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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. While one is at it, if you think the post has some merit beyond just a "reaction", don't be afraid of giving that poster +1 influence/reputation.
  2. That's life in a nutshell right there!
  3. I suspect a lot of that was because on the shadow "SCORE" server, the community was quite small, and changes were made to accommodate a low-population environment. Now, it is a larger population, and I'm guessing some changes to reflect that will come eventually. But, as we have said amongst ourselves for quite some time, these guys are volunteers as opposed to paid developers, so changes are not going to come as frequently, or be as encompassing as we might like. Their main goal is to just keep things running. They are doing fine there. If things keep going well, perhaps we will see some changes that reflect a larger population scenario.
  4. Actually, I played SWTOR for a few years after CoH, but it never felt like it had the appeal of CoH. I was already away from it by the time the second incarnation of CoH occurred. However, as soon as I became aware of Icon, and later Paragon Chat, I went about re-creating a lot of my old L50 characters from memory. By the time Homecoming became a reality, I had all of those costumes, and power profiles saved, making it possible to re-create them in the game very quickly. Within an hour of logging back in for the first time, I had 15 of them created, stocked up from the P2W vendor, and standing in their first Day Job location. As for real-life creativity/activity, I became a collector of Light Sabers from Star Wars. My office walls, and shelves are running over with them after 10 years of collecting. The latest 2 are pictured here.
  5. Just be around at the schedule date/time, and you will have your opportunity! Paypal is probably the easiest way, so make sure you have an account ready to go when the time comes!
  6. How do they know? Well, if they hadn't become aware due to the myriad of other potential sources of such information, the fact that the Homecoming team was in direct talks with them was probably a dead giveaway. We don't know the specifics, and we don't know the status. We only know it was happening.
  7. As likely an explanation as any IMHO.
  8. Champions, tried it. DCUO, tried it. SWTOR, tried it. Since 2004, when this game became a reality, I tried these other games. The were graphically "prettier" in certain ways, but none of them ever made me feel I was playing a superhero like this one did, and now does again! There really is no substitute, and I will be here, creating more alts, and playing for as long as this effort lasts, which hopefully, is a very LONG time!
  9. 12 minutes! Still pretty fast! I was a little concerned that it might take longer, as I have seen the daily player population slipping a bit lately. But, playing or not, it seems the will to donate is as strong as ever!
  10. YES!!! I got in, and got a chance to really say thanks for what I consider to be a miracle second chance to play the game I love!
  11. I almost always hit number three, more out of habit than any strategic reason.
  12. But, I'm doing that extra damage to everybody I have held, and the Incarnate fire attack does a lot of damage, even without it. So, the extra boost means a lot of minions just fall, and everyone else doesn't have much left.
  13. Playing my Dominator, I used that power to great advantage. Since I typically open with a stun/hold on a mob, then an immobilize, they are primed for that extra damage! So, one good AOE, and annihilation ensues.
  14. It all depends on how long it takes to hit the goal for the month. Could be a few minutes longer, or a few minutes shorter.
  15. Different...but interesting. I shall endeavor to get to know this new format better.
  16. What the heck, I'll give it a shot!
  17. Yup! Educate, as opposed to berate. 8)
  18. I have been quite fortunate on Torchbearer. I have encountered nothing but friendly, though not always overly talkative, folks when teaming. I haven't been subject to any bad behavior, and folks seem more than ready to help if someone asks. As this is the only server I have played on since it went live, I don't have perspective on the others, but the state of the community from my observations of my little piece of it, are that everything is ok, and that if you are encountering issues, I don't think represents the exception, as opposed to the rule. At least, that is my sincere hope.
  19. I would not have liked CoH turning into CO. Incorporating the better aspects, perhaps. But please don't copy their combat system, or power configuration matrices. Those are part of the many reasons I never played past my initial 3 month subscription, and never went back. Not even in desperation, before the return of CoH.
  20. And in the fullness of time, another generation is born to protect us through mighty deeds, and heroic pursuit, from that which threatens our world....
  21. Any effect on overall frame rate? I'm all for a prettier experience, but if it slows things down to slide-show speeds in a simple 8-man team run, I'd have to think twice before trying it.
  22. In my fantasy world (you know, the one where I am also a lottery winner), the phoenix like rise of this game from its own ashes gets the attention of the RIGHT people who finally see it's potential, who buy up the rights, and fully legitimize the current game while working on City of Heroes 2! I'm sure NCSoft would love to be rid of it for the right price, and someone with the fantasy dollars would offer the right price (whatever that is). Then they would devote some resources to tweaking the current game so it's a little more viable, and attractive to a newer audience, while all the development for the next version is going on. I know, in my dreams. But, then...who would have ever thought we'd be playing the original again, so crazier things have happened. ;D
  23. I think it is somewhat about setting expectations correctly from the jump. The fact that we have this game at all, is nothing short of a miracle. But, if we are going to start expecting the same level of updates, fixes, improvements etc., that we were accustomed to when it was a paid subscription game, then there are those who will be disappointed. As has been stated, these guys are doing this because they love it, and are getting no more reparation than that. IF we do manage to see more updates, it will probably come from the efforts of the non-server specific team (I forget what they are called), that are doing development...though last I heard it was more geared towards getting a clean I24 experience, as opposed to anything beyond. If that happens, and we do get some more toys to play with, I will be even more appreciative than I already am. But, I am already VERY appreciative, so if I don't get something like that, I will keep on enjoying what we have, which is a very mature game, with tons of content, and between Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, and the "Going Rogue" maps (Neutropolis, etc.), there is a lot to do, if one goes down all of those roads. Most don't really look at all that, because they tend to focus on one city, or another, and get tired of doing the same things over, and over again, without ever exploring the other areas. So, I think we literally have it pretty good as is, and I will play for as long as these generous folks want to keep on putting out the effort to keep it alive!
  24. That's assuming, of course, that everyone is in agreement that the latest chapters in the saga are just universally bad. There are some of us who enjoy them, while also acknowledging that they are not quite the same as the Star Wars I grew up with. Doesn't make them inherently bad, just different. :)
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