobber, shatter, repeat for ST and jawbreaker, shatter, crowd control, repeat for AoE. Have to retest, but seem to recall she was sitting at the 1:30 mark for taking down pylons, which seems quite respectable. Edit: Went and retested: 1:45 avg.
  12. I get the idea, but in running/timing vetlvls/hr, my claws/sr scrapper (a middle of the road primary and a non-damage buffing secondary,) clears max diff DA repeatable missions FAR faster than my fire/bio sent, arguably the sent combo with the highest damage output. Course, the fact that the scrapper is a grounder with sprint on all the time while the sent hovers may also play a role. Edit: I don't want anyone to get me wrong... I *love* my fire/bio sent. He's a tankmage that only faceplants when I completely stop paying attention.
  13. Well if that's the only fucking criteria that matters, fix everything. Make all team buffs affect the player. Why should that poor defender be able to increase someone else's density but not their own? Or grant mez protection to others but not themselves? Get rid of the purple patch completely. It's not fun to miss that +4 AV more than we miss the +0 AV. Doing less damage is a waste of time, too. Be done with it. etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.
  14. It would certainly and immediately stop me from visiting the forums. My former employer implemented two-factor for all server logins. You can imagine how much fun that was for me since I was in charge of MS patching. A necessary evil? Maybe. Were there better options for server security that weren't nearly as stupidly time consuming? Yes. Implement it on a game forum? I'm out. Which, I'm sure for some, is a reason to do it.
  15. Even if we do nothing but change Clamp from 5-95% to 5-100%, what are the consequences?
  16. You haven't answered any of the other questions. How, exactly, do you implement this? What happens when we turn HitChance = Clamp(AccMods × Clamp(BaseHitChance + ToHitMods – DefMods)) into HitChance = AccMods × (BaseHitChance + ToHitMods – DefMods) in every area of the game? How does PvP Elusivity play into this?
  17. Would they continue doing it if it never worked? Also, have you met people? Just think of the average level of human intelligence and then remember that half of them are stupider than that. (Apologies to Carlin for the paraphrasing.)
  18. In other words, I GET the annoyance. It's exactly what prompted me to start a thread talking about how my favorite thing to do in this game suddenly became far less fun. To the point where I no longer do it and suddenly I find my time in game is drastically reduced. The ridiculous tank overbuffs didn't help anything either. So sure, change it. But I'd like to see exactly how yall propose to change it. If I eat a buncha huge insights, does that mean I can hit a +50 100% of the time? How's that gonna work in PvP? How do we make it where a -10 enemy has a 0% chance to ever hit us but a +10 enemy might? Do we completely overhaul the "purple patch" mechanics? I'm curious now.
  19. I would love all of these things. Illusion, lunchtime, planned obsolescence, temporary retirement, blah, blah. Time no longer means much to me. Ok. Get rid of it. But it has to go both ways. So get your pants back on, too. No wait, what I meant was that if we can build to always hit, something will have to be done about defense. Why does it make more sense that we should never have to miss than for us to never get hit? Why is building for tohit/acc any different than building for the defense softcap? So sure, remove the 95% cap. But only if you remove the 5% limit on the other side as well. That would be fair, right?
  20. Funny that this is exactly what I said about the Cimerorans getting fixed.
  21. Scrapper Claws Spin Max Targets = 10 Base Recharge = 9.2 Seconds Scrapper Claws Shockwave Max Targets = 10 Base Recharge = 12.1 Seconds Sentinel Fire Blast Fireball Max Targets = 10 Base Recharge = 16 seconds Sentinel Fire Blast Inferno Max Targets = 10 Base Recharge = 90 seconds That's why. Edit: Well, that and how criticals dish out vastly more damage than opportunity. And I'm 99% sure that my fire/bio sent isn't built or played incorrectly.
  22. As an old pen and paper role player, I'll always be against this. A one in twenty chance to fumble has always seemed appropriate to me. Then again, I do love chaos.
  23. Yea... I can't do that. There are some build-roads I won't be going down in order to reach maximum solo-ability. I'll hit the home office and turn over my badge shortly.
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