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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. This variant actually existed once...
  2. Might be so. But the introduction of the VMDC lit that fire back up. I'm thankful to whoever put in the work to add it and would love to have a conversation regarding why they did so. If such a thing as an accurate, summonable DPS calc is possible now, I would just really like having it.
  3. Never has been. Once upon a time we couldn't even see the base numbers of anything.
  4. Ain't gonna lie. I had no idea such a thing existed.
  5. Certainly something to test out but I'd still much prefer something I could just summon in my base like the VMDC. And I don't have a single character with invisibility.
  6. Pretty sure my SG already ran an all storm ITF. I'll have to ask. I was probably drunk at the time.
  7. My nrg/storm cor is Knockback Nancy. I suspect she'll solo most of the time.
  8. Total side note... love how my brain failed to transfer over 41.67 hp/sec and instead had me type 41.76. Aging sucks.
  9. I don't know. I don't think I've ever been able to take one out. Looks like the have 10K HP, 41.76 hp/sec regen and 100% DR to everything, and I can't summon them, so no, that won't work.
  10. After yesterday's discussion regarding the Vanguard MDC, I got to pondering what I'd really want out of an in-game testing tool. 1: Should be unaffected by level shifts but should con correctly to mastermind pets. The zone pylons became ideal for DPS testing specifically because they are level-less, unlike the VMDC. This means no purple patch shenanigans to worry about when testing. The downside to this is that for masterminds, the pylon is even con to the pets, thus improving their damage output in a way not seen anywhere else in the game and thus, invalidating any test done with them. Is there any way to correct this or work around it? 2: Should have enough HP for a meaningful test period. Around 15k HP, no regen, no resists. 3: Cooldown should be in seconds instead of minutes so that we can summon up another as soon as we're done with the first. 4: Purchasable from P2W vendor for some fair amount. Don't need it clogging up a powers list for characters that don't care about it. 5: Lastly, please have it be quiet. For as much DPS testing as I do, I really don't want to have to listen to it squawking every time I hit it. Thoughts?
  11. The ability to solo that which we WERE soloing prior to the change.
  12. That one makes sense to me in that those who would run at +4/x1 can generally handle +4/x8.
  13. I have never quit a team or ignored or added comments to a player because of KB. I have cussed over discord with my SG because of it but I cuss a lot regardless of the situation... especially when I faceplant. But I AM annoyed every time a spawn I've packed tightly for my AoEs gets thrown to the winds. But it is what it is and I move on and do what I do.
  14. Of course it does. I would prefer that it not grant a reward that should have been a fundamental tool accessible in game from day fucking one.
  15. And jiggle physics.
  16. You're talking about two different things. One concerns actual buffs to your character, the other is nothing but a tool to calculate your DPS.
  17. I already have it on BZB tank. I have no desire to run through the DASF again just to get it on the other however many 50s I have. I also have NO desire for accolade buffs to be accessible without putting in the "work." How long, exactly, do you think I've been requesting a gorram in-game DPS tool that didn't involve me wailing on frelling pylons? I'll give you a hint: I've been playing since issue 1. Edit: I appreciate the offer but it's not necessary.
  18. 🙂 Yes.
  19. That makes perfect sense. I'll rephrase: For the record, having to jump through that many hoops for something that should have just been added for free so we could avoid harassment when testing our DPS in an open zone rather sucks.
  20. For the record, having to jump through that many hoops for something that should have just been added to bases for free rather sucks.
  21. Think about it long enough and you might figure it out. I'm not allowed to respond correctly due to the forum mods.
  22. No need for the insult either.
  23. Don't get me wrong here... beyond helping my SG-mates get badges, I give absolutely zero fucks about them and will never care how they're changed here. But poopooing on someone's reaction to a change that negatively affects them is uncalled for.
  24. True statement. But has nothing to do with the OP's valid reaction to their fun being pissed on by a change made by the current devs.
  25. That's true now. It wasn't before the change, obviously.
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