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Everything posted by Janrith

  1. I've been doing some refinement and will be doing more testing today on the updated files. There are a few instances where the enemy groups have so many annoying entities that I can't add the enemy alive keywords in them without exceeding the 256 character limit. I'm documenting the groups I've accounted for, along with some notes as to why they're being targeted, such as: B: Needed for Badge D: Debuffer E: Explodes H: Healer I: Immober M: Mezzer/Disorienter R: Rezzer S: Sniper T: Teleporter (or Summoner) My hope is to upload the info and have you folks give me some input on what I may have missed in the groups, and perhaps info on some of the groups that I've not tackled yet. I've got a third of them in a spreadsheet with notes; I'm going to work on more later -- the rest of the family is online and the call of battle has become irresistible. Watch this space.
  2. Heya Snow; @Saunik here... <sadface/> why not TB?
  3. Wings! We were Coalies! I used to run around with Tzad quite a bit (we are still FB buds in fact).
  4. Sorry, I thought I'd get auto-notified if folks responded to a thread I started, but nope. I added a notification so I'll see them moving forward. I think the last significant changes I made to this were around i15 to handle the "your custom enemies have to have X attacks for each group to give XP" change to AE. I don't quite recall how the i16=> changes would have affected it, but I'm sure it has probably gotten tougher over time. When I first built it (i13??) I remember going through pretty low and having it challenging, but doable. I'll have to keep tweaking things a bit to get account for the new world, and having this feedback really helps! Love your screenshots! I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
  5. Sorry, I thought I'd get auto-notified if folks responded to a thread I started, but nope. I've clicked "Notify" so I'll see them moving forward. I actually don't think soloing this as a lowbie would be a good idea (despite the level ranges coming from AE itself). Without giving too much away, there are Electric and Sonic enemies in there, along with raving trolls and a couple of other tough folks, so be sure you are running a toon (or toons) that can handle those powersets.
  6. That "different style" is Walk to the Dot. The zip file is even labeled "Walk to the Dot". Please don't present Walk as the same as Vidiot... they are not the same at all. While I understand that some folks really love Walk, it dosen't work for me. If there is any actual VIDIOT updates, I would be very interested. I've never heard of Walk the Dots... I was just sharing what someone else on the forums posted as "an update" to VidiotMaps since the original was AWOL and wanted to be sure everyone was aware of it. I'd also much rather have the consistent look and feel of VidiotMaps, as the large badges are a bit... odd to me. Thanks for the new term... was this a pre-sunset thing? Was it popular? Not trying to thread-jack, just curious. Tare care.
  7. Yes, Vidiotmaps does, but you have to be in-zone to see it. I mean TECHNICALLY, since SCoRE/Homecoming haven't changed mob locations (that I know of) yet... I think the BEST solution would be for someone to actually go an catalog them, and then put the information in ParagonWiki. They should accept it, since that's the original game settings. I'm not sure how I'd feel about a built in game menu for that. The VidiotMaps have had their own page on ParagonWiki for years (IIRC, from right after sunset): https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Category:VidiotMaps
  8. You you mind sharing your files? It would make a great place to start trying to build a single command depending on the limit. Sorry I didn't see this until now; for some reason I thought I'd be automagically be notified of changes to threads I've commented on <-- my bad. I'm working on cleaning them up at the moment; when I get them squared away (I'm about 30% done atm) I'll figure out a way to do that. Also, a quick note about target_custom_next <keyword1> <keyword2> ...<keywordN> <targetstring>: ParagonWiki (and every bind guide I've ever read) says to put the keywords BEFORE the enemy to search for. As noted above, this doesn't seem to work to avoid defeated but not de-rez'd enemies. We've all assumed this was a bug from LIVE that was never addressed prior to shutdown. I found an old bind file of mine that was doing it the "wrong" way and found that it was actually filtering out the dead enemies correctly. I've been testing it out to be sure. Here's the contents of my Tuatha.txt file: v "targetcustomnext champ enemy alive$$targetcustomnext bres enemy alive" It works like a charm. This bind will target (in reverse order) Bres (bosses), then Champions, and if neither are present, nothing happens. Since we are limited to 255 characters for the actual bind text, I'm omitting the underscores, and trimming the target names to uniquely identify the target enemies using (hopefully) the least amount of characters in the enemy name. The updates I'm making are to be sure that all the binds are using this new economical structure. When I'm finished (hopefully in the next couple of days as time allows), I'll figure out how to share them with the community -- along with the custom.window file I use to load them in game. Take care.
  9. It didn't appear when just standing at the teleporter. I just hit jump (no jump related power active, just hit spacebar) and the destination menu would appear until I landed.
  10. Any info on how to do this? My Bingle-Fu is weak tonight.
  11. That would also be good, but the invisible portal would let you turn any arbitrary object into a portal, so I can [glow=red,2,300]have the Vault door as my base entrance. I'm already doing that with the "small portal" effect[/glow], but it's not completely invisible and bugs me a bit. How are you using anything other than the base portal as, well, the base portal?
  12. 1) There Used to be an easy "duplicate" button in OG; 2) I swear we used to be able to move with arrows; 3) Try zooming out/creatively; Anyone know how #1 was accomplished? I searched on the forums here and on the articles on paragonwiki for Copy/Paste functionality, to no avail.
  13. It must be very subtle because I've never noticed it, especially in OG times. Now the Insp thing sorts now however. I'm not logged in so I forget the name, but there is a set of three of the oldest crafting tables that I used to use (I forget what for) that no longer work. The lowest tier is basically a table, the next is built up a little more, and the third is built up the most. They USED to work, but I'm wondering if with all the changes that something Else has made their purpose moot. If you are talking about the Basic, Advanced and Expert Worktables/Forges, I believe the reason they no longer work is that all base items are already unlocked so there's no need for them to function.
  14. Both the Facemaker and Icon Employee NPCs are available (I've dropped them in both bases I build for).
  15. There's also an entry to PPD via a sewer entry just outside of Terra Volta (for some reason).
  16. Yes, each of the two builds maintains their own tray population.
  17. You can't send tells to characters that are offline, only globals, so I don't think you'd be able to send SG invites to offline toons (you can't invite a global to an SG, only a char).
  18. So I encountered an oddity the other day... When editing our base, I happened to hit jump while right in front of a teleporter, and as I was coming down to land, the Destination menu quickly appeared and then disappeared. With a little timing, I was able to actually click on a destination in the brief moment when it was on screen and it zoned me to the destination just as when not in edit mode. Upon returning to the Atlas base portal and attempting to re-enter the base, the game crashed to desktop. Luckily when I restarted the game, I was able to enter the base normally and it appears not to have suffered any adverse affects. Thought you folks should know. Take care. -=Janrith
  19. The Authority History badge sum column (L16) has an incorrect formula... It is AND(A16:A18) but there are actually 5 badges for that, not 3... it should be AND(A16:A20). Thought you'd like to know (and anyone else that is using it...). Take care! -=Janrith
  20. Also note you can create multiple Window/End sections with different names... I have one for Insp Conversions and one for Enemy targeting.
  21. I have files for each enemy group to allow for targeting the specific annoyances -- DE enemators, Malta sappers, Vahz embalmed, etc. At mission start, I load the appropriate file. I've thought about making an all in one bind to cover all of them, but I don't think they would all fit in a single bind. -=Janrith
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